Methods of Generating High-Quality Beams in Laser Wakefield Accelerators Through Self-Injection

Methods of Generating High-Quality Beams in Laser Wakefield Accelerators Through Self-Injection PDF Author: Asher Warren Davidson
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Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Book Description
In the pursuit of discovering the fundamental laws and particles of nature, physicists have been colliding particles at ever increasing energy for almost a century. Lepton (electrons and positrons) colliders rely on linear accelerators (LINACS) because leptons radiate copious amounts of energy when accelerated in a circular machine. The size and cost of a linear collider is mainly determined by the acceleration gradient. Modern linear accelerators have gradients limited to 20-100 MeV/m because of the breakdown of the walls of the accelerator. Plasma based acceleration is receiving much attention because a plasma wave with a phase velocity near the speed of light can support acceleration gradients at least three orders of magnitude larger than those in modern accelerators. There is no breakdown limit in a plasma since it is already ionized. Such a plasma wave can be excited by the radiation pressure of an intense short pulse laser. This is called laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). Much progress has been made in LWFA research in the past 30 years. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have played a major part in this progress. The physics inherent in LWFA is nonlinear and three-dimensional in nature. Three-dimensional PIC simulations are computationally intensive. In this dissertation, we present and describe in detail a new algorithm that was introduced into the Particle-In-Cell Simulation Framework. We subsequently use this new quasi three-dimensional algorithm to efficiently explore the parameter regimes of LWFA that are accessible for existing and near term lasers. This regimes cannot be explored using full three-dimensional simulations even on leadership class computing facilities. The simulations presented in this dissertation show that the nonlinear, self-guided regime of LWFA described through phenomenological scaling laws by Lu et al., in 2007 is still useful for accelerating electrons to energies greater than 10 GeV. Fortunately, in many situations the physics of LWFA is nearly azimuthally symmetric and the most salient three-dimensional physics is captured by the inclusion of only a few azimuthal harmonics. Recently, it was proposed by Lifschitz et al. [J. Comp. Phys. 228 (5) 2009] to model LWFA by expanding the fields and currents in azimuthal harmonics and truncating the expansion. The complex amplitudes of the fundamental and first harmonic for the fields were solved on an r-z grid and a procedure for calculating the complex current amplitudes for each particle based on its motion in Cartesian geometry was presented using a Marder's correction to maintain the validity of Gauss's law. In this dissertation, we describe in detail the implementation of this algorithm into OSIRIS using a rigorous charge conserving current deposition method to maintain the validity of Gauss's law. We show that this algorithm is a hybrid method which uses a particles-in-cell description in r-z and a gridless description in phi (which we have subsequently coined the 'quasi-3D' method). We include the ability to keep an arbitrary number of harmonics and higher order particle shapes. Examples for laser wakefield acceleration, plasma wakefield acceleration, and beam loading are also presented. In almost all of the recent experiments progress on LWFA the plasma wave wake has been excited in the nonlinear blowout regime. A phenomenological description of this regime was given by Lu et al. [PRSTAB, 10 (061301) 2007]. This included matching conditions for the laser spot size and pulse length so that the laser evolution and wake excitation would be stable and the laser would self-guide. Scaling laws for the electron electron energy (self or externally injected) in terms of the laser and plasma parameters was also given. The parameters for the supporting simulations were limited due to the computational demands for such simulations particularly for higher electron energy. The recent implementation of the quasi-3D algorithm into OSIRIS including the charge conserving current deposit, now make it possible to study these scaling laws and examine how well they still hold for higher laser intensities and laser energies. We have studied in detail how well the nonlinear, self-guided regime works for existing and near term 15-100 Joule lasers. We demonstrate that the scaling laws do capture the key phenomenological characteristics LWFAs under a wide range of different laser and plasma parameters, but are not meant to give exact predictions for a choice of parameters. The simulations indicate that the self-injected particles reach slightly higher energies than estimated by the scaling laws, although the evolution of the maximum energy looks similar when scaled to the dephasing time. We also find that shape of the evolution of the energy, spot size, and wake amplitude scales if the normalized vector potential, and transverse and axial profile shapes remain fixed. If the normalized vector potential is changed then the scaling laws are still useful but the shape of energy evolution curve changes. We also used the scaling laws to optimize the energy gain for a fixed laser energy. We then use the quasi-3D OSIRIS code to study study in detail how to optimize the energy gain for fixed laser energy including how to optimize the axial laser profile. We find that shortening the pulse length and reducing the plasma density is effective in producing a higher energy beam with a low energy spread, given a fixed laser energy.

Methods of Generating High-Quality Beams in Laser Wakefield Accelerators Through Self-Injection

Methods of Generating High-Quality Beams in Laser Wakefield Accelerators Through Self-Injection PDF Author: Asher Warren Davidson
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Book Description
In the pursuit of discovering the fundamental laws and particles of nature, physicists have been colliding particles at ever increasing energy for almost a century. Lepton (electrons and positrons) colliders rely on linear accelerators (LINACS) because leptons radiate copious amounts of energy when accelerated in a circular machine. The size and cost of a linear collider is mainly determined by the acceleration gradient. Modern linear accelerators have gradients limited to 20-100 MeV/m because of the breakdown of the walls of the accelerator. Plasma based acceleration is receiving much attention because a plasma wave with a phase velocity near the speed of light can support acceleration gradients at least three orders of magnitude larger than those in modern accelerators. There is no breakdown limit in a plasma since it is already ionized. Such a plasma wave can be excited by the radiation pressure of an intense short pulse laser. This is called laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). Much progress has been made in LWFA research in the past 30 years. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations have played a major part in this progress. The physics inherent in LWFA is nonlinear and three-dimensional in nature. Three-dimensional PIC simulations are computationally intensive. In this dissertation, we present and describe in detail a new algorithm that was introduced into the Particle-In-Cell Simulation Framework. We subsequently use this new quasi three-dimensional algorithm to efficiently explore the parameter regimes of LWFA that are accessible for existing and near term lasers. This regimes cannot be explored using full three-dimensional simulations even on leadership class computing facilities. The simulations presented in this dissertation show that the nonlinear, self-guided regime of LWFA described through phenomenological scaling laws by Lu et al., in 2007 is still useful for accelerating electrons to energies greater than 10 GeV. Fortunately, in many situations the physics of LWFA is nearly azimuthally symmetric and the most salient three-dimensional physics is captured by the inclusion of only a few azimuthal harmonics. Recently, it was proposed by Lifschitz et al. [J. Comp. Phys. 228 (5) 2009] to model LWFA by expanding the fields and currents in azimuthal harmonics and truncating the expansion. The complex amplitudes of the fundamental and first harmonic for the fields were solved on an r-z grid and a procedure for calculating the complex current amplitudes for each particle based on its motion in Cartesian geometry was presented using a Marder's correction to maintain the validity of Gauss's law. In this dissertation, we describe in detail the implementation of this algorithm into OSIRIS using a rigorous charge conserving current deposition method to maintain the validity of Gauss's law. We show that this algorithm is a hybrid method which uses a particles-in-cell description in r-z and a gridless description in phi (which we have subsequently coined the 'quasi-3D' method). We include the ability to keep an arbitrary number of harmonics and higher order particle shapes. Examples for laser wakefield acceleration, plasma wakefield acceleration, and beam loading are also presented. In almost all of the recent experiments progress on LWFA the plasma wave wake has been excited in the nonlinear blowout regime. A phenomenological description of this regime was given by Lu et al. [PRSTAB, 10 (061301) 2007]. This included matching conditions for the laser spot size and pulse length so that the laser evolution and wake excitation would be stable and the laser would self-guide. Scaling laws for the electron electron energy (self or externally injected) in terms of the laser and plasma parameters was also given. The parameters for the supporting simulations were limited due to the computational demands for such simulations particularly for higher electron energy. The recent implementation of the quasi-3D algorithm into OSIRIS including the charge conserving current deposit, now make it possible to study these scaling laws and examine how well they still hold for higher laser intensities and laser energies. We have studied in detail how well the nonlinear, self-guided regime works for existing and near term 15-100 Joule lasers. We demonstrate that the scaling laws do capture the key phenomenological characteristics LWFAs under a wide range of different laser and plasma parameters, but are not meant to give exact predictions for a choice of parameters. The simulations indicate that the self-injected particles reach slightly higher energies than estimated by the scaling laws, although the evolution of the maximum energy looks similar when scaled to the dephasing time. We also find that shape of the evolution of the energy, spot size, and wake amplitude scales if the normalized vector potential, and transverse and axial profile shapes remain fixed. If the normalized vector potential is changed then the scaling laws are still useful but the shape of energy evolution curve changes. We also used the scaling laws to optimize the energy gain for a fixed laser energy. We then use the quasi-3D OSIRIS code to study study in detail how to optimize the energy gain for fixed laser energy including how to optimize the axial laser profile. We find that shortening the pulse length and reducing the plasma density is effective in producing a higher energy beam with a low energy spread, given a fixed laser energy.

Generation and Optimization of High Quality Multi-GeV Electron Beams in Plasma Wakefield Accelerators

Generation and Optimization of High Quality Multi-GeV Electron Beams in Plasma Wakefield Accelerators PDF Author: Thamine Dalichaouch
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Languages : en
Pages : 206

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In this dissertation, a new method for producing ultra-bright electron beams in nonlinear plasma wave wakes driven by an electron beam driver is explored using particle-in-cell simulations and analytic theory. In order to understand this process an accurate description of a nonlinear wakefield is required. These nonlinear wakefields are excited by intense particle beams or lasers pushing plasma electrons radially outward, creating an ion bubble surrounded by a sheath of electrons characterized by the source term $S \equiv -\frac{1}{en_p}(\rho-J_z/c)$, where $e$ is the electron charge, $n_p$ is the plasma number density, $\rho$ is the charge density, and $J_z$ is the axial current density. Previously, the sheath source term was described phenomenologically with a positive-definite function thereby resulting in a positive definite wake potential. In reality, the wake potential is negative at the rear of the ion column, which is important for self-injection and accurate beam loading models. To account for this, in the first part of this dissertation a multi-sheath model in which the source term, $S$, of the plasma wake can be negative in regions outside the ion bubble is introduced. Using this model, a new expression for the wake potential and a modified differential equation for the bubble radius is obtained. Numerical results obtained from these equations are validated against particle-in-cell simulations for unloaded and loaded wakes. The new model provides accurate predictions of the shape and duration of trailing bunch current profiles that flatten plasma wakefields. It is also used to design a trailing bunch for a desired longitudinally varying loaded wakefield. The multi-sheath model is also applied to beam loading in laser wakefields. Areas where the multi-sheath model can be improved for laser drivers in future work are discussed. In the second part of this dissertation, a new method of controllable injection to generate high quality electron bunches in the nonlinear blowout regime driven by electron beams is proposed and demonstrated using particle-in-cell simulations. Injection is facilitated by decreasing the wake phase velocity through focusing the drive beam spot size. Two regimes are examined. In the first, the spot size is focused according to the vacuum Courant-Snyder (CS) beta function while, in the second, it is self-focused by the plasma ion column. The effects of the driver intensity and vacuum CS parameters on the wake velocity and injected beam parameters are examined via theory and simulations. For plasma densities of $\sim 10^{19} ~\centi\meter^{-3}$, particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations demonstrate that peak normalized brightnesses $\gtrsim 10^{20}~\ampere/\meter^2/\rad^2$ can be obtained with projected energy spreads of $\lesssim 1\%$ within the middle section of the injected beam and with normalized slice emittances as low as $\sim 10 ~\nano\meter$. In the last part of the dissertation, a predictive model for injection using the self-evolving driver method in the plasma focusing regime is developed. The model is used to characterize how the wake evolution and final injected beam parameters scale with the driver parameters. Parameter scans of PIC simulations using different drivers are performed and compared with the model predictions. In particular, the dependence of the injected beam parameters with the diffraction length, energy, intensity, spot size, and duration of the driver is examined. It is found that injection and optimal beam loading can be simultaneously achieved. The multi-sheath model is also used to study the beam loading effects from the injected bunch in this case. PIC simulation results indicate that the injected beam can be efficiently accelerated to $18.27$ GeV with a projected energy spread of $ 0.49\%$ and peak normalized brightess of $B_n \sim 10^{20}~\ampere/\meter^2/\rad^2$ for a plasma density of $\sim 10^{19} ~\centi\meter^{-3}$.

Self Injection and Radiation Production in Laser Wakefield Accelerators

Self Injection and Radiation Production in Laser Wakefield Accelerators PDF Author: Matthew Philip Tooley
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) is a nascent electron acceleration technology characterised by extremely large (100s GV/m) accelerating fields and compact (~ cm) scale. Self-injection is a key mechanism in the production of electron beams from the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA), where background plasma electrons spontaneously enter the accelerating field region. Self-injection is routinely exploited but a fully self-consistent model for the process is still lacking,as are reliable methods for the control of the self-injection process. In this thesis a model for control of self-injection using plasma density gradients or laser intensity evolution is presented. The model is validated using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations and injection of sub-femtosecond electron bunches is demonstrated. This control is further exploited to demonstrate injection of a train of multiple electron bunches into the LWFA.An additional characteristic of the LWFA is the strong transverse focusing fields, which cause electrons to undergo betatron motion and emit broadband XUV and X-ray radiation. The previously demonstrated bunching is investigated as a source of tuneable coherent emission. Analytic and numerical models demonstrate coherent enhancement at the bunching wavelength. Finally the stability of the scheme is considered with respect to energy and spatial bunch spreads and found to be viable for tuneable XUV radiation production with current state of the art LWFA bunch parameters.

An Exploration on Electron Bunching of Ionization Induced Self-injection in Laser Wakefield Accelerators

An Exploration on Electron Bunching of Ionization Induced Self-injection in Laser Wakefield Accelerators PDF Author: Deyun Li (M.A.)
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Plasma-based wakefield accelerator is attractive for generating quasi-monoenergetic electron beams using the bubble regime. The bubble is formed by an intense driver, which propagates through the plasma and expels all electrons transversely, creating a cavity free of cold plasma electrons that trailing behind the driver. Self-injection is applicable in the bubble regime, which can produce bunches of quasi-monoenergetic electrons. (1) Such electron bunching structure can be diagnosed with coherent transition radiation and may be exploited to generate powerful high frequency radiation [16].This thesis focuses on electron bunching phenomenon through WAKE simulations and theoretical analysis. The simulation is completed under laser-driven field ionization wakefield acceleration. The code is improved by taking into consideration the high frequency property of laser driver in wakefield acceleration. Finer grid size is introduced to the ionization injection part of WAKE, for increasing simulation accuracy without much sacrifice of programming efficiency. Various conditions for optimal bunching in the trapped electrons are explored computationally and analytically.

Energy Spread Reduction of Electron Beams Produced Via Laser Wakefield Acceleration

Energy Spread Reduction of Electron Beams Produced Via Laser Wakefield Acceleration PDF Author: Bradley Bolt Pollock
ISBN: 9781267331335
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 87

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Laser wakefield acceleration of electrons holds great promise for producing ultra-compact stages of GeV scale, high quality electron beams for applications such as x-ray free electron lasers and high energy colliders. Ultra-high intensity laser pulses can be self-guided by relativistic plasma waves over tens of vacuum diffraction lengths, to give>1 GeV energy in cm-scale low density plasma using ionization-induced injection to inject charge into the wake at low densities. This thesis describes a series of experiments which investigates the physics of LWFA in the self-guided blowout regime. Beginning with high density gas jet experiments the scaling of the LWFA-produced electron beam energy with plasma electron density is found to be in excellent agreement with both phenomenological theory and with 3-D PIC simulations. It is also determined that self-trapping of background electrons into the wake exhibits a threshold as a function of the electron density, and at the densities required to produce electron beams with energies exceeding 1 GeV a different mechanism is required to trap charge into low density wakes. By introducing small concentrations of high-Z gas to the nominal He background the ionization-induced injection mechanism is enabled. Electron trapping is observed at densities as low as 1.3x1018 cm−3 in a gas cell target, and 1.45 GeV electrons are demonstrated for the first time from LWFA. This is currently the highest electron energy ever produced from LWFA. The ionization-induced trapping mechanism is also shown to generate quasi-continuous electron beam energies, which is undesirable for accelerator applications. By limiting the region over which ionization-induced trapping occurs, the energy spread of the electron beams can be controlled. The development of a novel two-stage gas cell target provides the capability to tailor the gas composition in the longitudinal direction, and confine the trapping process to occur only in a limited, defined region. Using this technique a 460 MeV electron beam was produced with an energy spread of 5%. This technique is directly scalable to multi-GeV electron beam generation with sub-percent energy spreads.

Laser-Driven Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation

Laser-Driven Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation PDF Author: Leonida Antonio Gizzi
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030258505
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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This volume presents a selection of articles based on inspiring lectures held at the “Capri” Advanced Summer School, an original event conceived and promoted by Leonida Antonio Gizzi and Ralph Assmann that focuses on novel schemes for plasma-based particle acceleration and radiation sources, and which brings together researchers from the conventional accelerator community and from the high-intensity laser-matter interaction research fields. Training in these fields is highly relevant for ultra-intense lasers and applications, which have enjoyed dramatic growth following the development of major European infrastructures like the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) and the EuPRAXIA project. The articles preserve the tutorial character of the lectures and reflect the latest advances in their respective fields. The volume is mainly intended for PhD students and young researchers getting started in this area, but also for scientists from other fields who are interested in the latest developments. The content will also appeal to radiobiologists and medical physicists, as it includes contributions on potential applications of laser-based particle accelerators.

Phase Space Dynamics in Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration

Phase Space Dynamics in Plasma Based Wakefield Acceleration PDF Author: Xinlu Xu
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811523819
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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This book explores several key issues in beam phase space dynamics in plasma-based wakefield accelerators. It reveals the phase space dynamics of ionization-based injection methods by identifying two key phase mixing processes. Subsequently, the book proposes a two-color laser ionization injection scheme for generating high-quality beams, and assesses it using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. To eliminate emittance growth when the beam propagates between plasma accelerators and traditional accelerator components, a method using longitudinally tailored plasma structures as phase space matching components is proposed. Based on the aspects above, a preliminary design study on X-ray free-electron lasers driven by plasma accelerators is presented. Lastly, an important type of numerical noise—the numerical Cherenkov instabilities in particle-in-cell codes—is systematically studied.

Generation, Acceleration and Measurement of Attosecond Electron Beams from Laser-plasma Accelerators

Generation, Acceleration and Measurement of Attosecond Electron Beams from Laser-plasma Accelerators PDF Author: Maria Katharina Weikum
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Languages : en
Pages :

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Reviews Of Accelerator Science And Technology - Volume 9: Technology And Applications Of Advanced Accelerator Concepts

Reviews Of Accelerator Science And Technology - Volume 9: Technology And Applications Of Advanced Accelerator Concepts PDF Author: Alexander Wu Chao
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9813209593
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Since its invention in the 1920s, particle accelerators have made tremendous progress in accelerator science, technology and applications. However, the fundamental acceleration principle, namely, to apply an external radiofrequency (RF) electric field to accelerate charged particles, remains unchanged. As this method (either room temperature RF or superconducting RF) is approaching its intrinsic limitation in acceleration gradient (measured in MeV/m), it becomes apparent that new methods with much higher acceleration gradient (measured in GeV/m) must be found for future very high energy accelerators as well as future compact (table-top or room-size) accelerators. This volume introduces a number of advanced accelerator concepts (AAC) — their principles, technologies and potential applications. For the time being, none of them stands out as a definitive direction in which to go. But these novel ideas are in hot pursuit and look promising. Furthermore, some AAC requires a high power laser system. This has the implication of bringing two different communities — accelerator and laser — to join forces and work together. It will have profound impact on the future of our field.Also included are two special articles, one on 'Particle Accelerators in China' which gives a comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing accelerator community in China. The other features the person-of-the-issue who was well-known nuclear physicist Jerome Lewis Duggan, a pioneer and founder of a huge community of industrial and medical accelerators in the US.

Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine

Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine PDF Author: Antonio Giulietti
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319315633
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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This book deals with the new method of laser-driven acceleration for application to radiation biophysics and medicine. It provides multidisciplinary contributions from world leading scientist in order to assess the state of the art of innovative tools for radiation biology research and medical applications of ionizing radiation. The book contains insightful contributions on highly topical aspects of spatio-temporal radiation biophysics, evolving over several orders of magnitude, typically from femtosecond and sub-micrometer scales. Particular attention is devoted to the emerging technology of laser-driven particle accelerators and their application to spatio-temporal radiation biology and medical physics, customization of non-conventional and selective radiotherapy and optimized radioprotection protocols.