Numerology for Nitwits

Numerology for Nitwits PDF Author: Jil Balie
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595155553
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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Book Description
This fascinating volume explains numerology. The author has studied hundreds of books on the subject and after finding more confusion than clarification, she has tried to set down the basics in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. Comparing the ancient Fadic system with other numerology systems, she checked names and birthdays for several years before concluding the Fadic system was the most accurate. You don't have to accept reincarnation to understand numerology, but it helps. Our numbers tell us what we came here to do, indicate what our karma is, and what we will have to contend with in arriving at our destiny. Instead of proceeding haphazardly through life, numerology maps out a course for us to follow. This book can be the start of a new life for you and your family.

Numerology for Nitwits

Numerology for Nitwits PDF Author: Jil Balie
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595155553
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 134

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Book Description
This fascinating volume explains numerology. The author has studied hundreds of books on the subject and after finding more confusion than clarification, she has tried to set down the basics in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. Comparing the ancient Fadic system with other numerology systems, she checked names and birthdays for several years before concluding the Fadic system was the most accurate. You don't have to accept reincarnation to understand numerology, but it helps. Our numbers tell us what we came here to do, indicate what our karma is, and what we will have to contend with in arriving at our destiny. Instead of proceeding haphazardly through life, numerology maps out a course for us to follow. This book can be the start of a new life for you and your family.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Numerology PDF Author: Kay Lagerquist
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 9781592572151
Category : Numerology
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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Wall Street and Witchcraft

Wall Street and Witchcraft PDF Author: Max Gunther
Publisher: Harriman House Limited
ISBN: 0857190016
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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Book Description
Since that first tulip was traded on that madly speculative exchange in 17th-century Amsterdam, some very special individuals - plungers not in the Merrill Lynch tradition - have been picking winners and harvesting huge profits with uncanny success. How? They play the market in ways that seem weird to the rest of us - but they win! There are those who feel vibrations, play by the stars, read tarot cards, rely on extrasensory perception, dream dreams, play by numbers. Crazy? Maybe. Yet every single one of them is rich. You'll meet them all in this peek at the occult side of the street. If you want to play the game their way, there's an appendix to teach you their specialised techniques; with astrology, tarot cards, witchcraft, magic squares and other uncanny devices. Each method is carefully explained by the author, a veteran writer of unimpeachable reputation who researched this book with the objectivity of a scientist and who vouches for the accuracy of the results described in it.

Numerology for Beginners

Numerology for Beginners PDF Author: Gerie Bauer
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide
ISBN: 9781567180572
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Book Description
Within a few minutes, learn to assess vibrations surrounding a specific year, month, and day--even a specific person--through this numerology guide.

Operation Shylock

Operation Shylock PDF Author: Philip Roth
Publisher: Vintage
ISBN: 0593685024
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 401

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Book Description
Time Magazine Best American Novel (1993) In this fiendishly imaginative book (which may or may not be fiction), Philip Roth meets a man who may or may not be Philip Roth. Because someone with that name has been touring Israel, promoting a bizarre reverse exodus of the Jews. Roth is intent on stopping him, even if that means impersonating his own impersonator. With excruciating suspense, unfettered philosophical speculation, and a cast of characters that includes Israeli intelligence agents, Palestinian exiles, an accused war criminal, and an enticing charter member of an organization called Anti-Semites Anonymous, Operation Shylock barrels across the frontier between fact and fiction, seriousness and high comedy, history and nightmare.

Best Books for Children, Preschool Through the Middle Grades

Best Books for Children, Preschool Through the Middle Grades PDF Author: Christine Bell Gilbert
Publisher: New York : Bowker
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus

Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus PDF Author: J. M. Sinclair
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 1416

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Book Description
This thumb-indexed edition includes a general-purpose dictionary and a thesaurus in dictionary form, arranged so that the relevant material from each appears on the same page, an arrangement made possible by the use of computer data-handling. Meanings, spelling, pronunciation, usage and a wide range of words and phrases are instantly available. The dictionary in this volume is derived from the Collins English Dictionary while the thesaurus is derived from the New Collins Thesaurus.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology PDF Author: Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur
ISBN: 9780028639697
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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Book Description
Offers insights into the effects of the zodiac on personality, relationships, occupations, and the world.

The J.K. Rowling Encyclopedia

The J.K. Rowling Encyclopedia PDF Author: Connie Ann Kirk
Publisher: Greenwood
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
Hundreds of alphabetically arranged entries provide detailed information about J. K. Rowling and the fascinating and immensely popular world of Harry Potter.

Weekly World News

Weekly World News PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 44

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Book Description
Rooted in the creative success of over 30 years of supermarket tabloid publishing, the Weekly World News has been the world's only reliable news source since 1979. The online hub is a leading entertainment news site.