Information Systems for Sustainable Development

Information Systems for Sustainable Development PDF Author: Lorenz M. Hilty
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1591403448
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Information Systems for Sustainable Development provides a survey on approaches to information systems supporting sustainable development in the private or public sector. It also documents and encourages the first steps of environmental information processing towards this more comprehensive goal.

Information Systems for Sustainable Development

Information Systems for Sustainable Development PDF Author: Lorenz M. Hilty
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1591403448
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Information Systems for Sustainable Development provides a survey on approaches to information systems supporting sustainable development in the private or public sector. It also documents and encourages the first steps of environmental information processing towards this more comprehensive goal.

Knowledge Societies --in a Nutshell

Knowledge Societies --in a Nutshell PDF Author: Andreas Credé
Publisher: IDRC
ISBN: 1552500594
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 62

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In summarizing the full-length report of the Working Group (entitled Knowledge Societies), this book focuses particularly on the dangers that will accompany a failure to develop information and communication technology (ICT) strategies tailored to the specific and changing needs of countries in the developing regions of the world. It will appeal to decision-makers and ICT producers and users, as well as to development professionals, academics, and citizens interested in development issues and the new and emerging information and communication technologies.

ICT Innovations for Sustainability

ICT Innovations for Sustainability PDF Author: Lorenz M. Hilty
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319092286
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 465

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ICT Innovations for Sustainability is an investigation of how information and communication technology can contribute to sustainable development. It presents clear definitions of sustainability, suggesting conceptual frameworks for the positive and negative effects of ICT on sustainable development. It reviews methods of assessing the direct and indirect impact of ICT systems on energy and materials demand, and examines the results of such assessments. In addition, it investigates ICT-based approaches to supporting sustainable patterns of production and consumption, analyzing them at various levels of abstraction – from end-user devices, Internet infrastructure, user behavior, and social practices to macro-economic indicators. Combining approaches from Computer Science, Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Economics, and Environmental Sciences, the book presents a new, holistic perspective on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S). It is an indispensable resource for anyone working in the area of ICT for Energy Efficiency, Life Cycle Assessment of ICT, Green IT, Green Information Systems, Environmental Informatics, Energy Informatics, Sustainable HCI, or Computational Sustainability.

Information Systems and the Environment

Information Systems and the Environment PDF Author: National Academy of Engineering
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309062438
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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Information technology is a powerful tool for meeting environmental objectives and promoting sustainable development. This collection of papers by leaders in industry, government, and academia explores how information technology can improve environmental performance by individual firms, collaborations among firms, and collaborations among firms, government agencies, and academia. Information systems can also be used by nonprofit organizations and the government to inform the public about broad environmental issues and environmental conditions in their neighborhoods. Several papers address the challenges to information management posed by the explosive increase in information and knowledge about environmental issues and potential solutions, including determining what information is environmentally relevant and how it can be used in decision making. In addition, case studies are described and show how industry is using information systems to ensure sustainable development and meet environmental standards. The book also includes examples from the public sector showing how governments use information knowledge systems to disseminate "best practices" beyond big firms to small businesses, and from the world of the Internet showing how knowledge is shared among environmental advocates and the general public.

Disruptive Technologies and Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Development

Disruptive Technologies and Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Development PDF Author: Akkucuk, Ulas
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799889025
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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The rise of technology in human culture has changed almost every facet of society. Technology is especially useful regarding sustainable development. These technologies can cause significant greenhouse gas reductions and other benefits in terms of logistics and smart cities. New technology applied in this way can greatly help the human effort to restore the environment. Disruptive Technologies and Eco-Innovation for Sustainable Development provides an in-depth look into the new techniques, strategies, and technologies for achieving environmental sustainability through best business and technology practices. The book covers topics such as eco-innovation, green criteria, Agriculture 4.0, and topics related to logic, philosophy, and history of science and technology from the green/sustainable point of view. It is essential for managers, academicians, scientists, students, and researchers in various government, public, and private sectors.

What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability, Resilience

What Kind of Information Society? Governance, Virtuality, Surveillance, Sustainability, Resilience PDF Author: Jacques J. Berleur
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642154786
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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The present book contains the proceedings of two conferences held at the World Computer Congress 2010 in Brisbane, Australia (September 20–23) organised by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). In the first part, the reader can find the proceedings of the 9th Human Choice and Computers International C- ference (HCC9) organised by the IFIP Technical Committee TC9 on the Relationship Between ICT and Society. The HCC9 part is subdivided into four tracks: Ethics and ICT Governance, Virtual Technologies and Social Shaping, Surveillance and Privacy, and ICT and Sustainable Development. The second part consists of papers given at the Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Conference (CIP) organized by the IFIP Technical Committee TC11 on Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems. The two parts of the book are introduced by the respective Conference Chairs. Chapter 1 introduces HCC9, providing a short summary of the HCC conference series, which started in 1974, and explaining the overview of HCC9, detailing the rationale behind each of the tracks in this conference. The details related to the papers of each track are discussed by the Track Chairs in the respective introductions to the specific tracks of HCC9 (Chaps. 2, 10, 16 and 22). Finally, Chap. 22 introduces the CIP part.

New Technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

New Technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth PDF Author: Elena I. Inshakova
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 981169804X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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The book offers a multidisciplinary investigation into the economic, technological, environmental, and social impacts of Industry 4.0 technology that ensures inclusive and sustainable growth development of regions and countries. Along with identifying new opportunities that new technology provides for inclusive growth, the book aims to propose theoretical substantiation and develop economic, institutional, organizational, and information mechanisms that aid to reduce and eliminate the potential economic, social, and environmental risks. A broad multidisciplinary approach integrating research capabilities of economic and administrative sciences, artificial intelligence and computer sciences, pedagogy and linguistics, latest findings in the above mentioned scientific areas, as well as empirical evidence and pilot innovative research projects conducted by the contributors, allowed them to draw conclusions and develop recommendations for achieving inclusive growth in industrial and agricultural production, innovation and investment activities, management and environment protection, healthcare and education associated with the use of new technology. The contributors hope that empirical materials, innovative developments, and suggestions inspire scientific research, encourage applied studies, and supplement training programs in economic, administrative, social, and computer sciences at the advanced universities and research institutions, in the post-Soviet territory, in particular.

Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Systems

Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Systems PDF Author: Yehia Bahei-El-Din
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783319487243
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book reports on cutting-edge technologies that have been fostering sustainable development in a variety of fields, including built and natural environments, structures, energy, advanced mechanical technologies as well as electronics and communication technologies. It reports on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Internet-of-Things, predictive maintenance, as well as modeling and control techniques to reduce the environmental impacts of buildings, enhance their environmental contribution and positively impact the social equity. The different chapters, selected on the basis of their timeliness and relevance for an audience of engineers and professionals, describe the major trends in the field of sustainable engineering research, providing them with a snapshot of current issues together with important technical information for their daily work, as well as an interesting source of new ideas for their future research. The works included in this book were selected among the contributions to the BUE ACE1, the first event, held in Cairo, Egypt, on 8-9 November 2016, of a series of Annual Conferences & Exhibitions (ACE) organized by the British University in Egypt (BUE).

Marine Technology and Sustainable Development: Green Innovations

Marine Technology and Sustainable Development: Green Innovations PDF Author: Olanrewaju, Oladokun Sulaiman
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466643188
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Water covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, making maritime influences an important consideration in evaluating modern global economic systems. Therefore, the efficient design, operation, and management of maritime systems are important for sustainable marine technology development and green innovation. Marine Technology and Sustainable Development: Green Innovations examines theoretical frameworks and empirical research in the maritime industry, evaluating new technologies, methodologies, and practices against a backdrop of sustainability. This critical reference encourages the discussion and exploration of diverse opinions on the benefits and challenges of new marine technologies essential for marine and maritime professionals, researchers, and scholars hoping to improve their understanding of environmental considerations in preserving the world’s oceanic resources.

13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2023”

13th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies “ICISAT 2023” PDF Author: Mohamed Ridda Laouar
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031605918
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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