Military Power, Conflict and Trade

Military Power, Conflict and Trade PDF Author: Michael P. Gerace
ISBN: 9781280048777
Category : Commercial policy
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Wherever international commerce flows in world politics, military power often flows with it - sometimes as a protector of commerce, sometimes as its promoters and sometimes as a tool of aggression against it. How are military power and international trade related? Do military power and commerce expand together or does military power decline as commerce (and perhaps interdependence) increases? Does this relationship vary across countries and, if so how? Power, Conflict and Trade is a study of the relationship between military power and international commerce among the Great Powers prio.

Military Power, Conflict and Trade

Military Power, Conflict and Trade PDF Author: Michael P. Gerace
ISBN: 9781280048777
Category : Commercial policy
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Book Description
Wherever international commerce flows in world politics, military power often flows with it - sometimes as a protector of commerce, sometimes as its promoters and sometimes as a tool of aggression against it. How are military power and international trade related? Do military power and commerce expand together or does military power decline as commerce (and perhaps interdependence) increases? Does this relationship vary across countries and, if so how? Power, Conflict and Trade is a study of the relationship between military power and international commerce among the Great Powers prio.

Cradle of Conflict

Cradle of Conflict PDF Author: Michael Knights
Publisher: US Naval Institute Press
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 504

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esistance capabilities of US adversaries.

Military Power

Military Power PDF Author: Stephen Biddle
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 1400837820
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 352

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In war, do mass and materiel matter most? Will states with the largest, best equipped, information-technology-rich militaries invariably win? The prevailing answer today among both scholars and policymakers is yes. But this is to overlook force employment, or the doctrine and tactics by which materiel is actually used. In a landmark reconception of battle and war, this book provides a systematic account of how force employment interacts with materiel to produce real combat outcomes. Stephen Biddle argues that force employment is central to modern war, becoming increasingly important since 1900 as the key to surviving ever more lethal weaponry. Technological change produces opposite effects depending on how forces are employed; to focus only on materiel is thus to risk major error--with serious consequences for both policy and scholarship. In clear, fluent prose, Biddle provides a systematic account of force employment's role and shows how this account holds up under rigorous, multimethod testing. The results challenge a wide variety of standard views, from current expectations for a revolution in military affairs to mainstream scholarship in international relations and orthodox interpretations of modern military history. Military Power will have a resounding impact on both scholarship in the field and on policy debates over the future of warfare, the size of the military, and the makeup of the defense budget.

The Handbook on the Political Economy of War

The Handbook on the Political Economy of War PDF Author: Christopher J. Coyne
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1849808325
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 649

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The Handbook on the Political Economy of War highlights and explores important research questions and discusses the core elements of the political economy of war.

Military Economics

Military Economics PDF Author: Ron Smith
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 023024467X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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Book Description
Military power needs to be financed and economic development is often shaped by military conflict, thus the interaction of military and economy, power and money is central to the modern world. This book provides an accessible introduction to the economics of the use of organized force, with a wide range of historical and current examples.

The Rise And Fall of British Naval Mastery

The Rise And Fall of British Naval Mastery PDF Author: Paul Kennedy
Publisher: Penguin UK
ISBN: 0141983833
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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Paul Kennedy's classic naval history, now updated with a new introduction by the author This acclaimed book traces Britain's rise and fall as a sea power from the Tudors to the present day. Challenging the traditional view that the British are natural 'sons of the waves', he suggests instead that the country's fortunes as a significant maritime force have always been bound up with its economic growth. In doing so, he contributes significantly to the centuries-long debate between 'continental' and 'maritime' schools of strategy over Britain's policy in times of war. Setting British naval history within a framework of national, international, economic, political and strategic considerations, he offers a fresh approach to one of the central questions in British history. A new introduction extends his analysis into the twenty-first century and reflects on current American and Chinese ambitions for naval mastery. 'Excellent and stimulating' Correlli Barnett 'The first scholar to have set the sweep of British Naval history against the background of economic history' Michael Howard, Sunday Times 'By far the best study that has ever been done on the subject ... a sparkling and apt quotation on practically every page' Daniel A. Baugh, International History Review 'The best single-volume study of Britain and her naval past now available to us' Jon Sumida, Journal of Modern History

China Military Power

China Military Power PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780160939723
Category : China
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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Military Power, Conflict, and Trade

Military Power, Conflict, and Trade PDF Author: Michael P. Gerace
ISBN: 9786610048779
Category : Commercial policy
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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Asymmetrical Warfare

Asymmetrical Warfare PDF Author: Roger W. Barnett
Publisher: Potomac Books
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Possible asymmetrical warfare scenarios include launching chemical, biological, or suicide attacks; taking indiscriminate actions against critical infrastructure; using hostages or human shields; deliberately destroying the environment; and targeting noncombatants.".

War and Power in the Twenty-First Century

War and Power in the Twenty-First Century PDF Author: Paul Hirst
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780745625218
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Future developments in war, armed conflict and international relations are central to our collective fate in this century. This book looks forward by considering the forces that will drive changes in military organizations, sources of conflict, the power of states and the nature of the international system. New military technologies will alter how wars are fought and will influence the balance of power. Changes in the global environment will provide new causes of conflict and will change economic priorities. As a result, the state will survive as the key social institution and populations will look to it to acquire and to distribute scarce resources like water, energy and land. Many of the changes that seem transformatory today, like globalization, the internet and mass consumerism, will be shown to be less significant than we believe them to be. Hirst puts such changes into perspective by comparing them with the revolutionary changes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe: the firepower revolution, the rise of the sovereign territorial state and the parallel development of the international system, and the creation of world trade. These basic structures of the modern world are still with us and will remain, despite major changes in twenty-first-century society. This book will appeal to students of politics, political sociology & international relations as well as the interested general reader.