Enhancing the university industry interface

Enhancing the university industry interface PDF Author:
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 1845445902
Category : Human capital
Languages : en
Pages : 105

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This special issue of the Journal of European Industrial Training is based around theProgramme for University-Industry Interface (PUII) located at the University ofLimerick (UL) in Ireland. The contributors are members of the project team and theirassociates and the editors are Douglas Weir, Chair of the project Academic AdvisoryBoard and John O'Donoghue of the UL, member of the project Executive Board. PUII stems from an initiative of the Irish Government in 2001 to support companyupskilling, postgraduate conversion courses and maintenance of the national ITinfrastructure. It is funded for the.

Enhancing the university industry interface

Enhancing the university industry interface PDF Author:
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 1845445902
Category : Human capital
Languages : en
Pages : 105

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Book Description
This special issue of the Journal of European Industrial Training is based around theProgramme for University-Industry Interface (PUII) located at the University ofLimerick (UL) in Ireland. The contributors are members of the project team and theirassociates and the editors are Douglas Weir, Chair of the project Academic AdvisoryBoard and John O'Donoghue of the UL, member of the project Executive Board. PUII stems from an initiative of the Irish Government in 2001 to support companyupskilling, postgraduate conversion courses and maintenance of the national ITinfrastructure. It is funded for the.

The Triple Helix

The Triple Helix PDF Author: Henry Etzkowitz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135925283
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 177

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A Triple Helix of university-industry-government interactions is the key to innovation in increasingly knowledge-based societies. As the creation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge moves from the periphery to the center of industrial production and governance, the concept of innovation, in product and process, is itself being transformed. In its place is a new sense of 'innovation in innovation' - the restructuring and enhancement of the organizational arrangements and incentives that foster innovation. This triple helix intersection of relatively independent institutional spheres generates hybrid organizations such as technology transfer offices in universities, firms, and government research labs and business and financial support institutions such as angel networks and venture capital for new technology-based firms that are increasingly developing around the world. The Triple Helix describes this new innovation model and assists students, researchers, and policymakers in addressing such questions as: How do we enhance the role of universities in regional economic and social development? How can governments, at all levels, encourage citizens to take an active role in promoting innovation in innovation and, conversely, how can citizens so encourage their governments? How can firms collaborate with each other and with universities and government to become more innovative? What are the key elements and challenges to reaching these goals?

University-Industry Collaboration Strategies in the Digital Era

University-Industry Collaboration Strategies in the Digital Era PDF Author: Günay, Durmu?
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799839028
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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Competitive strategies and higher education-industry collaboration policies are playing a vital role in fostering the reputation and international rankings of higher education institutions. The positive impact of these policies may best be observed in the economic and social outputs of many countries such as the USA, Singapore, South Korea, and European Union (EU) countries such as Belgium, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. However, the number of academic publications that specifically concentrate on the impact of these policies on higher education institutions and authorities remains relatively limited. University-Industry Collaboration Strategies in the Digital Era is an essential research publication that provides comprehensive research on competitive strategies for higher education institutions that will allow them to forge beneficial partnerships with industries that will have a significant impact on their success. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as human resource management, network planning, and institutional structure, this book is ideal for administrators, education professionals, academicians, researchers, policymakers, and students.

University Technology Transfer

University Technology Transfer PDF Author: Shiri M. Breznitz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134696523
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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Universities have become essential players in the generation of knowledge and innovation. Through the commercialization of technology, they have developed the ability to influence regional economic growth. By examining different commercialization models this book analyses technology transfer at universities as part of a national and regional system. It provides insight as to why certain models work better than others, and reaffirms that technology transfer programs must be linked to their regional and commercial environments. Using a global perspective on technology commercialization, this book divides the discussion between developed and developing counties according to the level of university commercialization capability. Critical cases as well as country reports examine the policies and culture of university involvement in economic development, relationships between university and industry, and the commercialization of technology first developed at universities. In addition, each chapter provides examples from specific universities in each country from a regional, national, and international comparative perspective. This book includes articles by leading practitioners as well as researchers and will be highly relevant to all those with an interest in innovation studies, organizational studies, regional economics, higher education, public policy and business entrepreneurship.

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education and Research in the Russian Federation 1999

Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education and Research in the Russian Federation 1999 PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264173412
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 185

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Taking account of challenges and pressures caused by Russia's transition, this book offers a set of specific recommendations for policies to address key issues of access, quality in teaching; new directions to diversify and deliver tertiary education; the quality of research, and governance.

Open Innovation

Open Innovation PDF Author: Henry Chesbrough
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191622729
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 609

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Open Innovation describes an emergent model of innovation in which firms draw on research and development that may lie outside their own boundaries. In some cases, such as open source software, this research and development can take place in a non-proprietary manner. Henry Chesbrough and his collaborators investigate this phenomenon, linking the practice of innovation to the established body of innovation research, showing what's new and what's familiar in the process. Offering theoretical explanations for the use (and limits) of open innovation, the book examines the applicability of the concept, implications for the boundaries of firms, the potential of open innovation to prove successful, and implications for intellectual property policies and practices. The book will be key reading for academics, researchers, and graduate students of innovation and technology management.

Doctoral education in the entrepreneurial university

Doctoral education in the entrepreneurial university PDF Author: Eloïse Germain-Alamartine
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179299148
Category :
Languages : sv
Pages : 112

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This dissertation explores the issue of employability of doctorate holders through the theoretical lens of the model of the entrepreneurial university. It starts from the observation that there is a bottleneck in the academic labour market in many countries, making it increasingly difficult for recent doctoral graduates to engage in an academic career. Traditionally, doctoral education was designed for a career in academia; but the employment situations of doctorate holders call for more relevance of doctoral education and doctoral-level skills on the non-academic labour market. The main argument of this dissertation is that the openness and the interactions of the entrepreneurial university with its environment, in particular its region, makes it a relevant model to enhance the employability of doctorate holders outside academia. The thesis is based on five publications written either solely by the author or in collaboration with other scholars, mostly case studies compiling both qualitative and quantitative data and approaches. Three main findings can be highlighted from the research: (i) the entrepreneurial university increases its socioeconomic impact by building an alignment with regional stakeholders over the years and thanks to key individuals, by retaining human and social capital within itself and by broadening the scope of its activities and stakeholders; (ii) doctorate holders’ employability is key in the entrepreneurial university’s regional socioeconomic impact, as they are increasingly employed outside academia but are likely to experience job mismatches in this situation, mainly related to education and skills; (iii) regional stakeholders can take different types of initiatives to enhance the employability of doctorate holders, and increase the entrepreneurial university’s socioeconomic impact: more specifically, doctorate holders and non-academic employers can get to know each other better; intermediaries such as Science Parks can support them through the creation of meeting places. The dissertation contributes to the literature on the entrepreneurial university by focusing on the population of doctoral students and doctorate holders, at the crossroads of its three missions (education, research and ‘third mission’). It also suggests the following main recommendations: to universities, beyond adapting the content of doctoral education to the needs of non-academic employers, put emphasis on marketing it to them, so that they understand what it is worth; to doctorate holders, expand their knowledge of career possibilities, and behave entrepreneurially by initiating activities to complement what could be missing in their education; to non-academic employers, collaborate with universities and communicate their needs to them to influence the design of curricula. Avhandlingen undersöker anställningsbarheten för en disputerad person med teoretisk utgångspunkt i en modell av det entreprenöriella universitetet. I de flesta länder är det svårt för nyexaminerade doktorer att komma in på arbetsmarknaden, inte minst för dem som vill fortsätta inom akademin. Traditionellt är en doktorandutbildning utformad för en fortsatt karriär inom akademin, men på grund av de begränsade möjligheterna på arbetsmarknaden krävs doktorandutbildningar med större relevans och som även ger färdigheter inför en icke akademisk karriär. Huvudtesen i denna avhandling är att det entreprenöriella universitetets öppenhet och interaktionen med det omgivande samhället, inte minst med den närliggande regionen, ökar de nydisputerades anställningsbarhet utanför akademin. Avhandling baseras på fem publikationer skrivna antingen av en enskild författare eller i samarbete med kollegor och som grundar sig på såväl kvalitativa som kvantitativa studier. Tre huvudsakliga resultat kan lyftas från forskningen: (i) Det entreprenöriella universitetet ökar sitt socioekonomiska inflytande genom att skapa en plattform för samarbete med regionala aktörer, som utvecklas över åren och där mänskligt och ekonomiskt kapital i sig bidrar till att öka och bredda samarbetet ytterligare. (ii) De disputerades anställningsbarhet är en nyckel till det entreprenöriella universitetets möjlighet till socioekonomisk regional påverkan. Detta beror på att de disputerade i ökande utsträckning anställs utanför akademin och sannolikt upplever att det finns en miss-match i kunskaper och färdigheter. (iii) Regionala aktörer kan ta olika typer av initiativ för att öka anställningsbarheten för nyexaminerade doktorer och därmed också öka det entreprenöriella universitetets socioekonomiska inflytande. Mer specifikt bör doktorander och arbetsgivare utanför akademin lära känna varandra bättre. Intermediärer som närliggande forskningsbyar, Science parks, kan ge stöd genom att inrätta olika typer av mötesplatser. Avhandlingen bidrar till litteraturen inom området entreprenöriella universitet genom att sätta fokus på doktorander och nyblivna doktorer i skärningspunkten mellan utbildning, forskning och den ’tredje uppgiften’. I avhandlingen ges också rekommendationer: Till universiteten: Utöver att anpassa innehållet i doktorandutbildningen till behoven hos arbetsgivare utanför akademin behöver akademin också lägga tonvikt på marknadsföring så att företagare och organisationer i regionen inser värdet av en doktorsexamen. Till nyblivna doktorer: utvidga kunskaperna om vilka karriärmöjligheter som står till buds och agera entreprenöriellt för att komplettera de brister de upplever i sin utbildning. Till arbetsgivare utanför akademin: samarbeta med universiteten och kommunicera vilka behov de har för att påverka läroplaner och inriktningar.

Higher Education in Regional and City Development: Catalonia, Spain 2011

Higher Education in Regional and City Development: Catalonia, Spain 2011 PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264089004
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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Catalonia is the main contributor to Spain’s economy, but it is now feeling the effects of the economic crisis. This book examines how it can prepare for the post-crisis economy with the help of the university system.

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309316855
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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The past half-century has witnessed a dramatic increase in the scale and complexity of scientific research. The growing scale of science has been accompanied by a shift toward collaborative research, referred to as "team science." Scientific research is increasingly conducted by small teams and larger groups rather than individual investigators, but the challenges of collaboration can slow these teams' progress in achieving their scientific goals. How does a team-based approach work, and how can universities and research institutions support teams? Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science synthesizes and integrates the available research to provide guidance on assembling the science team; leadership, education and professional development for science teams and groups. It also examines institutional and organizational structures and policies to support science teams and identifies areas where further research is needed to help science teams and groups achieve their scientific and translational goals. This report offers major public policy recommendations for science research agencies and policymakers, as well as recommendations for individual scientists, disciplinary associations, and research universities. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science will be of interest to university research administrators, team science leaders, science faculty, and graduate and postdoctoral students.

Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability

Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability PDF Author: Hong Bui
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429608217
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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The worldwide marketization of higher education has resulted in a growing pressure on universities’ accountability, particularly in terms of more tangible learning outcomes directly related to paying higher tuition fees. Covering globally diverse perspectives, Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability uses a range of international case studies to help practitioners and researchers review, reflect on and refresh their ability to bridge the gap between university and industry. A timely response to the need to improve the quality of higher education in order to build work readiness in students, this book: Adds a critical, global dimension to this topical area in higher education as well as society’s concerns Provides a number of practice-based case studies on how universities can transform their programmes to enhance graduate employability Acts as a source of practical suggestions for how to improve students' sufficient employability including their skills, knowledge and attitudes Provides insights from theory, practices and policy perspectives. A crucial read for anyone looking to engage with the global issue of graduate employability, Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability covers both theoretical frameworks and practical models through an exploration of how universities around the world are using innovative techniques to enhance employability.