Engineering Thermodynamics

Engineering Thermodynamics PDF Author: P. K. Nag
Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9780070591141
Category : Thermodynamics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Atmospheric Thermodynamics

Atmospheric Thermodynamics PDF Author: Gerald R. North
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139479288
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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This textbook presents a uniquely integrated approach in linking both physics and chemistry to the study of atmospheric thermodynamics. The book explains the classical laws of thermodynamics, focuses on various fluid systems, and, recognising the increasing importance of chemistry in the meteorological and climate sciences, devotes a chapter to chemical thermodynamics which includes an overview of photochemistry. Although students are expected to have some background knowledge of calculus, general chemistry and classical physics, the book provides set-aside refresher boxes as useful reminders. It contains over 100 diagrams and graphs to supplement the discussions, and a similar number of worked examples and exercises, with solutions included at the end of the book. It is ideal for a single-semester advanced course on atmospheric thermodynamics, and will prepare students for higher-level synoptic and dynamics courses.

Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics

Thermodynamics And Statistical Mechanics PDF Author: Richard Fitzpatrick
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9811223378
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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This book provides a comprehensive exposition of the theory of equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics at a level suitable for well-prepared undergraduate students. The fundamental message of the book is that all results in equilibrium thermodynamics and statistical mechanics follow from a single unprovable axiom — namely, the principle of equal a priori probabilities — combined with elementary probability theory, elementary classical mechanics, and elementary quantum mechanics.

Treatise on Thermodynamics

Treatise on Thermodynamics PDF Author: Max Planck
Category : Thermodynamics
Languages : en
Pages : 302

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A Textbook of Physical Chemistry – Volume 1

A Textbook of Physical Chemistry – Volume 1 PDF Author: Mandeep Dalal
Publisher: Dalal Institute
ISBN: 8193872010
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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An advanced-level textbook of physical chemistry for the graduate (B.Sc) and postgraduate (M.Sc) students of Indian and foreign universities. This book is a part of four volume series, entitled "A Textbook of Physical Chemistry – Volume I, II, III, IV". CONTENTS: Chapter 1. Quantum Mechanics – I: Postulates of quantum mechanics; Derivation of Schrodinger wave equation; Max-Born interpretation of wave functions; The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Quantum mechanical operators and their commutation relations; Hermitian operators (elementary ideas, quantum mechanical operator for linear momentum, angular momentum and energy as Hermition operator); The average value of the square of Hermitian operators; Commuting operators and uncertainty principle(x & p; E & t); Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in one dimensional box; Evaluation of average position, average momentum and determination of uncertainty in position and momentum and hence Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; Pictorial representation of the wave equation of a particle in one dimensional box and its influence on the kinetic energy of the particle in each successive quantum level; Lowest energy of the particle. Chapter 2. Thermodynamics – I: Brief resume of first and second Law of thermodynamics; Entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes; Variation of entropy with temperature, pressure and volume; Entropy concept as a measure of unavailable energy and criteria for the spontaneity of reaction; Free energy, enthalpy functions and their significance, criteria for spontaneity of a process; Partial molar quantities (free energy, volume, heat concept); Gibb’s-Duhem equation. Chapter 3. Chemical Dynamics – I: Effect of temperature on reaction rates; Rate law for opposing reactions of Ist order and IInd order; Rate law for consecutive & parallel reactions of Ist order reactions; Collision theory of reaction rates and its limitations; Steric factor; Activated complex theory; Ionic reactions: single and double sphere models; Influence of solvent and ionic strength; The comparison of collision and activated complex theory. Chapter 4. Electrochemistry – I: Ion-Ion Interactions: The Debye-Huckel theory of ion- ion interactions; Potential and excess charge density as a function of distance from the central ion; Debye Huckel reciprocal length; Ionic cloud and its contribution to the total potential; Debye - Huckel limiting law of activity coefficients and its limitations; Ion-size effect on potential; Ion-size parameter and the theoretical mean-activity coefficient in the case of ionic clouds with finite-sized ions; Debye - Huckel-Onsager treatment for aqueous solutions and its limitations; Debye-Huckel-Onsager theory for non-aqueous solutions; The solvent effect on the mobality at infinite dilution; Equivalent conductivity (Λ) vs. concentration c 1/2 as a function of the solvent; Effect of ion association upon conductivity (Debye- Huckel - Bjerrum equation). Chapter 5. Quantum Mechanics – II: Schrodinger wave equation for a particle in a three dimensional box; The concept of degeneracy among energy levels for a particle in three dimensional box; Schrodinger wave equation for a linear harmonic oscillator & its solution by polynomial method; Zero point energy of a particle possessing harmonic motion and its consequence; Schrodinger wave equation for three dimensional Rigid rotator; Energy of rigid rotator; Space quantization; Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen atom, separation of variable in polar spherical coordinates and its solution; Principle, azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers and the magnitude of their values; Probability distribution function; Radial distribution function; Shape of atomic orbitals (s,p & d). Chapter 6. Thermodynamics – II: Classius-Clayperon equation; Law of mass action and its thermodynamic derivation; Third law of thermodynamics (Nernest heat theorem, determination of absolute entropy, unattainability of absolute zero) and its limitation; Phase diagram for two completely miscible components systems; Eutectic systems, Calculation of eutectic point; Systems forming solid compounds Ax By with congruent and incongruent melting points; Phase diagram and thermodynamic treatment of solid solutions. Chapter 7. Chemical Dynamics – II: Chain reactions: hydrogen-bromine reaction, pyrolysis of acetaldehyde, decomposition of ethane; Photochemical reactions (hydrogen - bromine & hydrogen -chlorine reactions); General treatment of chain reactions (ortho-para hydrogen conversion and hydrogen - bromine reactions); Apparent activation energy of chain reactions, Chain length; Rice-Herzfeld mechanism of organic molecules decomposition(acetaldehyde); Branching chain reactions and explosions ( H2-O2 reaction); Kinetics of (one intermediate) enzymatic reaction : Michaelis-Menton treatment; Evaluation of Michaelis 's constant for enzyme-substrate binding by Lineweaver-Burk plot and Eadie-Hofstae methods; Competitive and non-competitive inhibition. Chapter 8. Electrochemistry – II: Ion Transport in Solutions: Ionic movement under the influence of an electric field; Mobility of ions; Ionic drift velocity and its relation with current density; Einstein relation between the absolute mobility and diffusion coefficient; The Stokes- Einstein relation; The Nernst -Einstein equation; Walden’s rule; The Rate-process approach to ionic migration; The Rate process equation for equivalent conductivity; Total driving force for ionic transport, Nernst - Planck Flux equation; Ionic drift and diffusion potential; the Onsager phenomenological equations; The basic equation for the diffusion; Planck-Henderson equation for the diffusion potential.


Thermodynamics PDF Author: G. Astarita
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780306430480
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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If a Writer would know how to behave himself with relation to Posterity; let him consider in old Books, what he finds, that he is glad to know; and what Omissions he most laments. Jonathan Swift This book emerges from a long story of teaching. I taught chemical engineering thermodynamics for about ten years at the University of Naples in the 1960s, and I still remember the awkwardness that I felt about any textbook I chose to consider-all of them seemed to be vague at best, and the standard of logical rigor seemed immensely inferior to what I could find in books on such other of the students in my first class subjects as calculus and fluid mechanics. One (who is now Prof. F. Gioia of the University of Naples) once asked me a question which I have used here as Example 4. 2-more than 20 years have gone by, and I am still waiting for a more intelligent question from one of my students. At the time, that question compelled me to answer in a way I didn't like, namely "I'll think about it, and I hope I'll have the answer by the next time we meet. " I didn't have it that soon, though I did manage to have it before the end of the course.

Elementary Mechanics

Elementary Mechanics PDF Author: Francis M. Hartmann
Category : Mechanics
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics

An Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics PDF Author: Terrell L. Hill
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486130908
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 546

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Four-part treatment covers principles of quantum statistical mechanics, systems composed of independent molecules or other independent subsystems, and systems of interacting molecules, concluding with a consideration of quantum statistics.

Basic Chemical Thermodynamics

Basic Chemical Thermodynamics PDF Author: Eric Brian Smith
Publisher: Imperial College Press
ISBN: 9781860944468
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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This widely acclaimed text, now in its fifth edition and translated into many languages, continues to present a clear, simple and concise introduction to chemical thermodynamics. An examination of equilibrium in the everyday world of mechanical objects provides the starting point for an accessible account of the factors that determine equilibrium in chemical systems. This straightforward approach leads students to a thorough understanding of the basic principles of thermodynamics, which are then applied to a wide range of physico-chemical systems. The book also discusses the problems of non-ideal solutions and the concept of activity, and provides an introduction to the molecular basis of thermodynamics.Over five editions, the views of teachers of the subject and their students have been incorporated. The result is a little more rigour in specifying the dimensions within logarithmic expressions, the addition of more worked examples and the inclusion of a simple treatment of the molecular basis of thermodynamics. Students on courses in thermodynamics will continue to find this popular book an excellent introductory text.

Elements of Cosmological Thermodynamics

Elements of Cosmological Thermodynamics PDF Author: Subhajit Saha
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319747061
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 90

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Based on the author’s own work and results obtained by renowned cosmologists, this short book provides a concise introduction to the relatively new research field of cosmological thermodynamics. Starting with a brief overview of basic cosmology and thermodynamics, the text gives an interesting account of the application of horizon thermodynamics to the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, the inhomogeneous (Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi) LTB model, and the gravitationally induced adiabatic particle creation scenario which is considered to be a viable alternative to the concordance Lambda-CDM model of the Universe. Both seasoned and new researchers in this field will appreciate the lucid presentation and the rich bibliography.