Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis

Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Andrey Davydov
Publisher: HPA Press
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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This book is devoted to the topic of Systemic Research In The Field Of Human Psychophysiology. In this topic, the following question was interesting to researchers: "Why with principled psychophysiological sameness of humans, qualities differ?" Answers to this and many other questions were found as a result of 40 years of fundamental research carried out by an expert in Chinese culture Andrey Davydov and his colleagues. Among ancient Chinese monuments Russian researcher Andrey Davydov discovered the Catalog of human population. The title of this ancient source is Shan Hai Jing (translated from Chinese as the Catalog of Mountains and Seas). Official science still does not know for certain the dating of Shan Hai Jing and the author of this text. However, in this source A. Davydov found very detailed descriptions of psychophysiological structure of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens. Thus, the answer to the question "What is human psyche and what is its structure?" was found. "The Catalog of human population is a description of a human as a type by subtype structures. Subtype structure (“psyche”, “soul”) is a combination of individual archetypes, recorded at the genetic level (principle). Expressions and interaction of subtype structures in manipulation modes and phenological algorithms are described with adjustments for gender, age and cultural differences. Information is recorded on six factors." This definition was developed by Andrey Davydov—the author of discovery and decryption of the Catalog of human population. Despite that this scientific discovery was made back in the 80s of the XX century, was verified in scientific institutions in Russia, has a wide range of practical applications, and for the past 20 years is being used in daily lives of those who known about it—unfortunately, it shared the fate of many scientific discoveries, which do not fit into traditional scientific concepts. And, as is known, if something is contrary to an existing paradigm, then it gets rejected as pseudoscience, quackery, flawed experience or simply a figment of imagination. For this reason, the scientific community still prefers to remain silent about the Catalog of human population, even though some very eminent academics (not only Russian) have long known about A. Davydov’s discovery. The matter was complicated by that for almost a decade a group of officers of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation led by Colonel Andrey Dmitrievich Polonchuk persecuted and tried to physically destroy A. Davydov and his colleague in research—psychologist Olga Skorbatyuk. As a result, they suffered extensive damage to their health, had to leave their homeland and flee to the USA where they were granted political asylum. However, this story is described in detail in another book of the Catalog Of Human Souls series titled Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered In Blood, while this book is devoted to some of the scientific monographs, presentations made at scientific conferences and scientific articles. This is certainly a very small amount of materials compared to the volume of research carried out between 1974 and 2014 by the author of the scientific discovery of the Catalog human population A. Davydov and his colleagues at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog Of Human Souls. The reasons for this are wide field for research, strenuous work schedule, and, of course, value priorities. For some time now, we prefer to present results of our scientific research not in scientific articles, but in popular science books, intended for a wide audience. In our view, this is quite logical, as it makes more sense to take the time to tell about the Catalog of human population to those, who are actively using it on practice, instead of those, who prefer ephemeral values such as scientific degrees, awards and authority in the world of science instead of knowledge and benefits, which this knowledge provides. We hope that our colleagues will understand and forgive us for this.

Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis

Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Andrey Davydov
Publisher: HPA Press
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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This book is devoted to the topic of Systemic Research In The Field Of Human Psychophysiology. In this topic, the following question was interesting to researchers: "Why with principled psychophysiological sameness of humans, qualities differ?" Answers to this and many other questions were found as a result of 40 years of fundamental research carried out by an expert in Chinese culture Andrey Davydov and his colleagues. Among ancient Chinese monuments Russian researcher Andrey Davydov discovered the Catalog of human population. The title of this ancient source is Shan Hai Jing (translated from Chinese as the Catalog of Mountains and Seas). Official science still does not know for certain the dating of Shan Hai Jing and the author of this text. However, in this source A. Davydov found very detailed descriptions of psychophysiological structure of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens. Thus, the answer to the question "What is human psyche and what is its structure?" was found. "The Catalog of human population is a description of a human as a type by subtype structures. Subtype structure (“psyche”, “soul”) is a combination of individual archetypes, recorded at the genetic level (principle). Expressions and interaction of subtype structures in manipulation modes and phenological algorithms are described with adjustments for gender, age and cultural differences. Information is recorded on six factors." This definition was developed by Andrey Davydov—the author of discovery and decryption of the Catalog of human population. Despite that this scientific discovery was made back in the 80s of the XX century, was verified in scientific institutions in Russia, has a wide range of practical applications, and for the past 20 years is being used in daily lives of those who known about it—unfortunately, it shared the fate of many scientific discoveries, which do not fit into traditional scientific concepts. And, as is known, if something is contrary to an existing paradigm, then it gets rejected as pseudoscience, quackery, flawed experience or simply a figment of imagination. For this reason, the scientific community still prefers to remain silent about the Catalog of human population, even though some very eminent academics (not only Russian) have long known about A. Davydov’s discovery. The matter was complicated by that for almost a decade a group of officers of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation led by Colonel Andrey Dmitrievich Polonchuk persecuted and tried to physically destroy A. Davydov and his colleague in research—psychologist Olga Skorbatyuk. As a result, they suffered extensive damage to their health, had to leave their homeland and flee to the USA where they were granted political asylum. However, this story is described in detail in another book of the Catalog Of Human Souls series titled Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered In Blood, while this book is devoted to some of the scientific monographs, presentations made at scientific conferences and scientific articles. This is certainly a very small amount of materials compared to the volume of research carried out between 1974 and 2014 by the author of the scientific discovery of the Catalog human population A. Davydov and his colleagues at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog Of Human Souls. The reasons for this are wide field for research, strenuous work schedule, and, of course, value priorities. For some time now, we prefer to present results of our scientific research not in scientific articles, but in popular science books, intended for a wide audience. In our view, this is quite logical, as it makes more sense to take the time to tell about the Catalog of human population to those, who are actively using it on practice, instead of those, who prefer ephemeral values such as scientific degrees, awards and authority in the world of science instead of knowledge and benefits, which this knowledge provides. We hope that our colleagues will understand and forgive us for this.

For the Love of Psychoanalysis

For the Love of Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Elizabeth Rottenberg
Publisher: Fordham Univ Press
ISBN: 0823284123
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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“One of the most interesting scholars working at the intersection of deconstruction and psychoanalysis.” —Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto For the Love of Psychoanalysis is a book about what exceeds or resists calculation—in life and in death. Elizabeth Rottenberg examines what emerges from the difference between psychoanalysis and philosophy. Part I, “Freuderrida,” announces a non-traditional Freud: a Freud associated not with sexuality, repression, unconsciousness, and symbolization, but with accidents and chance. Looking at accidents both in and of Freud’s writing, Rottenberg elaborates the unexpected insights that both produce and disrupt our received ideas of psychoanalytic theory. Whether this disruption is figured as a foreign body, as traumatic temporality, as spatial unlocatability, or as the death drive, it points to something neither simply inside nor simply outside the psyche, neither psychically nor materially determined. Whereas the close reading of Freud leaves us open to the accidents of psychoanalytic writing, Part II, “Freuderrida,” addresses itself to what transports us back and limits the openness of our horizon. Here the example par excellence is the death penalty and the cruelty of its calculating decision. If “Freuderrida” insists on the death penalty, if it returns to it compulsively, it is not only because its calculating drive is inseparable from the history of reason as philosophical reason; it is also because the death penalty provides us with one of the most spectacular and spectacularly obscene expressions of Freud’s death drive. “Brilliant, pathbreaking, witty, and lucidly argued” (Elissa Marder, Emory University), this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Freud, Derrida, and the many critical debates to which their thought gives rise.

From Classical to Contemporary Psychoanalysis

From Classical to Contemporary Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Morris N. Eagle
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113525222X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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The landscape of psychoanalysis has changed, at times dramatically, in the hundred or so years since Freud first began to think and write about it. Freudian theory and concepts have risen, fallen, evolved, mutated, and otherwise reworked themselves in the hands and minds of analysts the world over, leaving us with a theoretically pluralistic (yet threateningly multifarious) diffusion of psychoanalytic viewpoints. To help make sense of it all, Morris Eagle sets out to critically reevaluate fundamental psychoanalytic concepts of theory and practice in a topical manner. Beginning at the beginning, he reintroduces Freud's ideas in chapters on the mind, object relations, psychopathology, and treatment; he then approaches the same topics in terms of more contemporary psychoanalytic schools. In each chapter, however, there is an underlying emphasis on identification and integration of converging themes, which is reemphasized in the final chapter. Relevant empirical research findings are used throughout, thus basic concepts - such as repression - are reexamined in the light of more contemporary developments.

How Men Turn Women Into Nothing

How Men Turn Women Into Nothing PDF Author: Andrey Davydov
Publisher: HPA Press
ISBN: 1311155775
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Every woman considers herself an individual. In vain, as regardless of race, ethnicity, profession and so on, no woman is an individual. Every woman lives as man programmed her to live, as it is convenient for him, as he wants her to. Women do not even suspect who produces images for what they consider their "Self," and why. By studying the history of world culture (literature, pictorial art, architecture, music, science, etc.), it is easy to trace that men usurped everything that had to do with images, as ideas for creation of anything. And, from time immemorial, women were left with a role of stupid consumers, and performers, and it was made sure that women think that they (women) are creators too. But, women did not participate in the birth of any product, which begins with a sketch, and in turn a sketch begins with an idea, and an idea begins with an image. Yes, women weaved, embroidered, painted cloth, and sometimes sewed. But, based on sketches made by whom? Based on sketches and patterns created by men. The essence of this process is to forbid women from creating images, and under any excuse to never allow women to do it, ever. Excuses used are from rudest and degenerative ("What are you trying to do, you fool? Go make me a sandwich instead," or "Do you not hear your baby crying?”), to the most romantic and poetic ("You are my muse, just be near, inspire me, you are so beautiful!"). Men’s intent is simple: to have total control over the psyche and the physiology of any woman because an image is the basis of functioning of any person. Providing an image to a woman ensures that she will live and function strictly according to this image. Also, an image is the basis for control of any person, as well as the basis of knowledge about her/him. Men create images. Therefore, they know exactly what image is behind this or that behavior of a woman. In other words, they know how she will think, act, present herself, what she will want, strive for and seek (from men as well). So, a woman does not even suspect that she is like an open book for any man, even if he sees her for the first time. But, women are sure that images that they use (including for construction of their "Self-Image," that they consider their individuality) are a secret. Borrowing images that were made up by men from cultural sources, and using them to form her personality, her way of life, any woman strongly believes in her unrepeatability, originality, and uncognizability. What do you think, who gave women this assurance, and why? In other words, men achieved what they wanted: from potential goddesses, women were made into logs, a resource, a consumable material from which a man can make whatever he likes. Men use women for all and any of their needs. Today, women are allowed everything, even to pretend that they create images too. Only women are not aware that they make their creations solely on the basis of those artificial images, which have already been thought up by men, and have been put into women for centuries, from generation to generation, in the process of "domestication." Women are celebrating victory, but none of them wonder why, for example, a couple of centuries ago there were no women filmmakers, litterateurs, painters, scientists or politicians? Or, why in the history of humans their percentage ratio is so low? Or, how many prime ministers there were before Margaret Thatcher and what was their gender? Or, in what century there was the first female president? And so on. Even a quick historical review, readily available statistics make it clear that women are allowed only into already constructed and functioning system built by men. And, women are allowed to act only based on and within images that the system dictates. Women lost the "war between the sexes." Since the time of birth women are being made into logs with legs spread wide, as an indication of their main purpose—to participate in the reproduction of the human race, and be pleasant toys in the hands of men. Most important is to not forget to tell women, who "love through their ears," that they are wonderful, priceless, how much men love them and depend on them. Long ago women were programmed to believe in any nonsense, instead of seeing and analyzing facts (as well as history).

Subject Relations

Subject Relations PDF Author: Naomi G . Rucker
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317795644
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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Traditional psychoanalysis views relationships as forged through individual drives--a satisfaction and fulfillment of needs and desires. Rucker and Lombardi contend, however, that all relationships cannot be explained so simply; rather, they argue that human relationships carry meanings which cannot be reduced solely to the psychic contributions of each of the individuals involved. Instead, Subject Relations discusses the existence of a related unconscious rooted in mutual subjective experience. The authors cite numerous clinical examples that show how the unconscious material generated by human interrelatedness comes to light. Drawing on the work of Matte-Blanco as well as traditional object relations theorists such as Melanie Klein, D.W. Winnicott, and Thomas Ogden, the authors examine how identifications that exist through unconscious processes manifest themselves in psychoanalytic theory and practice.

People Born In June

People Born In June PDF Author: Andrey Davydov
Publisher: HPA Press
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 149

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ANTI-HOROSCOPE: HUMAN “SOFTWARE” (Series of 12 books) Did you know that those born on June 4 leap years or June 5 common years are not only perpetual servants by character, who are flexible, try to please and anticipate desires (“The master is laughing—I’m laughing; the master is sad—I’m sad.”), but also they will ask a great price of "the master" for being whoever the master wants to see? They are masters of illusions, lie with or without reason... Or, for example, did you know that those people, who were born on June 6th of leap years or on June 7th of common years are not only very flexible and display calmness of a Sphinx on their faces, but in matrimonial relations (and they always seek to have a family) they act like a night cuckoos and will cuckoo anyone over: unobtrusively, between the pillows they will get what they want "into their spouse’s head?" And, these people are essentially untamable like cats, who always walk around by themselves. Hence the question: are you sure that you know people, whom you think you know as your own self? Yes, of course, you know them, if we take word-play into account. You really do know them, like you know yourself—that is: just as bad! You know your own and other people's masks and roles, but that is all. You do not believe this? Then, open this book and see for yourself! This book is for those people, who are fed up with "horoscopism," who are tired of listening to nonsense about themselves and other people from psychologists or their "all-knowing" relatives, friends and acquaintances. It will help you save not just some time in your life, but your whole life because otherwise you will spend your entire life on something that is a priori impossible. And, it is impossible not because you are idiots, but because Homo sapiens cannot fully know themselves and other people without an external (and, most importantly, objective) source. Perhaps that is the reason why humanity was left "factory instructions" to each one of us—the Catalog of Human Population. Yes, that is right! There exists the Catalog of Human Population, which you can open and find out everything about any person you are interested in (including yourself)! Information about people presented in this book (and in other eleven books in the series titled Anti-Horoscope: Human "Software") is from there, and not from your favorite horoscope.

Human Manipulation Modes

Human Manipulation Modes PDF Author: Olga Skorbatyuk
Publisher: HPA Press
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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Do you think that no one can control you? Well, we sincerely feel sorry for you because it means that you do not know anything about natural manipulation modes. No one thought up manipulation modes, as it is a purely natural mechanism, which is built into psyche of every human being at the level of unconditioned reflexes and instincts. Therefore, no human being can resist their application. Using technological terms, manipulation modes are the "factory settings" of Mother Nature itself; they are built into the structure of psyche of Homo sapiens at the level of instincts and unconditioned reflexes—meaning, inborn reactions of an organism to certain influences of the external or the internal environment. Manipulation modes are implanted in the unconscious part of human psyche since birth. Any representative of the biological type Homo sapiens has three of these modes: suppressing, balancing and stimulating. Originally, they are modes of self-correction and self-regulation intended to ensure that a human could regulate the state of his psychophysiology and behavior from within himself. However, as it turned out, if you know natural manipulation modes of an individual, and transmit them towards him/her from the outside, then he/she becomes one hundred percent controllable like a robot-machine. It is a priori impossible to notice the influence of application of natural manipulation modes of a human. The influence bypasses consciousness and intellect of the subject of manipulation. No one is able to notice transmittance of natural manipulation modes towards him/her, regardless of his/her professional skills, educational level, life experience and intuition, as these modes are an inherent part of individual structure of human psyche. They are his/her own, native; what is called—"closer than skin." Probably, the unprecedented power of this tool and its effectiveness are due to that it is a nature’s creation. Nobody invented or developed manipulation modes. Information about this natural mechanism and practical tool for managing a human are of a very archaic origin. Both were accidentally found by a Russian researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov, while he was studying one very ancient source. The title of this source is 山海經 Shan Hai Jing (translated from Chinese as the Catalog of Mountains and Seas). Authorship and the exact dating of Shan Hai Jing are still unknown. However, according to some experts, it dates back to XXIII century BC. The existence of this text has long been known. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius (IV-V centuries BC) was familiar with it, but prior to the discovery made by Andrey Davydov no one even supposed what kind of information is encrypted in this ancient source. However, despite that the researcher was able to uncover the secret of Shan Hai Jing and find out that this ancient Chinese monument is nothing other than the original "instruction to Homo sapiens," the description of a blueprint, pattern of human psyche—this source still remains mysterious. At least because it is still unknown who left the writings with this knowledge to people. We think that it is easy to conclude from everything stated above that your favorite mantra "It is impossible to manipulate me" will no longer help you. Despite that your fantasies about being unmanageable will remain with you and just like before you will feel absolute freedom, independence and randomness of all of your actions—if someone will want you to, then you will twitch like a puppet on invisible strings. All that now remains in your power it to decide whether to continue being a subject for someone's manipulations or to choose the position of a manipulator. There is no third option anymore. However, we are not suggesting to believe in that this is really the case. We never urge anyone to believe (including us) because we know that faith is one of the factors, which has a very harmful effect on human psychophysiology. We are offering a different life principle: knowledge. And, for this reason, we provided one of the 3 manipulation modes of people who were born on October 12th of leap years or October 13th of common years at the end of this book for free. This manipulation scenario is of their suppressing manipulation mode. Act out this scenario to people with these dates of birth and make certain that the Catalog of human population really exists.

Relational Psychoanalysis

Relational Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Stephen A. Mitchell
Publisher: Routledge
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Relational Psychoanalysis: The Emergence of a Tradition brings together for the first time the seminal papers of the major authors within this tradition. Each paper is accompanied by an introduction, in which the editors place it in its hist

Primitive Mental States

Primitive Mental States PDF Author: Jane Van Buren
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317723430
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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Traditional psychoanalysis relies on the presence of certain meaning-making capacities in the patient for its effectiveness. Primitive Mental States examines how particular capacities including those for symbolising, fantasising, dreaming, experiencing and finding meanings in those experiences, can be taken for granted. Many of us lack these capacities in certain dimensions of our minds making traditional psychoanalysis ineffective. In this book, international contributors are brought together to consider a radical evolution in contemporary psychoanalytic theory developed from a combination of ultrasound studies, infant analysis, and observation of mothers and babies. These findings demonstrate how much mental life exists even before birth and considers unevolved, unborn and barely born aspects of the self such as the birth of emotion and the birth of alpha functioning. Topics covered include: prenatal imprints on the mind and body difficult to treat patients non-verbal, non-symbolic, disembodied states of being early relational and attachment trauma. Illustrated throughout with original data and extensive clinical discussions from some of the biggest names in the field, Primitive Mental States will be a useful resource for students and seasoned analysts alike.

The Second Century of Psychoanalysis

The Second Century of Psychoanalysis PDF Author: Christopher Christian
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429907907
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 394

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This book explores the internal and external boundaries of psychoanalysis. It examines the interrelationships between various psychoanalytic theoretical and clinical perspectives as well as between psychoanalysis and other disciplines.