Author: Kayla Czaga
Publisher: Harbour Publishing
ISBN: 0889710856
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 78
Book Description
For Your Safety Please Hold On is a truly remarkable first poetry collection from debut talent Kayla Czaga. Her poems are already making waves—several from this collection have received award attention, including: The Fiddlehead's 23rd annual Ralph Gustafson Poetry Prize, The Malahat Review's 2012 Far Horizon's Award for Poetry and an Editor's Choice Award in ARC Poetry Magazine's 2012 Poem of the Year Contest. They have also been shortlisted for The New Quarterly's 2013 Occasional Verse Contest, longlisted for CBC's 2013 Canada Writes Poetry Contest and have appeared in literary publications across North America. The poems in For Your Safety Please Hold On move in thematic focus from family, to girlhood, to adulthood, each permeated by Czaga's lively voice and quick-witted, playful language. They test the line between honest humour and bitter reality in a sophisticated, incisive manner that tugs at the gut and feels true. The linguistic hopscotch of Czaga's poems about girlhood is often beautifully juxtaposed with feelings of menace or a first taste of smothering expectations—"She sits. She sips her bright pink fingers. / She slips into smart short haircuts, yes, / she does so, and does herself up just so." While her pin prick meditations on contemporary adulthood suggest a yearning for personal meaning and purpose on a larger scale—"I still wander, sometimes, / my coat closing the world out of my body, with pockets / full of garbage, with my slender steady want. I still / make the bed and at bedtime unmake it." The irrepressible energy of the poems in For Your Safety Please Hold On, paired with their complex balancing act between light and dark, humour and melancholy, innocence and danger, make this collection an extraordinary first offering.
For Your Safety Please Hold On
Dunk Tank
Author: Kayla Czaga
Publisher: House of Anansi
ISBN: 1487005989
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 105
Book Description
In the title poem of award-winning poet Kayla Czaga’s sophomore collection, the speaker is suspended between knowledge and experience — hovering there confidently before the world plunges her into the frigid waters of adult life. Czaga reimagines the body as a strange and unknowable landscape, full of cancers that “burst like blackberries;” a butt that could run for prime minister of Canada; and the Cerberus-like sultry eyes of Winona Ryder’s pores. In Dunk Tank, clouds become testicles and uteri turn into goldfish, flickering and fragile, but still ultimately glowing. These are poems of friendship, lingerie, sex, and longing. Not knowing how the world works, Czaga forges a landscape of metaphor and gleaming, dense imagery. Dunk Tank is playful and dark, comic and disturbing.
Publisher: House of Anansi
ISBN: 1487005989
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 105
Book Description
In the title poem of award-winning poet Kayla Czaga’s sophomore collection, the speaker is suspended between knowledge and experience — hovering there confidently before the world plunges her into the frigid waters of adult life. Czaga reimagines the body as a strange and unknowable landscape, full of cancers that “burst like blackberries;” a butt that could run for prime minister of Canada; and the Cerberus-like sultry eyes of Winona Ryder’s pores. In Dunk Tank, clouds become testicles and uteri turn into goldfish, flickering and fragile, but still ultimately glowing. These are poems of friendship, lingerie, sex, and longing. Not knowing how the world works, Czaga forges a landscape of metaphor and gleaming, dense imagery. Dunk Tank is playful and dark, comic and disturbing.
Author: 蘇秦
Publisher: 人類智庫
ISBN: 9865855720
Category : English language
Languages : en
Pages : 449
Book Description
本書特色 全國第一本以活潑圖形解說句子結構的文法書 英文句子結構是目前重要考試的出題方向。 熟悉英文句子結構,等於戰勝英文的關鍵。 短時間、高效率,看懂英文句子結構。 本書不僅幫您掌握考試出題方向,更培養您關鍵的英文閱讀力。 由各網路書店的英語暢銷書作者 蘇秦親自執筆。 內容拋開傳統文法書的窠臼,直指考試與閱讀的核心觀念。 作者畢生功力精華,盡在此書。 讀者推薦序 有不少人希望學好英語,在未來學業上或職場上都有很大的幫助。但若不先將文法好好學習,背再多的單字也無用,無法將英語使用得巧妙。文法乃是寫文章的基礎,若不將文法掌握好,在寫文章和會話上都會產生很大的影響。其實英語沒有想像中的那麼困難,只要將文法掌握好,就算是成功的一半。 雖然習得許多單字,在閱讀上不是煩惱。但若在寫文章或會話上時,總是寫的前後不符合邏輯,也無法將其意義表達清楚,造成學習英語的苦惱。這本書即剛好解決了大家學英語的煩惱。 本書將英文之句子結構與動詞基本概念一一表達完整清楚。就算對文法一概不通,本書也能迅速掌握文法之基礎概念,讓學英語不再是難事。 ------- 義大國際中學 林柏辰 雖然這是一本普通的文法書,但卻跟一般的文法書不一樣,它是使用圖解的方法,很少看過英文文法是用圖解的方法吧!?而且,圖解的方法簡單又明瞭,不用看一堆密密麻麻的字,就能讓你明白這句文法的意思。 之前,我對於句子翻譯和文法是一竅不通,但自從我接觸了這本書後,我對文法有不同的看法,它並沒有我想像得難相處,成績也有明顯的進步。 我推薦這本書給大家,希望跟當初的我一樣即將放棄英文的你,對於英文有不同的看法,從新燃起對英文的希望吧! ------- 港明中學 林雨璇 從國中起,我就對英文文法摸不著頭緒,只能死背文法,遇到文法題只能逃避,從不敢真正面對,到了高中後,面對更進階且艱深的句型結構更顯得吃力。閱讀文章時碰到稍長的句子,也是一樣的困境,每晚苦讀英文課本,單字是背熟了,但考卷上的成績往往不甚理想。問題就出在於無法有效掌握句型結構和文法觀念,我一直想找到解決的方法,找到一個窗口能讓我推開心中那塊石頭。 然而,自從研讀了此書之後,讓我對英文文法有不一樣的想法,有別於一般市面上的文法書。此書歸納整理清晰,更搭配圖表讓讀者一目了然,例句也都能詳述來源與解題技巧,各個章節都生動有趣,讀過了才知道,原來英文文法不是想像中那樣的艱澀難懂,而是我們都用錯方法了。 我從沒想過可以這麼有效率的讀完整本文法書,現在,我對於句子結構的敏感度更加扎實,也可以適時的運用在於我的作文裡,真的非常值得! 如果也跟我一樣有這方面煩惱的同學,誠摯的推薦您,這本書將使你受益無窮! ------- 靜宜大學 林志騰 兒時,當我開始上英文,從單字、片語、一直到句子,我總是在快樂中學習,但是總會有瓶頸;英文句子結構錯綜複雜,難免使得自己混亂了。仔細看了蘇秦老師的「句子結構」,詞性的分析、用法與句子組成的邏輯,展現得簡單、明確,讓我能夠瞬間吸收所有,選擇它、選擇蘇秦老師,感覺受益良多。 在書上,能夠看見老師透過這本書對於英文教育的經營,這對學習英文當中的朋友們是可以發揮多麼深刻的影響,相信閱讀它,逐漸的對它會有更多的認同。 ------- 港明高中 莊瑋琛 曾經,我對英文的句子充滿著害怕與不安,看到課本上的句子組合有一大堆的詞性,像是:及物動詞、受詞、補語等......讓我的腦袋混淆不清,深深的困擾著我。但是有了這本句子結構的書,裡面詳細介紹著該如何使用這些詞性,也清楚寫著每個句子的細節,這本書讓我不再害怕句子的結構,反而漸漸的熟悉了解,讓我受益無窮。 ------- 北門高中 王嘉薇 目錄 Part1 Chapter1句子的組成 第一節限定動詞 第二節 必要成分 第三節 非必要成分 第四節 主詞 Chapter2助動詞 第一節 一般助動詞 第二節 情態助動詞 第三節 片語情態助動詞 Chapter3非限定動詞 第一節 限定與非限定動詞的比較 第二節 不定詞 第三節 動名詞 第四節 分詞 Chapter4動詞的結構 第一節 時態 第二節 語態 第三節 假設語氣 Part2 Chapter5語意關聯 第一節 主詞與動詞的語意關聯 第二節 受詞與動詞的語意關聯 Chapter6保留原則 第一節 結構保留的類型 第二節 語意保留原則 第三節 結構上的歧義 part3 Chapter7句子的種類 第一節 依語氣態度分類 第二節 依結構分類 part4 Chapter8句子的縮減 第一節 間接問句縮減為Wh-toV 第二節 副詞子句的縮減 第三節 關係子句的縮減 第四節 獨立子句 Chapter9語詞的省略 Chapter10倒裝與強調 第五節 倒裝 第六節 強調句 第七節 遠距關係 第八節 插入語 附錄 歷屆試題解析
Publisher: 人類智庫
ISBN: 9865855720
Category : English language
Languages : en
Pages : 449
Book Description
本書特色 全國第一本以活潑圖形解說句子結構的文法書 英文句子結構是目前重要考試的出題方向。 熟悉英文句子結構,等於戰勝英文的關鍵。 短時間、高效率,看懂英文句子結構。 本書不僅幫您掌握考試出題方向,更培養您關鍵的英文閱讀力。 由各網路書店的英語暢銷書作者 蘇秦親自執筆。 內容拋開傳統文法書的窠臼,直指考試與閱讀的核心觀念。 作者畢生功力精華,盡在此書。 讀者推薦序 有不少人希望學好英語,在未來學業上或職場上都有很大的幫助。但若不先將文法好好學習,背再多的單字也無用,無法將英語使用得巧妙。文法乃是寫文章的基礎,若不將文法掌握好,在寫文章和會話上都會產生很大的影響。其實英語沒有想像中的那麼困難,只要將文法掌握好,就算是成功的一半。 雖然習得許多單字,在閱讀上不是煩惱。但若在寫文章或會話上時,總是寫的前後不符合邏輯,也無法將其意義表達清楚,造成學習英語的苦惱。這本書即剛好解決了大家學英語的煩惱。 本書將英文之句子結構與動詞基本概念一一表達完整清楚。就算對文法一概不通,本書也能迅速掌握文法之基礎概念,讓學英語不再是難事。 ------- 義大國際中學 林柏辰 雖然這是一本普通的文法書,但卻跟一般的文法書不一樣,它是使用圖解的方法,很少看過英文文法是用圖解的方法吧!?而且,圖解的方法簡單又明瞭,不用看一堆密密麻麻的字,就能讓你明白這句文法的意思。 之前,我對於句子翻譯和文法是一竅不通,但自從我接觸了這本書後,我對文法有不同的看法,它並沒有我想像得難相處,成績也有明顯的進步。 我推薦這本書給大家,希望跟當初的我一樣即將放棄英文的你,對於英文有不同的看法,從新燃起對英文的希望吧! ------- 港明中學 林雨璇 從國中起,我就對英文文法摸不著頭緒,只能死背文法,遇到文法題只能逃避,從不敢真正面對,到了高中後,面對更進階且艱深的句型結構更顯得吃力。閱讀文章時碰到稍長的句子,也是一樣的困境,每晚苦讀英文課本,單字是背熟了,但考卷上的成績往往不甚理想。問題就出在於無法有效掌握句型結構和文法觀念,我一直想找到解決的方法,找到一個窗口能讓我推開心中那塊石頭。 然而,自從研讀了此書之後,讓我對英文文法有不一樣的想法,有別於一般市面上的文法書。此書歸納整理清晰,更搭配圖表讓讀者一目了然,例句也都能詳述來源與解題技巧,各個章節都生動有趣,讀過了才知道,原來英文文法不是想像中那樣的艱澀難懂,而是我們都用錯方法了。 我從沒想過可以這麼有效率的讀完整本文法書,現在,我對於句子結構的敏感度更加扎實,也可以適時的運用在於我的作文裡,真的非常值得! 如果也跟我一樣有這方面煩惱的同學,誠摯的推薦您,這本書將使你受益無窮! ------- 靜宜大學 林志騰 兒時,當我開始上英文,從單字、片語、一直到句子,我總是在快樂中學習,但是總會有瓶頸;英文句子結構錯綜複雜,難免使得自己混亂了。仔細看了蘇秦老師的「句子結構」,詞性的分析、用法與句子組成的邏輯,展現得簡單、明確,讓我能夠瞬間吸收所有,選擇它、選擇蘇秦老師,感覺受益良多。 在書上,能夠看見老師透過這本書對於英文教育的經營,這對學習英文當中的朋友們是可以發揮多麼深刻的影響,相信閱讀它,逐漸的對它會有更多的認同。 ------- 港明高中 莊瑋琛 曾經,我對英文的句子充滿著害怕與不安,看到課本上的句子組合有一大堆的詞性,像是:及物動詞、受詞、補語等......讓我的腦袋混淆不清,深深的困擾著我。但是有了這本句子結構的書,裡面詳細介紹著該如何使用這些詞性,也清楚寫著每個句子的細節,這本書讓我不再害怕句子的結構,反而漸漸的熟悉了解,讓我受益無窮。 ------- 北門高中 王嘉薇 目錄 Part1 Chapter1句子的組成 第一節限定動詞 第二節 必要成分 第三節 非必要成分 第四節 主詞 Chapter2助動詞 第一節 一般助動詞 第二節 情態助動詞 第三節 片語情態助動詞 Chapter3非限定動詞 第一節 限定與非限定動詞的比較 第二節 不定詞 第三節 動名詞 第四節 分詞 Chapter4動詞的結構 第一節 時態 第二節 語態 第三節 假設語氣 Part2 Chapter5語意關聯 第一節 主詞與動詞的語意關聯 第二節 受詞與動詞的語意關聯 Chapter6保留原則 第一節 結構保留的類型 第二節 語意保留原則 第三節 結構上的歧義 part3 Chapter7句子的種類 第一節 依語氣態度分類 第二節 依結構分類 part4 Chapter8句子的縮減 第一節 間接問句縮減為Wh-toV 第二節 副詞子句的縮減 第三節 關係子句的縮減 第四節 獨立子句 Chapter9語詞的省略 Chapter10倒裝與強調 第五節 倒裝 第六節 強調句 第七節 遠距關係 第八節 插入語 附錄 歷屆試題解析
Uncanny Magazine Issue 52
Author: Aliette de Bodard
Publisher: Uncanny Magazine
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 223
Book Description
The May/June 2023 issue of Hugo Award-winning Uncanny Magazine. Featuring new fiction by Aliette de Bodard, Kylie Lee Baker, Lindsey Godfrey Eccles, Fran Wilde, Ewen Ma, Theodora Ward, and K.S. Walker. Reprint fiction by Chimedum Ohaegbu. Essays by Caroline M. Yoachim, LaShawn M. Wanak, Hana Lee, and Sam J. Miller, poetry by Nnadi Samuel, Jennifer Mace, Tehnuka, and Angela Liu, interviews with Kylie Lee Baker and Ewen Ma by Caroline M. Yoachim, a cover by Antonio Caparo, and an editorial by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas. Uncanny Magazine is a bimonthly science fiction and fantasy magazine first published in November 2014. Edited by 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, & 2022 Hugo award winners for best semiprozine, and 2018 Hugo award winners for Best Editor, Short Form, Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, and Monte Lin, each issue of Uncanny includes new stories, poetry, articles, and interviews.
Publisher: Uncanny Magazine
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 223
Book Description
The May/June 2023 issue of Hugo Award-winning Uncanny Magazine. Featuring new fiction by Aliette de Bodard, Kylie Lee Baker, Lindsey Godfrey Eccles, Fran Wilde, Ewen Ma, Theodora Ward, and K.S. Walker. Reprint fiction by Chimedum Ohaegbu. Essays by Caroline M. Yoachim, LaShawn M. Wanak, Hana Lee, and Sam J. Miller, poetry by Nnadi Samuel, Jennifer Mace, Tehnuka, and Angela Liu, interviews with Kylie Lee Baker and Ewen Ma by Caroline M. Yoachim, a cover by Antonio Caparo, and an editorial by Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas. Uncanny Magazine is a bimonthly science fiction and fantasy magazine first published in November 2014. Edited by 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, & 2022 Hugo award winners for best semiprozine, and 2018 Hugo award winners for Best Editor, Short Form, Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas, and Monte Lin, each issue of Uncanny includes new stories, poetry, articles, and interviews.
What the Poets Are Doing
Author: Rob Taylor
Publisher: Harbour Publishing
ISBN: 0889711372
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 211
Book Description
In 2002, Nightwood published Where the Words Come From: Canadian Poets in Conversation, a successful first-of-its-kind collection of interviews with literary luminaries like Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Margaret Avison, Patrick Lane, Lorna Crozier and P.K. Page, conducted by “the younger generation” of poets of the day. Sixteen years later, What the Poets Are Doing brings together two younger generations of poets to engage in conversations with their peers on modern-day poetics, politics and more. Together they explore the world of Canadian poetry in the new millennium: what's changed, what's endured and what's next. An exciting “turn of the century” has evolved into a century characterized by social and digital media, the Donald Trump presidency, #MeToo empowerment and scandal, and Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation. Should we look to our poets as our most articulate analysts and critics of these times? Are they competing with social media or at one with social media? Poets in Conversation: Elizabeth Bachinsky and Kayla Czaga Tim Bowling and Raoul Fernandes Dionne Brand and Souvankham Thammavongsa Marilyn Dumont and Katherena Vermette Sue Goyette and Linda Besner Steven Heighton and Ben Ladouceur Sina Queyras and Canisia Lubrin Armand Garnet Ruffo and Liz Howard Karen Solie and Amanda Jernigan Russell Thornton and Phoebe Wang Afterword co-written by Nick Thran and Sue Sinclair
Publisher: Harbour Publishing
ISBN: 0889711372
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 211
Book Description
In 2002, Nightwood published Where the Words Come From: Canadian Poets in Conversation, a successful first-of-its-kind collection of interviews with literary luminaries like Margaret Atwood, Michael Ondaatje, Margaret Avison, Patrick Lane, Lorna Crozier and P.K. Page, conducted by “the younger generation” of poets of the day. Sixteen years later, What the Poets Are Doing brings together two younger generations of poets to engage in conversations with their peers on modern-day poetics, politics and more. Together they explore the world of Canadian poetry in the new millennium: what's changed, what's endured and what's next. An exciting “turn of the century” has evolved into a century characterized by social and digital media, the Donald Trump presidency, #MeToo empowerment and scandal, and Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation. Should we look to our poets as our most articulate analysts and critics of these times? Are they competing with social media or at one with social media? Poets in Conversation: Elizabeth Bachinsky and Kayla Czaga Tim Bowling and Raoul Fernandes Dionne Brand and Souvankham Thammavongsa Marilyn Dumont and Katherena Vermette Sue Goyette and Linda Besner Steven Heighton and Ben Ladouceur Sina Queyras and Canisia Lubrin Armand Garnet Ruffo and Liz Howard Karen Solie and Amanda Jernigan Russell Thornton and Phoebe Wang Afterword co-written by Nick Thran and Sue Sinclair
Best Canadian Poetry 2024
Author: Bardia Sinaee
Publisher: Biblioasis
ISBN: 177196569X
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 168
Book Description
Selected by editor Bardia Sinaee, the 2024 edition of Best Canadian Poetry showcases the best Canadian poetry writing published in 2022. Featuring: David Barrick • Nina Berkhout • Nicholas Bradley • Alison Braid • Louise Carson • Hilary Clark • Erin Conway-Smith • Nancy Jo Cullen • Kayla Czaga • Rocco de Giacomo • Jean Eng • Joel Robert Ferguson • Susan Gillis • Luke Hathaway • Beatriz Hausner • Robert Hogg • Evan Jones • Meghan Kemp-Gee • Joseph Kidney • Matthew King • Sarah Lachmansingh • T. Liem • Seth MacGregor • Sadie McCarney • Erin McGregor • Anna Moore • Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin • Barbara Nickel • Peter Norman • Tolu Oloruntoba • Michael Ondaatje • Jana Prikryl • Matt Rader • Monty Reid • Lisa Richter • Meaghan Rondeau • Olajide Salawu • Francesca Schulz-Bianco • James Scoles • Allan Serafino • Sue Sinclair • Carolyn Smart • Misha Solomon • John Steffler • John Elizabeth Stintzi • Joanna Streetly • Rob Taylor • Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang • James Warner • Elana Wolff
Publisher: Biblioasis
ISBN: 177196569X
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 168
Book Description
Selected by editor Bardia Sinaee, the 2024 edition of Best Canadian Poetry showcases the best Canadian poetry writing published in 2022. Featuring: David Barrick • Nina Berkhout • Nicholas Bradley • Alison Braid • Louise Carson • Hilary Clark • Erin Conway-Smith • Nancy Jo Cullen • Kayla Czaga • Rocco de Giacomo • Jean Eng • Joel Robert Ferguson • Susan Gillis • Luke Hathaway • Beatriz Hausner • Robert Hogg • Evan Jones • Meghan Kemp-Gee • Joseph Kidney • Matthew King • Sarah Lachmansingh • T. Liem • Seth MacGregor • Sadie McCarney • Erin McGregor • Anna Moore • Rhiannon Ng Cheng Hin • Barbara Nickel • Peter Norman • Tolu Oloruntoba • Michael Ondaatje • Jana Prikryl • Matt Rader • Monty Reid • Lisa Richter • Meaghan Rondeau • Olajide Salawu • Francesca Schulz-Bianco • James Scoles • Allan Serafino • Sue Sinclair • Carolyn Smart • Misha Solomon • John Steffler • John Elizabeth Stintzi • Joanna Streetly • Rob Taylor • Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang • James Warner • Elana Wolff
Best Canadian Poetry 2021
Author: Souvankham Thammavongsa
Publisher: Biblioasis
ISBN: 1771964405
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 144
Book Description
“This is a book,” writes guest editor Souvankham Thammavongsa, “about what I saw and read and loved, and want you to see and read and love.” Selected from work published by Canadian poets in magazines and journals in 2020, Best Canadian Poetry 2021 gathers the poems Thammavongsa loved most over a year’s worth of reading, and draws together voices that “got in and out quickly, that said unusual things, that were clear, spare, and plain, that made [her] laugh out loud … the voices that barely ever survive to make it onto the page.” From new work by Canadian icons to thrilling emerging talents, this year’s anthology offers fifty poems for you to fall in love with as well. Featuring: Margaret Atwood Ken Babstock Manahil Bandukwala Courtney Bates-Hardy Roxanna Bennett Ronna Bloom Louise Carson Kate Cayley Kitty Cheung Dani Couture Kayla Czaga Šari Dale Unnati Desai Tina Do Andrew DuBois Paola Ferrante Beth Goobie Nina Philomena Honorat Liz Howard Maureen Hynes George K Ilsley Eve Joseph Ian Keteku Judith Krause M Travis Lane Mary Dean Lee Canisia Lubrin Randy Lundy David Ly Yohani Mendis Pamela Mosher Susan Musgrave Téa Mutonji Barbara Nickel Ottavia Paluch Kirsten Pendreigh Emily Pohl-Weary David Romanda Matthew Rooney Zoe Imani Sharpe Sue Sinclair John Steffler Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang Arielle Twist David Ezra Wang Phoebe Wang Hayden Ward Elana Wolff Eugenia Zuroski Jan Zwicky
Publisher: Biblioasis
ISBN: 1771964405
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 144
Book Description
“This is a book,” writes guest editor Souvankham Thammavongsa, “about what I saw and read and loved, and want you to see and read and love.” Selected from work published by Canadian poets in magazines and journals in 2020, Best Canadian Poetry 2021 gathers the poems Thammavongsa loved most over a year’s worth of reading, and draws together voices that “got in and out quickly, that said unusual things, that were clear, spare, and plain, that made [her] laugh out loud … the voices that barely ever survive to make it onto the page.” From new work by Canadian icons to thrilling emerging talents, this year’s anthology offers fifty poems for you to fall in love with as well. Featuring: Margaret Atwood Ken Babstock Manahil Bandukwala Courtney Bates-Hardy Roxanna Bennett Ronna Bloom Louise Carson Kate Cayley Kitty Cheung Dani Couture Kayla Czaga Šari Dale Unnati Desai Tina Do Andrew DuBois Paola Ferrante Beth Goobie Nina Philomena Honorat Liz Howard Maureen Hynes George K Ilsley Eve Joseph Ian Keteku Judith Krause M Travis Lane Mary Dean Lee Canisia Lubrin Randy Lundy David Ly Yohani Mendis Pamela Mosher Susan Musgrave Téa Mutonji Barbara Nickel Ottavia Paluch Kirsten Pendreigh Emily Pohl-Weary David Romanda Matthew Rooney Zoe Imani Sharpe Sue Sinclair John Steffler Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang Arielle Twist David Ezra Wang Phoebe Wang Hayden Ward Elana Wolff Eugenia Zuroski Jan Zwicky
The Shifting Role of Women
Author: Vivek Kumar Dwivedi
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527501558
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 151
Book Description
This book chronicles the torturous journey of women from being confined within the limits of the house to being a “major voice” in society. It also highlights scenarios in which women have been discriminated against throughout history. This work will help in reconfiguring the set standards, values, and parameters by which women are judged in society. It foregrounds its studies by examining literary texts, case studies, and popular practices, showing how the era of social media has tacitly brought about the suffragette movement of the 21st century.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527501558
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 151
Book Description
This book chronicles the torturous journey of women from being confined within the limits of the house to being a “major voice” in society. It also highlights scenarios in which women have been discriminated against throughout history. This work will help in reconfiguring the set standards, values, and parameters by which women are judged in society. It foregrounds its studies by examining literary texts, case studies, and popular practices, showing how the era of social media has tacitly brought about the suffragette movement of the 21st century.
Expanding Authorship
Author: Peter Middleton
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press
ISBN: 0826362648
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 400
Book Description
Expanding Authorship collects important essays by Peter Middleton that show the many ways in which, in a world of proliferating communications media, poetry-making is increasingly the work of agencies extending beyond that of a single, identifiable author. In four sections—Sound, Communities, Collaboration, and Complexity—Middleton demonstrates that this changing situation of poetry requires new understandings of the variations of authorship. He explores the internal divisions of lyric subjectivity, the vicissitudes of coauthorship and poetry networks, the creative role of editors and anthologists, and the ways in which the long poem can reveal the outer limits of authorship. Readers and scholars of Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, George Oppen, Frank O’Hara, Robert Duncan, Robert Creeley, Jerome Rothenberg, Susan Howe, Lyn Hejinian, Nathaniel Mackey, and Rae Armantrout will find much to learn and enjoy in this groundbreaking volume.
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press
ISBN: 0826362648
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 400
Book Description
Expanding Authorship collects important essays by Peter Middleton that show the many ways in which, in a world of proliferating communications media, poetry-making is increasingly the work of agencies extending beyond that of a single, identifiable author. In four sections—Sound, Communities, Collaboration, and Complexity—Middleton demonstrates that this changing situation of poetry requires new understandings of the variations of authorship. He explores the internal divisions of lyric subjectivity, the vicissitudes of coauthorship and poetry networks, the creative role of editors and anthologists, and the ways in which the long poem can reveal the outer limits of authorship. Readers and scholars of Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, George Oppen, Frank O’Hara, Robert Duncan, Robert Creeley, Jerome Rothenberg, Susan Howe, Lyn Hejinian, Nathaniel Mackey, and Rae Armantrout will find much to learn and enjoy in this groundbreaking volume.
Queer Little Nightmares
Author: David Ly
Publisher: arsenal pulp press
ISBN: 1551529025
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 188
Book Description
The fiction and poetry of Queer Little Nightmares reimagines monsters old and new through a queer lens, subverting the horror gaze to celebrate ideas and identities canonically feared in monster lit. Throughout history, monsters have appeared in popular culture as stand-ins for the non-conforming, the marginalized of society. Pushed into the shadows as objects of fear, revulsion, and hostility, these characters have long conjured fascination and self-identification in the LGBTQ+ community, and over time, monsters have become queer icons. In Queer Little Nightmares, creatures of myth and folklore seek belonging and intimate connection, cryptids challenge their outcast status, and classic movie monsters explore the experience of coming into queerness. The characters in these stories and poems—the Minotaur camouflaged in a crowd of cosplayers, a pubescent werewolf, a Hindu revenant waiting to reunite with her lover, a tender-hearted kaiju, a lagoon creature aching for the swimmers above him, a ghost of Pride past—relish their new sparkle in the spotlight. Pushing against tropes that have historically been used to demonize, the queer creators of this collection instead ask: What does it mean to be (and to love) a monster? Contributors include Amber Dawn, David Demchuk, Hiromi Goto, jaye simpson, Eddy Boudel Tan, and Kai Cheng Thom. This publication meets the EPUB Accessibility requirements and it also meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG-AA). It is screen-reader friendly and is accessible to persons with disabilities. A Simple book with few images, which is defined with accessible structural markup. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page-list, landmark, reading order and semantic structure.
Publisher: arsenal pulp press
ISBN: 1551529025
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 188
Book Description
The fiction and poetry of Queer Little Nightmares reimagines monsters old and new through a queer lens, subverting the horror gaze to celebrate ideas and identities canonically feared in monster lit. Throughout history, monsters have appeared in popular culture as stand-ins for the non-conforming, the marginalized of society. Pushed into the shadows as objects of fear, revulsion, and hostility, these characters have long conjured fascination and self-identification in the LGBTQ+ community, and over time, monsters have become queer icons. In Queer Little Nightmares, creatures of myth and folklore seek belonging and intimate connection, cryptids challenge their outcast status, and classic movie monsters explore the experience of coming into queerness. The characters in these stories and poems—the Minotaur camouflaged in a crowd of cosplayers, a pubescent werewolf, a Hindu revenant waiting to reunite with her lover, a tender-hearted kaiju, a lagoon creature aching for the swimmers above him, a ghost of Pride past—relish their new sparkle in the spotlight. Pushing against tropes that have historically been used to demonize, the queer creators of this collection instead ask: What does it mean to be (and to love) a monster? Contributors include Amber Dawn, David Demchuk, Hiromi Goto, jaye simpson, Eddy Boudel Tan, and Kai Cheng Thom. This publication meets the EPUB Accessibility requirements and it also meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG-AA). It is screen-reader friendly and is accessible to persons with disabilities. A Simple book with few images, which is defined with accessible structural markup. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page-list, landmark, reading order and semantic structure.