IT'S ALL AN ILLUSION … A KARMIC ONE PDF Author: Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Publisher: Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 117

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Telling that the life itself it’s an illusion, might sound so damn … weird … and most probably … even like a depressive thought. But … you see … there are so, so many moments in life when the life itself just… sucks … and we ask ourselves … what the hell have i done that i deserve that?! And that was the moment when the karmic idea came into my mind … starting to believe that all the lessons of life, sometimes very difficult to handle … could be defined as karmic. All those abstract situations … which totally annoy us … and make our lives miserable… are repeating on and on and on. Believing we are the victims of circumstances … everything it’s never the way we want to be … or even worst. The funny thing that i tried all the time when i was in those weird abstract stories, having the impression that it was the end of the world … i was repeating to myself “It’s all an illusion … and it’s not what it looks like”. My karmic stories … being in fact my stories … and feeling them in such a powerful way … were … Well … don’t even know how to define them, but all i wanted was to get out of those situations and also get rid of the karmic people that i hated so much. And i tried everything … and nothing worked expect smiling … or even laughing in front of those illusions. Deciding to call them … simple … illusions … was probably the best idea i could come with. But the karmic illusions … were powerful messages i had to understand … and i was pretending i could not see behind the abstract. I actually love the abstract, but not when it was part of my life. It was all related with the concept of understanding the meaning of life … and even if i spent lots of time meditating over the subject … when i was on the scene of the real life, i was acting like a football player that studied all the strategies had been ever written about this sport … but … never practiced and in fact never tried to practice it in a good way. So … even if i knew theory … i acted like someone that never heard about spirituality … or about the forces behind reality. In fact …. in the real life, in so, so many karmic moments … i acted like an … idiot. I knew that all i had to do was just to smile in front of those illusory situations … cause there is no other way of fighting. But guess what?! Each time … i was failing. The only progress i made over the years … was that after a while … meditating over what happened … i somehow understood what … illusory … meant. …. that i had to react in a different way. … that was not what it looked like and the lesson of life had to be seen, understood deeper and deeper. But again … theory was so easy and i was failing tests all the time. On and on and on … I was such an idiot not applying all what i knew about life … on the scene of my own life. … and i was paying the price … of living a … miserable life … Everyday something happened and i was fucking my vibe … not realizing there were tests given to me by the Universe. Life was beautiful … and i thought it’s so … ugly. Hahaha … such a silly perspective. Well … it was all a decision of … changing my perceptions … and realizing that anything it could happen it was all a decision of the Divine Intelligence … God … Allah … or however we could name that entity that is everything it exists …. and it was all for our good. The fact that the karmic situations were repeated … was because i was not passing the tests … and i really had to pass those tests. It was all about … my awakening … and i had to start the … process.


Publisher: Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 79

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Doing stupid things …. a nice way of getting out of the borders that define to us our … boring reality I hear many people … complaining they have … boring lives … and when i ask some of them what is going on … trying to teach them my technique of …. analyzing… defining …. as into the end to be able to totally redefine the reality itself …. i see a weird fear … that i could not understand for years. But later on …. I’ve realized it’s the fear of making mistakes … and all sorts of stupid things … not seeing that everything is just part of this scenario … called life … and has the meaning to reveal us … its secrets.


IF IT'S NOT LOVE … IT'S KARMIC PDF Author: Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Publisher: Adrian G Dumitru
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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We always try to understand our thoughts and emotions regarding the relationships we are involved in. And so many times … we fail in interpreting the meaning behind all what is going on. We simple don’t understand it. We believe it’s a love story … or even the love story of our lives …. or a very good friendship … but it always has an ugly end. And damn it … it was the perfect case scenario of a connection between 2 souls. The meaning of all what happened …. becomes a nonsense. Someone that used to be a good friend … or a soul mate if it’s about a love story … becomes the worst enemy you ever had. No one around … is understanding the meaning of all that. What looked like love between 2 souls … ended as a weird life lesson. So … should we say … it’s karmic?! It looked a story about love … but all became … a lesson offered by the karma. But why?! Why this life lesson?! Why couldn’t that love story or friendship continue?! Why such a beautiful connection … ended with a betrayal?! What is the message behind that nonsense?! Love and karma … somehow 2 contradictory directions that we could follow … but maybe having the same final destination. So … is it love?! Is it karmic?! Should we ask this question from the early beginning … or simple explore and enjoy that relationship till life will reveal us the real meaning?! Asking ourselves about the fact that it could look as great connection, but might be … just karmic … or be a karmic relationship looking as an amazing connection … should induce too many paranoia ideas from the early beginning and we will not let us follow the right steps for the story. So?! Should we let everything … just happen?! Too many questions … and maybe contradictory answers. Would help a lot to know the real meaning … and maybe we should explore all the connections we have with the people from the timeline of our lives. And the final question which comes in our mind is … if it is karmic …. how do we break this karmic chain?! Well … it starts with love … has a karmic end …. but …. It always needs to end … with love. It all becomes a cycle … the love-karmic cycle. The meaning?! Maybe … to understand the connections between everything it exists in this world … and the world itself. Love?! Karmic?! Or love-karmic?! I invite you in a journey of finding those answers. And i will not be so naive to tell you that we’ll come up with the absolute truth … but … Let’s do it … Let’s analyze … define all what is going on … and if it’s karmic … there is only one thing to do … metamorphose it into … into love again. I believe that karma is not a bitch … but a teacher, but also that love is everything … and the key to the Infinity.


Publisher: Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 131

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Identifying the illusion is not enough. But smiling is sometimes the only … option. You see … when we connect to people, we also connect to their inner worlds. And we see so, so many ideas, emotions, perceptions … such a large spectrum … that we don’t really understand most of the times. Sometimes … we ignore them. Sometimes .. we connect to those universes .. believing they are real and we somehow become part of them. No one ever told us … that we don’t have to believe that something is … real. We could simple look at the image from the front of our eyes … just as we look at a beautiful painting, asking ourselves what is the meaning that the artist had in mind when created that scene?! And now the question is …. who is the artist behind the illusion?! What is the meaning of the illusion?! How do we recognize this illusion if it said that all we see it’s an illusion?! How can we get out of such stories, repeated on and on and on?! Is there any theory that we should know regarding the illusions?! What do we understand seeing and connecting to the human being spectrum?! Well … i simple smile. I used to analyze and define a lot my life and everything that happened around myself, until the day when i realized i am a prisoner … But it was all so weird … cause i was the prisoner, the guardian of the prison, but also the prison itself. I was all … so how could i get rid of that?! And all the time i was remembering … that it’s all and illusion. That is the moment when i had the power to smile again … but being so silly, it all took such a long time to realize it. I was spending my life in a prison with invisible walls, jumping from my illusions to other’s people illusory worlds. I was simple replacing an illusion with another illusion … believing i escaped from the illusion. And still … I was having a weird feeling … that i was living the illusion of being part of an illusion. Each time a new story. And a new one. … and another one.

Karmic Illusions

Karmic Illusions PDF Author: Sanjiv Chugh
Publisher: Wordizen Books
ISBN: 9789381836248
Category : Illusion (Philosophy)
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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The book dissects the consciousness to break the myth of the static mind. The realities of existence and the forces that question the controversies in the mind invoke reactions and impact the beliefs. The digression from the values and ethics distort the truth disturbing the ideology and placidity of the mind resulting in Karmic Illusions. Karmic realization initiates a positive vision to once again establish the principles of inner expressions or the dharma of origin. That all subjects have a defining tenet, the perception is influenced, resulting in reflections that can have undefined time. Only when there is transcendence of spirit through understanding the conditional realities and the impelling impermanent influences, that one attains Nirvana. The invoking of the soul brings forth the 'fundamentum inconcussum' that shows the rational Being, when the seed of birth is revealed. All panic states stand corrected once the source is understood, devoid of fallacies. Only the soul can show the breath of life in the correct discipline. Though relativity might exist vis-a-vis the values, only by making our conscious pure can a person give up the skeptic arguments and rising doubts regarding the beliefs. Ignorance leads to confusion and one is led astray from truism, draining the self of all evaluative capacity - destroying the evidence of strong judgments. The reality then is a result of suppositions borne of Karmic Illusions that are against one's universal principles or dharma. The scope is to transform the subjective associations in the mind to a non dual state where reasoning is not dead reckoning. By nature the individual is reticent and thus the spirit remains enmeshed in trivialities. There is realization of self, where consciousness in deep thinking and in exigency does not falter in subjective interpretations. Here one understands the negotiating mind. The book examines the influence of thoughts that make up the consciousness where the mind makes legitimate decisions only when one precisely defines the false suggestions; the illusions that are a phenomenon in their own. As karmic actions of past and present govern the future, it is important to understand man as a "Being" of time and alive with the impressions of ego and emotions. This helps to realize the anima or inner nature. The final deliverance, having realized a birth of choice proves the fact that there is no surrogate to the universal truth and nothing can replace the inseparable qualities of the Being.

Opening the Pandora’S Box of Religion

Opening the Pandora’S Box of Religion PDF Author: Anthony Joseph
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1479743445
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 167

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Opening Pandoras Box is an essay inspired by the horrible deeds of terrorists on 9/11 2001. It is a personal investigation into the nature of the worlds great religions, their positive and negative traits. The authors conclusion is that of the three or four most influential spiritual geniuses of the last four thousand years would include Krishna, Moses, Buddha, and Jesusthose that had spiritually developed adherents, especially in meditation, urged their students to become like them, rather than simply follow a belief system. These teachers gave their students, at whatever level of development, exercises to lessen and evaporate their ego consciousness and eventually to become one with the universe or Godor any word you wish to apply. I think Jesus did teach this also, but early Christianity turned away from it to become an institution and to seek converts. Unquestionably, an institution can do great spiritual good in regards to outreach, but mystical developments must come from a one-on-one teacher basis. The farther away from this oneness goal, the more likely to be mistaken about it since the larger the ego, the more self-oriented it will be and the more likely it will be wrongnot only about the goal itself, but also about the process. Being simply a student, I am talking about these things as a student and urge my readers to investigate all this for themselves. Anthony Joseph

A Path of Practice

A Path of Practice PDF Author: Shamar Rinpoche
Publisher: Rabsel Editions
ISBN: 2360170201
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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In A Path of Practice: The Bodhi Path Program, K&ü nzig Shamar Rinpoche offers his vision of focused Dharma practice with the power to lead practitioners in today' s world toward achieving the state of awakening. His emphasis lies in general on Mahayana Buddhism as the essential support of such practice, and in particular on the path of Mahamudra as transmitted in the Kagy&ü tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. From these perspectives, he describes the various elements of meditation practice, that is, the path of Dharma to be walked consistently. In addition, he recommends the study of certain Buddhist topics which can help a meditator to navigate through the different layers of his or her spiritual practice and encourages practitioners to develop the right view which can then lead the meditation.

The Quintessence of Dust: If Humans Aren’t Dust, What Are They?

The Quintessence of Dust: If Humans Aren’t Dust, What Are They? PDF Author: David Sinclair
Publisher: Magus Books
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Are you self-organizing dust that becomes alive if it is arranged in just the right way? Are you dust that had life breathed into it by "God", as the Book of Genesis says? Are you dust that links to a mind and is animated by the mind so long as the link remains functional? Well, what are you? Do you know? If you don't know, shouldn't you be trying to know? Go on, what is your quintessence? Write it down. If you can't, what does that say about you? Here's an astounding thing. Feeling types, sensing types, intuitive types and thinking types all have totally different ideas about the "dust" from which the Bible said we came. Do you understand why? Come inside and find out why you hold the beliefs you do. Your beliefs would be totally different if you had a different personality type. Doesn't that disturb you? If you were born in a different part of the world, to different parents, you would have completely different religious beliefs. Equally, if you were born with a different personality type, you would relate entirely differently to the world and believe totally different things about the nature of reality. Don't you want to rise above all these contingencies and know what the absolute, objective truth is? Why not?!

Science And Buddhism: Dialogues

Science And Buddhism: Dialogues PDF Author: Tsutomu (Jixin) Kambe
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9811258538
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 415

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While the Origin of Life on Earth is explored by modern sciences based both on experimental and observational methods, a new biological principle is adopted in addition to the principles of physics and chemistry. The biosphere is explained by the biodiversity and coexistence amongst countlessly different species reminding us of the Buddha Nature. The book verifies the existence of a platform — dialogues between science and Buddhism — to contemplate these modern aspects of life.In the 2nd century BCE, western Greek philosophy encountered eastern Indian Buddhist philosophy, as captured in a Buddhist text, the Milindapanha (Questions of Milinda), resulting in the Greco-Buddhism, the cultural syncretism between Hellenistic culture and Buddhism. Some two thousand years later, in the modern era, the sciences have revolutionized ancient philosophies, as Buddhism by the philosophy of Emptiness, stimulating various new schools.Many scientists have written about science, and many Buddhists have explained Buddhism, but an in-depth analysis of both fields may be rare. The book reports on a recent project commemorating the founder and Indian monk of Zen Buddhism Bodhidharma. Imagine a Buddhist Eagle, soaring in the sky of Emptiness with both wings spreading out — one of Wisdom and another of Great Compassion — on all countlessly-many sentient beings.

Human Nature

Human Nature PDF Author: Arthur Robson
Publisher: Read Books Ltd
ISBN: 1473388546
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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This book provides a detailed account into human nature and analysis of our emotions and instinctive urges. Contents include: Human Nature, Karma, Natural Piety, Laughter, Joy, The Breath of Life, Love, The Fear of God, Tears and Smiles, Transmutation, Good and Bad Karma, The Greatest Sin of All, Pleasure and Pain and The Time Worn Path.