Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25)

Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682161159
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Languages : en
Pages : 4

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In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ's work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times.

Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25)

Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682161159
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 4

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In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ's work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times.

Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25)

Hope for Hard Times (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682161159
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 4

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In hard times, it is easy to feel as if there is no hope. But Christ's work on the cross gives reason for hope even in the darkest of times.

Hope for Hard Times

Hope for Hard Times PDF Author: Scott Hahn
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor (IN)
ISBN: 9781592767106
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 63

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Are you managing your life or is your life managing you? Get back on track with the perfect dose of inspiration, fresh perspective and faithful direction in Our Sunday Visitor's brand new 30-Minute Read series. The 30-Minute Read series touches on a variety of useful topics such as: --Stress-Proof Your Marriage --Why Me? When Bad Things Happen -- Hope For Hard Times Find a sliver of time at lunch, in the parking lot or just before bed and get started today!

He Did This Just for You

He Did This Just for You PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 141855233X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Building on stories and illustrations from He Chose the Nails by bestselling author Max Lucado, He Did This Just for You is a booklet designed to lead you through God's plan of sacrifice and salvation. When you think of the cross, what thoughts come to mind? Steeples? Gold necklaces? Churches? Or do your thoughts go deeper? Do words like these come to mind: Jesus. Nails. Blood. Pain. Death. Tomb. Empty. Joy. Promise. Life. Savior! The words of the cross are so full of pain. So full of passion. So full of promise--God's promise to each and every one of us. His promise to do whatever it takes to save your soul. He did this just for you. He Did This Just for You shares the story of salvation in a new light, taking you through three distinct pieces of the puzzle: The Parable--God's longing for us The Promise--God's gift for us The Privilege--God's invitation to us He Did This Just for You is the perfect way to introduce the gospel to friends and acquaintances through Max Lucado's warm and easy-to-understand writing style. Experience God's grace and plan of salvation for the first time or use this booklet to share the message of hope with someone you know.

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Pack of 25)

I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Pack of 25) PDF Author: Billy Graham
Publisher: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682163252
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Languages : en
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Over the years I have talked to thousands of people who have asked me how to find their way to God. Some have sat in church pews all their lives but never come to personally know God. Others have sought for ultimate meaning in all sorts of ways but never found the peace of mind for which they were searching. Some simply realize that there is something vital missing in their lives. The Bible teaches that this sense of lostness is rooted in the fact that we live in a fallen world.We are all handicapped by a sin nature: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And despite our best efforts, we are unable to remove the haunting weight of guilt that separates us from our Creator. God sent his Son to solve the dilemma caused by our sin. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). Jesus Christ made the way to God for us by his death on the cross. He purchased our salvation by the shedding of his blood. His death and resurrection made a new and everlasting covenant between God and humanity. Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). He did not merely point the way to God. He himself claimed to be the only way to the Father and the source of eternal truth and life. The way to God is through personal faith in Jesus Christ. Intellectual acceptance of Christ is not enough. You must come to him determined to turn from what displeases him, with a total trust in Christ's saving power for you. Christ promises those who turn to him: "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life" (John 5:24). Today you can come to him by surrendering your life and heart to Christ. The Bible says: "To all who did receive him [Jesus Christ], who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). Right where you are you can pray something like this: Lord, I know that I have sinned and need your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and rose from the dead. I invite you into my life to be my Lord and Savior. If you sincerely put your faith in Christ, God promises not only to forgive you, but also to adopt you into his family. It's the greatest gift you will ever receive!

Father's Love Letter

Father's Love Letter PDF Author: Barry Adams
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 1600669948
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Father's Love Letter by Barry Adams is a series of paraphrased Scriptures that take on the form of a love letter from God and will impact your heart, soul and spirit. Experience the love you have been looking for all your life. This gift book contains beautiful full-color photographs and fifty-seven powerful devotional thoughts. A prayer that will help you put into words your response to God follows each devotional thought.

No Greater Love (Pack Of 25)

No Greater Love (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682161784
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 4

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There's no greater love in the world than Christ displayed by dying on the cross for our sins in our place

The Greatest Chapter in the Bible (Pack Of 25)

The Greatest Chapter in the Bible (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: John Piper
Publisher: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682164037
Category :
Languages : en
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The Greatest Chapter in the Bible Adapted from Why I Love the Apostle Paul by John Piper By John Piper The greatest chapter in the Bible is Romans 8. Why? Because Romans 8 spells out all that God is for us in his Son, Jesus Christ. Romans 8:32 says, "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" What are the great obstacles between us and everlasting happiness? One obstacle is our sin. We are all sinners (Rom. 3:23), and the wages of that sin is eternal death (Rom. 6:23). Another obstacle is the wrath of God. If God is justly wrathful toward us in our sinful guilt, then we have no hope of everlasting happiness. When Paul calls Jesus God's own Son, the point is that there are no others like him, and he is infinitely precious to the Father. The point of Romans 8:32 is that this love of God for his one and only Son was like a massive, Mount Everest obstacle standing between God and our salvation. Here was an obstacle almost insurmountable. Could God--would God--overcome his cherishing, admiring, treasuring, white-hot, infinite, affectionate bond with his Son and hand him over to be lied about and betrayed and denied and abandoned and mocked and flogged and beaten and spit on and nailed to a cross and pierced with a sword, like an animal being butchered and hung up on a rack? The unthinkable reality that Romans 8:32 affirms is that God did it. He did hand him over. God did not spare him. In this passage Paul is saying the most unthinkable thing: God handed over his Son to death. "This Jesus [was] delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God" (Acts 2:23). God himself handed over his Son. Nothing greater or harder has ever happened. Or ever will. Therefore, God has done the hardest thing to give us everlasting happiness. He did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all. What does this guarantee? Paul puts it in the form of a rhetorical question (that means a question he expects us to immediately answer correctly): "how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" "All things" is not a promise of a trouble-free life. Four verses later Paul says, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." (Rom. 8:36) Instead, "all things" means all things we need to be eternally happy in God. Since God did not spare his own Son, all things will work together for our good (8:28), we will be glorified (8:30), and nothing, not even persecution or famine or danger or death, can separate us from the love of God in Christ (8:35-39). Paul said, "All the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus]" (2 Cor. 1:20). That is because the Father did not spare his Son. He did it so that all things--all these promises--would be absolutely certain for those who trust him. I have fought all the battles of my life with the promises of God--battles against fear and lust and greed and pride and anger. Battles for courage and purity and contentment and humility and peace and love. All of them by the word of God--the promises of God. Behind every one of those battles is the logic of heaven: "I did not spare my own Son; therefore, my promise to you cannot fail. I will help you. Go. Do what I have called you to do." This promise isn't just for me. It's for anyone who reads it and receives, by faith, Jesus Christ as their Savior, their treasure, their hope, and their joy. If you want to receive Jesus Christ as your treasure today, thank God right now that you have this desire. It is a wonderful gift. Then call out to him in prayer and tell him what is in your heart. Perhaps with these words: O God, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, and that you have opened the eyes of my heart to see the truth of Christ and my great need for him. I see that I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I see that Christ died for sinners and rose again. I see the wonderful promise that all who believe in Christ receive this forgiveness and eternal life. So I do believe, and I appeal to your mercy to save me from my sin, and welcome me, as you promised, into eternal life with you. Put your Spirit within me, I pray, and give me all the help I need to follow Jesus as Lord, and obey his teachings. Please lead me to a Bible-believing church where I can grow in faith and with others who love Jesus. Amen.

Have You Been Born Again? (Pack of 25)

Have You Been Born Again? (Pack of 25) PDF Author: Good News Publishers
ISBN: 9781682161005
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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This tract explains six characteristics that will be evident in a believer's life if they have been born again.

The Promise of Heaven (Pack Of 25)

The Promise of Heaven (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: John MacArthur
Publisher: Proclaiming the Gospel
ISBN: 9781682161890
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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What will heaven be like? Heaven is a place more wonderful than we can ever begin to imagine. It is a place of joy and beauty, of peace and happiness that will never end. Why? Because heaven is also a place where there will be no sin or suffering, no sorrow or pain. It's a place where there will be no quarrels or disagreements, no disappointments or weeping--because there will be nothing there to make us sad. And in heaven we will never do anything to displease God. We will then know perfect joy. Psalm 16:11 says, "In Thy presence is fullness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever." Everything that now makes us groan will finally be done away with, and we will find ourselves in the very presence of God, where the purest and truest kind of joy is possible. In heaven we will also have perfect knowledge. The Bible says, "Then shall I know even as also I am known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). We will have no more unanswered questions, no confusion, no ignorance, and no more need to walk by faith rather than by sight. We will live in perfect comfort. We will love God perfectly and will be loved perfectly by Him. His love will engulf us forever. Stated simply, heaven is a place of perfect joy forever. Think of it! We will be perfectly free from evil forever. We will be set free from captivity to sin, and finally able to do that which is absolutely righteous, holy, and perfect before God. With sin and its effects erased