It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity

It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0995540322
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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Book Description
It's good to take stock from time to time but at forty or fifty-something you can find that you're dissatisfied and bored. The temptation is to take a wrecking ball to your life but that risks alienating your partner and your children – without necessarily ending up any happier. Just gritting your teeth, doesn't work either – anyway, you've already tried that! Fortunately, there's another way to become fulfilled and lead the life that's right for you (rather than what your parents, society or anybody else thinks). If you're fed up with life, questioning whether you should stay married or thinking you might be better off with someone else, marital therapist Andrew G. Marshall has a radical idea to help you move from the first half to the second of your life without messing everything up: it's not a midlife crisis, it's an opportunity. He explains in part one: The three central questions you need to answer (and why everybody else is distracting themselves and avoiding facing them). How to put what's happening now into the context of your whole life journey. How to avoid the tempting short-cuts that cause more heartache in the long term. Why if you pass this midlife test everything is up from here. Why you're not in the wrong. If it's your partner who has turned grumpy, critical and blames you for everything, you will be feeling alone and full of despair. Don't worry, in part two of this compassionate book, Andrew G. Marshall explains: A whole new vocabulary for discussing the midlife crisis without putting your partner's back up. What's really going on in your partner's head. What causes depression and how to help. Five killer replies to the blocks that stops you talking properly about your marriage. Why you're not in the wrong. Together you will learn three new skills that will either change your marriage into the connected, fulfilling and loving relationship of which you've always dreamed or help you separate amicably and be great coparents together.

It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity

It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0995540322
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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Book Description
It's good to take stock from time to time but at forty or fifty-something you can find that you're dissatisfied and bored. The temptation is to take a wrecking ball to your life but that risks alienating your partner and your children – without necessarily ending up any happier. Just gritting your teeth, doesn't work either – anyway, you've already tried that! Fortunately, there's another way to become fulfilled and lead the life that's right for you (rather than what your parents, society or anybody else thinks). If you're fed up with life, questioning whether you should stay married or thinking you might be better off with someone else, marital therapist Andrew G. Marshall has a radical idea to help you move from the first half to the second of your life without messing everything up: it's not a midlife crisis, it's an opportunity. He explains in part one: The three central questions you need to answer (and why everybody else is distracting themselves and avoiding facing them). How to put what's happening now into the context of your whole life journey. How to avoid the tempting short-cuts that cause more heartache in the long term. Why if you pass this midlife test everything is up from here. Why you're not in the wrong. If it's your partner who has turned grumpy, critical and blames you for everything, you will be feeling alone and full of despair. Don't worry, in part two of this compassionate book, Andrew G. Marshall explains: A whole new vocabulary for discussing the midlife crisis without putting your partner's back up. What's really going on in your partner's head. What causes depression and how to help. Five killer replies to the blocks that stops you talking properly about your marriage. Why you're not in the wrong. Together you will learn three new skills that will either change your marriage into the connected, fulfilling and loving relationship of which you've always dreamed or help you separate amicably and be great coparents together.

It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity

It's NOT a Midlife Crisis It's an Opportunity PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
ISBN: 0995540314
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Book Description
It's good to take stockfrom time to time but at forty or fifty-something you can find that you're dissatisfied and bored. The temptation is to take a wrecking ball to your life but that risks alienating your partner and your children – without necessarily ending up any happier. Just gritting your teeth, doesn't work either – anyway, you've already tried that! Fortunately, there's another way to become fulfilled and lead the life that's right for you (rather than what your parents, society or anybody else thinks). If you're fed up with life, questioning whether you should stay married or thinking you might be better off with someone else, marital therapist Andrew G. Marshall has a radical idea to help you move from the first half to the second of your life without messing everything up: it's not a midlife crisis, it's an opportunity. He explains in part one: The three central questions you need to answer (and why everybody else is distracting themselves and avoiding facing them). How to put what's happening now into the context of your whole life journey. How to avoid the tempting short-cuts that cause more heartache in the long term. Why if you pass this midlife test everything is up from here. Why you're not in the wrong. If it's your partner who has turned grumpy, critical and blames you for everything, you will be feeling alone and full of despair. Don't worry, in part two of this compassionate book, Andrew G. Marshall explains: A whole new vocabulary for discussing the midlife crisis without putting your partner's back up. What's really going on in your partner's head. What causes depression and how to help. Five killer replies to the blocks that stops you talking properly about your marriage. Why you're not in the wrong. Together you will learn three new skills that will either change your marriage into the connected, fulfilling and loving relationship of which you've always dreamed or help you separate amicably and be great coparents together.

Why We Can't Sleep

Why We Can't Sleep PDF Author: Ada Calhoun
Publisher: Grove Press
ISBN: 0802147860
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 243

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The acclaimed author explores the hidden crises of Gen X women in this “engaging hybrid of first-person confession, reportage [and] pop culture analysis” (The New Republic). Ada Calhoun was married with children and a good career—and yet she was miserable. She thought she had no right to complain until she realized how many other Generation X women felt the same way. What could be behind this troubling trend? To find out, Calhoun delved into housing costs, HR trends, credit card debt averages, and divorce data. At every turn, she saw that Gen X women were facing new problems as they entered middle age—problems that were being largely overlooked. Calhoun spoke with women across America who were part of the generation raised to “have it all.” She found that most were exhausted, terrified about money, under-employed, and overwhelmed. And instead of being heard, they were being told to lean in, take “me-time,” or make a chore chart to get their lives and homes in order. In Why We Can’t Sleep, Calhoun opens up the cultural and political contexts of Gen X’s predicament. She offers practical advice on how to ourselves out of the abyss—and keep the next generation of women from falling in. The result is reassuring, empowering, and essential reading for all middle-aged women, and anyone who hopes to understand them.

I Love You but I'm Not in Love with You

I Love You but I'm Not in Love with You PDF Author: Andrew G Marshall
Publisher: A&C Black
ISBN: 1408810980
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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How do you fall back in love? This was the underlying problem of one in four couples seeking help from relationship therapist Andrew G. Marshall. They described their problem as: 'I love you but I'm not in love with you'. Noticing how widespread the phenomenon had become, he decided to look more closely. Why were these relationships becoming defined more by companionship than by passion, and why was companionship no longer enough? From his research Andrew has devised his own unique programme. By looking at how a couple communicate, argue, share love, take responsibility, give and learn he offers in seven steps a reassuring and empowering map for how two individuals can better understand themselves, strengthen their bond and recover that lost magic.

Midlife Crisis at 30

Midlife Crisis at 30 PDF Author: Lia Macko
Publisher: Rodale
ISBN: 9781579548674
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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A guide for professional women struggling with burnout analyzes the social and psychological factors that affect a woman's career and relationships, and offers strategies for achieving a healthy personal and professional balance.

Wake Up and Change Your Life

Wake Up and Change Your Life PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.
ISBN: 0992971829
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Your old life has been turned upside down. Perhaps your partner has threatened to leave, you've discovered infidelity or your relationship has completely broken down and you're determined not to make the same mistakes again. Maybe, you've simply taken stock and decided your life doesn't work any more. Whatever the background, deciding to change is a really positive move. However, willpower alone isn't enough—nor sweeping declarations of how 'this time it will be different'. To combat bad habits, procrastination, a partner who is sceptical or parents, friends and family who can't see anything but the 'old you', you'll need to make changes that are both deep down (to tackle the hidden factors that are trapping you) and long-lasting (so you don't slide back into the old ways). Marital Therapist Andrew G. Marshall has brought thirty years' experience helping couples and individuals to create a proven plan for change. In this compassionate book he explains: Why real change is harder than you think. The six unhelpful myths about change that are holding you back. How to take control of your past. The importance of developing everyday calmness. How to discover your true life path. Nine simple maxims to lock in the change.

The Happy Couple's Handbook

The Happy Couple's Handbook PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Marshall Method Publishing
ISBN: 0995540373
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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If you're about to walk down the aisle, you want every day to be as happy as your special day. However while there is lots of advice on planning a wedding, there's precious little to prepare you for the rest of your life together. If you're lucky your mother will offer a few tips and your father will makes some jokes but otherwise you're on your own. Perhaps it's some years since you promised to love and cherish each other and the pressures of everyday life have taken the shine off things. Throw in the sort of crises that everyone faces at some point—like financial problems, losing a parent, family rows and infidelity—and it's easy for the love between the two of you to be seriously damaged. So what are the secrets of happy couples that stay strong rather than grow apart? In this groundbreaking book, marital therapist Andrew G. Marshall, explains that it's not chemistry that keeps partners connected but skills. It's likely that you didn't learn these skills as a child because your parents didn't know them or couldn't explain them. Maybe they avoided conflict, fought like cat or dog or split up when you were young so never showed you to fall out safely, make-up and resolve differences. Fortunately, it's never too late to learn how to communicate better and repair your relationship—even if you're on the verge of splitting up. Marshall draws on thirty plus years working with over three thousand clients to give you his tried and test tool kit for a happy marriage. It includes: - The rules for constructive arguments. - How to be a better listener. - Use carrots rather than sticks. - How to forgive and move on.

The Spiritual Challenge of Midlife

The Spiritual Challenge of Midlife PDF Author: Anselm Grun
Publisher: Liguori/Triumph
ISBN: 9780764814112
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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In this concise volume the world-renowned spiritual master Anselm Grun invites readers to understand the twofold nature of midlife: on the one hand it is associated with a variety of problems or crises. On the other, it provides powerful opportunities for spiritual growth. This challenge--which is an inevitable work of God's grace--is an invitation into the fullness of our vocation. Anselm Grun brings together ancient and modern thought, including the spirituality of the medieval mystic Johannis Tauler and the psychology of Carl Jung, in order to foster greater self-understanding during midlife.

How Can I Ever Trust You Again?

How Can I Ever Trust You Again? PDF Author: Andrew G. Marshall
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0992971861
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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There are few things in life more traumatic than discovering that your partner is having an affair. You are not only coping with the pain and anger but also the sense that your partner is a stranger. How could someone you love, and thought that you knew, treat you like this? How can you ever trust your partner again? Don't panic. Millions of ordinary men and women have trodden the same path and come out the other end with not only their love restored but a significantly stronger and better relationship. Whether you are the discoverer of the affair or whether you were discovered, Marshall offers guidance and support, and explains: The seven stages that couples move through from discovery to recovery. What makes people more vulnerable to affairs. The eight types of infidelity and how understanding your partner's affair is key to deciding whether you should stay or go. How to stop your imagination running wild and your brain from going into meltdown. Why some couples emerge stronger and why others get derailed from the recovery process. With over thirty years' experience as a marital therapist, Marshall draws on hundreds of case studies and provides practical, compassionate and sensible advice to keep your relationship alive. As he says, "It might sound strange, but you can turn this crisis from the worst thing that has happened to your relationship into one of the best.

Face It

Face It PDF Author: Vivian Diller, Ph.D.
Publisher: Hay House, Inc
ISBN: 1401927815
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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Let’s face it: everyone’s getting older. But millions of women, raised to believe that success and happiness are based on their intelligence and accomplishments, face an unexpected challenge: the physical realities of aging. If looks are not supposed to matter, why do so many women panic as their appearance changes? Their dilemma stems from two opposing societal views of beauty which lead to two different approaches to aging. Should women simply grow old naturally since their looks don’t define them, or should they fight the signs of aging since beauty and youth are their currency and power? This Beauty Paradox leaves many women feeling stuck. Face It, by Vivian Diller, Ph.D., is a psychological guide to help women deal with the emotions brought on by their changing appearances. As a model turned psychotherapist, Diller has had the opportunity to examine the world of beauty from two very different vantage points. This unique perspective helped her develop a six-step program that begins with recognizing "uh-oh" moments that reveal the reality of changing looks, and goes on to identify the masks used to cover deeper issues and define the role beauty plays in a woman’s life, and ends with bidding adieu to old definitions of beauty, so women can enjoy their appearance—at any age!