Essays on Pricing and Consumer Demand in the Retail Sector

Essays on Pricing and Consumer Demand in the Retail Sector PDF Author: Lucrezio Figurelli
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Essays on Pricing and Consumer Demand in the Retail Sector

Essays on Pricing and Consumer Demand in the Retail Sector PDF Author: Lucrezio Figurelli
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Essays on Price Dynamics

Essays on Price Dynamics PDF Author: Gee Hee Hong
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Languages : en
Pages : 314

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Standard macro models typically assume that producers sell goods directly to final consumers, while, in reality, the distribution network or vertical structure from a manufacturer to a consumer takes various forms. The boundary of firms, or to what extent a firm wishes to extend its distribution or manufacturing process is not a trivial issue when firms develop sourcing strategies. A substantial number of recent studies in international trade have demonstrated systematic patterns in intra-firm trade patterns and price patterns. Inclusion of vertical chains possibly generates frictions by means of double-marginalization problem, asymmetric information and coordination issues, while the choice of vertical structure is an endogenous choice of transaction cost minimization and contractibility. The first part of work discusses the price patterns by documenting several facts about price rigidity using a large grocery retail data set. The role of retailers has been completely neglected in standard macro pricing models. However, consumers seldom interact with manufacturers directly, especially for grocery items. The assumption that retail level is negligible would be innocuous only if the wholesale price dynamics is similar to retail price dynamics. That is, only when retailers fully pass through the wholesale price to consumers and do not influence the prices that have been set by manufacturers would this assumption make sense. Using detailed information of weekly price and cost from a major retailer store that operates across the United States, we find strong evidence that retail price dynamics are completely different from manufacturer price dynamics. We find two main reasons for why retail prices cannot fully reflect wholesale prices. First, retailers cannot do so because retailers face costs of their own aside from wholesale price. Second, retailers react to variations in demand more directly than wholesalers. Pass-through rate of retailer cost (including wholesale price and extra costs to retailers) to retail price is incomplete. We also find that (1) retail pass-through rate is incomplete, (2) retail pass-through rate and retail price rigidity is negatively correlated, (3) categories with higher retail mark-up show lower pass-through rate, (4) price rigidity is heterogeneous across categories, (5) competition within a category shows positive correlation with pass-through rate, but the correlation is less obvious in the scatter plots and (6) retail price duration is shorter than wholesale price duration, while retail price duration is longer than retail cost duration. In a simple model where retailers play non-neutral role, we can successfully explain the empirical findings, while models with neutral retailers or no retailers fail to explain the findings. The second part of work discusses the relationship between the vertical structure and the price rigidity. In the job market paper, "Vertical Integration and Retail Pricing Facts for Macroeconomists: Private Label vs. National Brand" (co-authored with Nicholas Li), we propose to extend this analysis to retail behavior and also into closed economy using a data set that contains prices and wholesale costs for a retail chain that operates in the United States. The retailer owns numerous brands that are sold in its stores - ownership in this case implies control over branding, marketing and packaging in all cases and in many cases control over manufacturing as well. We call these private labels and consider equivalent to intra-firm in open macro literature. Beyond generalizing the findings of previous studies to the retail sector and a different data set, the significant growth of store-brands makes the impact of vertical integration in retail on intra and inter-national pricing behavior of independent interest. By analyzing the main dimensions of pricing (duration, cost pass-through and synchronization), we find that the private label goods show shorter price duration, greater cost shock pass-through and greater synchronization of price changes than national brands counterpart. These findings are consistent with previous literature using trade dataset. We compare two existing models that can potentially explain these facts -one featuring symmetric retail demand but different vertical structures/double-marginalization, and the other featuring demand asymmetry and price discrimination as a motive for sales to find evidence that two models are complementary. If vertical structure is endogenous, with vertically integrated lower-priced products gaining market share for product categories, we argue that it can serve as a potential multiplier for demand-based induced changes in retail pricing behavior. One example that shows retailers' non-neutral role in price-setting mechanism is the existence of sales at retail level. With a recent surge of micro-level data sets from various sources, researchers have been able to examine price dynamics at a disaggregate level and to test previously established macro-pricing models. A notable feature of price dynamics across all of these data sets is significant heterogeneity across products and sectors in measured pass-through and frequency due to temporary discounts, or sales. Previous studies have demonstrated that the retailer is largely responsible for the timing and size of temporary discounts. Sales prices behave qualitative and quantitatively different from regular prices. Yet, researchers have not reached a conclusion whether or not and how to incorporate intermittent price into crucial issues, such as, macro price-setting models and price index constructions. The core of the question is whether sales have any implications for business cycle and monetary neutrality. The question is also intimately related to how economic agents respond to shocks - how retailers adjust their profit-maximizing strategies, how consumers adjust their consumption patterns in response to cost shocks. The third chapter of work, "On the Cyclicality of Effective Prices" with Professors Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Olivier Coibin directly tackles this issue. We study the cyclical properties of sales, regular price changes and average prices paid by consumers in a dataset containing prices and quantities sold for numerous retailers across a variety of U.S. metropolitan areas. Both the frequency and size of sales fall when unemployment rates rise and yet the inflation rate of average prices paid by consumers declines with higher unemployment. This discrepancy can be reconciled by consumers reallocating their expenditures across retailers, a feature of the data which we document and quantify. The results point toward a cyclical mis-measurement of inflation which can account for part of the "missing disinflation" during the Great Recession.

Essay on Network Effects, Consumer Demand, and Firms' Dynamic Pricing

Essay on Network Effects, Consumer Demand, and Firms' Dynamic Pricing PDF Author: Rong Luo
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Languages : en
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This dissertation includes three chapters on estimating structural economics models. My research focuses on empirically study consumers' utility from different products, the impact of network effects on consumers' demand for products, and multi-network firms' dynamic pricing strategies. The three chapters share the same feature of estimating a discrete choice demand model, but differ in the static versus dynamic setting and the underlying economics question and strategic behaviors that I'm interested.Chapter 1"The Operating System Network Effect and Telecom Carriers' Dynamic Pricing of Smartphones."The utility a consumer realizes from owning a smartphone increases with its operating system (OS) network size. Due to this OS network effect, multi-network telecom carriers have a different pricing strategy for smartphones than the single- network manufacturers in a dynamic environment. While manufacturers choose higher prices for larger networks, carriers, who can internalize competition across OSs, have incentives to choose lower prices for larger networks. The carriers' pricing strategy contributes to the increasing smartphone users and OS concentration. In this paper, I first analyze a theoretical model to compare the pricing strategies of the carriers and manufacturers. Then I design a structural model of consumers' demand and the carriers' dynamic pricing game for smartphones, and empirically study the impact of the OS network effect and carriers' two-year contract policy on the smartphone market penetration and OS concentration. I estimate the model using product level data from August 2011 to July 2013 in the US. I deal with the empirical challenges of dynamic prices for multi-product carriers, high dimension continuous state variables, and asymmetric oligopolistic firms in the estimation. The results show that the OS network size has a positive and significant impact on consumer utility. I then study two counterfactual cases in which I eliminate the OS network effect and the carriers' pricing strategy, respectively. I find that, without the OS network effect, the smartphone penetration rate would decrease by 54.7% and the largest OS share difference decrease by 31.7% by May 2013. Without the carriers' pricing strategy, the penetration rate would decrease by 29.1% and the OS market share difference decrease by 11.2%.Chapter 2"The Operating System Network Effect and Consumers' Dynamic Demand of Smartphones with Two-Year Contracts."This paper studies consumers' dynamic demand of smartphones on two-year wireless contracts. Individuals' demand decisions are affected by the improving quality and changing prices of smartphones, and the OS network effect, and their current smartphone contract status. Consumers need to pay high early termination fees if they end active contracts. The dynamic demand model in this paper incorporates the evolving choice set, prices, endogenous OS network sizes, and the termination policies in the smartphone industry. The preliminary results find that the OS network effect is large and significant. In addition, compared with dynamic model results, a static demand model tends to underestimate the OS network effect and overestimate price coefficient.Chapter 3"Store Brands and Retail Grocery Competition in Breakfast Cereals."This paper empirically analyzes the impacts of store brands on grocery retailers and consumers in the market for breakfast cereals. On the supply side, store brands help a retailer to avoid direct competition with other retailers and change the set of retailer's products. On the demand side, introducing store brands changes the national brands prices and consumers' choice set. We analyze the effects via demand estimation for a single grocery store chain Dominick's at Chicago in 1997 and counterfactual exercises. The estimation results show that consumers' unobserved utility of buying at a competing retailer is higher for consumers that value national brands, and is lower for ones that value Dominick's store brands. This is consistent with the claim that store brands help a retailer to avoid competition. The counterfactual calculations show that the profit loss from removing store brands is higher if the retailer has more competitors, with a median loss of 4.33% of profits from cereals. Existence of store brands increases national brands prices and consumer welfare increases slightly when store brands are removed.

Essays on Retailer Pricing

Essays on Retailer Pricing PDF Author: Anil Kaul
Category : Pricing
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Three Essays on Empirical Studies of Consumer Behavior

Three Essays on Empirical Studies of Consumer Behavior PDF Author: An-Shih Liu
Category : Brand choice
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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This dissertation is an empirical study of demand and supply in differentiated products markets using supermarket scanner data on two particular product categories - canned tuna and hot-breakfast cereals. First, I study the impact of retailers' price promotions on consumer demand and retailer profits in the canned-tuna product category. Since canned tuna is storable, I examine whether consumers stock up during sales. The results suggest that only a limited amount of stockpiling exists in this product category. Since inventory is not very important, consumer demand is thus modeled by a static demand model with a random-coefficients-nested-logit specification, which is estimated by the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. The unit-sales decomposition results show that on average 36% of the demand response to price promotions comes from brand-switching, so market expansion effects due to consumers switching from the outside good and to higher quantities usually dominate the brand-switching effect. Using the demand estimates, I compute optimal retail prices assuming that stores are local monopolists and choose prices to maximize static category-level profits. I find that regular prices at "high-low" stores are typically at or slightly below the optimal prices, but that regular prices at "every-day-low-price" stores are substantially below the optimal prices. These results suggest that retail price levels and price promotions are more likely related to local market conditions such as retail competition. In addition, I study the effects of store-brand (SB) entry on the demand elasticities of incumbent national brands (NB), consumers' substitution patterns for national and store brands, and the implications for consumer welfare in the hot-breakfast-cereals product category. A random-coefficients model of consumer demand is estimated by the generalized-method-of-moments approach. The empirical findings are: (1) After the entry of SB's, demand becomes more elastic for non-imitated NB's, and either more elastic or shows no change for imitated NB's; (2) in general, substitution patterns for NB's and SB's are asymmetric, i.e., when the prices of their favorite products increase, most NB buyers tend to substitute to other NB products, but SB buyers will substitute to the corresponding imitated NB's; (3) the increase in consumer surplus due to SB entry is trivial for an individual consumer, but the aggregate benefit could be quite substantial.

Essays on Retail Product Assortment and Vertical Relationships

Essays on Retail Product Assortment and Vertical Relationships PDF Author: Xinrong Zhu (Ph.D.)
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In this dissertation, I study retail product assortments and how vertical relationships between manufacturers and retailers shape the retail landscape. The first chapter studies systematically the market share dispersion of national brands in 25 consumer packaged goods industries, and investigate the role of retailers in explaining the share dispersion. We first document stylized facts that the distribution of national top brand shares are asymmetric across retailers, even for retailers competing in the same geographic market, and the "share advantage" that a leading brand enjoys within a retailer is persistent across markets where the retailer is present and stable over time. We then specify and estimate a variance decomposition model to decompose the total variance in national brand shares and product assortments into a Brand * Retailer component and a Brand * Market component. We find that 50% to 60% of the total variance is accounted for by the Brand * Retailer component, while the Brand * Market component only explains about 10% to 20% of the total variance. Our results suggest that the large market share dispersion of national brands is caused by strong asymmetries in how these brands are presented in different retailers, even under similar market conditions. Finally we provide evidence that long-term vertical relationships between retailers and manufacturers is a key explanation for the strong asymmetries in national top brand shares across retailers and geographic regions. The second chapter takes the empirical evidence documented in the first chapter one step further, and studies a specific type of vertical arrangement---category captaincy contract. Category captaincy is a vertical arrangement whereby the retailer delegates pricing and assortment decisions of an entire category to one of the leading manufacturers within the category. These confidential contracts can lead to disproportionately higher market shares for the captain's products. The objective of the paper is to infer the existence of such contracts and to quantify their impacts on prices, market shares, and profits of manufacturers and retailers. I use the yogurt category as an empirical setting, in which the captain is either Dannon or Yoplait---the top two brands in the category by national market share. Using Nielsen scanner data, I first estimate a random-coefficient model of consumer demand. I use estimates of the brand-retailer specific shocks and a Bayesian inference model to classify retailers into one of the three categories: Dannon-captained retailers, Yoplait-captained retailers, or non-captained retailers. Conditional on the classified arrangements, I then apply conduct tests to infer that captains eliminate double markups from their own products, while the non-captain products still have double markups. The results from counterfactual experiments show that category captaincy arrangements increase market shares of the captain by about 50%, but they can also increase retailer profits and consumer welfare by eliminating double markups on the captain's products.

Two Essays on the Implications of Demand State Dependence on Pricing Decisions

Two Essays on the Implications of Demand State Dependence on Pricing Decisions PDF Author: Polykarpos Pavlidis
Category : Consumer behavior
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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"Marketing strategies that firms adopt are based on consumers' response in the marketplace when they face and interact with these strategies. This dissertation examines the tendency of consumers to repeat their last purchase choices and the implications of this type of behavior on pricing related strategies of consumer packaged goods brand manufacturers. The first essay is a theory based empirical investigation about the commonly observed practice of brands offering temporary price promotions. There have been many theories that attempt to explain the popularity of price promotions as a marketing tool but with very few exceptions they are disconnected from choice dynamics. We examine the empirical support of a recent theory that connects price promotions with demand state dependence. In our investigation we measure how much each brand benefits from the consumers' tendency to repeat purchase and we examine the connection between this measure (AMEL) and the brands' price promotional frequencies. Our extensive sample includes all major brands from twenty product categories of frequently purchased goods and twenty stores in two separate geographical markets. Our empirical model accounts explicitly for the dependence of price promotions on demand response and vice versa. In summary, we find significant and robust evidence that brands which gainmore from consumers' repeat purchase behavior are offered on promotion formore weeks on average. We also demonstrate the value of our proposed estimation algorithm over simpler, two-step, approaches. In the second essay we examine consumers' state dependence not only to specific choice alternatives but also to parent brands that cover multiple sub-brands. Using a structural, forward looking, pricing model for multiproduct firms, we explore the implications of parent brand state dependence on equilibrium prices and firm profitability through counterfactual experiments. Empirically, we examine household level choice data from the category of yogurt and estimate state dependence to both the parent brand and the sub-brand level. We find evidence of parent brand state dependence for the category of yogurt. Its impact on the market equilibrium is to push prices downwards, because firms invest in future demand, and increase profitability of multiproduct firms, because per period demand increases"--Leaves iv-v.

Essays on Consumer Shopping Behavior and Price Dispersion

Essays on Consumer Shopping Behavior and Price Dispersion PDF Author: Aleksandr Yankelevich
Category : Electronic dissertations
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Essay 1: "Price-Matching in a Sequential Search Duopoly" While substantial research has tried to determine if price-matching guarantees are anti-competitive, most previous studies have overlooked the effect that these policies have on consumer search behavior. This essay examines how price-matching guarantees affect consumer behavior and prices in a model of sequential price search. By endogenizing consumers' acquisition of price information, I find that price-matching may raise prices in three new ways. First, price-matching diminishes firms' incentives to lower prices to attract consumers who have no cost of search. Second, for consumers with positive search costs, price-matching lowers the marginal benefit of search, inducing them to accept higher prices. Finally, higher prices may come about because price-matching can lead to asymmetric equilibria where one firm runs fewer sales and both firms tend to offer smaller discounts than in a symmetric equilibrium. These price increasing effects grow in proportion to the number of consumers who make use of price-matching guarantees as well as in the amount of asymmetry that prevails in equilibrium. Essay 2: "Asymmetric Sequential Search" (with Carmen Astorne-Figari) Rival firms often find themselves catering to a very different mix of customers from that of their competitors. This can lead to variations in pricing behavior even when other factors, such as product quality and the cost of production, are held constant across firms. In this essay, we use a model of sequential consumer price search to explore how asymmetries in the demand structures across firms impact firm pricing. In our model, a fraction of consumers must pay a cost to search for prices beyond their local firm and firms serve different fractions of local consumers. The price distribution of a firm with more local consumers first order stochastically dominates that of a firm with fewer local consumers and places positive probability on its upper bound. This means that a firm with more local consumers has a higher average price and runs sales less frequently. The frequency of sales diminishes in the number of local consumers, but price dispersion persists even if all consumers are local to a single firm. Moreover, as the fraction of consumers who search without cost increases, firms tend to offer bigger discounts, while the likelihood of a sale may fall. Essay 3: "Energizer: The Bunny or the Battery? Advertising as a Way to Publicize Either the Brand or the Good" (with Carmen Astorne-Figari) Experimental studies and surveys of consumers suggest that an important role of advertising is to convince consumers that they want the product and to buy it from the brand advertising it. However, because of competitive clutter, an advertisement that induces a consumer to enter the market may lead her to purchase from a competing brand. Thus, we can characterize two effects of advertising: (i) an effect that benefits the individual firm by promoting binding between the brand and the advertised good and (ii) a "public good" quality that benefits all producers of the good by inducing additional consumers to enter the market. We analyze these two effects to study the relationship between advertising and market size, price, firm profit and consumer welfare.

Pricing, Competition, and Welfare in the Supermarket Retail Industry

Pricing, Competition, and Welfare in the Supermarket Retail Industry PDF Author: Cixiu Gao
Category : Advertising
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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The dissertation comprises three essays that investigate market performance and seller behavior in the supermarket retail industry. The first essay empirically examines welfare effects of the informative price advertising in the supermarket retail industry, using structural estimation approaches and individual scanner data. The simulation results numerically show that the private promotion intensities are socially excessive. The welfare implications of price advertising are determined by the two opposite effects of price advertising: (1) the informing and therefore welfare-improving effect, and (2) the welfare-harming effect of higher transportation costs incurred by consumers when promotions are used as a means of business stealing. In the second essay, I provide an analytical model for the rationale behind supermarket pricing patterns characterized by long-term high prices and temporary price reductions. The models features oligopoly retailers selling a homogeneous storable good that can be consumed for multiple periods, with consumer heterogeneity with respect to search cost, inventory cost, and store loyalty. In the symmetric Markov-perfect equilibrium (MPE) found, retailers randomize prices, and consumer purchase decisions are characterized by a critical price. The Markov transition of states is non-absorbing: the probability of holding a sale is low at high inventory levels, while at zero inventory retailers compete the hardest. The model is able to generate endogenous temporary price reductions and cyclical inventory variations. In the third essay, I consider forward-looking purchase and pricing behavior. Consumers maximize the expected discounted future utility flows by balancing inventory cost and potential future savings, and a monopolistic retailer maximizes the present expected profit flows by making a pricing decision that accounts for consumer stockpiling behavior. I estimate the model with data from the laundry detergent market using a simulated minimum distance (SMD) estimator. The simulated market evolution implies that, when consumer inventory level is high and therefore the incentive of purchase is small, the retailer smooths its profit flow by lowering prices to induce purchase; when consumer inventory is low, the retailer expects a high demand driven by urgent consumption needs but tends to keep price high in order to preserve future demand.

Essays on Retail Product Assortment and Vertical Relationships

Essays on Retail Product Assortment and Vertical Relationships PDF Author: Xinrong Zhu (Ph.D.)
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In this dissertation, I study retail product assortments and how vertical relationships between manufacturers and retailers shape the retail landscape. The first chapter studies systematically the market share dispersion of national brands in 25 consumer packaged goods industries, and investigate the role of retailers in explaining the share dispersion. We first document stylized facts that the distribution of national top brand shares are asymmetric across retailers, even for retailers competing in the same geographic market, and the "share advantage" that a leading brand enjoys within a retailer is persistent across markets where the retailer is present and stable over time. We then specify and estimate a variance decomposition model to decompose the total variance in national brand shares and product assortments into a Brand * Retailer component and a Brand * Market component. We find that 50% to 60% of the total variance is accounted for by the Brand * Retailer component, while the Brand * Market component only explains about 10% to 20% of the total variance. Our results suggest that the large market share dispersion of national brands is caused by strong asymmetries in how these brands are presented in different retailers, even under similar market conditions. Finally we provide evidence that long-term vertical relationships between retailers and manufacturers is a key explanation for the strong asymmetries in national top brand shares across retailers and geographic regions. The second chapter takes the empirical evidence documented in the first chapter one step further, and studies a specific type of vertical arrangement---category captaincy contract. Category captaincy is a vertical arrangement whereby the retailer delegates pricing and assortment decisions of an entire category to one of the leading manufacturers within the category. These confidential contracts can lead to disproportionately higher market shares for the captain's products. The objective of the paper is to infer the existence of such contracts and to quantify their impacts on prices, market shares, and profits of manufacturers and retailers. I use the yogurt category as an empirical setting, in which the captain is either Dannon or Yoplait---the top two brands in the category by national market share. Using Nielsen scanner data, I first estimate a random-coefficient model of consumer demand. I use estimates of the brand-retailer specific shocks and a Bayesian inference model to classify retailers into one of the three categories: Dannon-captained retailers, Yoplait-captained retailers, or non-captained retailers. Conditional on the classified arrangements, I then apply conduct tests to infer that captains eliminate double markups from their own products, while the non-captain products still have double markups. The results from counterfactual experiments show that category captaincy arrangements increase market shares of the captain by about 50%, but they can also increase retailer profits and consumer welfare by eliminating double markups on the captain's products.