Model for Initiation of Quality Factor Degradation at High Accelerating Fields in Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavaties

Model for Initiation of Quality Factor Degradation at High Accelerating Fields in Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavaties PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 15

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A model for the onset of the reduction in SRF cavity quality factor, the so-called Q-drop, at high accelerating electric fields is presented. Since magnetic fields at the cavity equator are tied to accelerating electric fields by a simple geometric factor, the onset of magnetic flux penetration determines the onset of Q-drop. We consider breakdown of the surface barrier at triangular grooves to predict the magnetic field of first flux penetration H{sub pen}. Such defects were argued to be the worst case by Buzdin and Daumens, [1998 Physica C 294 257], whose approach, moreover, incorporates both the geometry of the groove and local contamination via the Ginzburg-Landau parameter [kappa]. Since previous Q-drop models focused on either topography or contamination alone, the proposed model allows new comparisons of one effect in relation to the other. The model predicts equivalent reduction of H{sub pen} when either roughness or contamination were varied alone, so smooth but dirty surfaces limit cavity performance about as much as rough but clean surfaces do. Still lower H{sub pen} was predicted when both effects were combined, i.e. contamination should exacerbate the negative effects of roughness and vice-versa. To test the model with actual data, coupons were prepared by buffered chemical polishing and electropolishing, and stylus profilometry was used to obtain distributions of angles. From these data, curves for surface resistance generated by simple flux flow as a function of magnetic field were generated by integrating over the distribution of angles for reasonable values of [kappa]. This showed that combined effects of roughness and contamination indeed reduce the Q-drop onset field by ≈20%, and that that contamination contributes to Q-drop as much as roughness. The latter point may be overlooked by SRF cavity research, since access to the cavity interior by spectroscopy tools is very difficult, whereas optical images have become commonplace. The model was extended to fit cavity test data, which indicated that reduction of the superconducting gap by contaminants may also play a role in Q-drop.

Model for Initiation of Quality Factor Degradation at High Accelerating Fields in Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavaties

Model for Initiation of Quality Factor Degradation at High Accelerating Fields in Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavaties PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 15

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A model for the onset of the reduction in SRF cavity quality factor, the so-called Q-drop, at high accelerating electric fields is presented. Since magnetic fields at the cavity equator are tied to accelerating electric fields by a simple geometric factor, the onset of magnetic flux penetration determines the onset of Q-drop. We consider breakdown of the surface barrier at triangular grooves to predict the magnetic field of first flux penetration H{sub pen}. Such defects were argued to be the worst case by Buzdin and Daumens, [1998 Physica C 294 257], whose approach, moreover, incorporates both the geometry of the groove and local contamination via the Ginzburg-Landau parameter [kappa]. Since previous Q-drop models focused on either topography or contamination alone, the proposed model allows new comparisons of one effect in relation to the other. The model predicts equivalent reduction of H{sub pen} when either roughness or contamination were varied alone, so smooth but dirty surfaces limit cavity performance about as much as rough but clean surfaces do. Still lower H{sub pen} was predicted when both effects were combined, i.e. contamination should exacerbate the negative effects of roughness and vice-versa. To test the model with actual data, coupons were prepared by buffered chemical polishing and electropolishing, and stylus profilometry was used to obtain distributions of angles. From these data, curves for surface resistance generated by simple flux flow as a function of magnetic field were generated by integrating over the distribution of angles for reasonable values of [kappa]. This showed that combined effects of roughness and contamination indeed reduce the Q-drop onset field by ≈20%, and that that contamination contributes to Q-drop as much as roughness. The latter point may be overlooked by SRF cavity research, since access to the cavity interior by spectroscopy tools is very difficult, whereas optical images have become commonplace. The model was extended to fit cavity test data, which indicated that reduction of the superconducting gap by contaminants may also play a role in Q-drop.

Quench-induced Degradation of the Quality Factor in Superconducting Resonators

Quench-induced Degradation of the Quality Factor in Superconducting Resonators PDF Author:
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Quench of superconducting radio-frequency cavities frequently leads to the lowered quality factor Q0, which had been attributed to the additional trapped magnetic flux. Here we demonstrate that the origin of this magnetic flux is purely extrinsic to the cavity by showing no extra dissipation (unchanged Q0) after quenching in zero magnetic field, which allows us to rule out intrinsic mechanisms of flux trapping such as generation of thermal currents or trapping of the rf field. We also show the clear relation of dissipation introduced by quenching to the orientation of the applied magnetic field and the possibility to fully recover the quality factor by requenching in the compensated field. We discover that for larger values of the ambient field, the Q-factor degradation may become irreversible by this technique, likely due to the outward flux migration beyond the normal zone opening during quench. Lastly, our findings are of special practical importance for accelerators based on low- and medium-beta accelerating structures residing close to focusing magnets, as well as for all high-Q cavity-based accelerators.

Ultra-High Accelerating Gradients in Radio-Frequency Cryogenic Copper Structures

Ultra-High Accelerating Gradients in Radio-Frequency Cryogenic Copper Structures PDF Author: Alexander Cahill
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Languages : en
Pages : 221

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Normal conducting radio-frequency (rf) particle accelerators have many applications, including colliders for high energy physics, high-intensity synchrotron light sources, non-destructive testing for security, and medical radiation therapy. In these applications, the accelerating gradient is an important parameter. Specifically for high energy physics, increasing the accelerating gradient extends the potential energy reach and is viewed as a way to mitigate their considerable cost. Furthermore, a gradient increase will enable for more compact and thus accessible free electron lasers (FELs). The major factor limiting larger accelerating gradients is vacuum rf breakdown. Basic physics of this phenomenon has been extensively studied over the last few decades. During which, the occurrence of rf breakdowns was shown to be probabilistic, and can be characterized by a breakdown rate. The current consensus is that vacuum rf breakdowns are caused by movements of crystal defects induced by periodic mechanical stress. The stress may be caused by pulsed surface heating and large electric fields. A compelling piece of evidence that supports this hypothesis is that accelerating structures constructed from harder materials exhibit larger accelerating gradients for similar breakdown rates. One possible method to increase sustained electric fields in copper cavities is to cool them to temperatures below 77~K, where the rf surface resistance and coefficient of thermal expansion decrease, while the yield strength (which correlates with hardness) and thermal conductivity increase. These changes in material properties at low temperature increases metal hardness and decreases the mechanical stress from exposure to rf electromagnetic fields. To test the validity of the improvement in breakdown rate, experiments were conducted with cryogenic accelerating cavities in the Accelerator Structure Test Area (ASTA) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. A short 11.4~GHz standing wave accelerating structure was conditioned to an accelerating gradient of 250~MV/m at 45~K with $10^8$ rf pulses. At gradients greater than 150~MV/m I observed a degradation in the intrinsic quality factor of the cavity, $Q_0$. I developed a model for the change in $Q_0$ using measured field emission currents and rf signals. I found that the $Q_0$ degradation is consistent with the rf power being absorbed by strong field emission currents accelerated inside the cavity. I measured rf breakdown rates for 45~K and found $2*10^{-4}/pulse/meter$ when accounting for any change in $Q_0$. These are the largest accelerating gradients for a structure with similar breakdown rates. The final chapter presents the design of an rf photoinjector electron source that uses the cryogenic normal conducting accelerator technology: the TOPGUN. With this cryogenic rf photoinjector, the beam brightness will increase by over an order of a magnitude when compared to the current photoinjector for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). When using the TOPGUN as the source for an X-ray Free Electron Laser, the higher brightness would allow for a decrease in the required length of the LCLS undulator by more than a factor of two.


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Languages : en
Pages : 115

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Radio frequency (RF) cavities are the foundational infrastructure which facilitates much of the fundamental research conducted in high energy particle physics. These RF cavities utilize their unique shape to produce resonant electromagnetic fields used to accelerate charged particles. Beside their core role in fundamental physics research, RF cavities have found application in other disciplines including material science, chemistry and biology which take advantage of their unique light sources. Industry has been keen on taking advantage of accelerator technology for a multitude of applications. Particle accelerators like the one found at Jefferson Lab's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility must produce stable beams of high energy particles which is an incredibly costly endeavor to pursue. With the gargantuan size of these facilities, the cost of high-quality beam production is a matter of great importance. The quest to find highly efficient RF cavities has resulted in the widespread use of superconducting radio frequency (SRF) cavities which are the most efficient resonators that exploit a superconductor's incredibly low AC surface resistance. While metals like Cu are up to the demanding job of RF cavity particle acceleration, their efficiency at transferring RF power to the particle beam is low when they are compared with SRF Nb cavities. Nb is the standard material for all SRF cavity technology particularly for its reproducibly low surface resistance, comparatively high transition temperature and thermodynamic critical field. Using superconducting Nb is not without its drawbacks. Keeping hundreds of Nb cavities in their superconducting state under extreme RF conditions is quite a daunting task. It requires the normal state not nucleate during operation. This is achieved by producing high-quality cavities with as few defects and impurities as possible while also keeping the cavities at low temperature, usually 2K. Again, due to the sheer scale of the facilities, hundred million-dollar cryogenic plants are required to handle the heat loads during SRF cavity operation. This means even small increases in maximum accelerating gradients or decrease in cavity surface resistance results in a sizably reduced operation cost. Considerable effort has been put forth to increase the efficiency of Nb cavities toward and even beyond the theoretical maximum accelerating gradients and quality factor for a clean superconductor. Recently, a new method to produce high quality factor cavities has emerged that involves nitrogen doping the cavity. The mechanism by which N doping causes the improvement is still not well understood, but the experimental research described in this dissertation shines some light into the mechanisms behind such a drastic improvement. These insights are universal for all superconductors and may prove useful for SRF cavities beyond Nb. With Nb approaching its fundamental limits, new materials are being proposed to increase the performance of future SRF cavities which MgB2 finds itself among. MgB2 is a two-band superconductor that possesses many properties that are very attractive for the next generation of SRF cavities. One of the most important properties is MgB2's comparatively large critical temperature which in part predicts it will have a lower surface resistance than Nb at higher operating temperatures. Such behavior of MgB2 may unlock the possibility of using cryocoolers instead of costly liquid helium plants for large scale industrial use. This dissertation starts with an introduction to superconductivity, its theory, and application to SRF cavities as well as the open questions that can be addressed in Nb and the next generation of SRF materials. A description of the experimental techniques of scanning tunneling microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy is presented. Our experimental investigation into Nb SRF cavity cutouts starts with a discussion of the material's limitations for SRF applications with an emphasis on the proximity effect which arises at the surface of this material due to its myriad of naturally forming oxides. The results of our scanning tunneling microscopy measurements for typically prepared Nb and nitrogen doped Nb follows and comparisons are made which show that the surface oxides are fundamentally different between these samples likely resulting in the profound enhancement of the cavity's quality factor. Experimental investigation into the native oxide of hot spot nitrogen doped Nb shows a degraded oxide and superconducting properties as compared with the cold spot. The dissertation continues with a brief introduction to MgB2, followed by our scanning tunneling and electron tunneling insights into MgB2. The dissertation is concluded with a summary of our investigations and broader impact of our research on the SRF community.

Physics of Limiting Phenomena in Superconducting Microwave Resonators

Physics of Limiting Phenomena in Superconducting Microwave Resonators PDF Author:
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Superconducting niobium accelerating cavities are devices operating in radio-frequency and able to accelerate charged particles up to energy of tera-electron-volts. Such accelerating structures are though limited in terms of quality factor and accelerating gradient, that translates--in some cases--in higher capital costs of construction and operation of superconducting rf accelerators. Looking forward for a new generation of more affordable accelerators, the physical description of limiting mechanisms in superconducting microwave resonators is discussed. In particular, the physics behind the dissipation introduced by vortices in the superconductor, the ultimate quench limitations and the quality factor degradation mechanism after a quench are described in detail. One of the limiting factor of the quality factor is the dissipation introduced by trapped magnetic flux vortices. The radio-frequency complex response of trapped vortices in superconductors is derived by solving the motion equation for a magnetic flux line, assuming a bi-dimensional and mean free path-dependent Lorentzian-shaped pinning potential. The resulting surface resistance shows the bell-shaped trend as a function of the mean free path, in agreement with the experimental data observed. Such bell-shaped trend of the surface resistance is described in terms of the interplay of the two limiting regimes identified as pinning and flux flow regimes, for low and large mean free path values respectively. The model predicts that the dissipation regime--pinning- or flux-flow-dominated--can be tuned either by acting on the frequency or on the electron mean free path value. The effect of different configurations of pinning sites and strength on the vortex surface resistance are also discussed. Accelerating cavities are also limited by the quench of the superconductive state, which limits the maximum accelerating gradient achievable. The accelerating field limiting factor is usually associate d to the superheating field, which is intimately correlated to the penetration of magnetic flux vortices in the material. Experimental data for N-doped cavities suggest that uniform Ginzburg-Landau parameter cavities are statistically limited by the lower critical field, in terms of accelerating gradient. By introducing a Ginzburg-Landau parameter profile at the cavity rf surface--dirty layer--the accelerating gradient of superconducting resonators can be enhanced. The description of the physics behind the accelerating gradient enhancement as a consequence of the dirty layer is carried out by solving numerically the Ginzburg-Landau equations for the layered system. The enhancement is showed to be promoted by the higher energy barrier to vortex penetration, and by the enhanced lower critical field. Another serious threat to the quality factor during the cavity operation is the extra dissipation introduced by the quench. Such quality factor degradation mechanism due to the quench, is generated by the trapping of external magnetic flux at quench spot. The purely extrinsic origin of such extra dissipation is proven by the impossibility of decrease the quality factor by quenching in a magnetic field-free environment. Also, a clear relation of the dissipation introduced by quenching to the orientation of the applied magnetic field is observed. The full recover of the quality factor by re-quenching in compensated field is possible when the trapped flux at the quench spot is modest. On the contrary, when the trapped magnetic flux is too large, the quality factor degradation may become irreversible by this technique, likely due to the outward flux migration beyond the normal zone opening during the quench.

The Path to High Q-Factors in Superconducting Accelerating Cavities

The Path to High Q-Factors in Superconducting Accelerating Cavities PDF Author:
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Accelerating cavities are devices resonating in the radio-frequency (RF) range used to accelerate charged particles in accelerators. Superconducting accelerating cavities are made out of niobium and operate at the liquid helium temperature. Even if superconducting, these resonating structures have some RF driven surface resistance that causes power dissipation. In order to decrease as much as possible the power losses, the cavity quality factor must be increased by decreasing the surface resistance. In this dissertation, the RF surface resistance is analyzed for a large variety of cavities made with different state-of-the-art surface treatments, with the goal of finding the surface treatment capable to return the highest Q-factor values in a cryomodule-like environment. This study analyzes not only the superconducting properties described by the BCS surface resistance, which is the contribution that takes into account dissipation due to quasi-particle excitations, but also the increasing of the surface resistance due to trapped flux. When cavities are cooled down below their critical temperature inside a cryomodule, there is always some remnant magnetic field that may be trapped increasing the global RF surface resistance. This thesis also analyzes how the fraction of external magnetic field, which is actually trapped in the cavity during the cooldown, can be minimized. This study is performed on an elliptical single-cell horizontally cooled cavity, resembling the geometry of cavities cooled in accelerator cryomodules. The horizontal cooldown study reveals that, as in case of the vertical cooldown, when the cooling is performed fast, large thermal gradients are created along the cavity helping magnetic flux expulsion. However, for this geometry the complete magnetic flux expulsion from the cavity equator is more difficult to achieve. This becomes even more challenging in presence of orthogonal magnetic field, that is easily trapped on top of the cavity equator causing temperature rising. The physics behind the magnetic flux expulsion is also analyzed, showing that during a fast cooldown the magnetic field structures, called vortices, tend to move in the same direction of the thermal gradient, from the Meissner state region to the mixed state region, minimizing the Gibbs free energy. On the other hand, during a slow cool down, not only the vortices movement is limited by the absence of thermal gradients, but, also, at the end of the superconducting transition, the magnetic field concentrates along randomly distributed normal-conducting region from which it cannot be expelled anymore. The systematic study of the surface resistance components performed for the different surface treatments, reveals that the BCS surface resistance and the trapped flux surface resistance have opposite trends as a function of the surface impurity content, defined by the mean free path. At medium field value, the BCS surface resistance is minimized for nitrogen-doped cavities and significantly larger for standard niobium cavities. On the other hand, Nitrogen-doped cavities show larger dissipation due to trapped flux. This is consequence of the bell-shaped trend of the trapped flux sensitivity as a function of the mean free path. Such experimental findings allow also a better understanding of the RF dissipation due to trapped flux. The best compromise between all the surface resistance components, taking into account the possibility of trapping some external magnetic field, is given by light nitrogen-doping treatments. However, the beneficial effects of the nitrogen-doping is completely lost when large amount of magnetic field is trapped during the cooldown, underlying the importance of both cooldown and magnetic field shielding optimization in high quality factors cryomodules.

Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators

Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators PDF Author: Hasan Padamsee
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527414096
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 405

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Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators Single source reference enabling readers to understand and master state-of-the-art accelerator technology Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators provides a quick yet thorough overview of the key technologies for current and future accelerators, including those projected to enable breakthrough developments in materials science, nuclear and astrophysics, high energy physics, neutrino research and quantum computing. The work is divided into three sections. The first part provides a review of RF superconductivity basics, the second covers new techniques such as nitrogen doping, nitrogen infusion, oxide-free niobium, new surface treatments, and magnetic flux expulsion, high field Q slope, complemented by discussions of the physics of the improvements stemming from diagnostic techniques and surface analysis as well as from theory. The third part reviews the on-going applications of RF superconductivity in already operational facilities and those under construction such as light sources, proton accelerators, neutron and neutrino sources, ion accelerators, and crab cavity facilities. The third part discusses planned accelerator projects such as the International Linear Collider, the Future Circular Collider, the Chinese Electron Positron Collider, and the Proton Improvement Plan-III facility at Fermilab as well as exciting new developments in quantum computing using superconducting niobium cavities. Written by the leading expert in the field of radiofrequency superconductivity, Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators covers other sample topics such as: Fabrication and processing on Nb-based SRF structures, covering cavity fabrication, preparation, and a decade of progress in the field SRF physics, covering zero DC resistance, the Meissner effect, surface resistance and surface impedance in RF fields, and non-local response of supercurrent N-doping and residual resistance, covering trapped DC flux losses, hydride losses, and tunneling measurements Theories for anti-Q-slope, covering the Xiao theory, the Gurevich theory, non-equilibrium superconductivity, and two fluid model based on weak defects Superconducting Radiofrequency Technology for Accelerators is an essential reference for high energy physicists, power engineers, and electrical engineers who want to understand the latest developments of accelerator technology and be able to harness it to further research interest and practical applications.

Superconducting Technology

Superconducting Technology PDF Author: Kristian Fossheim
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9789810206284
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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This book contains an interdisciplinary selection of timely articles which cover a wide range of superconducting technologies ranging from high tech medicine (10-12 Gauss) to multipurpose sensors, microwaves, radio engineering, magnet technology for accelerators, magnetic energy storage, and power transmission on the 109 watt scale. It is aimed primarily at the non-specialist and will be suitable as an introductory course book for those in the relevant fields and related industries. As shown in the title several examples of high-c applications are included. While low-Tc is still the leading technology, for instance, in cables and SQUIDS, case studies in these areas are presented.

Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology

Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology PDF Author: Alexander W. Chao
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814449954
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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This book is dedicated to superconducting technology and its applications, including superconducting magnets (SC magnets) and superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) cavities.

Measurements of the High Field Q-drop in TE011/TM010 Mode in a Single Cell Cavity

Measurements of the High Field Q-drop in TE011/TM010 Mode in a Single Cell Cavity PDF Author: Peter Kneisel
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In the last few years superconducting radio-frequency cavities made of high purity (RRR>200) niobium achieved accelerating gradients close to the theoretical limits. An obstacle towards reproducibly achieve higher fields is represented by some ''anomalous'' losses causing a sharp degradation of the cavity quality factor when the peak surface magnetic field is above about 90 mT, in the absence of field emission. This effect, called ''Q-drop'' has been measured in many laboratories on single- and multi-cell cavities mainly in the gigahertz range. In order to gain some understanding of the nature of these losses, a CEBAF single cell cavity has been tested in the TM010 and TE011 modes at 2 K. The feature of the TE011 mode is to have zero electric field on the cavity surface, allowing to exclude any electric field effect on the Q-drop. This paper will present some of the experimental results for different cavity treatments and will compare them with existing models for the Q-drop.