Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics

Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics PDF Author: Yogesh Kumar Singh
Publisher: New Age International
ISBN: 8122418864
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Book Description
The book approaches research from a perspective different from that taken in other educational research textbooks. The goal is to show educators that the application of research principles can make them more effective in their job of promoting learning. The basic point is that we do not have to stop teaching to do research; research is something we can do while teaching and if we do good research, we will do better teaching. This book includes most of the topics treated in traditional educational research books, but in a different order and with a different emphasis. The important content cons.

Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics

Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics PDF Author: Yogesh Kumar Singh
Publisher: New Age International
ISBN: 8122418864
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Book Description
The book approaches research from a perspective different from that taken in other educational research textbooks. The goal is to show educators that the application of research principles can make them more effective in their job of promoting learning. The basic point is that we do not have to stop teaching to do research; research is something we can do while teaching and if we do good research, we will do better teaching. This book includes most of the topics treated in traditional educational research books, but in a different order and with a different emphasis. The important content cons.

Fundamentals of Research

Fundamentals of Research PDF Author:
ISBN: 9781648926440
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Book Description
Organized around research design, methodologies, besides other integral elements of research, this book is a step by step platform aimed at providing to its readers a reliable and in-depth understanding of the procedures & core concepts involved in the subject, making it more straightforward and practical to apply. The book has reached its final shape after an extensive literature survey across texts focussing on students of both the undergraduate & post-graduate levels. Doctoral level researchers & professionals can enjoy the book by way of adding a dimension to the understanding of basic research methodology with regard to its application in the research world. The book addresses the specific needs of the students, research scholars & managers by successfully blending concepts of research with its literal applications. The key strengths of this book includes: Caselets that focus on methodology. Exercises that will help to gain insight into research disposition. Marginal definitions as a quick reference. Multiple choice questions with terminal questions and exercises. Explicit illustrations enhancing recapitulating of the text.

Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods

Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods PDF Author: Rand R. Wilcox
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441955240
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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Book Description
Conventional statistical methods have a very serious flaw. They routinely miss differences among groups or associations among variables that are detected by more modern techniques, even under very small departures from normality. Hundreds of journal articles have described the reasons standard techniques can be unsatisfactory, but simple, intuitive explanations are generally unavailable. Situations arise where even highly nonsignificant results become significant when analyzed with more modern methods. Without assuming the reader has any prior training in statistics, Part I of this book describes basic statistical principles from a point of view that makes their shortcomings intuitive and easy to understand. The emphasis is on verbal and graphical descriptions of concepts. Part II describes modern methods that address the problems covered in Part I. Using data from actual studies, many examples are included to illustrate the practical problems with conventional procedures and how more modern methods can make a substantial difference in the conclusions reached in many areas of statistical research. The second edition of this book includes a number of advances and insights that have occurred since the first edition appeared. Included are new results relevant to medians, regression, measures of association, strategies for comparing dependent groups, methods for dealing with heteroscedasticity, and measures of effect size.

Fundamentals of Research Methodology

Fundamentals of Research Methodology PDF Author: Engwa Azeh Godwill
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers
ISBN: 9781634827058
Category : Research
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Fundamentals of Research Methodology: A Holistic Guide for Research Completion, Management, Validation and Ethics is a rich conceptual, comprehensive and practical text for researchers. A book for beginners and experts, it focuses on research across medical, social, natural and applied sciences. This text aims to fully expose research methodology from a broader prospective, to accompany its readers in research, management and continuity. This book consists of ideas, examples and summary questions as a guide in the following fields:

Fundamentals of Research Methodology for Healthcare Professionals

Fundamentals of Research Methodology for Healthcare Professionals PDF Author: Hilla Brink
ISBN: 9780702186899
Category : Medical care
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Completely revised and updated to incorporate the latest trends in research methodology and evidence-based practice, this third edition of a valuable industry resource examines the vital role research plays in the improvement of health sciences practices. It details the steps involved in planning and undertaking a research project, from identifying and formulating the problem to reporting findings, and underscores the importance of a clear understanding of research methodology and terminology. This volume is certain to stimulate awareness of the myriad researchable and research-requiring questions encountered daily in health practice.

Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Statistics

Fundamentals of Research Methodology and Statistics PDF Author: Dr. Shyam Sundar
Publisher: AG Publishing House
ISBN: 9395936150
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Book Description
The art and science of collecting, examining, presenting, and drawing conclusions from data are known as statistics. A significant portion of the early push for the study of statistics came from the need of governments for data from censuses as well as information on a wide range of economic activity. Both theoretical and practical advance-ments in statistics have been spurred on by the pressing need to convert the vast volumes of data that are now accessible in a variety of applied domains into information that is of use. Formal forms of study, such as theses, dissertations, academic journal articles, and so on, often contain a discussion of the researcher's methods and procedures. If you are in the process of planning a research study, it is beneficial to have an understanding of what research methodology is as well as the variety of methods and instruments that are at your disposal. What is research methodology? What are the many types of research methodologies? What are some common procedures and equipment used to collect and analyse data? These are all topics covered in this book. This book contains chapters and topics that cover all of the necessary information that is associated with "Research statistics and methodology." If people read this book, they will undoubtedly be able to obtain information and an understanding of why research statistics is such an important topic in the field of research and what fields it is having the most significant impact on. If people read this book, they will also be able to learn what fields it is most significantly affecting. Both instructors and students will benefit from reading this book since it explains all you need to know about statistics. After doing a great deal of study on the subject, the author decided to add the content that is now included in this book. After engaging in a great deal of conversation, the writers of this book contributed all of the material that is included in this book.

Social Science Research

Social Science Research PDF Author: Anol Bhattacherjee
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781475146127
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of conducting scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines. It is a one-stop, comprehensive, and compact source for foundational concepts in behavioral research, and can serve as a stand-alone text or as a supplement to research readings in any doctoral seminar or research methods class. This book is currently used as a research text at universities on six continents and will shortly be available in nine different languages.

Research Design & Statistical Analysis

Research Design & Statistical Analysis PDF Author: Arnold D. Well
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135641080
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 871

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"Free CD contains several real and artificial data sets used in the book in SPSS, SYSTAT, and ASCII formats"--Cover

Principles of Research Methodology

Principles of Research Methodology PDF Author: Phyllis G. Supino
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461433606
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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Book Description
Principles of Research Methodology: A Guide for Clinical Investigators is the definitive, comprehensive guide to understanding and performing clinical research. Designed for medical students, physicians, basic scientists involved in translational research, and other health professionals, this indispensable reference also addresses the unique challenges and demands of clinical research and offers clear guidance in becoming a more successful member of a medical research team and critical reader of the medical research literature. The book covers the entire research process, beginning with the conception of the research problem to publication of findings. Principles of Research Methodology: A Guide for Clinical Investigators comprehensively and concisely presents concepts in a manner that is relevant and engaging to read. The text combines theory and practical application to familiarize the reader with the logic of research design and hypothesis construction, the importance of research planning, the ethical basis of human subjects research, the basics of writing a clinical research protocol and scientific paper, the logic and techniques of data generation and management, and the fundamentals and implications of various sampling techniques and alternative statistical methodologies. Organized in thirteen easy to read chapters, the text emphasizes the importance of clearly-defined research questions and well-constructed hypothesis (reinforced throughout the various chapters) for informing methods and in guiding data interpretation. Written by prominent medical scientists and methodologists who have extensive personal experience in biomedical investigation and in teaching key aspects of research methodology to medical students, physicians and other health professionals, the authors expertly integrate theory with examples and employ language that is clear and useful for a general medical audience. A major contribution to the methodology literature, Principles of Research Methodology: A Guide for Clinical Investigators is an authoritative resource for all individuals who perform research, plan to perform it, or wish to understand it better.

100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods

100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Methods PDF Author: Neil J. Salkind
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1412992036
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 193

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Book Description
How do I create a good research hypothesis? How do I know when my literature review is finished? What is the difference between a sample and a population? What is power and why is it important? In an increasingly data-driven world, it is more important than ever for students as well as professionals to better understand the process of research. This invaluable guide answers the essential questions that students ask about research methods in a concise and accessible way.