Induction Linacs for Heavy Ion Fusion Research

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The new features of employing an induction linac as a driver for inertial fusion involve (1) transport of high-current low-emittance heavy ion beams, (2) multiple independently-focussed beams threading the same accelerator structure, and (3) synthesis of voltage waveforms to accomplish beam current amplification. A research program is underway at LBL to develop accelerators that test all these features with the final goal of producing an ion beam capable of heating matter to approx. 70 eV. This paper presents a discussion of some properties of induction linacs and how they may be used for HIF research. Physics designs of the High Temperature Experiment (HTE) and the Multiple Beam Experiment (MBE) accelerators are presented along with initial concepts of the MBE induction units.

Induction Linacs for Heavy Ion Fusion Research

Induction Linacs for Heavy Ion Fusion Research PDF Author:
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Languages : en
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The new features of employing an induction linac as a driver for inertial fusion involve (1) transport of high-current low-emittance heavy ion beams, (2) multiple independently-focussed beams threading the same accelerator structure, and (3) synthesis of voltage waveforms to accomplish beam current amplification. A research program is underway at LBL to develop accelerators that test all these features with the final goal of producing an ion beam capable of heating matter to approx. 70 eV. This paper presents a discussion of some properties of induction linacs and how they may be used for HIF research. Physics designs of the High Temperature Experiment (HTE) and the Multiple Beam Experiment (MBE) accelerators are presented along with initial concepts of the MBE induction units.

Research on Ion Induction Linacs at Berkeley

Research on Ion Induction Linacs at Berkeley PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 15

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Since October 1983, most of the research in the US on heavy ion fusion (HIF) has been devoted to the physics and technology of the induction linac driver. The economic viability of the method was confirmed in the recent HIF Systems Assessment. Research at Berkeley comprises three experimental activities: the multiple-beam experiment, MBE-4, which accelerates four parallel, separately focused beams of cesium ions from 0.2 to 1 MeV; amplification of the beam power by a factor of nearly 40 is observed; development of a 16-beam, pulsed, 2-MV injector; and a single beam transport experiment (SBTE) for studying collective phenomena in ion beam transport. In addition, a major activity has been the development of a physics and engineering design for a larger experiment to test (in a scaled way) almost all of the manipulations needed in a full-scale driver. A complicating feature in the design is the combining of beams (in sets of four to one); the penalty in collectively enhanced emittance growth must be balanced against the cost savings gained in a driver. 12 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.

Induction Accelerator Development for Heavy Ion Fusion

Induction Accelerator Development for Heavy Ion Fusion PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 18

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For approximately a decade, the Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerator Research (HIFAR) group at LBL has been exploring the use of induction accelerators with multiple beams as the driver for inertial fusion targets. Scaled experiments have investigated the transport of space charge dominated beams (SBTE), and the current amplification and transverse emittance control in induction linacs (MBE-4) with very encouraging results. In order to study many of the beam manipulations required by a driver and to further develop economically competitive technology, a proposal has been made in partnership with LLNL to build a 10 MeV accelerator and to conduct a series of experiments collectively called the Induction Linac System Experiments (ILSE). The major components critical to the ILSE accelerator are currently under development. We have constructed a full scale induction module and we have tested a number of amorphous magnetic materials developed by Allied Signal to establish an overall optimal design. The electric and magnetic quadrupoles critical to the transport and focusing of heavy ion beams are also under development. The hardware is intended to be economically competitive for a driver without sacrificing any of the physics or performance requirements. This paper will concentrate on the recent developments and tests of the major components required by the ILSE accelerator.


MBE-4 PDF Author:
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The multiple-beam induction linac approach to a heavy ion fusion driver features continuous current amplification along the accelerator and a minimum of transverse beam manipulation from source to pellet. Current amplification and bunch length control require careful shaping of the accelerating voltages. This driver approach exploits developments in electron induction linac technology that have occurred within the last 15 years at LBL, LLNL and NBS. MBE-4 is a four beam induction linac that models much of the accelerator physics of the electrostatically focused section of a considerably longer induction accelerator. Four parallel Cs beams are electrostatically focussed and will be accelerated from 200 keV to approximately one MeV when the experiment is complete in the spring of 1987. The current in each of the four beams will increase from 10 to 40 mA due to both increase in beam speed and shortening of the bunch length. Results of experiments with the injector and first eight accelerating gaps are presented.

Preliminary Results from MBE-4

Preliminary Results from MBE-4 PDF Author:
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Preliminary results are presented from a scaled experimental multiple beam induction linac. This experiment is part of a program of accelerator research for heavy ion fusion. It is shown that multiple beams can be accelerated without significant mutual interaction. Measurements of the longitudinal dynamics of a current-amplifying induction linac are presented and compared to calculations. Coupling of transverse and longitudinal dynamics is discussed.

Induction Linacs for Heavy Ion Fusion

Induction Linacs for Heavy Ion Fusion PDF Author:
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Experimental progress to date has strengthened our belief in the soundness and attractiveness of the heavy ion method for fusion. What surprises that have shown up in the laboratory (e.g., in SBTE) have all been of the pleasant kind so far. The systems assessment has supported the view that the heavy ion approach can lead to economically attractive electric power and that a wide variety of options exists in all parameters. The systems work has also been of great help in pointing the way for the research and development activities.

Induction Linac Systems Experiments for Heavy Ion Fusion

Induction Linac Systems Experiments for Heavy Ion Fusion PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 3

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The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory propose to build at LBL the Induction Linac Systems Experiments (ILSE), the next logical step toward the eventual goal of a heavy ion induction accelerator powerful enough to implode or drive inertial confinement fusion targets. Though much smaller than a driver, ILSE will be at full driver scale in several important parameters. Nearly all accelerator components and beam manipulations required for a driver will be tested. It is expected that ILSE will be built in stages as funds and technical progress allow. The first stage, called Elise will include all of the electrostatic quadrupole focused parts of ILSE.

Parametic Study of the Current Limit Within a Single Driver-scaletransport Beam Line of an Induction Linac for Heavy Ion Fusion

Parametic Study of the Current Limit Within a Single Driver-scaletransport Beam Line of an Induction Linac for Heavy Ion Fusion PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 310

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The High Current Experiment (HCX) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is part of the US program that explores heavy-ion beam as the driver option for fusion energy production in an Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) plant. The HCX is a beam transport experiment at a scale representative of the low-energy end of an induction linear accelerator driver. The primary mission of this experiment is to investigate aperture fill factors acceptable for the transport of space-charge-dominated heavy-ion beams at high intensity (line charge density 0̃.2 ?C/m) over long pulse durations (4 ?s) in alternating gradient focusing lattices of electrostatic or magnetic quadrupoles. This experiment is testing transport issues resulting from nonlinear space-charge effects and collective modes, beam centroid alignment and steering, envelope matching, image charges and focusing field nonlinearities, halo and, electron and gas cloud effects. We present the results for a coasting 1 MeV K+ ion beam transported through ten electrostatic quadrupoles. The measurements cover two different fill factor studies (60% and 80% of the clear aperture radius) for which the transverse phase-space of the beam was characterized in detail, along with beam energy measurements and the first halo measurements. Electrostatic quadrupole transport at high beam fill factor (8̃0%) is achieved with acceptable emittance growth and beam loss. We achieved good envelope control, and re-matching may only be needed every ten lattice periods (at 80% fill factor) in a longer lattice of similar design. We also show that understanding and controlling the time dependence of the envelope parameters is critical to achieving high fill factors, notably because of the injector and matching section dynamics.

Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerator Research at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Heavy Ion Fusion Accelerator Research at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 8

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Since 1993, US research toward a heavy ion inertial fusion driver has concentrated on the multiple-beam ion-induction linac. This type of accelerator is unique in its ability to continuously amplify both the beam current and energy during the acceleration process. In a conceptual driver, many beams are accelerated in parallel through common induction cores in a linac that is 5--10 km long to final energies near 10 GeV in less than 0.2 msec. Past experiments at LBL have investigated the transport of intense ion beams in alternating gradient focusing structures and the acceleration of multiple ion becomes with current amplification in an induction linac. At present our major project is the development of a pulsed, 2-MV injector that produces beams at full driver size and intensity. In addition, a major activity is the development of a physics and engineering design for a larger Induction Linac Systems Experiments (ILSE) to test in a scaled way almost all the manipulations needed in a full-scale driver. We hope to begin construction of this experiment near the beginning of 1995.

Beam Dynamics and Longitudinal Instabilities in Heavy Ion Fusion Induction Linacs

Beam Dynamics and Longitudinal Instabilities in Heavy Ion Fusion Induction Linacs PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 4

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An induction linac accelerating a high-current pulse of heavy ions at subrelativistic velocities is predicted to exhibit unstable growth of current fluctuations. An overview is given of the mode character, estimates of growth rates, and their application to an IFE driver. The present and projected effort to understand and ameliorate the instability is described. This includes particle-in-cell simulations, calculation and measurements of impedance, and design of feedback controls.