Experiments in Buddhist-Christian Encounter

Experiments in Buddhist-Christian Encounter PDF Author: Feldmeier, Peter
Publisher: Orbis Books
ISBN: 1608337618
Category : Religion
Languages : ar
Pages : 238

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"Feldmeier explores connections and divergences between Buddhist and Christian spirituality by utilizing Christian figures like Meister Eckhart and St. John of the Cross to reflect upon Buddhist positions and teachings like Buddha-Nature and the Zen Oxherding Pictures. Feldmeier is well-versed in the metaphysical nuances of Buddhism and Christianity, but seeks in this volume to emphasize the spirituality of both faiths and to suggest how dialogue might change one's way of thinking about one's own faith (not just reveal alignments between the two)"--

Experiments in Buddhist-Christian Encounter

Experiments in Buddhist-Christian Encounter PDF Author: Feldmeier, Peter
Publisher: Orbis Books
ISBN: 1608337618
Category : Religion
Languages : ar
Pages : 238

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"Feldmeier explores connections and divergences between Buddhist and Christian spirituality by utilizing Christian figures like Meister Eckhart and St. John of the Cross to reflect upon Buddhist positions and teachings like Buddha-Nature and the Zen Oxherding Pictures. Feldmeier is well-versed in the metaphysical nuances of Buddhism and Christianity, but seeks in this volume to emphasize the spirituality of both faiths and to suggest how dialogue might change one's way of thinking about one's own faith (not just reveal alignments between the two)"--

The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies

The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies PDF Author: Carol Anderson
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 100063728X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 728

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Buddhist-Christian dialogue has a long and complex history that stretches back to the first centuries of the common era. Comprising 42 international and disciplinarily diverse chapters, this volume begins by setting up a framework for examining the nature of Buddhist-Christian interreligious dialogue, discussing how research in this area has been conducted in the past and considering future theoretical directions. Subsequent chapters delve into: important episodes in the history of Buddhist-Christian dialogue; contemporary conversations such as monastic interreligious dialogue, multiple religious identity, and dual religious practice; and Buddhist-Christian cooperation in social justice, social engagement, pastoral care, and interreligious education settings. The volume closes with a section devoted to comparative and constructive explorations of different speculative themes that range from the theological to the philosophical or experiential. This handbook explores how the study of Buddhist-Christian relations has been and ought to be done. The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies is essential reading for researchers and students interested in Buddhist-Christian studies, Asian religions, and interreligious relationships. It will be of interest to those in fields such as anthropology, political science, theology, and history.

Ford's The Modern Theologians

Ford's The Modern Theologians PDF Author: Rachel E. Muers
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119746744
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 726

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Captures the multiple voices of Christian theology in a diverse and interconnected world through in-depth studies of representative figures and overviews of key movements Providing an unparalleled overview of the subject, The Modern Theologians provides an indispensable guide to the diverse approaches and perspectives within Christian theology from the early twentieth century to the present. Each chapter is written by a leading scholar and explores the development and trajectory of modern theology while presenting critical accounts of a broad range of relevant topics and representative thinkers. The fourth edition of The Modern Theologians is fully updated to provide readers with a clear picture of the broad spectrum and core concerns of modern Christian theology worldwide. It offers new perspectives on key twentieth-century figures and movements from different geographical and ecclesial contexts. There are expanded sections on theological dialogue with non-Christian traditions, and on Christian theology's engagement with the arts and sciences. A new section explores theological responses to urgent global challenges - such as nationalism, racism, and the environmental crisis. Providing the next generation of theologians with the tools needed to take theological conversations forward, The Modern Theologians: Explores Christian theology's engagement with multiple ways of knowing across diverse approaches and traditions Combines introductions to key modern theologians and coverage of the major movements within contemporary theology Identifies common dynamics found across theologies to enable cross-contextual comparisons Positions individual theologians in geographical regions, trans-local movements, and ecclesial contexts Features new and revised chapters written by experts in particular movements, topics, and individuals Providing in-depth critical evaluation and extensive references to further readings and research, Ford's The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918, Fourth Edition, remains an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in Theology and Religious Studies, such as Introduction to Christian Theology, Systematic Theology, Modern Theology, and Modern Theologians. It is also an invaluable resource for researchers, those involved in various forms of Christian ministry, teachers of religious studies, and general readers engaged in independent study.

The Spirit-Led Leader

The Spirit-Led Leader PDF Author: Timothy C. Geoffrion
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1566996732
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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In our postmodern, experience-oriented culture, people are longing for greater authenticity, integrity, and depth in their pastors and leaders. Board directors, church members, and staff alike are all eagerly seeking leaders who effectively integrate their spirituality and leadership. Pastors and executives, however, often struggle with knowing how to integrate their spiritual values and practices into their leadership and management roles. Designed for pastors, executives, administrators, managers, coordinators, and all who see themselves as leaders and who want to fulfill their God-given purpose, The Spirit-Led Leader addresses the critical fusion of spiritual life and leadership for those who not only want to see results, but who also desire to care just as deeply about who they are and how they lead as they do about what they produce and accomplish. Geoffrion creates a new vision for spiritual leadership as partly an art, partly a result of careful planning, and always a working of the grace of God

Benedict's Dharma

Benedict's Dharma PDF Author: Patrick Henry
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 144110500X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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St Benedict's Rule is a set of guidelines that has governed Christian monastic life since the 6th century. Those who live according to the Rule regard it as the bedrock of their lives and feel great affection for its author. In this book four prominent Buddhist scholars turn their attention to the Rule. Through personal anecdotes, lively debate and thoughtful comparison, they reveal how the wisdom of each tradition can revitalise the other and how their own spiritual practices have been enriched through familiarity with the Rule. Their insights are written not only for Buddhists and Christians but for anyone interested in the ancient discipline of monasticism and what it might offer a materially glutted and spiritually famished culture. This book also includes a new translation of the Rule by the former Abbot of Ampleforth, Patrick Barry.

Thomas Merton's Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond

Thomas Merton's Encounter with Buddhism and Beyond PDF Author: Jaechan Anselmo Park
Publisher: Liturgical Press
ISBN: 0814684998
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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Thomas Merton recognized the value and possibility of contemplative dialogue between monastics and contemplatives of other religious traditions and hoped that, through such dialogue, monastics would strive for ‘inter-monastic communion’ and a bonding of the broader ‘spiritual family.’ He held out hope that this bond would demonstrate the fundamental unity of humanity to a world that was becoming ever more materialistic and divided. Among other themes and topics, this book explores Thomas Merton’s role as a pioneer of Buddhist-Christian dialogue and monastic interreligious dialogue. It delves into the process of Merton’s self-transformation through contemplative experiences, explores his encounter with Zen and Tibetan Buddhists and his pioneering engagements in Buddhist-Christian dialogue, and presents and responds to the criticisms of those who raise questions about Merton’s understanding of Buddhism. Fr. Jaechan Anselmo Park, OSB, articulates and analyzes the influences of Buddhist theory and practice on Thomas Merton’s contemplative spirituality and shows how Merton’s legacy has influenced and continues to inspire interreligious and inter-monastic dialogue, particularly in an Asian monastic context.

Christianity and Buddhism

Christianity and Buddhism PDF Author: Whalen Lai
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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In Christianity and Buddhism Whalen Lai and Michael von Bruck bring together for scholars, students, and interested lay observers the developments and understandings reached in Christian-Buddhist dialogue in six key regions of the world. After a two-generations-long exploration by scholars and devotees, the authors judge it opportune to furnish a bird's-eye view of the terrain that dialogue has covered. Lai and von Bruck explore questions such as what is meant by a-theism and God-talk in the two traditions, asking whether the dialogue has revealed irreconcilable opposition or areas where each side can profit from insights from the other. They acknowledge that similarities of language in the two traditions can mask differences in substance, while differences in language can mask agreements in substance: and it is not always clear which is the case. While a first-generation dialoguer, Joseph Kitagawa, once noted that "mutual monologue" was a better description of the Christian-Buddhist project than "dialogue", Lai and von Bruck point to areas of important, dynamic understanding and clarification of where dialogue needs to go to address disagreements as well.

Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue

Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue PDF Author: Amos Yong
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004231242
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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Recent thinking in Christian theology of religions has taken a “pneumatological turn” which asks how the doctrine of the Holy Spirit can contribute to the interreligious dialogue and to the emerging discourse of comparative theology. Pneumatology and the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue. Does the Spirit Blow through the Middle Way? tests the viability of this approach as applied to the Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Various Christian and Buddhist traditions are compared and contrasted within a pneumatological framework. Is the Holy Spirit to be found along the Buddha’s middle way? Some Christians say yes, while others demur. The thesis of this volume is that such a pneumatological perspective opens up possibilities for the deepening and transformation of Christian theology in the religiously plural world of the twenty-first century.

Why Buddhism is True

Why Buddhism is True PDF Author: Robert Wright
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439195471
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 222

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From one of America’s most brilliant writers, a New York Times bestselling journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness. At the heart of Buddhism is a simple claim: The reason we suffer—and the reason we make other people suffer—is that we don’t see the world clearly. At the heart of Buddhist meditative practice is a radical promise: We can learn to see the world, including ourselves, more clearly and so gain a deep and morally valid happiness. In this “sublime” (The New Yorker), pathbreaking book, Robert Wright shows how taking this promise seriously can change your life—how it can loosen the grip of anxiety, regret, and hatred, and how it can deepen your appreciation of beauty and of other people. He also shows why this transformation works, drawing on the latest in neuroscience and psychology, and armed with an acute understanding of human evolution. This book is the culmination of a personal journey that began with Wright’s landmark book on evolutionary psychology, The Moral Animal, and deepened as he immersed himself in meditative practice and conversed with some of the world’s most skilled meditators. The result is a story that is “provocative, informative and...deeply rewarding” (The New York Times Book Review), and as entertaining as it is illuminating. Written with the wit, clarity, and grace for which Wright is famous, Why Buddhism Is True lays the foundation for a spiritual life in a secular age and shows how, in a time of technological distraction and social division, we can save ourselves from ourselves, both as individuals and as a species.

Approaching the Buddhist Path

Approaching the Buddhist Path PDF Author: Dalai Lama XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1614294410
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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The Buddha wanted his students to investigate, to see for themselves whether what he said were true. As a student of the Buddha, the Dalai Lama promotes the same spirit of investigation, and recognizes that new approaches are needed to allow seekers in the West to experience the relevance of the liberating message in their own lives. This volume stands as an introduction to Buddhism, and provides a foundation for the volumes to come.