Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior

Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior PDF Author: Martin H. Sadd
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128116498
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior offers a uniquely comprehensive introduction to topics like RVE theory, fabric tensor models, micropolar elasticity, elasticity with voids, nonlocal higher gradient elasticity and damage mechanics. Contemporary continuum mechanics research has been moving into areas of complex material microstructural behavior. Graduate students who are expected to do this type of research need a fundamental background beyond classical continuum theories. The book begins with several chapters that carefully and rigorously present mathematical preliminaries: kinematics of motion and deformation; force and stress measures; and general principles of mass, momentum and energy balance. The book then moves beyond other books by dedicating several chapters to constitutive equation development, exploring a wide collection of constitutive relations and developing the corresponding material model formulations. Such material behavior models include classical linear theories of elasticity, fluid mechanics, viscoelasticity and plasticity. Linear multiple field problems of thermoelasticity, poroelasticity and electoelasticity are also presented. Discussion of nonlinear theories of solids and fluids, including finite elasticity, nonlinear/non-Newtonian viscous fluids, and nonlinear viscoelastic materials are also given. Finally, several relatively new continuum theories based on incorporation of material microstructure are presented including: fabric tensor theories, micropolar elasticity, elasticity with voids, nonlocal higher gradient elasticity and damage mechanics. - Offers a thorough, concise and organized presentation of continuum mechanics formulation - Covers numerous applications in areas of contemporary continuum mechanics modeling, including micromechanical and multi-scale problems - Integration and use of MATLAB software gives students more tools to solve, evaluate and plot problems under study - Features extensive use of exercises, providing more material for student engagement and instructor presentation

Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior

Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior PDF Author: Martin H. Sadd
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128116498
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
Continuum Mechanics Modeling of Material Behavior offers a uniquely comprehensive introduction to topics like RVE theory, fabric tensor models, micropolar elasticity, elasticity with voids, nonlocal higher gradient elasticity and damage mechanics. Contemporary continuum mechanics research has been moving into areas of complex material microstructural behavior. Graduate students who are expected to do this type of research need a fundamental background beyond classical continuum theories. The book begins with several chapters that carefully and rigorously present mathematical preliminaries: kinematics of motion and deformation; force and stress measures; and general principles of mass, momentum and energy balance. The book then moves beyond other books by dedicating several chapters to constitutive equation development, exploring a wide collection of constitutive relations and developing the corresponding material model formulations. Such material behavior models include classical linear theories of elasticity, fluid mechanics, viscoelasticity and plasticity. Linear multiple field problems of thermoelasticity, poroelasticity and electoelasticity are also presented. Discussion of nonlinear theories of solids and fluids, including finite elasticity, nonlinear/non-Newtonian viscous fluids, and nonlinear viscoelastic materials are also given. Finally, several relatively new continuum theories based on incorporation of material microstructure are presented including: fabric tensor theories, micropolar elasticity, elasticity with voids, nonlocal higher gradient elasticity and damage mechanics. - Offers a thorough, concise and organized presentation of continuum mechanics formulation - Covers numerous applications in areas of contemporary continuum mechanics modeling, including micromechanical and multi-scale problems - Integration and use of MATLAB software gives students more tools to solve, evaluate and plot problems under study - Features extensive use of exercises, providing more material for student engagement and instructor presentation

Statics and Mechanics of Structures

Statics and Mechanics of Structures PDF Author: Steen Krenk
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400761139
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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Book Description
The statics and mechanics of structures form a core aspect of civil engineering. This book provides an introduction to the subject, starting from classic hand-calculation types of analysis and gradually advancing to a systematic form suitable for computer implementation. It starts with statically determinate structures in the form of trusses, beams and frames. Instability is discussed in the form of the column problem - both the ideal column and the imperfect column used in actual column design. The theory of statically indeterminate structures is then introduced, and the force and deformation methods are explained and illustrated. An important aspect of the book’s approach is the systematic development of the theory in a form suitable for computer implementation using finite elements. This development is supported by two small computer programs, MiniTruss and MiniFrame, which permit static analysis of trusses and frames, as well as linearized stability analysis. The book’s final section presents related strength of materials subjects in greater detail; these include stress and strain, failure criteria, and normal and shear stresses in general beam flexure and in beam torsion. The book is well-suited as a textbook for a two-semester introductory course on structures.

Modeling High Temperature Materials Behavior for Structural Analysis

Modeling High Temperature Materials Behavior for Structural Analysis PDF Author: Konstantin Naumenko
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331931629X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 381

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This monograph presents approaches to characterize inelastic behavior of materials and structures at high temperature. Starting from experimental observations, it discusses basic features of inelastic phenomena including creep, plasticity, relaxation, low cycle and thermal fatigue. The authors formulate constitutive equations to describe the inelastic response for the given states of stress and microstructure. They introduce evolution equations to capture hardening, recovery, softening, ageing and damage processes. Principles of continuum mechanics and thermodynamics are presented to provide a framework for the modeling materials behavior with the aim of structural analysis of high-temperature engineering components.

Mechanics of Solid Materials

Mechanics of Solid Materials PDF Author: Jean Lemaitre
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521477581
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 588

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Book Description
Translation of hugely successful book aimed at advanced undergraduates, graduate students and researchers.

Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Materials

Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Materials PDF Author: Peter Haupt
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3662047756
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 666

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Book Description
The new edition includes additional analytical methods in the classical theory of viscoelasticity. This leads to a new theory of finite linear viscoelasticity of incompressible isotropic materials. Anisotropic viscoplasticity is completely reformulated and extended to a general constitutive theory that covers crystal plasticity as a special case.

Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials

Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials PDF Author: Joachim Roesler
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540734481
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 540

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Book Description
How do engineering materials deform when bearing mechanical loads? To answer this crucial question, the book bridges the gap between continuum mechanics and materials science. The different kinds of material deformation are explained in detail. The book also discusses the physical processes occurring during the deformation of all classes of engineering materials and shows how these materials can be strengthened to meet the design requirements. It provides the knowledge needed in selecting the appropriate engineering material for a certain design problem. This book is both a valuable textbook and a useful reference for graduate students and practising engineers.

Elements of Metallurgy and Engineering Alloys

Elements of Metallurgy and Engineering Alloys PDF Author: Flake C. Campbell
Publisher: ASM International
ISBN: 1615030581
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 671

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Book Description
This practical reference provides thorough and systematic coverage on both basic metallurgy and the practical engineering aspects of metallic material selection and application.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials PDF Author: Norman E. Dowling
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780131863125
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 912

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Book Description
Comprehensive in scope and readable, this book explores the methods used by engineers to analyze and predict the mechanical behavior of materials. Author Norman E. Dowling provides thorough coverage of materials testing and practical methods for forecasting the strength and life of mechanical parts and structural members.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials PDF Author: William F. Hosford
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521195691
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 437

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Book Description
This is a textbook on the mechanical behavior of materials for mechanical and materials engineering. It emphasizes quantitative problem solving. This new edition includes treatment of the effects of texture on properties and microstructure in Chapter 7, a new chapter (12) on discontinuous and inhomogeneous deformation, and treatment of foams in Chapter 21.

Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Mechanical Behavior of Materials PDF Author: Zainul Huda
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030849279
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Book Description
This textbook supports a range of core courses in undergraduate materials and mechanical engineering curricula given at leading universities globally. It presents fundamentals and quantitative analysis of mechanical behavior of materials covering engineering mechanics and materials, deformation behavior, fracture mechanics, and failure design. This book provides a holistic understanding of mechanical behavior of materials, and enables critical thinking through mathematical modeling and problem solving. Each of the 15 chapters first introduces readers to the technologic importance of the topic and provides basic concepts with diagrammatic illustrations; and then its engineering analysis/mathematical modelling along with calculations are presented. Featuring 200 end-of-chapter calculations/worked examples, 120 diagrams, 260 equations on mechanics and materials, the text is ideal for students of mechanical, materials, structural, civil, and aerospace engineering.