Energy, Transport and Environment Statistics

Energy, Transport and Environment Statistics PDF Author: Statistical Office of the European Communities
ISBN: 9789276109709
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Book Description
This publication presents a selection of topical data. Most data cover the European Union and its Member States, while some indicators are provided for other countries, such as members of EFTA, and candidate countries and potential candidates to the European Union.

Energy, Transport and Environment Statistics

Energy, Transport and Environment Statistics PDF Author: Statistical Office of the European Communities
ISBN: 9789276109709
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Book Description
This publication presents a selection of topical data. Most data cover the European Union and its Member States, while some indicators are provided for other countries, such as members of EFTA, and candidate countries and potential candidates to the European Union.

Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators

Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators PDF Author: EUROSTAT.
ISBN: 9789279265969
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Transportation Energy Data Book

Transportation Energy Data Book PDF Author:
Category : Energy conservation
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Environment at a Glance 2020

Environment at a Glance 2020 PDF Author: Oecd
Publisher: Org. for Economic Cooperation & Development
ISBN: 9789264498556
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 66

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Energy, transport and environment indicators : data ...

Energy, transport and environment indicators : data ... PDF Author: Statistisches Amt Europäische Kommission
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 183

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Environmental Economics and Policy

Environmental Economics and Policy PDF Author: Lynne Lewis
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429995121
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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Book Description
Environmental Economics and Policy is a best-selling text for environmental economics courses. Offering a policy-oriented approach, it introduces economic theory, empirical fieldwork, and case studies that show how underlying economic principles provided the foundation for environmental policies. Key features include: Introductions to the theory and method of environmental economics, including externalities, benefit-cost analysis, valuation methods, and ecosystem goods and services. Extensive coverage of the major issues including climate change mitigation and adaptation, air and water pollution, and environmental justice. Boxed "Examples" and "Debates" throughout the text, which highlight global examples and major talking points. This text will be of use to undergraduate students of economics. Students will leave the course with a global perspective of how environmental economics has played and can continue to play a role in promoting fair and efficient environmental management. The text is fully supported with end-of-chapter summaries, discussion questions, and self-test exercises in the book. Additional online resources include references, as well as PowerPoint slides for each chapter.

OECD Environmental Outlook

OECD Environmental Outlook PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264188568
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 309

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Book Description
The OECD Environmental Outlook provides economy-based projections of environmental pressures and changes in the state of the environment to 2020.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews Waste Management and the Circular Economy in Selected OECD Countries Evidence from Environmental Performance Reviews

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews Waste Management and the Circular Economy in Selected OECD Countries Evidence from Environmental Performance Reviews PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 926430939X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 118

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Book Description
This report provides a cross-country review of waste, materials management and circular economy policies in selected OECD countries, drawing on OECD’s Environmental Performance Reviews during the period 2010-17. It presents the main achievements in the countries reviewed, along with common ...

Climate Impacts on Energy Systems

Climate Impacts on Energy Systems PDF Author: Jane O. Ebinger
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821386980
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Book Description
"While the energy sector is a primary target of efforts to arrest and reverse the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and lower the carbon footprint of development, it is also expected to be increasingly affected by unavoidable climate consequences from the damage already induced in the biosphere. Energy services and resources, as well as seasonal demand, will be increasingly affected by changing trends, increasing variability, greater extremes and large inter-annual variations in climate parameters in some regions. All evidence suggests that adaptation is not an optional add-on but an essential reckoning on par with other business risks. Existing energy infrastructure, new infrastructure and future planning need to consider emerging climate conditions and impacts on design, construction, operation, and maintenance. Integrated risk-based planning processes will be critical to address the climate change impacts and harmonize actions within and across sectors. Also, awareness, knowledge, and capacity impede mainstreaming of climate adaptation into the energy sector. However, the formal knowledge base is still nascent?information needs are complex and to a certain extent regionally and sector specific. This report provides an up-to-date compendium of what is known about weather variability and projected climate trends and their impacts on energy service provision and demand. It discusses emerging practices and tools for managing these impacts and integrating climate considerations into planning processes and operational practices in an environment of uncertainty. It focuses on energy sector adaptation, rather than mitigation which is not discussed in this report. This report draws largely on available scientific and peer-reviewed literature in the public domain and takes the perspective of the developing world to the extent possible."

Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators

Energy, Transport and Environment Indicators PDF Author: Statistical Office of the European Communities
ISBN: 9789279741913
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Book Description
The multi-thematic statistical book Energy, transport and environment indicators comprises a broad set of data collected by Eurostat. It presents the EU’s main indicators for energy, transport and environment that support the design and monitoring of EU policies. The publication provides data for the European Union and its Member States, while some indicators include also data for the EFTA countries and candidate countries and potential candidates to the EU.