A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard - Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food

A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard - Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food PDF Author: John Davidson
Publisher: JD-Biz Corp Publishing
ISBN: 1311659285
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 42

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Book Description
A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food Table of Contents Introduction It Is Just Chicken Feed Sustainable Poultry Feed Crop bound Chickens Best Natural Food for Chickens Hatching Chickens How to Make an Incubator Fresh Water Supply Nesting boxes Free Ranging Birds Dust baths and Shed Floor Covering Bumble Foot Building Your Own Chicken Coop Egg Production Raising Broilers for the Market Well Ventilated Coops Protecting chickens from Predators Conclusion The Truth about Growth Promoting Feed Author Bio Introduction Ever since man found out that it was extremely easy to have domesticated sources of food, reared right in his yard, millenniums ago, is it a wonder that poultry especially chicken farming is one of the best methods to get easy access to a good source of food for your family? There is absolutely no country in the world, except perhaps the Arctic regions, – where man has not reared ducks, chickens and other poultry for table purposes down the centuries. Apart from these being an easy source of eggs to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, you also knew that you would have a tough old rooster for dinner, when a large number of family members popped in unexpectedly, demanding sustenance. We are going to be concentrating on chicken farming, for domestic purposes in this book. You have this dream of raising chickens in your backyard. You are interested in a continuous supply of eggs, and the occasional chicken for your pot of a Sunday. Layers are those chickens, which are normally raised for egg production. The chickens which are going to go straight into the pot are called broilers. Since ancient times, human beings have been raising poultry for domestic purposes and also for marketing purposes. Poultry farming has been a part of rural life in the east down the centuries. All the kitchen waste was fed to the hens. These hens came under the 21st century poultry farming term – free ranging. That meant they were allowed to scratch about in the backyard, getting their fill of insects, worms, green vegetables, organic matter, and was it a wonder that they laid delicious, nutritious, and proteinaceous eggs? Every intelligent householder kept three or four hens depending on the size of his family, and he bought a cock from the market, when he needed chickens. Once a clutch of chickens was hatched, Cocky Locky went into the cook pot. One of the common mistakes made by new poultry farmers is buying a large number of birds, because they are not very clear about whether they want these words for home consumption or they want to trade in the eggs and poultry meat. Around 50 years ago, one of my father’s colleagues was facing this problem. He had this huge garden and backyard. He had heard about dad rearing poultry in that garden successfully. So he also wanted to experiment in this exciting new activity which would keep his family well supplied with eggs, and fresh meat. So the next time dad went visiting to his base on a tour, he asked dad the best way to raise birds without too much of a hassle. You are going to get these easy tips in the book.

A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard - Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food

A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard - Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food PDF Author: John Davidson
Publisher: JD-Biz Corp Publishing
ISBN: 1311659285
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 42

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Book Description
A Beginner’s Guide to Poultry Farming in Your Backyard Raising Chickens for Eggs and Food Table of Contents Introduction It Is Just Chicken Feed Sustainable Poultry Feed Crop bound Chickens Best Natural Food for Chickens Hatching Chickens How to Make an Incubator Fresh Water Supply Nesting boxes Free Ranging Birds Dust baths and Shed Floor Covering Bumble Foot Building Your Own Chicken Coop Egg Production Raising Broilers for the Market Well Ventilated Coops Protecting chickens from Predators Conclusion The Truth about Growth Promoting Feed Author Bio Introduction Ever since man found out that it was extremely easy to have domesticated sources of food, reared right in his yard, millenniums ago, is it a wonder that poultry especially chicken farming is one of the best methods to get easy access to a good source of food for your family? There is absolutely no country in the world, except perhaps the Arctic regions, – where man has not reared ducks, chickens and other poultry for table purposes down the centuries. Apart from these being an easy source of eggs to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, you also knew that you would have a tough old rooster for dinner, when a large number of family members popped in unexpectedly, demanding sustenance. We are going to be concentrating on chicken farming, for domestic purposes in this book. You have this dream of raising chickens in your backyard. You are interested in a continuous supply of eggs, and the occasional chicken for your pot of a Sunday. Layers are those chickens, which are normally raised for egg production. The chickens which are going to go straight into the pot are called broilers. Since ancient times, human beings have been raising poultry for domestic purposes and also for marketing purposes. Poultry farming has been a part of rural life in the east down the centuries. All the kitchen waste was fed to the hens. These hens came under the 21st century poultry farming term – free ranging. That meant they were allowed to scratch about in the backyard, getting their fill of insects, worms, green vegetables, organic matter, and was it a wonder that they laid delicious, nutritious, and proteinaceous eggs? Every intelligent householder kept three or four hens depending on the size of his family, and he bought a cock from the market, when he needed chickens. Once a clutch of chickens was hatched, Cocky Locky went into the cook pot. One of the common mistakes made by new poultry farmers is buying a large number of birds, because they are not very clear about whether they want these words for home consumption or they want to trade in the eggs and poultry meat. Around 50 years ago, one of my father’s colleagues was facing this problem. He had this huge garden and backyard. He had heard about dad rearing poultry in that garden successfully. So he also wanted to experiment in this exciting new activity which would keep his family well supplied with eggs, and fresh meat. So the next time dad went visiting to his base on a tour, he asked dad the best way to raise birds without too much of a hassle. You are going to get these easy tips in the book.

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Raising Chickens

The Complete Idiot's Guide To Raising Chickens PDF Author: Jerome D. Belanger
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 1101223715
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 301

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Book Description
Readers will flock to this book Raising chickens is a growing trend hitting urban and suburban areas, as well as the country. The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Raising Chickens covers every aspect of raising chickens, whether one lives in the country, suburb, or city. People wanting their own supply of organic, additive-free, free-range eggs want to know how to keep their chickens healthy and egg producing. • How to choose what to start with-chicks, pullets, or hens • How best to feed and water • Coverage of the most popular breeds • Everything about eggs, including how to sell them

Hints to Poultrymen

Hints to Poultrymen PDF Author:
Category : Poultry
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Hints to Poultrymen

Hints to Poultrymen PDF Author: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Dept. of Poultry Husbandry
Category : Poultry
Languages : en
Pages : 878

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Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry, 4th Edition

Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry, 4th Edition PDF Author: Glenn Drowns
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 1603427686
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 465

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Book Description
Whether you’re running a farm or interested in keeping a few backyard birds, Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry covers everything you need to know to successfully raise your own chickens, turkeys, waterfowl, and more. Stressing humane practices throughout, Glenn Drowns provides expert advice on breed selection, housing, feeding, behavior, breeding, health care, and processing your own meat and eggs. With tips on raising specialty species like doves, ostriches, and peafowl, you’ll be inspired to experiment with new breeds and add diversity to your poultry operation.

Hints to Poultrymen

Hints to Poultrymen PDF Author: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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Choosing & Raising Chickens

Choosing & Raising Chickens PDF Author: Celia Lewis
Publisher: David & Charles
ISBN: 9780715333105
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A practical, everything-you-need-to-know guide to keeping chickens for people who are as interested in them as pets as they are in eggs and other poultry produce.

Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds

Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds PDF Author: Carol Ekarius
Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 1612128432
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Book Description
More than 128 birds strut their stuff across the pages of this definitive primer for intrepid poultry farmers and feather fanciers alike. From the Manx Rumpy to the Redcap and the Ancona duck to his Aylesbury cousin, each breed is profiled with a brief history, detailed descriptions of identifying characteristics, and colorful photography. Comprehensive and fun, Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds celebrates the personalities and charming good looks of North America’s quirkiest barnyard birds and waterfowl.

How to Raise Chickens

How to Raise Chickens PDF Author: Christine Heinrichs
Publisher: Voyageur Press (MN)
ISBN: 0760343772
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 211

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Book Description
Whether you want to raise 5 chickens or 50, whether you have a 40-foot city lot or a 40-acre farm, the expert advice in this hands-on guidebook makes it easy for you to get started raising a healthy flock. Whichever comes first for you, the chicken or the egg, this book will show you what to do next with longtime chicken breeder Christine Heinrichs explaining all the helpful DOs and important DON’Ts. This brightly illustrated, full-color guide will prove an indispensable resource for anyone interested in raising their very own flocks. Easy-to-follow advice helps you to: Choose breeds and obtain stock House and feed chickens Manage your flock and keep it healthy Select and cull for breeding programs Incubate eggs and care for chicks Raise chickens in the country, suburbs, or city The book provides information on breed types, obtaining stock, housing, feeding, flock management, breeding programs, incubation and care of chicks, selection and culling, showing, health care, and the legal aspects of raising chickens. Reviewed and approved by Dr. Clint Rusk (Purdue University Associate Professor in the Youth Development and Agriculture Education Department), this book will give you the tools you need to succeed in a challenging but rewarding business.

Poultry Production in the Tropics

Poultry Production in the Tropics PDF Author: Ugochukwu ADINDU
ISBN: 9781718022485
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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Book Description
This book has been extensively prepared for poultry farmers in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia, although a little emphasis was made considering the Nigerian socio-economic and agro-climatic conditions. Small scale farmers make up over 80% of the total output realised from meat and egg production in the tropics, therefore this book was prepared having them in mind. Familiar topics and some terminologies have been well explained for the benefits of poultry lovers who are interested in going into poultry production but lack the "technical know-how". Students of Animal production in tertiary institutions are not left out as this book covers the academic curriculum for undergraduates. Veterinarians, Poultry researchers and consultants will find this book invaluable as the information therein is solid and up to date as regards to the current trend in poultry production. This book is written based on the author's knowledge on poultry farming and the knowledge of various scholars, researchers, farmers and poultry breeders in Africa, India and Great Britain. The following topics have been exhaustively treated 1. Breeds of the domestic fowl2. Incubation and hatching management 3. Poultry housing and equipment4. Poultry brooding (management of day old chicks)5. Management of growers, layers, breeders and broilers6. Poultry nutrition7. Poultry feeds and feeding (including feed formulation) 8. Poultry diseases: prevention and control 9. Processing and preservation of poultry products 10. Poultry economics (how to start poultry farming/financial implication)11. Poultry farm records.