Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis PDF Author: Xinming Tang
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780415407410
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 766

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Developments in Geographic Information Technology have raised the expectations of users. A static map is no longer enough; there is now demand for a dynamic representation. Time is of great importance when operating on real world geographical phenomena, especially when these are dynamic. Researchers in the field of Temporal Geographical Information Systems (TGIS) have been developing methods of incorporating time into geographical information systems. Spatio-temporal analysis embodies spatial modelling, spatio-temporal modelling and spatial reasoning and data mining. Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis contributes to the field of spatio-temporal analysis, presenting innovative ideas and examples that reflect current progress and achievements.

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis

Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis PDF Author: Xinming Tang
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780415407410
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 766

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Book Description
Developments in Geographic Information Technology have raised the expectations of users. A static map is no longer enough; there is now demand for a dynamic representation. Time is of great importance when operating on real world geographical phenomena, especially when these are dynamic. Researchers in the field of Temporal Geographical Information Systems (TGIS) have been developing methods of incorporating time into geographical information systems. Spatio-temporal analysis embodies spatial modelling, spatio-temporal modelling and spatial reasoning and data mining. Advances in Spatio-Temporal Analysis contributes to the field of spatio-temporal analysis, presenting innovative ideas and examples that reflect current progress and achievements.

Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design

Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design PDF Author: Mark Hawley
ISBN: 1486303528
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design is a comprehensive, practical guide to the investigation, design, operation and monitoring of mine waste dumps, dragline spoils and major stockpiles associated with large open pit mines. These facilities are some of the largest man-made structures on Earth, and while most have performed very well, there are cases where instabilities have occurred with severe consequences, including loss of life and extensive environmental and economic damage. Developed and written by industry experts with extensive knowledge and experience, this book is an initiative of the Large Open Pit (LOP) Project. It comprises 16 chapters that follow the life cycle of a mine waste dump, dragline spoil or stockpile from site selection to closure and reclamation. It describes the investigation and design process, introduces a comprehensive stability rating and hazard classification system, provides guidance on acceptability criteria, and sets out the key elements of stability and runout analysis. Chapters on site and material characterisation, surface water and groundwater characterisation and management, risk assessment, operations and monitoring, management of ARD, emerging technologies and closure are included. A chapter is also dedicated to the analysis and design of dragline spoils. Guidelines for Mine Waste Dump and Stockpile Design summarises the current state of practice and provides insight and guidance to mine operators, geotechnical engineers, mining engineers, hydrogeologists, geologists and other individuals that are responsible at the mine site level for ensuring the stability and performance of these structures. Readership includes mining engineers, geotechnical engineers, civil engineers, engineering geologists, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists, and other professionals involved in the site selection, investigation, design, permitting, construction, operation, monitoring, closure and reclamation of mine waste dumps and stockpiles.

Mine Design

Mine Design PDF Author: John R. Sturgul
Publisher: Society for Mining Metallurgy
ISBN: 9780873351812
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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Solve everyday mining problems quickly and easily by applying the computer language GPSS (General Purpose Simulation System). Part I of the book reviews mining simulation in general and explains why the GPSS/H simulation language was selected. Part II is an overview of the language itself to help you obtain maximum benefit from the mining examples, which are contained on the included CD. Each of the 30 examples on the CD comes from a variety of mining operations (large, small, surface, underground) and includes GPSS/H programs that can be kept in a file to be run with no programming. Computer language experience isn't required, as all the programs are run by keying in a simple list of instructions. If you are more experienced with the language, you can modify one or more of the programs to suit your particular problem. All examples are interactive; you are prompted to input data for the simulation and then run the animation to view your mining operation. Mine Design can also be used as a supplemental text for mining engineering classes, including those on mine design, mine equipment selection, and computer applications in mining. Most chapters offer numerous examples--with answers--in addition to the programs. Ease of access to the program and clear visualization of the results set this book apart from other mining texts.

Design of Underground Hard-Coal Mines

Design of Underground Hard-Coal Mines PDF Author: J. Pazdziora
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0444597468
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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The escalating worldwide demand for energy has had the effect, among other things, of promoting the development of coal mining. In some countries specialist design offices were set up and students trained as specialists in mine design and construction. Poland, a country having mining traditions stretching over many centuries, is a good example, and has gained a place in the forefront, not only as a coal producer and exporter, but also as an originator and exporter of technical mining know-how. The author of this book has himself had 25 years of practical experience in mine design, in the supervision of mining investment implementation both at home and abroad, and also in directing the activities of the Chief Mine Design and Studies Office in Poland, plus more than 20 years' teaching experience in the training of mining engineers, in particular as head of the Mine Design Department of the Mining Faculty at the Silesian Polytechnic University in Gliwice. This vast wealth of experience has prompted him to write the present book which discusses the basic problems met with in the design of underground hard-coal mines.The author's primary aim has been to deal with all those questions in mine design which have not yet been answered in mining textbooks and which, from his own personal experience, he considers to be of importance. Accordingly, he presents the general principles governing the design of new mines and the reconstruction of working mines, the development of mining regions, the design of coal-preparation plant, and energy economy in mines. Making use of the broad experience gained by the Polish mining industry in the implementation of mining investment projects, he has quoted several examples of technical and organizational solutions which effectively shorten the mine construction cycle.The book is addressed chiefly to investors and engineers engaged in preparing plans for the development of mining regions, for the construction of new mines, and the reconstruction of existing mines and preparation plants, as well as to students in mining departments of technical schools and universities. The information offered here is of great practical value and may well stimulate the development of new ideas for design and implementation concepts.

Ground Control Aspects of Coal Mine Design

Ground Control Aspects of Coal Mine Design PDF Author: United States. Bureau of Mines
Category : Coal mines and mining
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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Rock Mechanics Instrumentation for Mine Design

Rock Mechanics Instrumentation for Mine Design PDF Author:
Category : Mining engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Mine Design, Planning and Sustainable Exploitation in the Digital Age

Mine Design, Planning and Sustainable Exploitation in the Digital Age PDF Author: A.J.S. (Sam) Spearing
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000630706
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Mine Design, Planning and Sustainable Exploitation in the Digital Age covers mine planning, design and exploitation taking cognizance of new developments, especially those associated with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the positive influence that it has, and will have, on the mining industry. It refers to latest best practices with emphasis on the social license to operate and sustainable (green) mining. The book covers surface and underground mining in some detail and addresses relevant associated aspects such as risk management, green mining and the importance of real community relations. It is organized as follows: Surface Mining Underground Soft Rock Mining Underground Hard Rock (Metal/Non-metal) Mining Green and Sustainable Mining It has many relevant photos and figures that help the reader and includes appropriate support design and types commonly used in the various mining methods. Mine Design, Planning and Sustainable Exploitation in the Digital Age is mainly aimed at mining, geological engineering and other undergraduate and postgraduates interested in the mining resources industry. It will also serve as a useful reference book for practitioners in the mining industry who want an easy-to-use book.

Rock Mechanics

Rock Mechanics PDF Author: Barry H.G. Brady
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 140202116X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 646

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This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable innovations in mining engineering and the remarkable developments in the science of rock mechanics and the practice of rock angineering taht have taken place over the last two decades. Although "Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining" addresses many of the rock mechanics issues that arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. Based on extensive professional research and teaching experience, this book will provide an authoratative and comprehensive text for final year undergraduates and commencing postgraduate stydents. For profesional practitioners, not only will it be of interests to mining and geological engineers, but also to civil engineers, structural mining geologists and geophysicists as a standard work for professional reference purposes.

Design of Underground Installations in Rock

Design of Underground Installations in Rock PDF Author: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
Category : Underground construction
Languages : en
Pages : 76

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Underground Mining Methods

Underground Mining Methods PDF Author: W. A. Hustrulid
Publisher: SME
ISBN: 0873351932
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 736

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Underground Mining Methods presents the latest principles and techniques in use today. Reflecting the international and diverse nature of the industry, a series of mining case studies is presented covering the commodity range from iron ore to diamonds extracted by operations located in all corners of the world. Industry experts have contributed 77 chapters. This book is certain to become a standard for every practicing mining engineer and student alike. Sections include: General Mine Design Considerations, Room-and-Pillar Mining of Hard Rock/Soft Rock, Longwall Mining of Hard Rock, Shrinkage Stoping, Sublevel Stoping, Cut-and-Fill Mining, Sublevel Caving, Panel Caving, Foundations for Design, and Underground Mining Looks to the Future.