Femtochemistry And Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics In Molecular Science

Femtochemistry And Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics In Molecular Science PDF Author: Abderrazzak Douhal
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814489336
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 854

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Book Description
This book contains important contributions from top international scientists on the-state-of-the-art of femtochemistry and femtobiology at the beginning of the new millennium. It consists of reviews and papers on ultrafast dynamics in molecular science.The coverage of topics highlights several important features of molecular science from the viewpoint of structure (space domain) and dynamics (time domain). First of all, the book presents the latest developments, such as experimental techniques for understanding ultrafast processes in gas, condensed and complex systems, including biological molecules, surfaces and nanostructures. At the same time it stresses the different ways to control the rates and pathways of reactive events in chemistry and biology. Particular emphasis is given to biological processes as an area where femtodynamics is becoming very useful for resolving the structural dynamics from techniques such as electron diffraction, and X-ray and IR spectroscopy. Finally, the latest developments in quantum control (in both theory and experiment) and the experimental pulse-shaping techniques are described.

Femtochemistry And Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics In Molecular Science

Femtochemistry And Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics In Molecular Science PDF Author: Abderrazzak Douhal
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814489336
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 854

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Book Description
This book contains important contributions from top international scientists on the-state-of-the-art of femtochemistry and femtobiology at the beginning of the new millennium. It consists of reviews and papers on ultrafast dynamics in molecular science.The coverage of topics highlights several important features of molecular science from the viewpoint of structure (space domain) and dynamics (time domain). First of all, the book presents the latest developments, such as experimental techniques for understanding ultrafast processes in gas, condensed and complex systems, including biological molecules, surfaces and nanostructures. At the same time it stresses the different ways to control the rates and pathways of reactive events in chemistry and biology. Particular emphasis is given to biological processes as an area where femtodynamics is becoming very useful for resolving the structural dynamics from techniques such as electron diffraction, and X-ray and IR spectroscopy. Finally, the latest developments in quantum control (in both theory and experiment) and the experimental pulse-shaping techniques are described.

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology PDF Author: Abderrazzak Douhal
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9789812777980
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 860

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Book Description
This book contains important contributions from top international scientists on the-state-of-the-art of femtochemistry and femtobiology at the beginning of the new millennium. It consists of reviews and papers on ultrafast dynamics in molecular science.The coverage of topics highlights several important features of molecular science from the viewpoint of structure (space domain) and dynamics (time domain). First of all, the book presents the latest developments, such as experimental techniques for understanding ultrafast processes in gas, condensed and complex systems, including biological molecules, surfaces and nanostructures. At the same time it stresses the different ways to control the rates and pathways of reactive events in chemistry and biology. Particular emphasis is given to biological processes as an area where femtodynamics is becoming very useful for resolving the structural dynamics from techniques such as electron diffraction, and X-ray and IR spectroscopy. Finally, the latest developments in quantum control (in both theory and experiment) and the experimental pulse-shaping techniques are described.

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology PDF Author: Abderrazzak Douhal
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9810248660
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 854

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Book Description
This book contains important contributions from top international scientists on the-state-of-the-art of femtochemistry and femtobiology at the beginning of the new millennium. It consists of reviews and papers on ultrafast dynamics in molecular science.The coverage of topics highlights several important features of molecular science from the viewpoint of structure (space domain) and dynamics (time domain). First of all, the book presents the latest developments, such as experimental techniques for understanding ultrafast processes in gas, condensed and complex systems, including biological molecules, surfaces and nanostructures. At the same time it stresses the different ways to control the rates and pathways of reactive events in chemistry and biology. Particular emphasis is given to biological processes as an area where femtodynamics is becoming very useful for resolving the structural dynamics from techniques such as electron diffraction, and X-ray and IR spectroscopy. Finally, the latest developments in quantum control (in both theory and experiment) and the experimental pulse-shaping techniques are described.

Femtochemistry VII

Femtochemistry VII PDF Author: Michele Kimble
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080466826
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 611

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Book Description
Femtochemistry VII presents the most recent developments in femtochemistry and highlights the significance of the field today. This book contains extracts from the proceedings, presentations and posters from the Femtochemistry VII conference, held in Washington D.C., on July 17-22, 2005. The stimulating conference was opened by Professor Ahmed Zewail (1999 Nobel Prize Winner), and as was evident by the attendees at the conference, had a very active program with the presentation of numerous talks and a large number of posters. This collection of papers reflects the remarkable progress that has been made in femtosecond spectroscopy, and especially to its emergence as a field of research devoted to chemistry and biology, giving rise to femtochemistry and femtobiology. Subjects covered include imaging, structural dynamics, and spectroscopies, fundamentals of reaction dynamics, salvation phenomenta, liquids and interfaces, aggregates/particles/surfaces, protein dynamics and photobiology, quantum control, and intense laser-matter interactions. Subjects covered by this book include imaging, structural dynamics, and spectroscopies; fundamentals of reaction dynamics; salvation phenomenta; liquids and interfaces; aggregates/particles/surfaces; protein dynamics and photobiology; quantum control; and intense laser-matter interactions. This book would appeal to chemists, physicists and biologists in the fields of atomic and molecular science. * Contains the most recent developments in Femtochemistry from the Femtochemistry VII conference* Highlights the significance of femtochemistry today* Displays extracts from the proceedings, presentations and posters from the conference

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology PDF Author: Monique M. Martin
Publisher: Elsevier Science Limited
ISBN: 9780444516565
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 569

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Book Description
This book reflects the heights of knowledge of ultrafast chemical processes attained in these early years of the 21st century : the latest research in femtosecond and picosecond molecular processes in Chemistry and Biology, carried out around the world, is described here in more than 110 articles. The results were presented and discussed at the VIth International Conference on Femtochemistry, in Paris, France, from July 6 to July 10, 2003. The articles published here were reviewed by referees selected from specialists in the Femtochemistry community, guaranteeing a collective responsability for the quality of the research reported in the next 564 pages. Femtochemistry is an ever-growing field, where new research areas are constantly opening up, and one which both stimulates and accompanies the development of ultrafast technologies. The increasing interest in femtobiology and chemistry at the frontier with biology is an obvious indicator of the present impact of life sciences in our society. New materials and reactions at surfaces are also some of the relatively new topics that promise rapid developments. New methodologies and technologies for probing and following in real time molecular dynamical phenomena have appeared within the last ten years or so. These methods, based on multidimensional IR spectroscopies, ultrafast X-ray and electron diffraction techniques, are well represented in this book. Of ever-improving performance, they are now applied to the characterization of structural dynamics of an increasing number of chemical and biological systems. This book reports the state of research in Femtochemistry and Femtobiology presented at Paris, at the Maison de la Chimie, in July 2003, representing the tenth anniversary of the conference. * Overview of the most recent research on ultrafast events * Application of new methodologies on chemical and biological systems * Contributions by key players in the field

Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecular Sciences

Ultrafast Phenomena in Molecular Sciences PDF Author: Rebeca de Nalda
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 331902051X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Book Description
This book presents the latest developments in Femtosecond Chemistry and Physics for the study of ultrafast photo-induced molecular processes. Molecular systems, from the simplest H2 molecule to polymers or biological macromolecules, constitute central objects of interest for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and despite the broad range of phenomena that they exhibit, they share some common behaviors. One of the most significant of those is that many of the processes involving chemical transformation (nuclear reorganization, bond breaking, bond making) take place in an extraordinarily short time, in or around the femtosecond temporal scale (1 fs = 10-15 s). A number of experimental approaches - very particularly the developments in the generation and manipulation of ultrashort laser pulses - coupled with theoretical progress, provide the ultrafast scientist with powerful tools to understand matter and its interaction with light, at this spatial and temporal scale. This book is an attempt to reunite some of the state-of-the-art research that is being carried out in the field of ultrafast molecular science, from theoretical developments, through new phenomena induced by intense laser fields, to the latest techniques applied to the study of molecular dynamics.

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology

Femtochemistry and Femtobiology PDF Author: Monique M. Martin
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080506267
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 589

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Book Description
This book reflects the heights of knowledge of ultrafast chemical processes attained in these early years of the 21st century : the latest research in femtosecond and picosecond molecular processes in Chemistry and Biology, carried out around the world, is described here in more than 110 articles. The results were presented and discussed at the VIth International Conference on Femtochemistry, in Paris, France, from July 6 to July 10, 2003. The articles published here were reviewed by referees selected from specialists in the Femtochemistry community, guaranteeing a collective responsability for the quality of the research reported in the next 564 pages. Femtochemistry is an ever-growing field, where new research areas are constantly opening up, and one which both stimulates and accompanies the development of ultrafast technologies. The increasing interest in femtobiology and chemistry at the frontier with biology is an obvious indicator of the present impact of life sciences in our society. New materials and reactions at surfaces are also some of the relatively new topics that promise rapid developments. New methodologies and technologies for probing and following in real time molecular dynamical phenomena have appeared within the last ten years or so. These methods, based on multidimensional IR spectroscopies, ultrafast X-ray and electron diffraction techniques, are well represented in this book. Of ever-improving performance, they are now applied to the characterization of structural dynamics of an increasing number of chemical and biological systems.This book reports the state of research in Femtochemistry and Femtobiology presented at Paris, at the Maison de la Chimie, in July 2003, representing the tenth anniversary of the conference.* Overview of the most recent research on ultrafast events* Application of new methodologies on chemical and biological systems* Contributions by key players in the field

The Brilliant Zewail

The Brilliant Zewail PDF Author: Lotfia M El-nadi
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9813276495
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
A book that enlightens the life of Ahmed H Zewail from his early childhood to his days at CalTech.Born in Damanhur, Egypt, Ahmed H Zewail grew up with his family, studied at a local primary school and eventually graduated from Alexandria University. After completing his schooling, he went on to teach chemistry to undergraduates at the University of Alexandria.His contributions are not only to science but also to society. As a pioneer scientist, he returned to Egypt and had his fingerprints on all the initiatives to encourage scientific research and to upgrade the scientific and technological capabilities of his countrymen. He founded the Zewail City for Science and Technology — a non-profit educational institution for research and innovation in Cairo.A Nobel Prize winner, inventor of the ground-breaking four dimensional microscopy, and together with his other accolades, Ahmed H Zewail is one of the greatest scientists this century has produced. His foresight for the development of both the scientific and cultural fields in Egypt has made him a brilliant jewel for Egypt and the world.

Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy

Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy PDF Author: Peter Hannaford
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 038723294X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Book Description
The embryonic development of femtoscience stems from advances made in the generation of ultrashort laser pulses. Beginning with mode-locking of glass lasers in the 1960s, the development of dye lasers brought the pulse width down from picoseconds to femtoseconds. The breakthrough in solid state laser pulse generation provided the current reliable table-top laser systems capable of average power of about 1 watt, and peak power density of easily watts per square centimeter, with pulse widths in the range of four to eight femtoseconds. Pulses with peak power density reaching watts per square centimeter have been achieved in laboratory settings and, more recently, pulses of sub-femtosecond duration have been successfully generated. As concepts and methodologies have evolved over the past two decades, the realm of ultrafast science has become vast and exciting and has impacted many areas of chemistry, biology and physics, and other fields such as materials science, electrical engineering, and optical communication. In molecular science the explosive growth of this research is for fundamental reasons. In femtochemistry and femtobiology chemical bonds form and break on the femtosecond time scale, and on this scale of time we can freeze the transition states at configurations never before seen. Even for n- reactive physical changes one is observing the most elementary of molecular processes. On a time scale shorter than the vibrational and rotational periods the ensemble behaves coherently as a single-molecule trajectory.

Comprehensive Biophysics

Comprehensive Biophysics PDF Author:
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0080957188
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 3533

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Book Description
Biophysics is a rapidly-evolving interdisciplinary science that applies theories and methods of the physical sciences to questions of biology. Biophysics encompasses many disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, biochemistry, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, and neuroscience, and it is essential that scientists working in these varied fields are able to understand each other's research. Comprehensive Biophysics, Nine Volume Set will help bridge that communication gap. Written by a team of researchers at the forefront of their respective fields, under the guidance of Chief Editor Edward Egelman, Comprehensive Biophysics, Nine Volume Set provides definitive introductions to a broad array of topics, uniting different areas of biophysics research - from the physical techniques for studying macromolecular structure to protein folding, muscle and molecular motors, cell biophysics, bioenergetics and more. The result is this comprehensive scientific resource - a valuable tool both for helping researchers come to grips quickly with material from related biophysics fields outside their areas of expertise, and for reinforcing their existing knowledge. Biophysical research today encompasses many areas of biology. These studies do not necessarily share a unique identifying factor. This work unites the different areas of research and allows users, regardless of their background, to navigate through the most essential concepts with ease, saving them time and vastly improving their understanding The field of biophysics counts several journals that are directly and indirectly concerned with the field. There is no reference work that encompasses the entire field and unites the different areas of research through deep foundational reviews. Comprehensive Biophysics fills this vacuum, being a definitive work on biophysics. It will help users apply context to the diverse journal literature offering, and aid them in identifying areas for further research Chief Editor Edward Egelman (E-I-C, Biophysical Journal) has assembled an impressive, world-class team of Volume Editors and Contributing Authors. Each chapter has been painstakingly reviewed and checked for consistent high quality. The result is an authoritative overview which ties the literature together and provides the user with a reliable background information and citation resource