Homeopathic Principles and Practice of Medicine

Homeopathic Principles and Practice of Medicine PDF Author: Chauhan V.K. Gupta Meeta
ISBN: 9788131901632
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Homeopathic Principal & Practice of Medicine, written by Dr. V.K. Chauhan & Dr. Meeta Gupta, is a handbook to meet the requirement of homeopathic medical students and practitioners which deals with the basic and comprehensive approach to the treatment pla

Homeopathic Principles and Practice of Medicine

Homeopathic Principles and Practice of Medicine PDF Author: Chauhan V.K. Gupta Meeta
ISBN: 9788131901632
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Homeopathic Principal & Practice of Medicine, written by Dr. V.K. Chauhan & Dr. Meeta Gupta, is a handbook to meet the requirement of homeopathic medical students and practitioners which deals with the basic and comprehensive approach to the treatment pla

Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine

Homoeopathic Practice of Medicine PDF Author: Jacob Jeanes
Category : Homeopathy
Languages : en
Pages : 412

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Principles and Practice of Homeopathy

Principles and Practice of Homeopathy PDF Author: David Owen
Publisher: Singing Dragon
ISBN: 0857012134
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 454

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Book Description
This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed, practical and thorough basis for the understanding and application of the homeopathic process. Drawing on the experience and knowledge of a wealth of contributors, the book offers the foundations for the safe and broadest practice of modern homeopathy. Divided into 6 sections, this book takes the understanding of homeopathy from basic principles to the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, the first prescription, and difficult, confused and hidden cases. Each section progresses through five themes broadly divided into philosophy, material medica, case taking, case analyses and case management. Each theme is woven together through the text and, section by section, builds into an essential study guide for the homeopathic student. It provides opportunities for reflection, and invites all practitioners to engage in their own personal and professional development.

Textbook of Practice of Medicine with Homeopathic Therapeutics

Textbook of Practice of Medicine with Homeopathic Therapeutics PDF Author: Kamal Kansal
Publisher: B Jain Publishers Pvt Limited
ISBN: 9788131900055
Category : Homeopathy
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
This edition has been updated with a view to the new advancements made in the field of medicine and homeopathic therapeutics. With the advent of new diagnostic tools and techniques medicine has evolved into yet another dimension, which made it necessary to include all the advancements in this edition. But it was done keeping in view the needs of students thereby staying away from unnecessary irrelevant information that just adds to bulk of the book.

The Complete Guide to Homeopathy

The Complete Guide to Homeopathy PDF Author: Andrew Lockie
Publisher: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
ISBN: 9780789401489
Category : Alternative medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The Complete Guide to Homeopathy reveals the key principles of homeopathy, including the way we are categorized into "constitutional" types according to our physical and emotional characteristics. Self-assessment Questionnaire: A specially designed questionnaire, based on what a homeopath might ask during a first office visit, provides unique insight into the link between health and temperament and helps determine which constitutional type you most closely match. Index of Remedies: A photographic index of 150 remedies illustrates plant, mineral, and animal sources, ranging from common foods such as honey to toxic substances such as snake venom. A profile of each remedy gives its historical background, medicinal uses, and its corresponding constitutional type. Treating Common Ailments: Easy-to-use ailment charts show which remedies to take for everyday health problems such as insomnia, anxiety, eczema, and toothaches. Additional self-help treatments are recommended, and there is a quick-reference guide to homeopathic first aid.

Vernacular Medicine in Colonial India

Vernacular Medicine in Colonial India PDF Author: Shinjini Das
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108420621
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 307

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Interrelated histories of colonial medicine, market and family reveal how Western homeopathy was translated and made vernacular in colonial India.

Journal of the American Institute of Homœopathy

Journal of the American Institute of Homœopathy PDF Author:
Category : Homeopathy
Languages : en
Pages : 1196

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Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines

Materia Medica of New and Old Homeopathic Medicines PDF Author: David S. Riley
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030659208
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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Book Description
David S. Riley’s interest in the research and subsequently the history and methodology of homeopathic drug provings began with his medical school training in 1979 and a residency in Internal Medicine. He was exposed to homeopathy in 1988 followed by study at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in Albany, California. He has investigated the interplay between contemporary research methods and the research methods associated with homeopathic drug provings. Dr Riley has developed research tools for data collection, symptom selection criteria and blinding; primarily to address the risk of bias.The homeopathic drug provings published here are the result of this work. For the 3rd edition twelve homeopathic drug provings, conducted by a number of internationally renowned proving directors, have been added. These homeopathic drug provings all follow good clinical practice (GCP) research guidelines and incorporate the guidelines suggested by Dr Samuel Hahnemann more than 200 years ago.

The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy

The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy PDF Author: Richard Hughes
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 808

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Student's Guide to Practice of Medicine

Student's Guide to Practice of Medicine PDF Author: Arora Ritu
Publisher: B. Jain Publishers
ISBN: 9788180560576
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Book Description
The book has been written in a most concise way, compact, to the point and lucid manner. The book will prove to be an asset for the students.