How God the Father Will Destroy the United States of America a True Biblical Prophetic Thesis

How God the Father Will Destroy the United States of America a True Biblical Prophetic Thesis PDF Author: Lawrence Filadelfio
ISBN: 9781700531070
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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An intensive correct biblical study into the soon coming destruction of the great United States Of America.

How God the Father Will Destroy the United States of America a True Biblical Prophetic Thesis

How God the Father Will Destroy the United States of America a True Biblical Prophetic Thesis PDF Author: Lawrence Filadelfio
ISBN: 9781700531070
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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An intensive correct biblical study into the soon coming destruction of the great United States Of America.

Shocking Bible Prophecy

Shocking Bible Prophecy PDF Author: Bryan Hamill
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 0595275095
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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The American Apocalypse

The American Apocalypse PDF Author: Terry James
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 0736931198
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Does America--the most powerful nation on Earth--appear in Bible prophecy? Some people believe the United States will be wiped out in a nuclear attack. Others say it's where the Antichrist will rise. And many people wonder what life will be like in America during the seven-year Tribulation. But what can we know for sure? And what events are setting the stage for the last days, not only in America but globally? Terry James, who has spoken and written extensively on Bible prophecy, addresses these issues and more as he examines the pivotal role America will play: The irreversible move toward one world government The rise in world spirituality yet hatred toward true Christianity The danger signs in America's faltering economic system The new world superpower on the horizon The peace that will lead to the world's greatest war A fascinating survey of what is to come!

The End of America?

The End of America? PDF Author: Jeff Kinley
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 0736971157
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Will God's Wrath Fall on America? What happens when a country glories in its immorality, turning away from faith in God and obedience to Him? Jeff Kinley, author of As It Was in the Days of Noah, explores historical and biblical precedents for the demise of a nation and addresses pressing questions such as... How did we get to this point? Is America in Bible prophecy? Will Christians face widespread persecution here? What effect will the rapture have on America? How should I respond to the moral decline? This forthright survey of current events and trends offers valuable perspective on the future of America—along with powerful motivation to embrace the only source of lasting hope.

The United States in Bible Prophecy

The United States in Bible Prophecy PDF Author: Steve Wohlberg
Publisher: Remnant Publications
ISBN: 1937718255
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Yet again, Steve Wohlberg tackles a subject in just a handful of words that is often buried within the pages of a huge book and answers questions of many people at the same time. This time he pointedly defined the two beasts of Revelation 13, particularly the second beast that, as we learn, is representative of the United States. In identifying the first beast, he also draws from Daniel 7 as these two beasts are markedly similar. While these two beasts seem to point to a gloomy future, we have hope in our Lord Jesus Christ who will reign supreme. Satan’s days are “numbered, and when the last battle rages, heaven’s Lamb will win, not the beast.” “‘Repent’ (Luke 13:3) is God’s loving plea. Those who respond to His offer, and who then stand for the right though the heavens fall, have the assurance that someday they will live forever in a land where freedom truly reigns, where there is ‘no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away’ (Revelation 21:4 KJV).”

A Stench in the Nostrils of God

A Stench in the Nostrils of God PDF Author: Harold J. Farrall
ISBN: 1934956317
Category : Christianity
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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I have often wondered why the United States came into being and why it became the greatest nation on earth. Also, over the years I have wondered about why other things happened around the world and why other events that affected me personally occurred. I turned to the Bible to try to find the answers to these things. I discovered that the answers to most problems and most questions are in the Bible. One just has to search for them. I found in the Bible the answer to why the United States was formed and also what is going to happen to the United States. It is very exciting to discover who we are and why we are. There is no true knowledge except that knowledge that is revealed from God. How is knowledge revealed? The Bible says to search the Scriptures daily with all readiness of mind like the Bereans did and knowledge will be revealed to you (Acts 17:10-12; Isaiah 28:9-13). It takes many months of study for knowledge to be revealed to a person (Proverbs 28:5). People don't seem to realize that the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets in the Old Testament of the Bible apply for all time, not just for those olden times. Jesus did away with the animal sacrifices, rituals, and circumcision, but the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Bible were retained. The commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Bible apply to our modern times now. Anyone who wants to be a Christian and be saved must follow the commandments, statutes, judgments and tenets of the Old Testament which were reinforced in the New Testament of the Bible (John 12:44-50). Which Bible? The Bible that was assembled by Jesus Christ's disciples; namely, The King James Bible. Any other so-called bible written by men/women with an agenda is not worth reading. God (Jesus Christ) made a new covenant with his people on earth. That new covenant is that God's commandments, statutes and judgments are to be embedded in the hearts and minds of those people who accept Jesus Christ as their savior (Hebrews 8:6-13). The old covenant of Moses' time of do's and don'ts and animal sacrifices was changed.

The Great American Curse

The Great American Curse PDF Author: Mickey D Glover
Publisher: Mickey Glover
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 107

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The book of Revelation clearly tells us that someday there would be an end to this world; many have tried to determine this mystery date in our future to no avail. But the mystery that the date seekers and many others failed to notice is this, WHY Why is so much more important than when? There is no question about it; this world will definitely come to an end. But, why is it going to end? In an ancient generation of mankind God gave man his law. It is called the “TEN COMMANDMENTS”. In today’s society these laws are broken every day without much notice. To our own ignorance there is always a price to pay when we disobey. But life goes on. These laws were put into place to protect us from ourselves. But there is one sin that brought our world to an end that fell through the cracks virtually unnoticed. This great sin has now spread throughout the entire earth; Christians and unbelievers are all involved in this sin that has now grown so large that it is actually bringing in the curse of God for the judgment of this sin that will ultimately end our world as we know it. Fulfilling the prophecies of the book of Revelation. In this day and time knowledge has been much increased. So the sin that caused our world to end would have to be put in place in such a way as to be greatly unnoticed. Such as an illusionist or magician. In this book that you are about to read, you will learn the greatest deception ever pulled off in the world’s history, and at a cost so great that it will cause the end of our world, as we know it. The time for this judgment has already began, as early as 2007 the count down clock for the end of the world events began to tick off. The Holy bible was given to mankind directly from God to tell us how life began and why our world ended.

What Has Been Will Be Again

What Has Been Will Be Again PDF Author: Russell Nickel
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1642991333
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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The strongest warning Jesus gives to the church deals with the issue of deception. It should be no surprise Satan's primary goal includes planting seeds of doubt in the minds of people concerning the truth of God's word. When a person rejects the spiritual truths recorded in the Bible, the end result always leads to deception having eternal consequences. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon warns all people willing to listen, civilizations have historically struggled with the same types of sins, and people tend to repeat mistakes in life over and over again. Solomon brings up the truth history repeats itself. Any nation forgetting the mistakes of their past is doomed to repeat them and fall from within. A key spiritual truth Solomon stresses most people fail to recognize, is the cataclysmic events recorded in the Old Testament such as the Flood, the Exodus, and the destruction of Sodom, were literal events meant as prophetic pictures of cataclysms repeating themselves again. According to Solomon, these events recorded in the Old Testament should not be taken as mere allegorical stories. These stories should be viewed as literal historical events, intended as prophetic warnings of future worldwide catastrophes coming upon the earth. A detailed description of these events is laid out as a warning for all people in Revelation. Jesus warns many people have eyes that cannot see, and ears that are unable to hear. This book will give the reader biblically backed responses pertaining to these Old Testament events, explaining how they are prophetic pictures of future events being repeated on earth. We truly serve a God who loves people so much, He goes to great lengths warning all people of the eternal consequences of rejecting the love and grace God freely offers. Most people even in the church, will be shocked when they finally understand the information the Bible is really trying to tell them. The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9, KJV)

Finding America: Published Version

Finding America: Published Version PDF Author: Zane Lawhorn
ISBN: 1435747011
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 318

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Learn new Bible prophecy as the author, Zane Lawhorn follows God's call. You have been led to this book for a purpose. God wants YOU personally to know the truth about the last days of the end times. Exact dates are given in the Bible when the Tribulation begins and when it will end. Yes, the dates are foretold. Most importantly, you will learn the greatest revelation of all, when does Jesus Christ return? And will America return to God before it is too late? Finding America is about God's truth in a world of lies, But hurry, ITS TIME!

Is The United States in Biblical Prophecy?

Is The United States in Biblical Prophecy? PDF Author: Steve G. Karvelas
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 1639611827
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 97

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This book looks at our contemporary time in the light of biblical history and the coming Prince. While reflecting on the environment we are now living in, is Jesus coming soon? After a church service one day, I said to a friend, "Have a good week." And his reply was "Not sure if we, as believers, will be here next week," meaning the rapture of the church is so close. Because of current events in America, we will be gone soon. I said, "You cannot look at our country [the United States of America] and equate it to biblical prophecy." The time frame for prophecy is understood by looking at Israel, how is God working with His chosen people, Israel, and what the Scripture teaches us of end-times. What is the Abrahamic covenant? Is the United States in biblical prophecy? The book covers these terms and more. How does God use other nations to accomplish His plan for mankind, and what will our part as Americans be in the tribulation and the future?