Author: Elaine Morley
Publisher: The Urban Insitute
ISBN: 9780877666936
Category : At risk
Languages : en
Pages : 102
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States the need for community-based, integrated services to meet the many needs of at-risk youth and their families. Discusses services integration, case management, parental involvement, tutoring, mentoring, fund-raising, and monitoring program outcomes.
Author: Kevin Powell
ISBN: 9780878226955
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :
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By focusing attention on what is right with youth rather than what is wrong with them, the strengths-based approach to intervening with youth avoids negative outcomes commonly associated with deficit- or problem-based interventions. This book provides an accessible outline of the strengths-based approach and details 41 interventions across several strengths domains.Practitioners in school, clinical, and community settings will find the book's numerous case examples, practical suggestions, and reproducible forms and handouts invaluable in the provision of day-to-day youth services.
Author: Michael Ungar
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1483362019
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 145
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"An eye-opening and heart-opening book." -Bonnie Benard, Senior Program Associate, WestEd Identify and promote overlooked strengths to cultivate resilience. Now more than ever, counselors, teachers, community youth workers, and parents are striving to prevent individual and school-wide tragedy before it happens. Critical to the success of their efforts is a deep respect for the adolescent experience. In this book, author and social worker Michael Ungar takes a fresh, hopeful approach to challenging youth by looking beyond the surface of "bad" behaviors to understand them as ways of coping with life′s adversities. Strengths-Based Counseling With At-Risk Youth provides the tools both to understand and access strengths buried beneath problem behaviors. It offers specific, effective strategies in working with adolescents to construct positive identities and realistic action plans. Features include Six strategies for youth engagement, covering common problem behaviors such as drug use, violence, delinquency, and promiscuity An entire chapter on bullying An abundance of real-life examples and counseling narratives A Resilient Youth Strengths Inventory to assess resilience and identify areas that need strengthening Sincere application of Ungar′s compassionate and open-minded strategies is sure to transform the lives of countless adolescents in need, and the institutions that serve them.
Author: Larry K. Brendtro
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 188
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Based on the book by the same title, the Reclaiming Youth at Risk video workshop takes viewers inside two schools and two residential treatment centers that have experienced great success in creating environments that allow young people to transfrom crisis into opportunity and failure into success.
Author: Larry K. Brendtro
ISBN: 9781949539158
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 248
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Empower your alienated students to cultivate a deep sense of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. This fully updated edition of Reclaiming Youth at Risk by Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg, and Steve Van Bockern merges Native American knowledge and Western science to create a unique alternative for reaching disconnected or troubled youth. Rely on the book's new neuroscience research, insights, and examples to help you establish positive relationships, foster social learning and emotional development, and inspire every young person to thrive and overcome. Drive positive youth development with the updated Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Study the four hazards that dominate the lives of youth at risk: relational trauma, failure as futility, powerlessness, and loss of purpose. Learn how cultivating the Circle of Courage values of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity can combat the four hazards. Explore a unique strength-based approach for reclaiming discouraged or alienated youth. Understand how to create a safe, brain-friendly learning environment and break the conflict cycle. Read personal accounts of individuals who have transformed student trauma into student resilience in schools through trauma-informed practice. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Enduring Truths Chapter 2: The Circle of Courage Chapter 3: Seeds of Discouragement Chapter 4: Bonds of Trust Chapter 5: Strength for Learning Chapter 6: Pathways to Responsibility Chapter 7: Lives With Purpose Chapter 8: From Surviving to Thriving References and Resources
Author: J. McWhirter
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781133371625
Category : Youth with social disabilities
Languages : en
Pages : 428
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This text provides the conceptual and practical information on key issues and problems that students need to prepare effectively for work with at-risk youth. The authors describe and discuss the latest prevention and intervention techniques that will help future and current professionals perform their jobs successfully and improve the lives of young people at risk.
Author: Richard Gold
Publisher: R&L Education
ISBN: 1475802854
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 193
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This book describes a specific program for teaching and mentoring expressive writing by at-risk youth—a program that can generate transformative change in the teens, and generate significant new satisfactions for you. When young people write personally and creatively, it helps them to overcome challenges in their lives. They feel better, think more clearly, are more self-confident, and are better able to relate to others, including their helpers. This personal creative process is enriching and enlivening for everyone. It brings emotional clarity and meaning to everyone. It brings closeness, in addition to learning and growth.Welcome to the Pongo Teen Writing Method.
Author: Peter Smyth
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1351980882
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 273
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In the child welfare system some youth do well in their lives, but far too many do not experience positive outcomes by the time they are leaving government services. The youth often feel marginalized and that they were not involved in decisions about their own lives, leaving them with a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. This book focuses on high-risk youth - whose struggles include neglect and abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, the risk of being exploited, mental health issues, and the inability to self-regulate and trust - a population of youth that government child welfare services and community agencies struggle to serve adequately. The focus has traditionally been on punishment-consequence interventions and demanding compliance, but experience and research shows they can be better served through relationship-based practice incorporating harm reduction principles, resiliency and strength-based approaches, community collaboration, and an understanding that these youth typically come from experiences of early trauma impacting their brain development and their ability to form attachments. This book provides an overview of the Get Connected practice framework and philosophy, and provides strategies for engaging and working with the most disconnected, challenging, and troubled youth in society.
Author: Patricia Morgan
ISBN: 9781773709949
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 234
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LOVE HER AS SHE IS was featured in a CBC television documentary and is recommended as a valuable resource for all parents and mental health professionals. You will gain insight into the effects of a disturbing childhood, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), FASD, adoption, the world of drugs and life on the street. Through the story of a mother struggling to connect with a distant and dual alcohol and cocaine-addicted daughter, you will discover how to love unconditionally while maintaining clear boundaries, develop healthy solutions for connecting in challenging relationships and turn hope into loving action.
Author: J. Jeffries McWhirter
Publisher: Brooks/Cole
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 390
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At-risk behaviors are the biggest single problem with youth today, a topic of growing importance in the fields of both counseling and education. Whether the term "at-risk" connotates a local school districts problems with youth suicide and school dropout, the correction systems concerns about juvenile delinquency, or the health systems concerns with teen pregnancy, child abuse, and AIDS, the individuals labeled as such need the on-going help of professionals to help them overcome their problems. ..In the McWhirters intriguing new book, the authors show how at-risk individuals can become responsible and productive adults. The book provides up-to-date information and research on the different at-risk categories and puts the categories in a unified and consistent conceptual framework. As the authors focus on the various aspects of at-risk behaviors for the different helping professionals -- especially counselors and teachers -- they present educational, psychological, and counseling interventions for prevention and treatment for each problem area..The book is organized for teaching flexibility: the chapters may be used in sequence, or several different teaching modules can be created using the text. By combining various chapters, instructors may create an overview module, a family module, a school issues and dropout module, a prevention module, four modules based on the at-risk categories: substance use, teen pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, and youth suicide, and four modules based on treatment interventions: refusal and resistance training; an Adlerian/Driekurs model; Glassers Reality Therapy; and crisis intervention.