The State of the World's Children 2009

The State of the World's Children 2009 PDF Author: UNICEF.
Publisher: UNICEF
ISBN: 9280643185
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Book Description
Having a child remains one of the biggest health risks for women worldwide. Fifteen hundred women die every day while giving birth. That's a half a million mothers every year. UNICEF's flagship publication, The State of the World's Children 2009, addresses maternal mortality, one of the most intractable problems for development work.The difference in pregnancy risk between women in developing countries and their peers in the industrialised world is often termed the greatest health divide in the world. A woman in Niger has a one in seven chance of dying during the course of her lifetime from complications during pregnancy or delivery. That's in stark contrast to the risk for mothers in America, where it's one in 4,800 or in Ireland, where it's just one in 48,000. Addressing that gap is a multidisciplinary challenge, requiring an emphasis on education, human resources, community involvement and social equality. At a minimum, women must be guaranteed antenatal care, skilled birth attendants and emergency obstetrics, and postpartum care. These essential interventions will only be guaranteed within the context of improved education and the abolition of discrimination.

The State of the World's Children 2009

The State of the World's Children 2009 PDF Author: UNICEF.
Publisher: UNICEF
ISBN: 9280643185
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Book Description
Having a child remains one of the biggest health risks for women worldwide. Fifteen hundred women die every day while giving birth. That's a half a million mothers every year. UNICEF's flagship publication, The State of the World's Children 2009, addresses maternal mortality, one of the most intractable problems for development work.The difference in pregnancy risk between women in developing countries and their peers in the industrialised world is often termed the greatest health divide in the world. A woman in Niger has a one in seven chance of dying during the course of her lifetime from complications during pregnancy or delivery. That's in stark contrast to the risk for mothers in America, where it's one in 4,800 or in Ireland, where it's just one in 48,000. Addressing that gap is a multidisciplinary challenge, requiring an emphasis on education, human resources, community involvement and social equality. At a minimum, women must be guaranteed antenatal care, skilled birth attendants and emergency obstetrics, and postpartum care. These essential interventions will only be guaranteed within the context of improved education and the abolition of discrimination.

Reproductive Epidemiology

Reproductive Epidemiology PDF Author: Ray M. Merrill
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 1449610870
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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Reproductive Epidemiology introduces epidemiology students and health practitioners to a range of methodologies used to collect data and conduct analysis on reproductive epidemiology. The focus is to provide guidance on the use of methods appropriate for challenging and sensitive research topics, including sexual behavior, abortion, illicit drug use, and sexual abuse.

Birthing Models on the Human Rights Frontier

Birthing Models on the Human Rights Frontier PDF Author: Betty-Anne Daviss
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000335534
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 421

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This book addresses the politics of global health and social justice issues around birth, focusing on dynamic communities that have chosen to speak truth to power by reforming dysfunctional health care systems or creating new ones outside the box. The chapters present models of childbirth at extreme ends of a spectrum—from the conflict zones and disaster areas of Afghanistan, Israel, Palestine, and Indonesia, to high-risk tertiary care settings in China, Canada, Australia, and Turkey. Debunking notions about best care, the volume illustrates how human rights in health care are on a collision course with global capitalism and offers a number of specific solutions to this ever-increasing problem. This volume will be a valuable resource for scholars and students in anthropology, sociology, health, and midwifery, as well as for practitioners, policy makers, and organizations focused on birth or on social activism in any arena.

The Middle East Economies in Times of Transition

The Middle East Economies in Times of Transition PDF Author: Ahmed Galal
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137529776
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 372

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Diwan and Galal looks at the structure and prospects of the Middle East economies after the 2011 Uprisings, focusing on issues of economic growth, inequality, the impact of oil, and the unfolding political transitions. On the growth question, the book looks into the extent of structural transformation of the economy, the political economy reasons for the lack of structural change, and the external conditions in the EU and in the GCC that underpin the lack of structural change. On inequality, the book offers new measures of equality of opportunity in human development and in the job market, and it also reviews the complex political economy of subsidy removal. Regarding natural resources, the volume provides three innovations: connecting the notion of 'oil curse' to the global phenomena of asset bubbles; evidence that resource curse effects do not rise monotonically with the size of the resource rent, but rather, according to an inverted U shape; and an extension of the concept of rent to the other non-oil rents that are also predominant in the region. Finally, the volume places the political transition in the region in a global perspective using various methods – theoretical, comparative, and empirical, and it explores the relationship between democracy in its variety of forms and economic development.

Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings

Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings PDF Author: Ted Lankester
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192529390
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 954

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A majority of people living in rural areas and urban slums worldwide have minimal access to healthcare. Without information about what to give a child with stomach flu, how to relieve the pain of a broken bone, and how to work against increased substance abuse in a village, the whole community suffers. Children, adolescents, adults, and older people are all affected by the lack of what many of us view as basic healthcare, such as vaccination, pain killers, and contraceptives. To improve living conditions and life expectancy, the people in urban slums and rural areas need access to a trained health care worker, and a functioning clinic. Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings illustrates how to start, develop, and maintain a health care programme in poor areas across the world. The focus is on the community, and how people can work together to improve health through sanitation, storage of food, fresh water, and more. Currently, there is a lack of 17 million trained health care workers worldwide. Bridging the gap between medical professionals and people in low income areas, the aim of this book is for a member of the community to receive training and become the health care worker in their village. They will then in turn spread information and set up groups working to improve health. The book also explains in detail how communities can work alongside experts to ensure that practices and processes work effectively to bring the greatest impact. Copiously illustrated and written in easy-to-read English, this practical guide is designed to be extremely user friendly. Ideal for academics, students, programme managers, and health care practitioners in low and middle income settings worldwide, it is an evidence based source full of examples from the field. Setting up Community Health and Development Programmes in Low and Middle Income Settings shows how a community can both identify and solve its own problems, and in that way own its future. This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC 4.0 International licence.

Expanding Opportunities for the Next Generation

Expanding Opportunities for the Next Generation PDF Author: Safaa El-Kogali
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464803242
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 343

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Early childhood is the most important stage of human development yet in Middle East and North Africa countries there is little research and inadequate investment in this crucial stage of life. This book covers risk, protective factors, policies and programs that can address inequality and shortfalls in the early years of life.

Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents

Oxford Textbook of Global Health of Women, Newborns, Children, and Adolescents PDF Author: Delan Devakumar
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0198794681
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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The aim of this book is to provide a summary of the current concepts and challenges in global maternal and child health in a format that appeals to students of the subject, the general public, and current practitioners in the field. It also provides study exercises that may inform tutors on undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Midwifery - E-Book

Midwifery - E-Book PDF Author: Sally Pairman
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 072958335X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1280

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Perfect for: - • Bachelor of Midwifery students - • Postgraduate Midwifery students - • Combined Nursing degree students - • Combined Nursing degree students Midwifery: Preparation for Practice 3e is the definitive midwifery text for Australian and New Zealand midwifery students. The third edition continues to reinforce the established principles of midwifery philosophy and practice—that of working in partnership with women and midwifery autonomy in practice and from this perspective, presents the midwife as a primary healthcare practitioner. It carefully examines the very different maternity care systems in Australia and New Zealand, exploring both autonomous and collaborative practice and importantly documents the recent reforms in Australian midwifery practice. Midwifery: Preparation for Practice 3e places women and their babies safely at the centre of midwifery practice and will guide, inform and inspire midwifery students, recent graduates and experienced midwives alike. - • Key contributors from Australia and New Zealand - • Critical Thinking Exercises and Research Activities - • Midwifery Practice Scenarios - • Reflective Thinking Exercises and Case Studies - • Instructor and Student resources on Evolve, including Test Bank questions, answers to Review Questions and PowerPoint presentations. - • New chapter on Models of Health - • Increased content on cultural considerations, human rights, sustainability, mental health, obesity in pregnancy, communication in complex situations, intervention, complications in pregnancy and birth and assisted reproduction - • Midwifery Practice Scenarios throughout.

The Philippine Economy

The Philippine Economy PDF Author: Ramon L Clarete
Publisher: ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
ISBN: 9814786500
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 476

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In this volume, a leading group of scholars pose the question, has the Philippine economy rejoined the dynamic East Asian mainstream and, if so, what set of policies and priorities are required to maintain the strong economic momentum of recent years? Successive chapters address issues related to growth and poverty, infrastructure and urbanization, education, health, the environment, energy, development finance, and governance and institutions. The book has been written with a broad audience in mind. First and foremost it is for readers in, and interested in, this fascinating and important country with a population that now exceeds a hundred million. Second, it will appeal to those in the broader development community with an interest in the analytical and policy challenges that democratic, middle-income countries face as they struggle to lift their citizens out of poverty and to achieve broad-based and environmentally sustainable growth.

Global Midwifery: Principles, Policy and Practice

Global Midwifery: Principles, Policy and Practice PDF Author: Joy Kemp
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030467651
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 301

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This textbook is the first authoritative, in-depth publication about global midwifery and the contribution of skilled professional midwives to the provision of high quality maternity care, reductions in maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity. It demonstrates actions that are contributing to the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through partnership with women and their families, enabling them to ‘survive, thrive and transform’. The textbook explores how the world is becoming more connected through globalisation, advances in technology and innovation and yet more inequitable as women and children are disproportionately affected by issues such as poverty, environmental vulnerability, hunger, conflict, violence, and discrimination. It considers how midwives contribute to maternal and newborn health, leading to greater equity and empowerment and, ultimately, strengthening health systems. The ‘three pillars’ of midwifery are discussed: regulation, education and professional midwives’ associations. The importance of evidence-based care is explored along with diff erent models of midwifery and the challenges of developing professional leadership. This textbook also considers women’s human rights to sexual and reproductive health and respectful maternity care, stressing the importance of cultural sensitivity and contextually appropriate approaches. Midwives and other professionals will benefi t from this reliable resource that indicates direction and provides information about the principles and practice of professional midwifery. This text also provides universities, organisations, and individuals with a highly relevant resource to better equip them for international midwifery practice. It finally offers policy makers a reliable source of evidence-based information for consideration in various evolving national and international situations.