European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: David Banister
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9780415234092
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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This book challenges conventional approaches to transport by moving away from trend based analysis towards the use of scenarios to identify alternative sustainable transport futures.

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: David Banister
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 9780415234092
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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Book Description
This book challenges conventional approaches to transport by moving away from trend based analysis towards the use of scenarios to identify alternative sustainable transport futures.

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: Jonas Akerman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135159785
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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Book Description
It is now widely accepted that transport is becoming increasingly unsustainable and that strong policy intervention is required to reduce both the growth in transport demand and the environmental costs of transport. This book challenges conventional approaches to transport by moving away from trend based analysis towards the use of scenarios to identify alternative sustainable transport futures. It both summaries the development of EU transport policy and presents a critique. The policy context is widened to include the global changes taking place in economics, society and technology. It develops new methodologies for policy making for the next 25 years.

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: Jonas Akerman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135159793
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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Book Description
It is now widely accepted that transport is becoming increasingly unsustainable and that strong policy intervention is required to reduce both the growth in transport demand and the environmental costs of transport. This book challenges conventional approaches to transport by moving away from trend based analysis towards the use of scenarios to identify alternative sustainable transport futures. It both summaries the development of EU transport policy and presents a critique. The policy context is widened to include the global changes taking place in economics, society and technology. It develops new methodologies for policy making for the next 25 years.

Achieving Sustainable Mobility

Achieving Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: Erling Holden
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317185854
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 401

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Book Description
Sustainable mobility has become the new imperative for transport policy. There have been a number of policy attempts at sustainable mobility globally, such as the development of more efficient conventional transport technologies, the promotion of efficient and affordable public transport systems and the encouragement of environmental awareness. Such policies have so often been presented as prerequisites for sustainable mobility that they are now taken for granted. But are any of these policies really successful? To what extent do they actually contribute (or fail to contribute) to sustainable mobility? Why do some policies succeed and others fail? Using an interdisciplinary approach which brings together various theories and methodologies, this book tests each of these policies - or hypotheses, as the author sees them - with detailed empirical investigations. It also argues that leisure-time travel should be included in any sustainable mobility policies, as it now accounts for 50 per cent of all annual travel distance in developed countries. The book concludes by suggesting fourteen theses of sustainable mobility for the EU and a new model for future best practice.

Sustainable and Efficient Transport

Sustainable and Efficient Transport PDF Author: Ellen Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1788119282
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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The EU Commission has set the goal of facilitating a competitive transport system, increasing mobility and supporting growth while simultaneously reaching a target of 60 per cent emissions reductions by 2050. In light of past performance and estimated development, the target will not be reached without further behavioural change in the transport sector. This interdisciplinary book examines how such a behavioural shift can be achieved by various organizational and legal means, focusing primarily on the European Union and its specific policies related to greening transport.

Energy, Transport, & the Environment

Energy, Transport, & the Environment PDF Author: Oliver Inderwildi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 144712717X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 719

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Book Description
Sustainable mobility is a highly complex problem as it is affected by the interactions between socio-economic, environmental, technological and political issues. Energy, Transport, & the Environment: Addressing the Sustainable Mobility Paradigm brings together leading figures from business, academia and governments to address the challenges and opportunities involved in working towards sustainable mobility. Key thinkers and decision makers approach topics and debates including: energy security and resource scarcity greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions urban planning, transport systems and their management governance and finance of transformation ·the threats of terrorism and climate change to our transport systems. Introduced by a preface from U.S. Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu and an outline by the editors, Dr Oliver Inderwildi and Sir David King, Energy, Transport, & the Environment is divided into six sections. These sections address and explore the challenges and opportunities for energy supply, road transport, urban mobility, aviation, sea and rail, as well as finance and economics in transport. Possible solutions, ranging from alternative fuels to advanced urban planning and policy levers, will be examined in order to deepen the understanding of currently proposed solutions within the political realities of the dominating economic areas. The result of this detailed investigation is an integrated view of sustainable transport for both people and freight, making Energy, Transport, & the Environment key reading for researchers, decision makers and policy experts across the public and private sectors.

White Paper on Transport

White Paper on Transport PDF Author: European Commission. Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
Publisher: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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Recoge: 1. Preparing the European transport area for the future. 2. A vision for a competitive and sustainable transport system. 3. The strategy - what needs to be done. ANNEX: List of initiatives.

Transport for a Sustainable Future

Transport for a Sustainable Future PDF Author: John Whitelegg
Publisher: *Belhaven Press
ISBN: 9780471947912
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Presents well-grounded arguments concerning the current shortcomings of European transport policy based on a philosophy which regards transportation as much more important than the consideration of movement, modes and networks in isolation. Congestion in cities, effects of traffic on health and the environment, social distribution of mobility, access to jobs and medical facilities are among the topics discussed.

E-Mobility in Europe

E-Mobility in Europe PDF Author: Walter Leal Filho
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331913194X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Focusing on technical, policy and social/societal practices and innovations for electrified transport for personal, public and freight purposes, this book provides a state-of-the-art overview of developments in e-mobility in Europe and the West Coast of the USA. It serves as a learning base for further implementing and commercially developing this field for the benefit of society, the environment and public health, as well as for economic development and private industry. A fast-growing, interdisciplinary sector, electric mobility links engineering, infrastructure, environment, transport and sustainable development. But despite the relevance of the topic, few publications have ever attempted to document or promote the wide range of electric mobility initiatives and projects taking place today. Addressing this need, this publication consists of case studies, reports on technological developments and examples of successful infrastructure installation in cities, which document current initiatives and serve as an inspiration for others.

Tourism, Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility

Tourism, Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility PDF Author: C. Michael Hall
Publisher: Channel View Publications
ISBN: 1845416007
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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This book offers a comprehensive global examination of the relationship between public transport and tourism as well as exploring other sustainable transport modes. It offers a unique view by analysing tourism through the public transport lens and vice versa. The volume provides an account of how the public transport experience can be improved for tourists so that its value can be maximised and a greater number of people can be encouraged to shift modes. It features a wide range of case studies and examples showing how the tourism industry, as well as regional economies, communities and the environment, benefit when public transport is widely used by tourists. The book will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of tourism and transport as well as destination marketing organisations and tourism, transport and urban planners.