E-Book Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy

E-Book Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy PDF Author: Safia Barakzai
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0702034932
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Book Description
Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy is a highly illustrated guide that provides quick, readily available answers for veterinary practitioners. It offers assitance in diagnosing respiratory disorders in the field with ease, plus full color endoscopy images illustrate normal anatomy, variations of normal anatomy, and disorders of the respiratory tract. Written by a leading equine respiratory clinician and researcher, this handbook is user-friendly and includes comprehensive, in-depth information at the same time. The book also discusses anatomy, tips for endoscopic evaluation, and the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for disorders of the respiratory tract. - Includes over 180 full-color endoscopic images to provide an excellent aid in visual diagnosis for clinical cases. - Focuses on the use of endoscopy as a diagnostic tool. - Includes the new consensus laryngeal grading system for the most up-to-date information. - Practical guides to endoscopy of each part of the equine respiratory tract with tips for endoscopic examination provide specific information and help.

E-Book Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy

E-Book Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy PDF Author: Safia Barakzai
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0702034932
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Book Description
Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy is a highly illustrated guide that provides quick, readily available answers for veterinary practitioners. It offers assitance in diagnosing respiratory disorders in the field with ease, plus full color endoscopy images illustrate normal anatomy, variations of normal anatomy, and disorders of the respiratory tract. Written by a leading equine respiratory clinician and researcher, this handbook is user-friendly and includes comprehensive, in-depth information at the same time. The book also discusses anatomy, tips for endoscopic evaluation, and the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for disorders of the respiratory tract. - Includes over 180 full-color endoscopic images to provide an excellent aid in visual diagnosis for clinical cases. - Focuses on the use of endoscopy as a diagnostic tool. - Includes the new consensus laryngeal grading system for the most up-to-date information. - Practical guides to endoscopy of each part of the equine respiratory tract with tips for endoscopic examination provide specific information and help.

Equine Endoscopy

Equine Endoscopy PDF Author: Josie L. Traub-Dargatz
ISBN: 9780815188582
Category : Endoscopy
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Guides the reader through every aspect of the equine endoscopy procedure; reviews endoscopic equipment; examines the pros and cons of use, cost, and care; and much more! Includes expert discussion on laser surgery of the respiratory tract using the enoscope and video endoscopic equipment. Includes expert discussions on laser surgery of the respiratory tract using the endoscope, video endoscopic equipment and more Includes new chapters on pre-sale examination of the horse, sinus endoscopy, the collection, handling, and analysis of tracheal wash and bronchoalveolar lavage samples, and the history of equine endoscopy Discusses methods for avoiding equipment damage, including alternatives for cleaning and disinfecting the endoscope and its accessories

Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse

Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse PDF Author: Lais R.R. Costa
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470959274
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 693

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Book Description
Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse is a detailed step-by-step guide to clinical skills in equine practice. With information on techniques ranging from physical examination and blood sampling to lameness and neurologic exams and other specialized procedures, the book is an aid to confidently and effectively performing procedures used in daily equine practice. Well illustrated with clinical photographs throughout, the book’s focus is on providing thorough, easy-to-understand descriptions of 80 techniques necessary for examining and treating horses. Each topic includes a summary of the purpose, potential complications, equipment and proper restraint for each procedure, with a detailed description of each action for the technique and the rationale behind it. More than 1,100 full-colour clinical photographs demonstrate the techniques. Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse is an essential purchase for any veterinary practice seeing equine patients. Key features Details each step for 80 common procedures for veterinary care of the horse Supports veterinarians and technicians in performing techniques in daily equine practice Presents more than 1,100 images depicting the steps described in the text Covers the purpose, potential complications, equipment, restraint, actions and rationale for each procedure Offers a practical patient-side reference to essential techniques in clinical practice, ranging from basic assessment to specialized procedures

Equine Endoscopy and Arthroscopy for the Equine Practitioner

Equine Endoscopy and Arthroscopy for the Equine Practitioner PDF Author: Sameeh Abutarbush
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482241153
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 299

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Book Description
This addition to the Equine Made Series provides detailed, easy to read guidelines for performance of common endoscopic procedures in the horse. It includes step-by-step guidelines endoscopy of the upper airway, gastrointestinal, urinary and reproductive systems. A detailed section covering arthroscopy, including the temperomandicular joint, is esp

Atlas of Equine Endoscopy

Atlas of Equine Endoscopy PDF Author: Nathan M. Slovis
ISBN: 9780323018487
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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Book Description
Atlas of Equine Endoscopy is a practical reference guide to minimally invasive equine endoscopy of various organ systems. Because endoscopy is now widely used by equine practitioners, this atlas focuses less on basic principles and more on its use as a diagnostic tool. Coverage includes both normal and abnormal findings, with more than 575 high-definition images, captured by digital camera. Each procedure is discussed consistently, addressing relevant normal anatomy followed by categories of disorders such as neoplasia, inflammation, and abscesses. State-of-the-art full-color digital images. Illustrated reference of both the normal and abnormal examination findings in each organ system. Distant and close-up views of the anatomy are provided where applicable; this helps identify normal anatomy and anatomical variations. The order of the photographs in each body system reflects the order in which the endoscopic examination is performed. Several different images of the same disorder are provided so the reader can appreciate the different presentations of identical disorders. Contributors are board-certified experts from all equine veterinary specialties. Covers endoscopic equipment, providing valuable comparative information on instruments and video equipment.

Equine Endoscopy and Arthroscopy for the Equine Practitioner

Equine Endoscopy and Arthroscopy for the Equine Practitioner PDF Author: Sameeh Abutarbush
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1591610397
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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Book Description
This edition to the Equine Made Series provides detailed, easy to read guidelines for performance of common endoscopic procedures in the horse. It includes step-by-step guidelines endoscopy of the upper airway, gastrointestinal, urinary and reproductive systems. A detailed section covering arthroscopy, including the temperomandicular joint, is especially useful to the equine practitioner. Normal anatomy is presented for orientation along with full coverage of abnormal conditions and their assessment. This fully illustrated text contains over 475 high quality clinical photographs and anatomic drawing which ease understanding. Published by Teton New Media in the USA and distributed by Manson Publishing outside of North America.

Advances in Equine Upper Respiratory Surgery

Advances in Equine Upper Respiratory Surgery PDF Author: Jan F. Hawkins
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470959606
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Book Description
Advances in Equine Upper Respiratory Surgery is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference on surgical techniques in the upper respiratory tract in the horse, presenting theory and background as well as detailed procedures information. Part of the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series copublished with the ACVS Foundation, the book covers the most common upper respiratory diseases, with in-depth information on laryngeal hemiplegia and dorsal displacement of the soft palate. Providing a complete resource, the book reflects the current state of the art, offering a significant update on disorders of the nasal septum, nasal passage, paranasal sinuses, hard and soft palate, epiglottis, arytenoids, guttural pouch, and trachea in the horse. The book includes 200 images illustrating key points of each surgical procedure. Potential complications and expectation management are discussed alongside the technique information. Advances in Equine Upper Respiratory Surgery is a useful reference for those in clinical practice and surgical residents.

Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book

Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book PDF Author: Stephen M. Reed
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323443095
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1580

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Book Description
Confidently diagnose, treat, and manage patient conditions with the only comprehensive book on the market devoted solely to equine internal medicine. Filled with fully updated content on principles of treatment and contributions from internationally known equine experts, Equine Internal Medicine, 4th Edition focuses on the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the development of various equine diseases. A problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. A new companion website with over 120 video clips presents diseases and disorders that cannot be explained as well through words - Updated information throughout, including the most recent drug information. Current and well-referenced content on equine diseases and treatment techniques cites the latest books and journals. - Internationally known equine experts present information on problems affecting horses throughout the world — and provide contributions that enable practitioners and students to approach disease and treatment of equine patients with more authority and understanding. - User-friendly exterior and interior design makes the book appealing to both the equine internal medicine practitioner and the veterinary student. Easy-to-find information facilitates a more thorough understanding with minimal frustration. - Organized and consistent coverage among chapters allows you to easily find information on a specific topic. - NEW! Fully updated and revised sections on disorders and principles of treatment. - NEW! Problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. - NEW! Pathophysiology is emphasized throughout, providing a sound basis for discussions of the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that follow. - NEW! Body systems chapters begin with a thorough discussion of the diagnostic method appropriate to the system, including physical examination, clinical pathology, radiography, endoscopy, and ultrasonography. - NEW and UNIQUE! Companion website includes more than 120 video clips linked to content from chapters on cardiovascular and neurologic system disorders. - NEW! Flow charts, diagrams, and algorithms clarify complex material.

Equine Respiratory Endoscopy

Equine Respiratory Endoscopy PDF Author: Julie Fjeldborg
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 1789242665
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 222

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Book Description
Respiratory endoscopy is a key diagnostic tool, but species-specific references can be difficult to find. Providing the first practical approach to equine respiratory endoscopy, this book allows veterinarians to review this procedure for their most valuable clients. Written by experts from across the globe, this book converts their insights and experience into one invaluable resource for general equine practitioners.

Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy

Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy PDF Author: Safia Barakzai
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0702028185
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Book Description
Handbook of Equine Respiratory Endoscopy is a highly illustrated guide that provides quick, readily available answers for veterinary practitioners. It offers assitance in diagnosing respiratory disorders in the field with ease, plus full color endoscopy images illustrate normal anatomy, variations of normal anatomy, and disorders of the respiratory tract. Written by a leading equine respiratory clinician and researcher, this handbook is user-friendly and includes comprehensive, in-depth information at the same time. The book also discusses anatomy, tips for endoscopic evaluation, and the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for disorders of the respiratory tract. Includes over 180 full-color endoscopic images to provide an excellent aid in visual diagnosis for clinical cases.Focuses on the use of endoscopy as a diagnostic tool.Includes the new consensus laryngeal grading system for the most up-to-date information.Practical guides to endoscopy of each part of the equine respiratory tract with tips for endoscopic examination provide specific information and help.