Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods

Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods PDF Author: Ståle Navrud
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 140205405X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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This volume offers a snapshot of the research that is ongoing in the area of value transfer. It provides relevant input for increasing the quality of cost-benefit analyses of projects with environmental and health impacts. The volume includes papers by some of the most influential authors in the area and covers the latest developments in the field.

Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods

Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods PDF Author: Ståle Navrud
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 140205405X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Book Description
This volume offers a snapshot of the research that is ongoing in the area of value transfer. It provides relevant input for increasing the quality of cost-benefit analyses of projects with environmental and health impacts. The volume includes papers by some of the most influential authors in the area and covers the latest developments in the field.

Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values

Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values PDF Author: Robert J. Johnston
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 940179930X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 583

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This book provides a comprehensive review of environmental benefit transfer methods, issues and challenges, covering topics relevant to researchers and practitioners. Early chapters provide accessible introductory materials suitable for non-economists. These chapters also detail how benefit transfer is used within the policy process. Later chapters cover more advanced topics suited to valuation researchers, graduate students and those with similar knowledge of economic and statistical theory and methods. This book provides the most complete coverage of environmental benefit transfer methods available in a single location. The book targets a wide audience, including undergraduate and graduate students, practitioners in economics and other disciplines looking for a one-stop handbook covering benefit transfer topics and those who wish to apply or evaluate benefit transfer methods. It is designed for those both with and without training in economics

The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values

The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values PDF Author: A. Myrick Freeman
Publisher: Resources for the Future
ISBN: 9781891853623
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 516

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Non-market valuation is becoming increasingly accepted as an evaluative tool of economics related to environmental and resource protection. Freeman (economics, Bowdoin College) presents an overview of the literature, introducing the principal methods and techniques of resource valuation. Chapters cover the measurement of welfare changes, revealed and stated preference models, nonuse models, aggregation of values across time, environmental quality as factor input, longevity and health valuation, property value models, hedonic wage models, and recreational uses of natural resource systems. Annotation (c)2003 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com).

Choice Modelling and the Transfer of Environmental Values

Choice Modelling and the Transfer of Environmental Values PDF Author: John Rolfe
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Benefit transfer is the practice of estimating economic values at a target site by utilizing the results of existing studies for different sites. This text assesses the validity of benefit transfer using choice modeling in contrast to the traditional focus of transferring results from contingent valuation and travel cost models.

Valuing Ecosystem Services

Valuing Ecosystem Services PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 030909318X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 291

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Nutrient recycling, habitat for plants and animals, flood control, and water supply are among the many beneficial services provided by aquatic ecosystems. In making decisions about human activities, such as draining a wetland for a housing development, it is essential to consider both the value of the development and the value of the ecosystem services that could be lost. Despite a growing recognition of the importance of ecosystem services, their value is often overlooked in environmental decision-making. This report identifies methods for assigning economic value to ecosystem servicesâ€"even intangible onesâ€"and calls for greater collaboration between ecologists and economists in such efforts.

Valuing Ground Water

Valuing Ground Water PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309175003
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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Because water in the United State has not been traded in markets, there is no meaningful estimate of what it would cost if it were traded. But failing to establish ground water's valueâ€"for in situ uses such as sustaining wetlands as well as for extractive uses such as agricultureâ€"will lead to continued overuse and degradation of the nation's aquifers. In Valuing Ground Water an interdisciplinary committee integrates the latest economic, legal, and physical knowledge about ground water and methods for valuing this resource, making it comprehensible to decision-makers involved in Superfund cleanup efforts, local wellhead protection programs, water allocation, and other water-related management issues. Using the concept of total economic value, this volume provides a framework for calculating the economic value of ground water and evaluating tradeoffs between competing uses of it. Included are seven case studies where ground-water valuation has been or could be used in decisionmaking. The committee examines trends in ground-water management, factors that contribute to its value, and issues surrounding ground-water allocation and legal rights to its use. The book discusses economic valuation of natural resources and reviews several valuation methods. Presenting conclusions, recommendations, and research priorities, Valuing Ground Water will be of interest to those concerned about ground-water issues: policymakers, regulators, economists, attorneys, researchers, resource managers, and environmental advocates.

Economic Valuation of Wetlands

Economic Valuation of Wetlands PDF Author: Edward Barbier
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation

The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation PDF Author: Jeff Bennett
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 9781781956601
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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'. . . a very useful single source for those interested in environmental evaluation using choice models.' - David A. Hensher, Australian Journal of Environmental Management '. . . this book can serve as a firm basis to start understanding what CM is about. . .' - Jesús Barreiro Hurlé, European Review of Agricultural Economics Choice Modelling is a technique that has recently emerged as a means of estimating the demand for environmental goods and the benefits and costs associated with them. The aims of the book are fourfold: * to introduce the technique in the environmental context * to demonstrate its use in a range of case studies * to provide insights into some methodological issues * to explore the prospects for the technique.

Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management

Place-Based Evaluation for Integrated Land-Use Management PDF Author: Johan Woltjer
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131708053X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis placed on local and regional integration in major planning projects and infrastructure development including roads, rail and waterways. This emphasis is not only on integrating various projects, but also integrating them with related issues such as housing, industry, environment and water. In other words, land-use planning and infrastructure management have become more spatially-oriented. This book brings together experts in the fields of spatial planning, land-use and infrastructure management to explore the emerging agenda of spatially-oriented integrated evaluation. It weaves together the latest theories, case studies, methods, policy and practice to examine and assess the values, impacts, benefits and the overall success in integrated land-use management. In doing so, the book clarifies the nature and roles of evaluation and puts forward guidance for future policy and practice.

Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage

Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage PDF Author: Ilde Rizzo
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 0857931008
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 673

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Cultural heritage is a complex and elusive concept, constantly evolving through time, and combining cultural, aesthetic, symbolic, spiritual, historical and economic values. The Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage outlines the contribution of economics to the design and analysis of cultural heritage policies and to addressing issues related to the conservation, management and enhancement of heritage. The Handbook takes a multidisciplinary approach, using cultural economics as a theoretical framework to illustrate how crucial and stimulating cross-disciplinary dialogue actually is. Contributors scrutinise the co-existence of cultural and economic values as well as the new challenges that arise from changes brought about by technology, and relationships between the different actors engaged in the production, distribution and consumption of heritage services. The roles of public, private and non-profit organizations are also explored. Case studies underpin the discussion, demonstrating the clear and vital link between theory and practice. This highly unique Handbook will prove a fascinating and informative read for academics, researchers, students and policymakers with an interest in cultural economics.