Libros Esenciales

Libros Esenciales PDF Author: Tim Wadham
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Offers general guidelines for collection development in the area of bilingual and Spanish language materials for children, recommends specific titles, and lists review sources, publishers, and vendors.

Libros Esenciales

Libros Esenciales PDF Author: Tim Wadham
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Book Description
Offers general guidelines for collection development in the area of bilingual and Spanish language materials for children, recommends specific titles, and lists review sources, publishers, and vendors.

 PDF Author:
Publisher: Editorial Ink
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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 PDF Author:
Publisher: Bib. Orton IICA / CATIE
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Business and Commerce Schools, International and National

Business and Commerce Schools, International and National PDF Author:
Category : Business education
Languages : en
Pages : 924

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The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science

The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science PDF Author: Heartsill Young
Publisher: Ediciones Díaz de Santos
ISBN: 9780838903711
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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Glossary of library and information.

El Libro de los Espíritus

El Libro de los Espíritus PDF Author: Allan Kardec
Publisher: EDICEI of America
ISBN: 8579450616
Category : Spiritualism
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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Es el marco inicial de una doctrina que ha ocasionado profundas repercusiones en el pensamiento y la visión acerca de la vida de una considerable porción de la humanidad. Su estructura está compuesta por cuatro partes que contienen 1019 cuestiones formuladas por Allan Kardec, el Codificador del Espiritismo. Aborda en forma lógica y racional las enseñanzas de los Espíritus desde los aspectos científico, filosófico y religioso. Independientemente de toda creencia o convicción religiosa, la lectura de este libro será de inmenso valor, porque trata acerca de Dios, la inmortalidad del alma, la naturaleza de los Espíritus, sus relaciones con los hombres, las leyes morales, la vida presente, la vida futura y el porvenir de la humanidad, todos asuntos de interés general y de gran actualidad.

Pathways to Progress

Pathways to Progress PDF Author: John L. Ayala
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 1610691172
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Supplying contributions from Latino librarian practitioners across the nation, this anthology provides broad coverage of the subject of Latino/Spanish speaking library service in the United States. Emphasizing public, school, and academic libraries, Pathways to Progress: Issues and Advances in Latino Librarianship taps the leading minds of the Latino library world to provide expert discourse on a wide spectrum of library services to Latino patrons in the United States. This collection of articles provides an accurate, insightful discussion of the issues and advances in Latino library service. Coverage of library service to the Latino community includes subjects such as special collections, recruitment and mentoring, leadership, collection development, reference services to gays and lesbians, children services, and special library populations. Contributors include library practitioners who are of Mexican, Chilean, Peruvian, Nicaraguan, Puerto Rican, and Cuban descent. Best practices are presented and explained in-depth with practical examples and documented citations.


Specialia PDF Author:
Category : Latin America
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Celebrating Cuentos

Celebrating Cuentos PDF Author: Jamie Campbell Naidoo
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 1591589053
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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More effectively meet the diverse literacy needs of the growing Latino population by learning how to evaluate and select quality Latino children's literature. Latinos are the fastest growing and largest ethnic minority in the United States. The number of Latino children is at a historic high. As a result, librarians and teachers in the United States must know how to meet the informational, cultural, and traditional literacy needs of this student demographic group. An ideal way to overcome this challenge is by providing culturally accurate and authentic children's literature that represents the diversity of the Latino cultures. Much more than simply a topical bibliography, this book details both historical and current practices in educating Latino children; explains why having quality Latino children's literature in classrooms and libraries is necessary for the ethnic identity development of Latino children; and offers a historical overview of Latino children's literature in America. Web resources of interest to educators working with Latino children are also included.

Todo Da Igual

Todo Da Igual PDF Author: Juan Gracia
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595155863
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Asqueado de su indolente existencia, Esa?Mipatio, un madrileño de veinticinco años, hijo de un empresario millonario y granuja y de una cirujana algo desquiciada, decide romper con el pasado. Atrás quedan los grotescos y desmedidos episodios de una vida marcada por el desencanto, el absurdo existencial y los desmanes más desmesurados. Con tintes bíblico-alegóricos, antisociales y amorales, en línea con El Diario de un hombre humillado, de Félix de Azúa.