Health Care Dilemma, The: A Comparison Of Health Care Systems In Three European Countries And The Us

Health Care Dilemma, The: A Comparison Of Health Care Systems In Three European Countries And The Us PDF Author: Elizabeth G Armstrong
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814464511
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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The Health Care Dilemma should be of interest to local and international health care constituencies, including leaders of health care delivery networks, academic professionals, students, and government and ministerial authorities globally with interest in health care systems and policy development.The patient case studies collected in this book provide first-hand accounts of health care delivery in multiple settings in a variety of national and local systems. These accounts, focusing on real experiences and real patients, transcend the rhetoric of political debate about health care delivery. The cases offer lessons for how we might draw on the virtues of other health care systems, understand strengths and shortcomings in our current system, and work toward potential improvements.All royalties derived from the sale of this book are contributed to the Harvard Macy Institute in support of the worldwide community of health care professionals innovating through education.

Health Care Dilemma, The: A Comparison Of Health Care Systems In Three European Countries And The Us

Health Care Dilemma, The: A Comparison Of Health Care Systems In Three European Countries And The Us PDF Author: Elizabeth G Armstrong
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814464511
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Book Description
The Health Care Dilemma should be of interest to local and international health care constituencies, including leaders of health care delivery networks, academic professionals, students, and government and ministerial authorities globally with interest in health care systems and policy development.The patient case studies collected in this book provide first-hand accounts of health care delivery in multiple settings in a variety of national and local systems. These accounts, focusing on real experiences and real patients, transcend the rhetoric of political debate about health care delivery. The cases offer lessons for how we might draw on the virtues of other health care systems, understand strengths and shortcomings in our current system, and work toward potential improvements.All royalties derived from the sale of this book are contributed to the Harvard Macy Institute in support of the worldwide community of health care professionals innovating through education.

The Health Care Dilemma

The Health Care Dilemma PDF Author: Elizabeth G. Armstrong
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814313963
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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In an age of spiraling costs, it is no surprise that health care policy and health care systems are now among the most hotly debated and controversial topics in many countries of the world today. The issue is literally one of life-and-death, and affects millions across the globe as they struggle to answer the question of who pays for their health care. This book explores the health care systems of Denmark, Germany and Sweden, and compares them with the system in the United States through 30 first-hand case reports by advanced medical students taking part in an international exchange program. It also describes how these health care systems have developed and how they differ which are essential background reading for anyone making decisions on health care policy in these countries. The aim is to provide a resource for professors and students of public health policy, medicine, nursing, allied health professions, social sciences and other disciplines as they explore the social, political and cultural effects on health care and health care systems. The case studies are also interesting and provide ample food-for-thought for the general readership who are the end-users of health care and who are often able to influence public health policy.

Capitalisms Compared

Capitalisms Compared PDF Author: John R. Bowman
Publisher: CQ Press
ISBN: 1483323714
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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How different would Americans’ lives be if they had guaranteed access to health care, generous public pensions, paid family leave, high-quality public pre-school care, increased rights at work, and a greater say in how corporations are run? This one-of-a-kind book emphasizes that differences in policies and institutions affect the lives of citizens by comparing health, pension, and family policies, as well as labor markets and corporate governance in the United States, Sweden, and Germany. Demonstrating that the US model of capitalism is not the only one that is viable, Bowman encourages students not only to rethink their assumptions about what policy alternatives are feasible, but also to learn more about American capitalism through insightful contrast. Covering a wide range of policy areas and written in a crisp, engaging style, Capitalisms Compared is a perfect companion for courses in political economy and public policy.

Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance

Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance PDF Author: Nina Zeldes
Publisher: UCL Press
ISBN: 1800083645
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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What are the barriers preventing migrants from accessing and successfully utilizing health care in their new home country? Do these barriers vary across different migrant origin countries? And are they still a problem for highly skilled migrants, who often have well-paid jobs and health insurance provided by their employers? Based on field research conducted in the Washington D.C. area, Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance takes a mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative approach to the study of foreign patients’ utilization and assessment of health care in the US. Through interviews with both health care providers and patients, attitudes towards US health insurance and medical treatment are compared for migrants from three countries with very different cultural backgrounds and health insurance systems: Germany, India and Japan. Combined with an in-depth literature review, historical and contemporary surveys of health care across countries and analysis of health-related terms in the media, the results of this research indicate that foreign patients’ barriers to good health care persist despite access to health care services and insurance coverage, and reveal recurring transnational care seeking patterns, such as bringing medicines from abroad, delaying treatment for medical visits, insurance juggling and more. By describing their difficulties in integrating into the US health care system, the migrants in this study show the challenges and the potential for improvements in providing the care that migrants need in their new home.

Ukrainian Healthcare Law in the Context of European and International Law

Ukrainian Healthcare Law in the Context of European and International Law PDF Author: Roman Maydanyk
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031056906
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 277

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This is an increasingly timely book, focusing on issues arising from the impact of COVID-19 on the health care law of the Central and East European countries. It deals with dualism and system of health care law, depicts legal personality in the field of health care, examines property rights and turnover of human tissues, considers moral rights in this field, intellectual ownership in the field of medicine and pharmacy, contracts on health care and contracts on rendering medical services, the legal relationships of transplantology, post-mortem reproduction and donorship, features of family personal property rights in the field of health care, problems of legal regulation of medical workers labour, investigates private legal relationships of surrogate motherhood with foreign element. Special attention is given to the alternative resolution of health care disputes and impact of pandemic on the effective health rights protection. The book is intended for wide auditoria of scholars and practitioners, who engaged in health care rights protection, as well as judges and practicing lawyers, graduate and undergraduate students.

Health Care and Reform in Industrialized Countries

Health Care and Reform in Industrialized Countries PDF Author: Marshall W. Raffel
Publisher: Penn State Press
ISBN: 0271032928
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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This timely volume examines the health care systems of Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. All democratic and affluent, with well-educated populations and high health standards, these countries have interacted with each other extensively over the years in commercial, cultural, and scientific affairs. The essayists, all resident health care experts, address here the ways in which their countries influence, and are influenced by, the health care systems of other countries studied here. They also examine their common problems&—not least the increasing pressure to serve aging populations while maintaining economic balance. Each covering a different country, the chapters detail the various components of national health care systems: the role, choices, and financial responsibility of the patient, physician training and influence, the organization and financing of hospitals, provisions for care of the elderly and mentally ill, public health services, the role of private health insurance, national health expenditures and efforts at cost containment, and the role of government. Each chapter is supplemented with a wealth of statistical data relevant to the respective country. The final chapter by Marshall W. Raffel addresses some of the overarching issues that emerge from the study of these ten countries. While not proposing a solution to all of the problems of health care systems, this volume provides information and insights for those examining and addressing the organizational and financial issues in their own countries. Contributors are Peggy Leatt, A. Paul Williams, Allan Krasnik, Signild Vallg&årda, Wolfgang Greiner, J.-Matthias v.d. Schulenburg, Marie-Pascal Pomey, Jean-Pierre Poullier, Toshitaka Nakahara, J. A. M. (Hans) Maarse, Claudia Scott, Stefan H&åkansson, Sara Nordling, Peter R. Hatcher, Marshall W. Raffel, and Norma K. Raffel.

The Healing of America

The Healing of America PDF Author: T. R. Reid
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0143118218
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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A New York Times Bestseller, with an updated explanation of the 2010 Health Reform Bill "Important and powerful . . . a rich tour of health care around the world." —Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times Bringing to bear his talent for explaining complex issues in a clear, engaging way, New York Times bestselling author T. R. Reid visits industrialized democracies around the world--France, Britain, Germany, Japan, and beyond--to provide a revelatory tour of successful, affordable universal health care systems. Now updated with new statistics and a plain-English explanation of the 2010 health care reform bill, The Healing of America is required reading for all those hoping to understand the state of health care in our country, and around the world. T. R. Reid's latest book, A Fine Mess: A Global Quest for a Simpler, Fairer, and More Efficient Tax System, is also available from Penguin Press.

Health Manpower, 1974

Health Manpower, 1974 PDF Author: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Subcommittee on Health
Category : Federal aid to higher education
Languages : en
Pages : 920

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Women, Families, and Feminist Politics

Women, Families, and Feminist Politics PDF Author: J Dianne Garner
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317790243
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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Women and their roles within families must be understood within the context of ethnic traditions, religion, and culture. Women, Families, and Feminist Politics: A Global Exploration combines all of these aspects to evaluate the similarities and differences of women around the world. Readers will learn about diverse theories relating to women and their familial roles, the different categories of feminism, and how cultures and ethnic traditions shape and sometimes restrict a woman’s identity. Using feminist and sociocultural theories to critically examine the role of adult women within their families, Women, Families, and Feminist Politics offers ideas and suggestions on what has to be done in order for all of women’s experiences and concerns to be valued and looked upon as important. In addition to providing you with an understanding of how customs and cultures contribute to societal standards set for women, Women, Families, and Feminist Politics discusses several factors that contribute to the formation of women’s roles and identity, including: the economic situation of the family and the country in which the woman lives (a developed or developing country) cultural diversity in monogamous heterosexual marriage relations and specific marriage traditions, such as dowries family structures, such as nonnuclear, extended, polygamous, mixed religion relationships, mixed race relationships, or same-sex relationships reproduction and sexual standards in relation to religion, government policies, and world population gender equity in the workplace and programs for women in global development the health care needs of women and how they vary depending on culture, political philosophies, and resources women and violence in societal and family contexts, from war rapes, female circumcision, and footbinding to battery and sexual harassmentWomen, Families, and Feminist Politics looks at the daily challenges and concerns of adult women within the context of family to help you understand the different needs of women in relation to their culture and ethnic background. Focusing on the importance of views concerning the meaning of women’s social status, power, and success, Women, Families, and Feminist Politics contains case studies and statistical data that identify critical issues pertaining to you personally and to all women throughout the world. By understanding how women’s families help shape their identities, you will be able to learn about the vast experiences of women and the inequalities we have yet to overcome.

Health Manpower, 1974: Appendix I; Geographic analysis of physician shortage areas and the problem of specialty maldistribution

Health Manpower, 1974: Appendix I; Geographic analysis of physician shortage areas and the problem of specialty maldistribution PDF Author: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Subcommittee on Health
Category : Federal aid to higher education
Languages : en
Pages : 1240

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