Employee Relations

Employee Relations PDF Author: Philip Lewis
Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9780273646259
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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Book Description
This exciting new text is different from many of the employee relations textbooks currently available because it takes as its central theme the employment relationship between the employer and the employee. This reflects one of the major changes in employee relations over recent years: the increasing extent to which the individual relationship each of us has with our employer is central in shaping our working lives.

Employee Relations

Employee Relations PDF Author: Philip Lewis
Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9780273646259
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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Book Description
This exciting new text is different from many of the employee relations textbooks currently available because it takes as its central theme the employment relationship between the employer and the employee. This reflects one of the major changes in employee relations over recent years: the increasing extent to which the individual relationship each of us has with our employer is central in shaping our working lives.

Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship

Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship PDF Author: Bruce E. Kaufman
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 9780913447888
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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Developing a strong theoretical base for research and practice in industrial relations and human resource management has to date remained a largely unfulfilled challenge. This text presents contributions from 15 scholars, developing their perspectives on work and the employment relationship.

Employment Relations in the 21st Century

Employment Relations in the 21st Century PDF Author: Valeria Pulignano
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403518200
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Book Description
It cannot be denied that in recent decades, for many if not most people, work has become unstable and insecure, with serious risk and few benefits for workers. As this reality spills over into political and social life, it is crucial to interrogate the transformations affecting employment relations, shape research agendas, and influence the policies of national and international institutions. This single volume brings together thirty-nine scholars (both academics and experienced industrial relations actors) in the fields of employment relations and labour law in a forthright discussion of new approaches, theories, and methods aimed at ameliorating the world of work. Focusing on why and how work is changing, how collective actors deal with it, and the future of work from different disciplinary angles and at an international level, the contributors describe and analyse such issues and topics as the following: new forms of social protection and representation; differences in the power relations of workers and political dynamics; balancing protection of workers’ dignity and promotion of productivity; intersection of information technology and workplace regulation; how the gig economy undermines legal protections; role of professional and trade associations; workplace conflict management; lay judges in labour courts; undeclared work in the informal sector of the labour market; work incapacity and disability; (in)coherence of the work-related case law of the European Court of Justice; and business restructurings. Derived from a major conference held in Leuven in September 2018, the book offers an in-depth understanding of the changing world of work, its main transformations, and the challenges posed to classical employment relations theories and methods as well as to labour law. With its wide range of insights, analysis, and reflection, this unique contribution to the study of industrial relations offers an authoritative reference guide to scholars, policymakers, trade unions and business associations, human resources professionals, and practitioners who need to deal with the future of work challenges.

Labor Markets and Employment Relationships

Labor Markets and Employment Relationships PDF Author: Joyce Jacobsen
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1405142308
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 586

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This innovative text grounds the economic analysis of labor markets and employment relationships in a unified theoretical treatment of labor exchange conditions. In addition to providing thorough coverage of standard topics including labor supply and demand, human capital theory, and compensating wage differentials, the text draws on game theory and the economics of information to study the implications of key departures from perfectly competitive labor market conditions. Analytical results are consistently applied to contemporary policy issues and empirical debates. Provides a coherent theoretical framework for the analysis of labor market phenomena Features graphical in-chapter analysis supplemented by technical material in appendices Incorporates numerous end-of-chapter questions that engage the analysis and anticipate subsequent results Includes innovative chapters on employee compensation methods, market segmentation, income inequality and labor market dynamics Balances theoretical, empirical and policy analysis

Introducing Employment Relations

Introducing Employment Relations PDF Author: Steve Williams
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198777124
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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The most trusted and thought-provoking introduction to employment relations, this book examines key employee relations issues from a critical perspective using contemporary research and a wealth of real-life examples and carefully designed learning features.

Employment Relations

Employment Relations PDF Author: Cecilie Bingham
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473943876
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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Book Description
*Shortlisted in the Management and Leadership Textbook Category at CMI Management Book of the Year Awards 2017* ′In this new, original book, Cecilie Bingham puts fairness, trust, organisational justice, and power at the heart of employment relationships in a variety of settings. This thought-provoking text provides academic, practical and theoretical insights into the contested nature of contemporary work and employment relations at workplace level. It should become essential reading for students, scholars, practitioners and policy-makers in the field.′ - Professor David Farnham, University of Portsmouth, UK Mapped to CIPD learning outcomes at level 5 and level 7, Employment Relations: Fairness and Trust in the Workplace critically reflects on current research, commentary, evidence and practice in the employment relationship with a unique focus on organizational justice. Combining theoretical concepts, tools and models with practical examples, it is packed with innovative learning features designed to help students to engage with the subject, including: Extracts of recent news items linked to chapter content Insights to help link theory and practice supported by podcast interviews on the book’s companion website A series of case study ‘snippets’, activities and revision exercises. The book is complimented by a companion website featuring a range of tools and resources for lecturers and students, including PowerPoint slides, Instructors′ manual, multimedia links, podcasts, and free SAGE journal articles. Suitable for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students on Employment Relations, Industrial Relations or HRM courses.

The Employment Relationship

The Employment Relationship PDF Author: William P. Bridges
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0585342911
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 247

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In 1979, serious research was just beginning on the connections between stratification outcomes and organizations. Data suitable for investigating these connections were scarce, and the general wisdom was that they would remain scarce--since organizational case studies were seen as the only means of gathering linked individual and organizational data. The case study approach does allow one to link the two types of data, but gathering such data on more than a few organizations is prohibitively expensive and difficult, and having only a few organizations limits g- eralizability. To help solve this problem, we developed the idea of a survey of a random sample of several thousand employed individuals, followed by a second survey of their several thousand employing or- nizations. This method, we reasoned, would provide us with a gen- alizable, simple random sample of individuals, coupled with a weighted random sample of organizations (weighted, of course, by size of orga- zation). An added benefit would be that these valuable data could be gathered by a survey organization for the price of two simple surveys. It was not an easy idea to sell. We developed it into a proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF), and though the reviewers were o- erwise sympathetic, they were almost unanimous in their contention that such a survey would not work because "obviously" the great maj- ity of respondents would refuse to reveal exactly who their employers were.

Employment Relationships

Employment Relationships PDF Author: Erling Rasmussen
Publisher: Auckland University Press
ISBN: 177558061X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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This revised evaluation of the New Zealand Employment Relations Act 2000 assesses the developing trends and major changes in the employment relations situation in New Zealand since the act was passed. Perspectives from employers, union members, academics, and government workers address how the new law is working and what amendments are required for better efficacy. Discussions of &“good faith bargaining,&” changes to union structures, and new industrial issues reveal the effects and the ongoing implications of the act.

Contemporary Employment Relations

Contemporary Employment Relations PDF Author: Steve Williams
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 019954543X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the areas of industrial and employment relations, personnel and human resource management, this work offers an original, accessible, and critical approach to understanding employment relations.

The Common Law Employment Relationship

The Common Law Employment Relationship PDF Author: Gordon Anderson
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1783479701
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 393

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The contract of employment provides in many jurisdictions the legal foundation for the employment of workers. This book examines how the development of the common law under the influence of contemporary social and economic pressures has caused this contract to evolve.