Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye [Release Date Jan. 13, 2021].

Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye [Release Date Jan. 13, 2021]. PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
ISBN: 9781713729129
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye

Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
Publisher: Scholastic Press
ISBN: 9780590764704
Category : English language
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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Book Description
Stacey and her parents are moving back to New York! Not only are the Babysitters losing their treasurer but Claudia is losing her best friend.

Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye [Release Date Jan. 13, 2021].

Good-bye Stacey, Good-bye [Release Date Jan. 13, 2021]. PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
ISBN: 9781713729129
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Hello, Mallory: Classic Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club #14)

Hello, Mallory: Classic Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club #14) PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
ISBN: 0545533899
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 113

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Book Description
The hit series is back, to charm and inspire another generation of baby-sitters! Mallory Pike has always wanted to be a member of the Baby-sitters Club--they're so much fun to be around, and she's practically a baby-sitter already. Now the club members have invited Mallory to a meeting. This might be her big chance!But the BSC isn't making it easy--they make Mal feel like a baby on a job, and make her take an impossible written test. Mallory's beginning to think she doesn't want to be a part of the BSC . . . or maybe she and her new friend Jessi should start a club of their own. It's time to show those Baby-sitters what a couple of new girls can do!The best friends you'll ever have--with classic BSC covers and a letter from Ann M. Martin!

Claudia and the Sad Good-Bye (the Baby-Sitters Club #26)

Claudia and the Sad Good-Bye (the Baby-Sitters Club #26) PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
Publisher: Baby-Sitters Club
ISBN: 9781338875652
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
America's favorite series returns with a new look and a Netflix TV show. Claudia has a sad goodbye to make. Her grandmother, Mimi, has just died. Claudia understands that Mimi was sick for a long time, but she's still mad at her grandmother for leaving her. Who will help Claudia with her homework . . . and share "special tea" with her? To keep from thinking about Mimi, Claudia spends all her free time painting and baby-sitting. She's even teaching an art class for some of the kids in the neighborhood. Claudia knows she has to let go of Mimi sometime. But how do you say goodbye to a special friend . . . forever?

Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn: Classic Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club #15)

Little Miss Stoneybrook...and Dawn: Classic Edition (The Baby-Sitters Club #15) PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
ISBN: 0545533902
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 119

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Book Description
The hit series is back, to charm and inspire another generation of baby-sitters! Lately, it seems like each of the Baby-sitters besides Dawn has been singled out . . . and she's a little jealous. But now it's Dawn turn to shine: Mrs. Pike has asked her to help prepare Margo and Claire for the Little Miss Stoneybrook contest!Dawn's going to do everything she can to help her charges win, even if Margo's only talent is peeling a banana with her feet. But then Kristy, Mary Anne, and Claudia are helping Karen, Myriah, and Charlotte enter the contest, too. It's hard to tell whether the competition is firecer at the pageant--or in the BSC!The best friends you'll ever have--with classic BSC covers and a letter from Ann M. Martin!

Baby-Sitters Club #15: Little Miss Stoneybrook... and Dawn Netflix Edition

Baby-Sitters Club #15: Little Miss Stoneybrook... and Dawn Netflix Edition PDF Author: A. N. N. MARTIN
ISBN: 9781760979652
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Mrs. Pike wants Dawn to help prepare Margo and Claire for the Little Miss Stoneybrook contest. So what if Margos only talent is peeling a banana with her feet? Dawns going to help her charges win that contest! The only trouble is... Kristy, Mary Anne, and Claudia are helping Karen, Myriah, and Charlotte enter the contest too. And nobodys sure where the competition is fiercer: at the pageantor in the Baby-Sitters Club!

Congressional Record

Congressional Record PDF Author: United States. Congress
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1204

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Book Description
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873)

The Ghost at Dawn's House

The Ghost at Dawn's House PDF Author: Ann M. Martin
ISBN: 9780590435086
Category : Babysitters
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Book Description
The members of the Baby-sitters Club split their time between babysitting and investigating the spooky noises behind Dawn's bedroom wall.

Powwow Day

Powwow Day PDF Author: Traci Sorell
Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing
ISBN: 1632898152
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 35

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Book Description
River is recovering from illness and can't dance at the powwow this year. Will she ever dance again? A heartwarming and hopeful contemporary Native American picture book for ages 4-8-year-olds about traditions, community, music, and healing, written and illustrated by Indigenous creators. It's powwow day, and River wants so badly to dance as she does every year. But she can't dance this year as she deals with a serious illness. In this modern and inspiring Native picture book that's perfect for beginning readers, follow River's journey from feeling isolated after an illness to learning the healing power of community. Additional information explains the history and functions of powwows, which are commonplace across the United States and Canada and are open to both Native Americans and non-Native visitors. Best-selling and award-winning author Traci Sorell is a member of the Cherokee Nation, and illustrator Madelyn Goodnight is a member of the Chickasaw Nation.

This Mum Runs

This Mum Runs PDF Author: Jo Pavey
Publisher: Random House
ISBN: 1473524520
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Book Description
The inspirational story of athlete Jo Pavey, the runner and mum who ran at a record-breaking fifth Olympic Games at Rio 2016. 'Come-back races? I've had more than a few, the night of 10 May 2014 was the ultimate long shot. I was a forty-year-old mother of two who had given birth eight months before. I trained on a treadmill in a cupboard by the back door and I was wearing a running vest older than most of the girls I was competing against. Was I crazy?' Jo Pavey was forty years old when she won the 10,000m at the European Championships. It was the first gold medal of her career and, astonishingly, it came within months of having her second child. The media dubbed her ‘Supermum’, but Jo’s story is in many ways the same as every mother juggling the demands of working life with a family – the sleepless nights, the endless nappy changing, the fun, the laughter and the school-run chaos. The only difference is that Jo is a full-time athlete pushing a buggy on her training runs, clocking up miles on the treadmill in a cupboard while her daughter has her lunchtime nap, and hitting the track while her children picnic on the grass. Heartwarming and uplifting, This Mum Runs follows Jo’s roundabout journey to the top and all the lessons she's learnt along the way. It is the inspiring yet everyday story of a mum that runs and a runner that mums.