Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture

Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture PDF Author: Carl Lostritto
ISBN: 9781951541552
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture addresses how and why architects, artists, and designers manipulate reality. Front and center in this discourse is the role of rendering. Most often, to render is to engage a thick software interface, to accept a photographic framework of variables and effects, and to assume an unquestioned posture of articulating material, mass, and color. But like drawing, rendering is an interdisciplinary, algorithmic, historically rooted cultural practice as much as it is a digital vocation. The elements explored in this book are labeled "impossible" because they avoid a fixed relationship to a singular built reality. Digital bonsai trees, pixels, video game levels, grids, and dioramas extend like skewers through multiple media and formats. Through work that looks very real and can't possibly exist, representation becomes the territory of speculation, ambiguity, and curiosity.

Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture

Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture PDF Author: Carl Lostritto
ISBN: 9781951541552
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Book Description
Impossible and Hyper-Real Elements of Architecture addresses how and why architects, artists, and designers manipulate reality. Front and center in this discourse is the role of rendering. Most often, to render is to engage a thick software interface, to accept a photographic framework of variables and effects, and to assume an unquestioned posture of articulating material, mass, and color. But like drawing, rendering is an interdisciplinary, algorithmic, historically rooted cultural practice as much as it is a digital vocation. The elements explored in this book are labeled "impossible" because they avoid a fixed relationship to a singular built reality. Digital bonsai trees, pixels, video game levels, grids, and dioramas extend like skewers through multiple media and formats. Through work that looks very real and can't possibly exist, representation becomes the territory of speculation, ambiguity, and curiosity.

Computational Drawing

Computational Drawing PDF Author: Carl Lostritto
Publisher: ORO Applied Research + Design
ISBN: 9781940743264
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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This book explores computation as a medium for drawing. Exercises, essays, algorithms, diagrams, and drawings are woven together to offer instruction, insight, and theories that are valuable to practicing architects, artists, and scholars.

City of Refugees

City of Refugees PDF Author: Peter Jay Zweig
Publisher: ORO Applied Research + Design
ISBN: 9781943532841
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Where should they go? 70 million displaced refugees and asylum seekers with no passport, no money, and no worldly goods. In 380 B.C. Plato wrote about the "Ideal City," but it wasn't until 1516 AD that Sir Thomas More invented the word, "Utopia," translated from Greek as "good place," that is in need of a new, contemporary interpretation. It is within the framework of utopia that the City of Refugees represents a place that transcends the fate of the refugee and the reason they were torn from their homeland and not given safe haven fleeing their country. It is a concept for a new city that welcomes these optimistic people looking for a place to be free from oppression. The City of Refugees is a soft place to land that believes in the future. The University of Houston College of Architecture + Design with 135 students is proposing four cities on four continents as prototypes that represent a real Utopia for housing the unprecedented migration of people moving across borders. This UN-sponsored, free economic zone for the four cities can be funded by small fractions of the defense budgets appropriated by the UN. The innovative cities create a platform for a new, multi-ethnic society based upon justice, tolerance, and economically viable with a net zero energy consumption within a sustainable environment. The new three-dimensional cities redefine the concept of streets by no longer needing cars creating a real utopia for those with no voice.

Be Seated

Be Seated PDF Author: Laurie Olin
Publisher: ORO Applied Research + Design
ISBN: 9781939621726
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Laurie Olin's interest in public outdoor seating in parks and civic spaces revolves around two poles: the first is a concern for aspects of the ordinary in our settings and actions, the apparatus and effects of the quotidian in our individual lives and experience; the other is the utility of public seating in the conduct and potential of our role as citizens and the establishment of place and community. A not inconsiderable aspect of both is the engendering of pleasure. In a democracy we are expected to fulfill two potentials - those of private citizen and contributing member of a community. When sitting on a bench or chair in a park or plaza we inevitably participate in the life of a particular space, city, and society while simultaneously pursuing our own life with its demands and aspirations. Chairs and benches in their many varieties and situations are the setting (pun intended) for profoundly simple, albeit important, and largely unnoticed aspects of our lives. Humans are gregarious and habitually love to be together, often sitting about for hours at a time. Commonly this is for dining, whether singly or in groups, large or small. We sit in public places, in private ones, indoors and out, often doing nothing except watching the world. Over the course of centuries many devices have been developed for such purposes. Not a comprehensive history or survey, this is an appreciation derived from frequent, often iterative personal observation and constant professional engagement with the topic of seating, sometimes in gardens, but more particularly in public and civic environments. The book consists of a series of essays that begin with the author's personal discovery of public seating. An 'ah hah' moment as a young architect visiting Paris and his early experience as a designer is followed by a brief history of the evolution of public space and seating in the West. This is followed by an account of some of his experiments as a landscape architect, and the theory, craft, and role of seating in a number of prominent civic places his firm and others have designed in the past four decades. Along the way there are reflections on the author's interest in chairs, seating, public space, and aspects of the profession of landscape architecture. Accompanying the essays there are sketches, and watercolors made by Olin over time while travelling or working that weren't originally intended as book illustrations. Some are quick, hasty notes of something observed; others are more careful studies with, on occasion, measurements. Some were made leisurely while enjoying a felicitous moment or place, while others record the author puzzling through a particular design problem. Each in some way exemplifies aspects of the essays helping to articulate or sharpen the author's insights and point of view - those of a designer, not a historian or critic. They offer an alternative presentation of the topics raised, and a dialogue between writing and image - whether one of contrast, or at times, contrast.

Towards a Robotic Architecture

Towards a Robotic Architecture PDF Author: Mahesh Daas
Publisher: Applied Research and Design Publishing
ISBN: 9781939621634
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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The past decade's surge towards more computationally defined building systems and highly adaptable open-source design software has left the field ripe for the integration of robotics whether through large-scale building fabrication or through more intelligent/adaptive building systems. Through this surge, architecture has not only been greatly influenced by these emerging technologies, but has also begun influencing other disciplines in unexpected ways. The purpose of this book is to provide systems of classification, categorisation, and taxonomies of robotics in architecture so that a more systematic and holistic body of work could take place while addressing the multifarious aspects of possible research and production.

The Changing of the Avant-garde

The Changing of the Avant-garde PDF Author: Terence Riley
ISBN: 9780870700040
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Featuring 165 expertly reproduced visionary architectural drawings from The Museum of Modern Art's Howard Gilman Archive, this collection brings together a selection of idealized, fantastic and utopian architectural drawings.

Real and Fake in Architecture

Real and Fake in Architecture PDF Author: Anne-Catrin Schultz
Publisher: Editions Axel Menges
ISBN: 9783869050188
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The term fake suggests forgery but also imitation and reproduction - all processes familiar to contemporary cultural production and everyday life. Fakes in the art world have been the subject of research and publications, while fake buildings and spaces have received less attention in contemporary discourse. This book represents a series of snapshots of the space between fake and real, an exploration that quickly leads to the two attributes being entangled in contemporary attempts to generate genuine authenticity by replicating nostalgic details and superficial references.


Bio/Matter/Techno/Synthetics PDF Author: Franca Trubiano
Publisher: Actar
ISBN: 9781638409854
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The twenty-three papers and five editorials collected in this volume speak to subjects of bio-design, speculative biology, green walls and pavers, design by decay, soilless soil, sentient materials, photogrammetrees, robotics, nanotechnology, thermal architecture and alliesthesia, digital weaving, chemical droplets, and even Frankenstein. More broadly, ideas and questions that animate the two dozen articles collected in B/M/T/S are grounded in the production and representation of emergent ecologies, non-human agency, machine learning, and responsive computation. Bio/Matter/Techno/Synthetics: Design Futures for the More Than Human (B/M/T/S) captures anddisseminates inspiring voices in contemporary design practicing in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, art, ecology, environmental design, material studies, emerging technologies, media, artificial intelligence, and critical theory. B/M/T/S articulates future ready visions for a field that is increasingly called upon to participate in ever more complex aesthetic, ethical, environmental and socio-political contexts. B/M/T/S does this by redefining the very origins, principles, and values of design. Despite the propensity of contemporary discourse to favor the search for a hegemonic theory, this collaborative project convenes the work of twenty- eight women, all of whom interrogate the origins, methods, and tactics of their respective disciplines. Collectively, B/M/T/S challenges the common place nature of ideas founded in parametricism, object- oriented ontology, parafictional realism, post-digital representations, and corporate functionalism. In exchange, it seeks the confluence of critical, aesthetic, and ethical thought in future speculations on the biological, the material, the technological, and their synthesis. It does this at scales that operate across multiple disciplines and territories. The twenty-three papers and five editorials collected in this volume speak to subjects of bio-design, speculative biology, green walls and pavers, design by decay, soilless soil, sentient materials, photogrammetrees, robotics, nanotechnology, thermal architecture and alliesthesia, digital weaving, chemical droplets, and even Frankenstein.More broadly, ideas and questions that animate the two dozen articles collected in B/M/T/S are grounded in the production and representation of emergent ecologies, non-human agency, machine learning, and responsive computation. The book''s interdisciplinary framework guides the much-needed synthesis of design with biology, material studies, and emerging digital technologies; design being the interdisciplinary lens through which their interdependence and independence is channeled and challenged. A range of speculative theories, physical projects, material and digital technologies, as well as social critiques are offered that explore our relationship to design as a form of synthesis. Individually and collaboratively, the essays in B/M/T/S question well-established disciplinary methods in favor of new ways for actualizing previously marginalized ideas, values, and practices. Committed to an ethics of synthesis, B/M/T/S explores the limits and potential of designing with multiplicity, metamorphosis, and hybridization. The book''s authors demonstrate a variety of reconciliatory practices for cross-pollinating ideas, materials, and technologies in their drive to design a future world that is always more than human, materially constituted, artificially charged, and synthetically embedded. Contributions by: Sonja Dümpelmann, Aroussiak Gabrielian, Gundula Proksch, Pinar Yoldas, Lucinda Sanders, Ayasha Guerin, Laia Mogas Soldevilla, Andrea Ling, Mae-Ling Lokko, Rebecca Popowsky, Julia Lohmann, Martina Decker, Behnaz Farahi, Stefana Parascho, Dorit Aviv, Viola Ago, Jacqueline Wu, Sophie Hochhäusl, Clarissa Tossin, Jenny Sabin, Rachel Armstrong, Patricia Olynyk, Kathy Velikov

Responding to Chaos

Responding to Chaos PDF Author: David N Buck
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1136748296
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 221

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A celebration of a unique culture and its experience of design, this sensitive text is a timely examination of Japanese design at the start of a new century. The country's economic boom in the 1980s produced a surge of interest in land and building, and consequently in design in all its forms. From restaurant interiors to products, from private housing to recreational spaces, design received an unprecedented degree of attention. However the bursting in the early 1990s of this so-called 'bubble' economy has prompted a re-examination of design and its role in urban society.

Architectural Research Methods

Architectural Research Methods PDF Author: Linda N. Groat
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118418514
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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A practical guide to research for architects and designers—now updated and expanded! From searching for the best glass to prevent glare to determining how clients might react to the color choice for restaurant walls, research is a crucial tool that architects must master in order to effectively address the technical, aesthetic, and behavioral issues that arise in their work. This book's unique coverage of research methods is specifically targeted to help professional designers and researchers better conduct and understand research. Part I explores basic research issues and concepts, and includes chapters on relating theory to method and design to research. Part II gives a comprehensive treatment of specific strategies for investigating built forms. In all, the book covers seven types of research, including historical, qualitative, correlational, experimental, simulation, logical argumentation, and case studies and mixed methods. Features new to this edition include: Strategies for investigation, practical examples, and resources for additional information A look at current trends and innovations in research Coverage of design studio–based research that shows how strategies described in the book can be employed in real life A discussion of digital media and online research New and updated examples of research studies A new chapter on the relationship between design and research Architectural Research Methods is an essential reference for architecture students and researchers as well as architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and building product manufacturers.