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Author: Barrett Williams
Publisher: Barrett Williams
Category : Crafts & Hobbies
Languages : en
Pages : 86
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**Interlacing Futures Weaving a New Era of Textile Innovation** Step into the intricate world of weaving, where ancient art meets cutting-edge technology. "Interlacing Futures" is an enlightening exploration of the textile landscape, revealing how past traditions are being reimagined to shape a vibrant future. From the time-honored wisdom of ancient looms to the groundbreaking marvels of modern fabric design, this eBook takes you on a journey that intertwines cultural narratives with technological revolutions. Uncover the origins of textile production and ancient weaving techniques that laid the foundation for today's vibrant tapestry of creativity. Discover how traditional weaving is experiencing a revival, capturing lost artistry and its profound cultural stories. As you delve deeper, witness the fusion of art and technology, where digital tools break barriers and open new avenues for artistic expression. Explore the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on textile craftsmanship, where automation, ethical practices, and environmental considerations are reshaping the industry. Witness the transformation of looms into labs with the advent of 3D printing, smart textiles, and wearable technology, pushing the boundaries of what fabric can do. Meet the modern textile designers whose innovative visions are shaping the future. Through case studies, understand how they blend the old with the new, creating masterpieces that resonate on a global scale. Dive into the realm of artificial intelligence, where AI-driven innovations bring fabric design to life with unprecedented precision. "Interlacing Futures" also sheds light on international collaborations, showcasing globally inspired designs that transcend borders and celebrate cultural intersections. Visionary projects highlight the promise of sustainable materials and avant-garde styles, offering a glimpse into the textiles of tomorrow. In this interconnected world, learn how the mastery of traditional textiles is preserved alongside digital artistry, while educational insights explore how new generations are bridged through both traditional apprenticeships and virtual workshops. If you are captivated by the world of textiles and eager to uncover its future possibilities, "Interlacing Futures" is your gateway to understanding the weaving of tomorrow. Embrace the evolution and discover how textiles continue to shape human experience in remarkable ways.
Author: Barrett Williams
Publisher: Barrett Williams
Category : Crafts & Hobbies
Languages : en
Pages : 86
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**Interlacing Futures Weaving a New Era of Textile Innovation** Step into the intricate world of weaving, where ancient art meets cutting-edge technology. "Interlacing Futures" is an enlightening exploration of the textile landscape, revealing how past traditions are being reimagined to shape a vibrant future. From the time-honored wisdom of ancient looms to the groundbreaking marvels of modern fabric design, this eBook takes you on a journey that intertwines cultural narratives with technological revolutions. Uncover the origins of textile production and ancient weaving techniques that laid the foundation for today's vibrant tapestry of creativity. Discover how traditional weaving is experiencing a revival, capturing lost artistry and its profound cultural stories. As you delve deeper, witness the fusion of art and technology, where digital tools break barriers and open new avenues for artistic expression. Explore the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on textile craftsmanship, where automation, ethical practices, and environmental considerations are reshaping the industry. Witness the transformation of looms into labs with the advent of 3D printing, smart textiles, and wearable technology, pushing the boundaries of what fabric can do. Meet the modern textile designers whose innovative visions are shaping the future. Through case studies, understand how they blend the old with the new, creating masterpieces that resonate on a global scale. Dive into the realm of artificial intelligence, where AI-driven innovations bring fabric design to life with unprecedented precision. "Interlacing Futures" also sheds light on international collaborations, showcasing globally inspired designs that transcend borders and celebrate cultural intersections. Visionary projects highlight the promise of sustainable materials and avant-garde styles, offering a glimpse into the textiles of tomorrow. In this interconnected world, learn how the mastery of traditional textiles is preserved alongside digital artistry, while educational insights explore how new generations are bridged through both traditional apprenticeships and virtual workshops. If you are captivated by the world of textiles and eager to uncover its future possibilities, "Interlacing Futures" is your gateway to understanding the weaving of tomorrow. Embrace the evolution and discover how textiles continue to shape human experience in remarkable ways.
Author: Tomás Morales y Durán
Publisher: Libros de Verdad
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 277
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Saṁyutta is the past participle of saṁyujjati meaning to bind or tie. A saṃyutta is a bundle in which discourses (suttas) are presented tied together, a poetic image used to refer to bundles of packaged discourses using their subject matter as a criterion. Thus, the Saṁyutta Nikāya means "collection of bundles" that are grouped by subject. However, a more accurate designation would be "Interwoven Discourses," based on their structure, development, and presentation. The Saṁyutta Nikāya is the most important of the four collections, or nikāyas, containing the doctrinal texts of the Gotama Buddha. The others are the Digha Nikāya, the Majjhima Nikāya, the Anguttara Nikāya. There is information of other kinds in some sections of the Sutta Nipata and the Vinaya includes accounts of Sangha living and its rules. Usually the information is presented in two components, one biographical and the other doctrinal. The Saṁyutta Nikāya is the more important doctrinal set, where all doctrinal topics, with all their variations, are exhaustively addressed, presenting the biographical component essential to be able to locate the teachings in their place of impartation. Thus, while the Digha and the Majjhima Nikāya are full of drama, debate and narrative, here the decorative framework is absent. The whole situation is simplified into one sentence, usually abbreviated as "In Sāvatthī, in Jeta Park," and even in the fourth book this is omitted. The long and tortuous road that the various texts have traveled until reaching the ones we have today is a reflection of the long, diffuse and intermittent history of Buddhism in Asia. We must remember that at the time of the Buddha the cultural advances of the Harappa civilization had been forgotten for millennia. This civilization had writing and such an advanced standardization in construction techniques that the early sites were discarded as modern. The standardized fired brick throughout the Indus Valley gave way to flimsy reed and mud constructions that, as we will see in this work, reached the construction of a meeting house of unfired bricks. And it would be another century and a half before the first scripts appeared, which gradually made writing possible. Therefore, the Buddha lived technically in prehistoric times. The transmission of knowledge was exclusively oral. This is important for the presentation and development of this work. The discourses obey mnemonic structures made to be remembered by large groups of bhikkhus, each of them with parts that, in turn, are shared by other bhikkhus, so that the redundancy was sufficient to overcome losses of information due to the death of certain individuals or were even able to somehow survive calamities and mortalities, until a century before the common era, they decided to pass the teachings to flimsy palm leaves in order to conjure all these risks once and for all. Ancient Chinese served as the first written refuge for the teachings. This language is very ancient, although its availability in India was supposedly limited. Today we have received the so-called "Chinese Agamas" which are translations of oral Sanskrit texts. The drawback is that they are fragmented, scattered and largely lost. Although they do not serve to reconstruct the teaching, their value is extraordinary to find the precise definition of technical terms, since both Chinese and Sanskrit are living languages today that have an enormous and rich etymology and comparative uses. The most important collection that has come down to us to the present day is the "Nikāyas Pāli". While it is the most complete, it is simultaneously the most problematic. Pāli was never a natural spoken language. It is an artificial language with an obscure kinship to old dialects of present-day Pakistan. The pāli was created for the exclusive purpose of containing the so-called "Pāli Canon" which is a heterogeneous accumulation of texts combining versions of the originals mixed with tales, legends and classical philosophical-religious lucubrations, which were included in order to give them "authority". The restoration work was made possible by five factors: 1. They are mystical texts, and since the mystical experience is objective, it can be recognized in the text. 2. The interwoven structure of the texts forces the choice of the correct word to be valid in different environments and occasions throughout the work. 3. The support of the Chinese Agamas. 4. The etymologies and uses of traditionally corresponding terms in Sanskrit. 5. Raw access to texts in Pāli. Thanks to these factors it was possible to achieve the restoration of the original meaning given by the Buddha, which remained, worse than bad, under layers of millenary crusts, as a result of the accumulation of the avatars that the texts suffered during the last twenty-five centuries. The reason for this profound misunderstanding lies in the fact that the teachings of the Buddha are mystical texts addressed to people who practice mysticism and only mystics understand them in their full extent. Just like travel books where it is the travelers who get the real benefit. Once the last disciples of the Buddha disappear that knowledge is extinguished and the mystical path is closed. Without jhānas there is no teaching. This was already warned by the Buddha himself, who was never interested in leaving his teaching for future generations, precisely because of this. If it has reached us until today, it was not by his will but by political decision of his mortal enemy, King Ajātasattu of Māgadha, who organizes and sponsors the First Council that was already schismatic: half of the Sangha rejected the results of the council. From then on, the texts will be orphaned of meaning and will wander through centuries, councils, kingdoms and empires, always seeking the warmth of political power like any other religion. But today, having recovered the mysticism and being functional again, this wonderful window opened by the Blessed One opens again for those who today see what the Buddha saw, and who today live what his noble Sangha lived. If, in any way, it is useful to you, you are welcome to this window to the Truth.
Author: E.B. Bellers
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080503861
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 369
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'To interlace or not to interlace' is a hot issue currently. Traditionally interlace has been part of the video standard as it reduces the transmission and display demands, while hardly affecting the perceived quality of the pictures. With the current explosion of new video formats due to emerging technologies as multimedia PC's, videotelephony and flat matrix display the question whether or not interlace is a relict from the past is more relevant than ever. This book provides a broad overview of advanced motion estimation and de-interlacing techniques to enable a profound scientific basis for answering the above question. An extensive evaluation of the algorithms, including many screen photographs is an imt part of the book. But also system questions, such as whether interlace is a good choice in combination with modern video compression methods (MPEG), and which currently would be the optional choice for a display format are extensively treated. The combination of scientific profoundness and completions, with the focus on practical hot issues, makes the book unique in its kind.
Author: Tomás Morales y Durán
Publisher: Libros de Verdad
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 311
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The Book of the Factors of Clinging to Existence is the third of the five books of the Interwoven Discourses. It is named after its first saṃyutta which is the dominant one both in length and importance, since it deals with a key aspect of the teachings. The analysis of the factors of clinging to existence represents the logical level systematization of experience and is key to understanding suffering and describes how we are chained to Samsara. Experience involves five processes: qualia, emotional reaction, perception, conditional situation and cognition. The first is the process related to sense inputs and the other four are the processes of conceptualization. Qualia are the result of encoding and processing inputs from the six sense gates: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and intellect, and deliver images, sounds, smells, tastes, tactile sensations and ideas. The emotional reaction is the first thing that intervenes through the limbic system and is the process that translates the experience into pleasant, unpleasant or indifferent. A pleasant experience will incite clinging and an unpleasant one, aversion. Perception is the process that gives meaning to the experience. The conditional situation affects the experience from the moment in which the same experience is not processed in the same way over time depending on the previous history. Each experience will change the conditional situation so that no experience will be repeated. Our perception of time is a conceptualization of the conditional situation. And finally, cognition is the act of knowing. As we see, all these components are perishable and last as long as the experience lasts. We have no other connection with Samsara than these five elements which, grouped together, we will call qualia and conceptualization. Understand that all five are conditioned and therefore perishable. That what is conditioned we have no control over. And that over which one has no control cannot be said to be "me" or "mine". And that which is neither me, nor mine, which is perishable and conditioned, is unsatisfactory. And that which is unsatisfactory becomes easy to abandon. And abandoning it, one abandons the enchainment to Samsara. We see that the consciousness is clinging to existence by these five clinging factors. Liberation is untying the consciousness from these five factors and constitutes the ultimate goal. A consciousness untied from Samsara is a free consciousness and freedom is Nibbāna. This is the core of the Dhamma. Of the remaining booklets, three continue with this theme and the rest deal with various secondary subjects, some organized by theme, others by persons. Of note is the saṃyutta devoted to the Nāgas, beings whose bodies are described as those of serpents, although they can assume human form at will. Also to the Supaṇṇas, mythical creatures imagined as winged, considered enemies of the nāgas, the Gandhabbas, a class of semi-divine beings who inhabit the Cātummahārājika realm and are the lowest among the devas, and the Valāhakas who are the cloud devas who control the weather.
Author: Tomás Morales y Durán
Publisher: Libros de Verdad
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 389
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The Book of the Six Fields of the Senses receives its name from the homonymous saṃyutta with which it begins and is the dominant one in terms of its length and doctrinal weight. This saṃyutta makes a functional analysis of all the processes involved with the relationship with the exterior, where it is shown that none of them is controlled. For example, with respect to sight, for example, the objective, that which is seen is not controlled. The subjective, which is the eye, is not controlled, you cannot make the eye see as you wish. Neither the eye contact nor the qualia as a result are controlled. Where the eye, the visual figures, the eye contact and the visual qualia are, there is the world or what is known as the world. Therefore, the relationship with the world is uncontrollable or, which is the same thing, it is not me. What is not controlled is unpleasant and causes suffering. We are before the description of the slavery that Samsara means. Following the functional analysis we have the following booklet dedicated to emotional reactions which contains 31 discourses on the three types of emotional reactions: pleasant, unpleasant and indifferent. In the process of experience, emotional reactions arise from qualia and stimulate craving. The result of the analysis is that, although emotional reactions are still experienced, they do not induce craving. The next saṃyutta is dedicated to women with their virtues and defects. The next four, relate to persons and a fifth to chiefs. The two closing saṃyuttas relate to Nibbāna and everything unstated.
Author: Sherali Zeadally
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642137881
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 191
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Future Multimedia Networking Workshop, FMN 2010, held in Krakow, Poland, in June 2010. The 16 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 45 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) management in content centric networks, video quality assessment in future multimedia networking, video distribution in future multimedia networking, and demonstration on future multimedia networking.
Author: Ahmet Kondoz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461483735
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 303
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This book describes recent innovations in 3D media and technologies, with coverage of 3D media capturing, processing, encoding, and adaptation, networking aspects for 3D Media, and quality of user experience (QoE). The main contributions are based on the results of the FP7 European Projects ROMEO, which focus on new methods for the compression and delivery of 3D multi-view video and spatial audio, as well as the optimization of networking and compression jointly across the Future Internet ( The delivery of 3D media to individual users remains a highly challenging problem due to the large amount of data involved, diverse network characteristics and user terminal requirements, as well as the user’s context such as their preferences and location. As the number of visual views increases, current systems will struggle to meet the demanding requirements in terms of delivery of constant video quality to both fixed and mobile users. ROMEO will design and develop hybrid-networking solutions that combine the DVB-T2 and DVB-NGH broadcast access network technologies together with a QoE aware Peer-to-Peer (P2P) distribution system that operates over wired and wireless links. Live streaming 3D media needs to be received by collaborating users at the same time or with imperceptible delay to enable them to watch together while exchanging comments as if they were all in the same location. The volume provides state-of-the-art information on 3D multi-view video, spatial audio networking protocols for 3D media, P2P 3D media streaming, and 3D Media delivery across heterogeneous wireless networks among other topics. Graduate students and professionals in electrical engineering and computer science with an interest in 3D Future Internet Media will find this volume to be essential reading.
Author: Patrick Dawson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317626028
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 268
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Organizational Change and Temporality: Bending the Arrow of Time looks to address the important area of time and temporality, especially as it relates to frameworks and studies for explaining change processes in organizations. It commences with a selective history on the science and philosophy of time before examining the place of time in work and employment, and the presence and absence of theorized time in explanations of organizational change. The intention is to bring to the fore concepts and debates that have largely remained hidden, furthering our knowledge and understanding of time and temporality in changing organizations. The authors provide a more informed theoretical explanation of the temporal dimensions of organizational change. They examine the concepts and debates behind change theories, philosophical positions and scientific concerns on time and material existence, drawing connections that have previously remained unexplored. This book is key reading for researchers within the organizational change world and will further the academic debate of time and temporality in organizations studies.
Author: Marek Jancovic
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031332156
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 276
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This book explores the historical interrelationships between mathematics, medicine and media, and offers a unique perspective on how video compression has shaped our relationship with moving images and the world. It situates compression in a network of technological, visual and epistemic practices spanning from late 18th-century computational methods to the standardization of electrical infrastructure and the development of neurology throughout the 1900s. Bringing into conversation media archaeology, science and technology studies, disability studies and queer theory, each chapter offers an in-depth look at a different trace of compression, such as interlacing, macroblocking or flicker. This is a story of forgotten technologies, unusual media practices, strange images on the margins of visual culture and inventive ways of looking at the world. Readers will find illuminating discussions of the formation of complex scientific and medical systems, and of the violent and pleasurable interactions between our bodies and media infrastructure.
Author: Joseph Press
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040119727
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 276
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We are in a decisive decade that demands more inspired and informed practitioners who can use positive futures to rebalance the present. The book you hold seeks to be a thought‐provoking approach to imagine, create, and lead the journey to a more sustainable world – where a spectrum of choices, including regenerative practices, await conscientious citizens, companies, and communities. With this objective, and to help reverse the megatrends of economic disparity, social injustice, and climate change, the Institute for the Future (IFTF) and the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano came together to prototype an approach to prepare all practitioners who seek to leverage the future to infuse our present with more impact and agency. Guided by global experts and inspired by a growing network of future‐makers, the authors share essential insights from this emerging landscape, offering thought‐provoking theory, innovative experiments, real‐world experiences, and practitioner stories. We draw insight and inspiration from many contemporary theories and practices, including strategic foresight, experiential futures, speculative design, design fiction, systems design, participatory design, and transformative leadership, and an emerging entry with genAI‐augmented design. Regardless of whether you have a design or management background, or want to create a for‐profit or non‐profit, this book enables professionals across industries, as well as students preparing for a career in strategy, innovation, or transformation, the knowledge, skills, and confidence to strengthen resilience and guide the transition to the more sustainable practices of a better world.