Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert Zimdahl
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0323149421
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 465

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Book Description
Fundamentals of Weed Science provides an introduction to the basic principles of weed science for undergraduate courses. It discusses several aspects of weed biology and control, and traces the history of herbicide development. The book begins with an introduction to weeds, covering their definition, characteristics, harmful aspects, and the cost of weed control. This is followed chapters on weed classification, the uses of weeds, weed biology, weed ecology, allelopathy, the significance of plant competition, weed management and control methods, and biological weed control. Later chapters deal with herbicidesthe most important weed control tools and the ones with the greatest potential for untoward effects. Students of weed science must understand herbicides and the factors governing their use as well as the potential for misuse. These chapters discuss chemical weed control, the properties and uses of herbicides, factors affecting herbicide performance, herbicide application, herbicide formulation, ecological impact of herbicides, pesticide registration and legislation, weed management systems, and the future of weed science.

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert Zimdahl
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0323149421
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 465

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Book Description
Fundamentals of Weed Science provides an introduction to the basic principles of weed science for undergraduate courses. It discusses several aspects of weed biology and control, and traces the history of herbicide development. The book begins with an introduction to weeds, covering their definition, characteristics, harmful aspects, and the cost of weed control. This is followed chapters on weed classification, the uses of weeds, weed biology, weed ecology, allelopathy, the significance of plant competition, weed management and control methods, and biological weed control. Later chapters deal with herbicidesthe most important weed control tools and the ones with the greatest potential for untoward effects. Students of weed science must understand herbicides and the factors governing their use as well as the potential for misuse. These chapters discuss chemical weed control, the properties and uses of herbicides, factors affecting herbicide performance, herbicide application, herbicide formulation, ecological impact of herbicides, pesticide registration and legislation, weed management systems, and the future of weed science.

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert L. Zimdahl
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 586

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Book Description
Fundamentals of Weed Science, 2nd Edition, includes new developments in weed science as well as relevant aspects of the discipline's historical development. The focus is on weed biology and ecology, but coverage of herbicides and chemical weed control is also included. This is a book on the principles of weed science and not a weed control handbook.

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert Zimdahl
Publisher: Academic Press
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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Book Description
Weed science is a rapidly changing field and this textbook incorporates many of the newest developments. In addition to reviewing the many chemical methods of weed control, this book focuses on the general issues of weed biology. Topics surveyed include the ecology of weedy plants and the new non-chemical approaches to weed control and eradication.

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert L Zimdahl
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123978181
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 671

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Book Description
This book addresses herbicides and their use as an important aspect of modern weed management and strives to place them in an ecological framework. Many weed scientists believe agriculture is a continuing struggle with weeds--without good weed control, good and profitable agriculture is impossible. Each agricultural discipline sees itself as central to agriculture's success and continued progress, and weed science is no exception. While not denying the importance of weed management to successful agriculture, this book places it in a larger ecological context. The roles of culture, economics, and politics in weed management are also discussed, enabling scientists and students to understand the larger effects on society. - Information on New herbicides included, along with the old herbicides that are important for understanding the history - New section on weed resistance to herbicides and genetic engineering - New information on invasive plants - Expanded chapters on Biological Control, Pesticide Legislation and Regulation, Weed Management Systems, and more - Instructor resources can be found at, and it is password protected. Please contact your sales representative at [email protected] for access to the instructor resources. The insturctor site consists of chapter questions, essay questions, an exam and images from the book

A History of Weed Science in the United States

A History of Weed Science in the United States PDF Author: Robert L Zimdahl
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0123815029
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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Book Description
It is important that scientists think about and know their history - where they came from, what they have accomplished, and how these may affect the future. Weed scientists, similar to scientists in many technological disciplines, have not sought historical reflection. The technological world asks for results and for progress. Achievement is important not, in general, the road that leads to achievement. What was new yesterday is routine today, and what is described as revolutionary today may be considered antiquated tomorrow. Weed science has been strongly influenced by technology developed by supporting industries, subsequently employed in research and, ultimately, used by farmers and crop growers. The science has focused on results and progress. Scientists have been--and the majority remain--problem solvers whose solutions have evolved as rapidly as have the new weed problems needing solutions. In a more formal sense, weed scientists have been adherents of the instrumental ideology of modern science. That is an analysis of their work, and their orientation reveals the strong emphasis on practical, useful knowledge; on know how. The opposite, and frequently complementary orientation, that has been missing from weed science is an emphasis on contemplative knowledge; that is, knowing why. This book expands on and analyzes how these orientations have affected weed science's development. - The first analytical history of weed science to be written - Compares the development of weed science, entomology and plant pathology - Identifies the primary founders of weed science and describes their role

Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Robert L Zimdahl
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0443157243
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 578

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Book Description
Fundamentals of Weed Science, Sixth Edition, places weed management in the context of weed research and science, presenting the latest advances in the role, control, and potential uses of weed plants. This book uses an ecological framework to explore the role of responsible and effective weed control in agriculture from the emergence and genetic foundation of weeds to the latest means of control and environmental effects. Fully revised, updated, and expanded, Fundamentals of Weed Science now includes insights into international trad eand consumer preferences, weed seedbanks, advancements in robotic weeding, weed flaming, and the potential of precision agriculture in weed science. • Includes an emphasis on herbicide resistance and molecular biology, both of which have come to dominate weedscience research• Covers all traditional aspects of weed science as well as current research• Provides broad coverage, including relevant related subjects like weed ecology and weed population genetics

Principles of Weed Science

Principles of Weed Science PDF Author: Rao V S.
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 21

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Fundamentals of Weed Science

Fundamentals of Weed Science PDF Author: Om Prakash Gupta
ISBN: 9788177543070
Category : Weeds
Languages : en
Pages : 379

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Weed Science

Weed Science PDF Author: Thomas J. Monaco
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471274968
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 688

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Book Description
The updated edition of the classic, fundamental book on weedscience Weed Science provides a detailed examination ofthe principles of integrated weed management with important detailson how chemical herbicides work and should be used. This revisedFourth Edition addresses recent developments affecting weedscience. These include the increased use of conservation-tillagesystems, environmental concerns about the runoff of agrochemicals,soil conservation, crop biotechnology, resistance of weeds andcrops to herbicides, weed control in nonagricultural settings andconcerns regarding invasive plants, wetland restoration, and theneed for a vastly improved understanding of weed ecology. Current management practices are covered along with guidance forselecting herbicides and using them effectively. To serve as a moreefficient reference, herbicides are cross-listed by chemical andbrand name and grouped by mechanism of action and physiologicaleffect rather than chemical structure. In addition, an introductionto organic chemistry has been added to familiarize readers withorganic herbicides. Also included are guidelines on weed-controlpractices for specific crops or situations, such as small grains,row crops, horticultural crops, lawns and turf, range land, brush,and aquatic plant life. Generously supplemented with 300 drawings, photographs, andtables, Weed Science is an essential book for students taking anintroductory course in weed science, as well as a reference foragricultural advisors, county agents, extension specialists, andprofessionals throughout the agrochemical industry.

Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management

Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management PDF Author: Nick Christians
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470587318
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 424

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Introduces the principles of turfgrass management, covering everything from basic turfgrass science to fertilization, mowing, turfgrass diseases, irrigation topdressing, pest management, as well as career paths, and much more.