Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span PDF Author: Donna Joy Cech
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1437715486
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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Book Description
Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 3rd Edition helps you recognize and understand movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. It begins with coverage of basic theory, motor development and motor control, and evaluation of function, then discusses the body systems contributing to functional movement, and defines functional movement outcomes in terms of age, vital functions, posture and balance, locomotion, prehension, and health and illness. This edition includes more clinical examples and applications, and updates data relating to typical performance on standardized tests of balance. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech and Suzanne "Tink" Martin, this book provides evidence-based information and tools you need to understand functional movement and manage patients' functional skills throughout the life span. - Over 200 illustrations, tables, and special features clarify developmental concepts, address clinical implications, and summarize key points relating to clinical practice. - A focus on evidence-based information covers development changes across the life span and how they impact function. - A logical, easy-to-read format includes 15 chapters organized into three units covering basics, body systems, and age-related functional outcomes respectively. - Expanded integration of ICF (International Classification of Function) aligns learning and critical thinking with current health care models. - Additional clinical examples help you apply developmental information to clinical practice. - Expanded content on assessment of function now includes discussion of participation level standardized assessments and assessments of quality-of-life scales. - More concise information on the normal anatomy and physiology of each body system allows a sharper focus on development changes across the lifespan and how they impact function.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span PDF Author: Donna Joy Cech
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1437715486
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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Book Description
Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 3rd Edition helps you recognize and understand movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. It begins with coverage of basic theory, motor development and motor control, and evaluation of function, then discusses the body systems contributing to functional movement, and defines functional movement outcomes in terms of age, vital functions, posture and balance, locomotion, prehension, and health and illness. This edition includes more clinical examples and applications, and updates data relating to typical performance on standardized tests of balance. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech and Suzanne "Tink" Martin, this book provides evidence-based information and tools you need to understand functional movement and manage patients' functional skills throughout the life span. - Over 200 illustrations, tables, and special features clarify developmental concepts, address clinical implications, and summarize key points relating to clinical practice. - A focus on evidence-based information covers development changes across the life span and how they impact function. - A logical, easy-to-read format includes 15 chapters organized into three units covering basics, body systems, and age-related functional outcomes respectively. - Expanded integration of ICF (International Classification of Function) aligns learning and critical thinking with current health care models. - Additional clinical examples help you apply developmental information to clinical practice. - Expanded content on assessment of function now includes discussion of participation level standardized assessments and assessments of quality-of-life scales. - More concise information on the normal anatomy and physiology of each body system allows a sharper focus on development changes across the lifespan and how they impact function.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span PDF Author: Donna J. Cech
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1416065377
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 708

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Book Description
The 2nd edition of this expert text emphasizes normal development and function, examining how function is attained and how it can be optimized across the life span. Its logical organization and presentation equips readers with the background and tools needed to understand the components of functional movement. A solid grounding in normal development, including the cellular and systems changes that begin in the embryo and continue throughout life, enables readers to recognize, understand, and appropriately treat abnormal motor function. This new, expanded edition features enhanced content related to development of specific age groups, with a unique focus on the ongoing development of the healthy older adult. Specifically, the chapters dealing with the skeletal system, the cardiovascular and pulmonary system, and the nervous system have been extensively updated and more comprehensively illustrated.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span - E-Book

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span - E-Book PDF Author: Donna Joy Cech
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323878954
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 439

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Book Description
Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 4th Edition helps you recognize and understand typical functional movement in individuals from infancy to older adulthood, providing a framework from which to identify movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. Divided into three units, this edition describes 1) theoretical frameworks of development, motor control/motor learning, and health/wellness; 2) anatomical and physiological development of the body systems comprising the movement system (muscular, skeletal, cardiopulmonary, nervous, sensory, integumentary, and endocrine); and 3) life span description of the movement functions of posture, balance, locomotion, prehension, and fitness. This edition integrates themes of the movement system, life span development, and health/wellness, providing you with the most current information needed for clinical decision making and to be an effective practitioner. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech, Suzanne "Tink" Martin, and William Staples, this book provides the evidence-based information and tools needed to understand functional movement and manage patients' functional skills throughout the life span. Dr. Staples brings his expertise in geriatric physical therapy and exercise in aging, enriching content on aging throughout the book. - More than 200 illustrations, tables, and special features clarify developmental concepts, address clinical implications, and summarize key points relating to clinical practice. - A logical, easy-to-read format includes 13 chapters organized into three units covering the definition of functional movement, movement system contribution to functional movement across the life span, and functional movement outcomes. - A focus on evidence-based information covers development changes across the life span and how they impact function. - NEW! The movement system framework is incorporated throughout, as well as a focus on health and wellness. - NEW! Clinical Implication boxes help you apply information into a clinical framework. - Revised content throughout provides you with the most current information needed to be an effective practitioner. - Updated references ensure content is current and applicable for today's practice. - NEW! An ebook version is included with print purchase. The ebook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes, and highlights, and have content read aloud.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span Access Code

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span Access Code PDF Author: Donna J. Cech
Publisher: W B Saunders Company
ISBN: 9781455735709
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Book Description
This is a Pageburst digital textbook; Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 3rd Edition helps you recognize and understand movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. It begins with coverage of basic theory, motor development and motor control, and evaluation of function, then discusses the body systems contributing to functional movement, and defines functional movement outcomes in terms of age, vital functions, posture and balance, locomotion, prehension, and health and illness. This edition includes more clinical examples and applications, and updates data relating to typical performance on standardized tests of balance. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech and Suzanne "Tink" Martin, this book provides evidence-based information and tools you need to understand functional movement and manage patients' functional skills throughout the life span. Over 200 illustrations, tables, and special features clarify developmental concepts, address clinical implications, and summarize key points relating to clinical practice. A focus on evidence-based information covers development changes across the life span and how they impact function. A logical, easy-to-read format includes 15 chapters organized into three units covering basics, body systems, and age-related functional outcomes respectively. Expanded integration of ICF (International Classification of Function) aligns learning and critical thinking with current health care models. Additional clinical examples help you apply developmental information to clinical practice. Expanded content on assessment of function now includes discussion of participation level standardized assessments and assessments of quality-of-life scales. More concise information on the normal anatomy and physiology of each body system allows a sharper focus on development changes across the lifespan and how they impact function.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span PDF Author: Donna Joy Cech
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 9780323877992
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 4th Edition helps you recognize and understand typical functional movement in individuals from infancy to older adulthood, providing a framework from which to identify movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. Divided into three units, this edition describes 1) theoretical frameworks of development, motor control/motor learning, and health/wellness; 2) anatomical and physiological development of the body systems comprising the movement system (muscular, skeletal, cardiopulmonary, nervous, sensory, integumentary, and endocrine); and 3) life span description of the movement functions of posture, balance, locomotion, prehension, and fitness. This edition integrates themes of the movement system, life span development, and health/wellness, providing you with the most current information needed for clinical decision making and to be an effective practitioner. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech, Suzanne "Tink" Martin, and William Staples, this book provides the evidence-based information and tools needed to understand functional movement and manage patients' functional skills throughout the life span. Dr. Staples brings his expertise in geriatric physical therapy and exercise in aging, enriching content on aging throughout the book. More than 200 illustrations, tables, and special features clarify developmental concepts, address clinical implications, and summarize key points relating to clinical practice. A logical, easy-to-read format includes 13 chapters organized into three units covering the definition of functional movement, movement system contribution to functional movement across the life span, and functional movement outcomes. A focus on evidence-based information covers development changes across the life span and how they impact function. NEW! The movement system framework is incorporated throughout, as well as a focus on health and wellness. NEW! Clinical Implication boxes help you apply information into a clinical framework. Revised content throughout provides you with the most current information needed to be an effective practitioner. Updated references ensure content is current and applicable for today's practice. NEW! An ebook version is included with print purchase. The ebook allows you to access all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes, and highlights, and have content read aloud.

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span PDF Author: Donna Cech
Publisher: Saunders
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Book Description
Emphasizes normal development and function, examining how function is attained and how it can be optimized across the life span. Logical organization and presentation equips readers with the background and tools needed to understand the components of functional movement.

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy- E-Book

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy- E-Book PDF Author: Suzanne Tink Martin
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323661769
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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Book Description
- UPDATED! Best evidence for interventions; clear, concise tables; graphics and pictures; and current literature engage you in the spectrum of neurologic conditions and interventions. - NEW! Autism Spectrum Disorder chapter covers clinical features, diagnosis, and intervention, with a special focus on using play and aquatics, to support the integral role of physical therapy in working with children and families with autism. - NEW! Common threads throughout the Children section focus on motor competence as a driving force in a child's cognitive and language development and highlight how meaningful, fun activities with family and friends encourage children with disabilities to participate. - UPDATED! Neuroanatomy chapter provides a more comprehensive review on nervous system structures and their contributions to patient function and recovery after an injury or neurologic condition. - UPDATED! Adult chapters feature updated information on medical and pharmacological management. - NEW! The Core Set of Outcome Measures for Adults with Neurologic Conditions assists you in measuring common outcomes in the examination and evaluation of patients. - NEW! Emphasis on the evidence for locomotor training, dual-task training, and high intensity gait training are included in the intervention sections.

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy PDF Author: Suzanne "Tink" Martin, PT, PhD
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1455740209
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Book Description
Master the role of the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in neurologic rehabilitation! Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy, 3rd Edition helps you develop skills in the treatment interventions needed to improve the function of patients with neurologic deficits. It provides a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, motor control, and motor development, and offers clear, how-to guidelines to rehabilitation procedures. Case studies help you follow best practices for the treatment of children and adults with neuromuscular impairments caused by events such as spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain injuries. Written by physical therapy experts Suzanne 'Tink' Martin and Mary Kessler, this market-leading text will help you prepare for the neurological portion of the PTA certification exam and begin a successful career in physical therapy practice. Comprehensive coverage of neurologic rehabilitation explores concepts in neuroanatomy, motor control and motor learning, motor development, and evidence-based treatment of adults and children with neuromuscular impairments. Over 700 photos and drawings clarify concepts, show anatomy, physiology, evaluation, and pathology, and depict the most current rehabilitation procedures and technology. Case studies demonstrate the patient examination and treatment process, and show how to achieve consistency in documentation. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation chapter describes how PNF can be used to improve a patient's performance of functional tasks by increasing strength, flexibility, and range of motion - key to the treatment of individuals post stroke. Review questions are included at the end of each chapter, with answers at the back of the book. Illustrated step-by-step intervention boxes, tables, and charts highlight important information, and make it easy to find instructions quickly. Use of language of the APTA Guide to Physical Therapist Practice ensures that you understand and comply with best practices recommended by the APTA. NEW photographs of interventions and equipment reflect the most current rehabilitation procedures and technology. UPDATED study resources on the Evolve companion website include an intervention collection, study tips, and additional review questions and interactive case studies.

Human Movement

Human Movement PDF Author: Tony Everett
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 070204413X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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Book Description
The sixth edition of this popular text introducing human movement to a range of readers, offers the building blocks, signposts and opportunities to think about the application and integration of basic Human Movement theory. It confirms basic knowledge which is then applied to specific areas. Drawing on the expertise of a range of authors from the healthcare professions, the new edition has adopted a themed approach that links chapters in context. The strength of this current edition is the explicit chapter integration which attempts to mimic the realities of human movement. The themed approach explores the psychosocial influences on movement. Integration is further facilitated by increased cross-referencing between the chapters and the innovative use of one themed case study throughout. Framed about a family unit, this case study enables chapter authors to explicitly apply the content of their chapters to the real world of human movement. Taken as a whole, this more integrated format will enable readers to see the reality and complexity of human movement.

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy

Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy PDF Author: Suzanne C. Martin
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0721604277
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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Book Description
Master the role of the physical therapist or physical therapist assistant in neurologic rehabilitation! Neurologic Interventions for Physical Therapy, 3rd Edition helps you develop skills in the treatment interventions needed to improve the function of patients with neurologic deficits. It provides a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, motor control, and motor development, and offers clear, how-to guidelines to rehabilitation procedures. Case studies help you follow best practices for the treatment of children and adults with neuromuscular impairments caused by events such as spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, and traumatic brain injuries. Written by physical therapy experts Suzanne 'Tink' Martin and Mary Kessler, this market-leading text will help you prepare for the neurological portion of the PTA certification exam and begin a successful career in physical therapy practice. Comprehensive coverage of neurologic rehabilitation explores concepts in neuroanatomy, motor control and motor learning, motor development, and evidence-based treatment of adults and children with neuromuscular impairments. Over 700 photos and drawings clarify concepts, show anatomy, physiology, evaluation, and pathology, and depict the most current rehabilitation procedures and technology. Case studies demonstrate the patient examination and treatment process, and show how to achieve consistency in documentation. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation chapter describes how PNF can be used to improve a patient's performance of functional tasks by increasing strength, flexibility, and range of motion - key to the treatment of individuals post stroke. Review questions are included at the end of each chapter, with answers at the back of the book. Illustrated step-by-step intervention boxes, tables, and charts highlight important information, and make it easy to find instructions quickly. Use of language of the APTA Guide to Physical Therapist Practice ensures that you understand and comply with best practices recommended by the APTA. NEW photographs of interventions and equipment reflect the most current rehabilitation procedures and technology. UPDATED study resources on the Evolve companion website include an intervention collection, study tips, and additional review questions and interactive case studies.