Health Professional Mobility in a Changing Europe

Health Professional Mobility in a Changing Europe PDF Author: Centers of Disease Control
ISBN: 9789289050258
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Sequal volume to Health professional mobility and health systems: evidence from 17 European countries / edited by Matthias Wismar ... [et al.]. c2011.

Health Professional Mobility in a Changing Europe

Health Professional Mobility in a Changing Europe PDF Author: Centers of Disease Control
ISBN: 9789289050258
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Sequal volume to Health professional mobility and health systems: evidence from 17 European countries / edited by Matthias Wismar ... [et al.]. c2011.

Mobility of Health Professionals

Mobility of Health Professionals PDF Author: Frits Tjadens
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642340539
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 183

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Book Description
This book on mobility of health professionals reviews, analyses and summarises published information and data as well as collected interview data from stake holders, including politicians, policy makers, health service managers and migrant health workers. It is based on the research carried out under the umbrella of the EU-funded project “Mobility of Health Professionals (MoHProf). The partners involved in the MoHProf project gathered evidence from 25 countries around basic questions and knowledge gaps relating to the international migration of health professionals, which involved an analysis of migration flows and evaluation of policies addressing migration. This book provides a comprehensive description and analysis of the mobility streams, the motives and driving forces behind them and the impact on and challenges for health systems and draws conclusions and provides recommendations for future strategic planning, monitoring and the management of mobility of health professionals as well as further research and policy development needs.

Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students

Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264318658
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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This report describes recent trends in the international migration of doctors and nurses in OECD countries. Over the past decade, the number of doctors and nurses has increased in many OECD countries, and foreign-born and foreign-trained doctors and nurses have contributed to a significant extent. New in-depth analysis of the internationalisation of medical education shows that in some countries (e.g. Israel, Norway, Sweden and the United States) a large and growing number of foreign-trained doctors are people born in these countries who obtained their first medical degree abroad before coming back. The report includes four case studies on the internationalisation of medical education in Europe (France, Ireland, Poland and Romania) as well as a case study on the integration of foreign-trained doctors in Canada.

Healthcare in Motion

Healthcare in Motion PDF Author: Cecilia Vindrola-Padros
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 1785339540
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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How does the need to obtain and deliver health services engender particular (im)mobility forms? And how is mobility experienced and imagined when it is required for healthcare access or delivery? Guided by these questions, Healthcare in Motion explores the dynamic interrelationship between mobility and healthcare, drawing on case studies from across the world and shedding light on the day-to-day practices of patients and professionals.

Labor and Health Economics in the Mediterranean Region: Migration and Mobility of Medical Doctors

Labor and Health Economics in the Mediterranean Region: Migration and Mobility of Medical Doctors PDF Author: Driouchi, Ahmed
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466647248
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 445

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The increasing demand for health care and advances in healthcare technologies has exacerbated the present shortage of health personnel. In response to these changes, physicians may choose to offer their services elsewhere. Labor and Health Economics in the Mediterranean Region: Migration and Mobility of Medical Doctors addresses the mobility of physicians in the Mediterranean region within a global context, focusing on the role mobility has played in the global health system in both developed and developing economies. Besides universities and researchers, public and private medical practitioners and agencies can make use of this book to further their knowledge of the changing healthcare industry.

Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas Through Improved Retention

Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas Through Improved Retention PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241564016
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 79

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Accompanying CD-Rom has same title as book.

Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa

Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa PDF Author: Hansjörg Dilger
Publisher: Indiana University Press
ISBN: 0253357098
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Recent political, social, and economic changes in Africa have provoked radical shifts in the landscape of health and healthcare. Medicine, Mobility, and Power in Global Africa captures the multiple dynamics of a globalized world and its impact on medicine, health, and the delivery of healthcare in Africa—and beyond. Essays by an international group of contributors take on intractable problems such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and insufficient access to healthcare, drugs, resources, hospitals, and technologies. The movements of people and resources described here expose the growing challenges of poverty and public health, but they also show how new opportunities have been created for transforming healthcare and promoting care and healing.

Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries

Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries PDF Author: Dean T. Jamison
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821361805
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1449

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Based on careful analysis of burden of disease and the costs ofinterventions, this second edition of 'Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 2nd edition' highlights achievable priorities; measures progresstoward providing efficient, equitable care; promotes cost-effectiveinterventions to targeted populations; and encourages integrated effortsto optimize health. Nearly 500 experts - scientists, epidemiologists, health economists,academicians, and public health practitioners - from around the worldcontributed to the data sources and methodologies, and identifiedchallenges and priorities, resulting in this integrated, comprehensivereference volume on the state of health in developing countries.

Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials

Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials PDF Author: Margaret Walton-Roberts
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1487531753
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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Bringing together diverse approaches and case studies of international health worker migration, Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials critically reimagines how we conceptualize the transfer of value embodied in internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs). This volume provides key insights into the economistic and feminist concepts of global value transmission, the complexity of health worker migration, and the gendered and intersectional intricacies involved in the workplace integration of immigrant health care workers. The contributions to this edited collection uncover the multitude of actors who play a role in creating, transmitting, transforming, and utilizing the value embedded in international health migrants.

Transnational Mobility and Global Health

Transnational Mobility and Global Health PDF Author: Peter H. Koehn
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429679491
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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Transnational Mobility and Global Health spotlights the powerful and dynamic intersections of human movement, inequality, and health. The book explores the interacting political, economic, social, cultural, and climatic drivers of health and migration, proposing innovative ways to enhance global health and care provision in an era of transnational mobility. As health security continues to rise up the agenda in international politics, the book also analyses the political determinants of health and migration. Within the framework of key drivers of unequal mobilities, this book treats interconnected health and migration themes not covered elsewhere under one cover: health tourism, conflict-induced and other vulnerable-population movements, humanitarian crises, human rights, the health-development linkage, migrant health-care, and health-competency education. The book also considers global health vulnerabilities in the wake of climate change, and the biomedical, ethical, and governance challenges of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases. Finally, the book suggests ways of evaluating mobility-influenced health outcomes and equity impacts, and explores how the global circulation of health expertise could help to rectify care-provider shortages. The challenges to global health considered in this book are only likely to become more intense as the 21st-Century surge in transnational migration continues. Readers will gain interdisciplinary appreciation for the relevance of health for migration and of migration for global health. Researchers, students, practitioners, and policy makers interested in individual and population health, sustainable development, and migration studies will find this book a useful and inspiring guide to contemporary global challenges.