Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation

Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation PDF Author:
Category : Health
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation

Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation PDF Author:
Category : Health
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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Good Words and Sunday Magazine

Good Words and Sunday Magazine PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 712

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Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society

Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society PDF Author: Iowa Medical Society
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 582

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DNP Education, Practice, and Policy

DNP Education, Practice, and Policy PDF Author: Stephanie W. Ahmed, DNP, FNP-BC, DPNAP
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826108164
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title! "This is an excellent book for both students and current DNPs. The primary areas it addresses--leadership, healthcare policy, and information technology---are essential for the advanced practice nurse to function as a change agent in today's healthcare environment. The book challenges DNPs to engage in clinical practice to the full scope of their capabilities."--Score: 100, 5 Stars. Doody's Medical Reviews This is the only professional issues-oriented Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) text to fully integrate all eight American Association of Colleges of Nursing DNP competencies into one volume. It defines practice scholarship for the DNP role and facilitates the sound development of key leadership skills that enable DNP graduates to effectively influence politics and health care policy in order to improve patient and population health care outcomes. The text focuses on the educational requirements of DNPs engaged in the arenas of leadership, health care policy, and information technology. It covers the growth and development of the DNP role, particularly in the context of contemporary health care challenges. With a focus on the Capstone Project, the text addresses the relationship of the DNP role to ongoing scholarship. It covers three important essentials of the DNP curriculumóevidence-based practice, health information technology, and outcomes measurementóand how they can be used to transform health care in the 21st century. The textís challenging and thought-provoking content is of particular value not only to students, but also to professors who will welcome the clarity it offers to the highly complex DNP curriculum. Key Features: Simplifies the highly complex DNP curriculum and integrates DNP core competencies throughout Demonstrates the application of core competencies to practice and aggregate care Provides a well-organized supplement to all courses across the DNP curriculum Uses exemplars of students and practicing DNPs to illustrate effective implementation Offers concrete guidance for achieving a thorough understanding of how DNP graduates utilize core competencies

Things Only a Nurse Like Me Will Tell You

Things Only a Nurse Like Me Will Tell You PDF Author: Cindy Altman Rn
Publisher: Inspiring Voices
ISBN: 1462405649
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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Things Only a Nurse Like Me Will Tell You offers an honest view of the Health-Care System today from the perspective of Cindy Altman, a highly skilled and respected Registered Nurse. Altman has been an RN for over thirty years working both in Critical Care and in Long-Term Care at a Nursing Home. Presenting a helpful guide for anyone who is or will be a patient, Altman includes portraits of many of the patients she has worked with over the years as a Nurse. She explains their ailments and the treatments they received in order to provide a complete picture of their illness and treatment. Among the biggest challenges she has faced in her Nursing Career are those patients who are in the final stages of a Terminal Illness. To help patients who are facing End-of-Life Decisions, she discusses the dying process and shares insight in issues like giving Advanced Directives, making treatment choices, and other vital information. Things Only a Nurse Like Me Will Tell You supplies much needed insight into the tests and procedures that are required to diagnose medical problems and diseases along with many other aspects of treatment, enabling you and your loved ones to make informed decisions about your health care.

Battle Creek Idea

Battle Creek Idea PDF Author:
Category : Health resorts
Languages : en
Pages : 462

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American Medico-surgical Bulletin

American Medico-surgical Bulletin PDF Author: William Henry Porter
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1050

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International Record of Medicine and General Practice Clinics

International Record of Medicine and General Practice Clinics PDF Author: Frank Pierce Foster
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1288

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T. P.'s Weekly

T. P.'s Weekly PDF Author:
Category : England
Languages : en
Pages : 984

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My Age of Anxiety

My Age of Anxiety PDF Author: Scott Stossel
Publisher: Vintage
ISBN: 0385351321
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 417

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A riveting, revelatory, and moving account of the author’s struggles with anxiety, and of the history of efforts by scientists, philosophers, and writers to understand the condition As recently as thirty-five years ago, anxiety did not exist as a diagnostic category. Today, it is the most common form of officially classified mental illness. Scott Stossel gracefully guides us across the terrain of an affliction that is pervasive yet too often misunderstood. Drawing on his own long-standing battle with anxiety, Stossel presents an astonishing history, at once intimate and authoritative, of the efforts to understand the condition from medical, cultural, philosophical, and experiential perspectives. He ranges from the earliest medical reports of Galen and Hippocrates, through later observations by Robert Burton and Søren Kierkegaard, to the investigations by great nineteenth-century scientists, such as Charles Darwin, William James, and Sigmund Freud, as they began to explore its sources and causes, to the latest research by neuroscientists and geneticists. Stossel reports on famous individuals who struggled with anxiety, as well as on the afflicted generations of his own family. His portrait of anxiety reveals not only the emotion’s myriad manifestations and the anguish anxiety produces but also the countless psychotherapies, medications, and other (often outlandish) treatments that have been developed to counteract it. Stossel vividly depicts anxiety’s human toll—its crippling impact, its devastating power to paralyze—while at the same time exploring how those who suffer from it find ways to manage and control it. My Age of Anxiety is learned and empathetic, humorous and inspirational, offering the reader great insight into the biological, cultural, and environmental factors that contribute to the affliction.