Journal - Chemical Society, London

Journal - Chemical Society, London PDF Author: Chemical Society (Great Britain)
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 1158

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Journal - Chemical Society, London

Journal - Chemical Society, London PDF Author: Chemical Society (Great Britain)
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 1158

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ACS Style Guide

ACS Style Guide PDF Author: Anne M. Coghill
Publisher: American Chemical Society
ISBN: 9780841239494
Category : Authorship
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In the time since the second edition of The ACS Style Guide was published, the rapid growth of electronic communication has dramatically changed the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publication world. This dynamic mode of dissemination is enabling scientists, engineers, and medicalpractitioners all over the world to obtain and transmit information quickly and easily. An essential constant in this changing environment is the requirement that information remain accurate, clear, unambiguous, and ethically sound.This extensive revision of The ACS Style Guide thoroughly examines electronic tools now available to assist STM writers in preparing manuscripts and communicating with publishers. Valuable updates include discussions of markup languages, citation of electronic sources, online submission ofmanuscripts, and preparation of figures, tables, and structures. In keeping current with the changing environment, this edition also contains references to many resources on the internet.With this wealth of new information, The ACS Style Guide's Third Edition continues its long tradition of providing invaluable insight on ethics in scientific communication, the editorial process, copyright, conventions in chemistry, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing style for any STMauthor, reviewer, or editor. The Third Edition is the definitive source for all information needed to write, review, submit, and edit scholarly and scientific manuscripts.

Abstracts of Papers

Abstracts of Papers PDF Author: American Chemical Society
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 1060

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The Jubilee of the Chemical Society of London

The Jubilee of the Chemical Society of London PDF Author: Chemical Society (Great Britain)
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Write Like a Chemist

Write Like a Chemist PDF Author: Marin Robinson
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195367421
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 719

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Concise writing and organizational skills are stressed throughout, and "move structures" teach students conventional ways to present their stories of scientific discovery.

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society

Proceedings of the American Chemical Society PDF Author:
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 1558

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The Principles of Distribution of Chemical Elements in Minerals and Rocks

The Principles of Distribution of Chemical Elements in Minerals and Rocks PDF Author: Victor Moritz Goldschmidt
Category : Geochemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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Smart Inorganic Polymers

Smart Inorganic Polymers PDF Author: Evamarie Hey-Hawkins
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527819134
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 463

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Provides complete and undiluted knowledge on making inorganic polymers functional. This comprehensive book reflects the state of the art in the field of inorganic polymers, based on research conducted by a number of internationally leading research groups working in this area. It covers the synthesis aspects of synthetic inorganic polymers and looks at multiple inorganic monomers as building blocks, which exhibit unprecedented electronic, redox, photo-emissive, magnetic, self-healing and catalytic properties. It also looks at the applications of inorganic polymers in areas such as optoelectronics, energy storage, industrial chemistry, and biology. Beginning with an overview of the use of smart inorganic polymers in daily life, Smart Inorganic Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Emerging Applications in Materials and Life Sciences goes on to study the synthesis, properties, and applications of polymers incorporating different heteroelements such as boron, phosphorus, silicon, germanium, and tin. The book also examines inorganic polymers in flame-retardants, as functional materials, and in biology. An excellent addition to the polymer scientists' and synthetic chemists' toolbox Summarizes the state of the art on how to make and use functional inorganic polymers, from synthesis to applications Edited by the coordinator of a highly funded European community research program (COST action) that focuses specifically on the exploration of inorganic polymers Features contributions from top experts in the field Aimed at academics and industrial researchers in this field, Smart Inorganic Polymers: Synthesis, Properties and Emerging Applications in Materials and Life Sciences will also benefit scientists who want to get a better overview on the state-of-the-art of this rapidly advancing area.

Indole Ring Synthesis

Indole Ring Synthesis PDF Author: Gordon W. Gribble
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470512180
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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Of the myriad of heterocycles known to man, the indole ring stands foremost for its remarkably versatile chemistry, its enormous range of biological activities, and its ubiquity in the terrestrial and marine environments. The indole ring continues to be discovered in natural products and to be employed in man-made pharmaceuticals and other materials. Given the enormous resurgence in indole ring synthesis over the past decade — highlighted by the power of transition metal catalysis — this authoritative guide addresses the need for a comprehensive presentation of the myriad of methods for constructing the indole ring, from the ancient to the modern, and from the obscure to the well-known. Following presentation of the classic indole ring syntheses and many newer methods, coverage continues with indole ring syntheses via pyrroles, indolines, oxindoles, isatins, radical and photochemical reactions, aryne cycloadditions. This extensive volume concludes with the modern transition metal–catalyzed indole ring syntheses that utilize copper, palladium, rhodium, gold, ruthenium, platinum, and other metals to fashion the indole ring Indole Ring Synthesis is a comprehensive, authoritative and up-to-date guide to the synthesis of this important heterocycle for organic chemists, pharmaceutical researchers and those interested in the chemistry of natural products.

Reaction Kinetics in Micelles

Reaction Kinetics in Micelles PDF Author: E. Cordes
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1468420259
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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This volume is a collection of the presentations given at a symposium on reaction kinetics in micelles at the l64th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Division of Colloid and Surface Science, in New York City in August of 1972. Participants in this symposium have all been active in the field of reaction kinetics in micelles during the past several years. Indeed, much of what is known in this area is the direct result of their efforts. It is hoped that this small volume will serve to summarize the current state of knowledge in this area, to point out some new directions toward which research efforts are pointed, and to induce new researchers with fresh points of view to enter this young and relatively unexplored area of chemistry. v CONTENTS List of Authors...................................... ix Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Micelles......... 1 Norbert Muller Micellar Catalysis for Carbonium Ion Reactions ••••••. 25 Jan Baumrucker, Maritza Ca1zadi11a, and E. H. Cordes Micellar Effects in Steady-State Radiation Induced Reac t ions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . . . J. H. Fendler, G. W. Bogan, E. J. Fendler, G. A. Infante, and P. Jirathana Electrolyte Effects on Micellar Catalysis •.•••••••••. 73 C. A. Bunton Micellar Control of the Nitrous Acid Deamination Reaction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 Robert A. Moss, Charles J. Ta1kowski, David W.