Medical Women

Medical Women PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 356

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Medical Women: a Thesis and a History

Medical Women: a Thesis and a History PDF Author: Sophia Jex-Blake
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Medical Women

Medical Women PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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Medical Bondage

Medical Bondage PDF Author: Deirdre Cooper Owens
Publisher: University of Georgia Press
ISBN: 0820351342
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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The accomplishments of pioneering doctors such as John Peter Mettauer, James Marion Sims, and Nathan Bozeman are well documented. It is also no secret that these nineteenth-century gynecologists performed experimental caesarean sections, ovariotomies, and obstetric fistula repairs primarily on poor and powerless women. Medical Bondage breaks new ground by exploring how and why physicians denied these women their full humanity yet valued them as “medical superbodies” highly suited for medical experimentation. In Medical Bondage, Cooper Owens examines a wide range of scientific literature and less formal communications in which gynecologists created and disseminated medical fictions about their patients, such as their belief that black enslaved women could withstand pain better than white “ladies.” Even as they were advancing medicine, these doctors were legitimizing, for decades to come, groundless theories related to whiteness and blackness, men and women, and the inferiority of other races or nationalities. Medical Bondage moves between southern plantations and northern urban centers to reveal how nineteenth-century American ideas about race, health, and status influenced doctor-patient relationships in sites of healing like slave cabins, medical colleges, and hospitals. It also retells the story of black enslaved women and of Irish immigrant women from the perspective of these exploited groups and thus restores for us a picture of their lives.

Medical Women: a Thesis and a History

Medical Women: a Thesis and a History PDF Author: Sophia Jex-Blake
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Women's History as Scientists

Women's History as Scientists PDF Author: Leigh Ann Whaley
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 157607742X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 271

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A comprehensive historical review of the debates surrounding women's contributions and roles in science, with emphasis on women's access to education, training, and professional careers. This remarkable work illuminates the debates surrounding women's involvement with science throughout history, covering a broad range of disciplines. Unlike a biographical compendium of great scientists, it examines the question posed throughout history: Are women capable of doing science? Whether people have the right to even ask the question is germane to the debate itself. The coverage discusses Hypatia, the first female scientist about whom we have information; examines the contradictory behavior of the church in the treatment of women during the medieval era; and covers the 17th century debates over women's education. It examines women physicians, discusses feminism and science, and delves into why there are so few women in science—even today. The debate that began during the time of Plato and Aristotle continues to this day.

Medical Women

Medical Women PDF Author: Sophia Jex-Blake
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 378

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The Educated Woman

The Educated Woman PDF Author: Katharina Rowold
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134625839
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 442

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The Educated Woman is a comparative study of the ideas on female nature that informed debates on women’s higher education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in three western European countries. Exploring the multi-layered roles of science and medicine in constructions of sexual difference in these debates, the book also pays attention to the variety of ways in which contemporary feminists negotiated and reconstituted conceptions of the female mind and its relationship to the body. While recognising similarities, Rowold shows how in each country the higher education debates and the underlying conceptions of women’s nature were shaped by distinct historical contexts.

A Widening Sphere (Routledge Revivals)

A Widening Sphere (Routledge Revivals) PDF Author: Martha Vicinus
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135043884
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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First published in 1977, this book is a companion volume to Suffer and Be Still. It looks at the widening sphere of women’s activities in the Victorian age and testifies to the dual nature of the legal and social constraints of the period: on the one hand, the ideal of the perfect lady and the restrictive laws governing marriage and property posed limits to women’s independence; on the other hand, some Victorian women chose to live lives of great variety and complexity. By uncovering new data and reinterpreting old, the contributors in this volume debunk some of the myths surrounding the Victorian woman and alter stereotypes on which many of today’s social customs are based.

Gender, Careers and Inequalities in Medicine and Medical Education

Gender, Careers and Inequalities in Medicine and Medical Education PDF Author: Maria Tsouroufli
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 1784416894
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 214

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This volume examines the complex nature and interplay of gender, careers and inequalities in the fields of medicine and medical education through interdisciplinary, comparative and critical perspectives. Scholars will bring insights from across disciplines of social sciences, including sociology, medical anthropology, psychology, and HRM.

Medical Apartheid

Medical Apartheid PDF Author: Harriet A. Washington
Publisher: Anchor
ISBN: 076792939X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 530

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NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD WINNER • The first full history of Black America’s shocking mistreatment as unwilling and unwitting experimental subjects at the hands of the medical establishment. No one concerned with issues of public health and racial justice can afford not to read this masterful book. "[Washington] has unearthed a shocking amount of information and shaped it into a riveting, carefully documented book." —New York Times From the era of slavery to the present day, starting with the earliest encounters between Black Americans and Western medical researchers and the racist pseudoscience that resulted, Medical Apartheid details the ways both slaves and freedmen were used in hospitals for experiments conducted without their knowledge—a tradition that continues today within some black populations. It reveals how Blacks have historically been prey to grave-robbing as well as unauthorized autopsies and dissections. Moving into the twentieth century, it shows how the pseudoscience of eugenics and social Darwinism was used to justify experimental exploitation and shoddy medical treatment of Blacks. Shocking new details about the government’s notorious Tuskegee experiment are revealed, as are similar, less-well-known medical atrocities conducted by the government, the armed forces, prisons, and private institutions. The product of years of prodigious research into medical journals and experimental reports long undisturbed, Medical Apartheid reveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and makes possible, for the first time, an understanding of the roots of the African American health deficit. At last, it provides the fullest possible context for comprehending the behavioral fallout that has caused Black Americans to view researchers—and indeed the whole medical establishment—with such deep distrust.