How to Teach So Students Remember, 2nd Edition

How to Teach So Students Remember, 2nd Edition PDF Author: Marilee Sprenger
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416625313
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Memory is inextricable from learning; there’s little sense in teaching students something new if they can’t recall it later. Ensuring that the knowledge teachers impart is appropriately stored in the brain and easily retrieved when necessary is a vital component of instruction. In How to Teach So Students Remember, author Marilee Sprenger provides you with a proven, research-based, easy-to-follow framework for doing just that. This second edition of Sprenger’s celebrated book, updated to include recent research and developments in the fields of memory and teaching, offers seven concrete, actionable steps to help students use what they’ve learned when they need it. Step by step, you will discover how to * actively engage your students with new learning; * teach students to reflect on new knowledge in a meaningful way; * train students to recode new concepts in their own words to clarify understanding; * use feedback to ensure that relevant information is binding to necessary neural pathways; * incorporate multiple rehearsal strategies to secure new knowledge in both working and long-term memory; * design lesson reviews that help students retain information beyond the test; and * align instruction, review, and assessment to help students more easily retrieve information. The practical strategies and suggestions in this book, carefully followed and appropriately differentiated, will revolutionize the way you teach and immeasurably improve student achievement. Remember: By consciously crafting lessons for maximum “stickiness,” we can equip all students to remember what’s important when it matters.

How to Teach So Students Remember, 2nd Edition

How to Teach So Students Remember, 2nd Edition PDF Author: Marilee Sprenger
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416625313
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Book Description
Memory is inextricable from learning; there’s little sense in teaching students something new if they can’t recall it later. Ensuring that the knowledge teachers impart is appropriately stored in the brain and easily retrieved when necessary is a vital component of instruction. In How to Teach So Students Remember, author Marilee Sprenger provides you with a proven, research-based, easy-to-follow framework for doing just that. This second edition of Sprenger’s celebrated book, updated to include recent research and developments in the fields of memory and teaching, offers seven concrete, actionable steps to help students use what they’ve learned when they need it. Step by step, you will discover how to * actively engage your students with new learning; * teach students to reflect on new knowledge in a meaningful way; * train students to recode new concepts in their own words to clarify understanding; * use feedback to ensure that relevant information is binding to necessary neural pathways; * incorporate multiple rehearsal strategies to secure new knowledge in both working and long-term memory; * design lesson reviews that help students retain information beyond the test; and * align instruction, review, and assessment to help students more easily retrieve information. The practical strategies and suggestions in this book, carefully followed and appropriately differentiated, will revolutionize the way you teach and immeasurably improve student achievement. Remember: By consciously crafting lessons for maximum “stickiness,” we can equip all students to remember what’s important when it matters.

Learner-Focused Feedback

Learner-Focused Feedback PDF Author: Amy Tepper
Publisher: Corwin
ISBN: 1544368291
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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New strategies for feedback that supports a culture of learning The skill set required for observing why students are learning and how teachers influence that is a difficult one to master—yet it’s essential when it comes to driving change and growth in your school. This companion to Feedback to Feed Forward provides a curated collection of strategies to improve your ability to identify desired outcomes, recognize learning in action, collect relevant and accurate evidence, and develop smart, supportive, and effective feedback about a teacher’s impact on learners. And it’s not just leaders, coaches, and administrators who can use this highly accessible how-to. This time around, Tepper and Flynn also address the needs of teachers who double as observers, whether they’re mentoring new teachers, supporting each other or analyzing the effectiveness of their own teaching. No matter your role, you’ll benefit from their expert guidance, as well as: · Authentic classroom examples · Observer think-alouds · Stories from the field with "Give-It-a-Try" tools and "Stop and Think" questions · Follow-up steps specific to your role When classroom observation and feedback are both learner-centered (focused on students) and learning-focused (focused on teachers as learners), they lead to a culture of learning throughout the school. Take this book as your guide, and explore just how effective your feedback can be. Learner-Focused Feedback has been recognized for focusing on practices that have high effect sizes and will help you translate the groundbreaking Visible Learning research into practice. When educators use strategies that have high effects (greater than 0.40), they can accelerate student achievement. The power of the Visible Learning research lies in helping educators understand which factors have the highest impact on student achievement so that educators can begin making strategic decisions based on evidence that will utilize their time, energy, and resources to the best extent possible. The Visible Learning research is based on Professor John Hattie’s unmatched meta-analysis of more than 1,600 research reviews comprising 95,000 studies, involving more than 300 million students—the world’s largest evidence base on what works best in schools to improve student learning. From that research, Dr. Hattie identified more than 250 factors that have an impact on student achievement. View a full list of

Teaching With Superpowers

Teaching With Superpowers PDF Author: C. Bobbi Hansen
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1071904434
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 119

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Unleash your inner teaching superhero Incorporating the principles of neuroscience not only transforms the practices that take place in the classroom, but also empowers teachers, equipping them with the tools they need to feel and be successful in their work. Written in a lighthearted, easy-to-read format, author C. Bobbi Hansen showcases the potential of brain-informed practices to empower teachers and learners alike. By centering instructional practices on research from the field of educational neuroscience, Teaching With Superpowers identifies ten "superpowers" that teachers can activate to optimize how their students’ brains take in, process, and store information. Inside you’ll find: How to optimize teaching and learning by understanding the science of how students learn 10 unique "superpowers" that will enhance your students’ learning, including fueling attention and engagement, promoting culturally responsive teaching, boosting long-term memory, and championing neurodiversity Numerous classroom examples and resources applicable to any content area or grade level For all educators who are passionate about helping their students succeed and maximizing their teaching potential, this is your essential guide.

You Can Teach Someone to Read

You Can Teach Someone to Read PDF Author: Lorraine Peoples
Publisher: GloBooks Publishing LLC
ISBN: 9780967098456
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Step by step detailed directions to provide anyone the necessary tools to easily teach someone -- any age -- to learn to read. The author, a former elementary educator shows that teaching -- and learning -- reading can be fun and satisfying. Peoples shows the reader how to find and teach any missing skills. Ideal for parents, volunteers in literacy programs, teachers and friends. The book's 6 units include easy to follow lesson plans, tips on how to teach the way students learn best, series of unique yarns to make phonics memorable, appendices of sounds, rules and words.

Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain

Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain PDF Author: Marilee Sprenger
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416629513
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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ASCD Bestseller! Today's teachers face a daunting challenge: how to ensure a positive school experience for their students, many of whom carry the burden of adverse childhood experiences, such as abuse, poverty, divorce, abandonment, and numerous other serious social issues. Spurred by her personal experience and extensive exploration of brain-based learning, author Marilee Sprenger explains how brain science—what we know about how the brain works—can be applied to social-emotional learning. Specifically, she addresses how to - Build strong, caring relationships with students to give them a sense of belonging. - Teach and model empathy, so students feel understood and can better understand others. - Awaken students' self-awareness, including the ability to name their own emotions, have accurate self-perceptions, and display self-confidence and self-efficacy. - Help students manage their behavior through impulse control, stress management, and other positive skills. - Improve students' social awareness and interaction with others. - Teach students how to handle relationships, including with people whose backgrounds differ from their own. - Guide students in making responsible decisions. Offering clear, easy-to-understand explanations of brain activity and dozens of specific strategies for all grade levels, Social-Emotional Learning and the Brain is an essential guide to creating supportive classroom environments and improving outcomes for all our students.

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons PDF Author: Phyllis Haddox
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0671631985
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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A step-by-step program that shows parents, simply and clearly, how to teach their child to read in just 20 minutes a day.

The Essential 25

The Essential 25 PDF Author: Marilee Sprenger
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416630155
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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Vocabulary expert Marilee Sprenger presents the 25 essential words all students must know to succeed academically, along with strategies to teach them effectively.

The Motivated Brain

The Motivated Brain PDF Author: Gayle Gregory
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416620540
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 179

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This book explores an approach to teaching and learning that improves student motivation, knowledge acquisition, retention, and academic success.

Upgrade Your Teaching

Upgrade Your Teaching PDF Author: Jay McTighe
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416627375
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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How can educators leverage neuroscience research about how the human brain learns? How can we use this information to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment so our students achieve deep learning and understanding in all subject areas? Upgrade Your Teaching: Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience answers these questions by merging insights from neuroscience with Understanding by Design (UbD), the framework used by thousands of educators to craft units of instruction and authentic assessments that emphasize understanding rather than recall. Readers will learn - How the brain processes incoming information and determines what is (or is not) retained as long-term memory; - How brain science reveals factors that influence student motivation and willingness to put forth effort; - How to fully engage all students through relevance and achievable challenge; - How key components of UbD, including backward design, essential questions, and transfer tasks, are supported by research in neuroscience; - Why specific kinds of teaching and assessment strategies are effective in helping students gain the knowledge, skills, and deep understanding they need to succeed in school and beyond; and - How to create a brain-friendly classroom climate that supports lasting learning. Authors Jay McTighe and Judy Willis translate research findings into practical information for everyday use in schools, at all grade levels and in all subject areas. With their guidance, educators at all levels can learn how to design and implement units that empower teachers and students alike to capitalize on the brain's tremendous capacity for learning.

Teach Like a Champion 2.0

Teach Like a Champion 2.0 PDF Author: Doug Lemov
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118901851
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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One of the most influential teaching guides ever—updated! Teach Like a Champion 2.0 is a complete update to the international bestseller. This teaching guide is a must-have for new and experienced teachers alike. Over 1.3 million teachers around the world already know how the techniques in this book turn educators into classroom champions. With ideas for everything from boosting academic rigor, to improving classroom management, and inspiring student engagement, you will be able to strengthen your teaching practice right away. The first edition of Teach Like a Champion influenced thousands of educators because author Doug Lemov's teaching strategies are simple and powerful. Now, updated techniques and tools make it even easier to put students on the path to college readiness. Here are just a few of the brand new resources available in the 2.0 edition: Over 70 new video clips of real teachers modeling the techniques in the classroom (note: for online access of this content, please visit A selection of never before seen techniques inspired by top teachers around the world Brand new structure emphasizing the most important techniques and step by step teaching guidelines Updated content reflecting the latest best practices from outstanding educators Organized by category and technique, the book’s structure enables you to read start to finish, or dip in anywhere for the specific challenge you’re seeking to address. With examples from outstanding teachers, videos, and additional, continuously updated resources at, you will soon be teaching like a champion. The classroom techniques you'll learn in this book can be adapted to suit any context. Find out why Teach Like a Champion is a "teaching Bible" for so many educators worldwide.