Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services

Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services PDF Author: Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128037008
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services provides the latest on the trend to a more product-centered and service-centered practice, eschewing traditional economic evaluation techniques that focus on product-to-product comparisons in favor of evaluating processes that measure costs and health outcomes. Complete with examples focusing on best practices, including various study designs, types of pharmacy services, and types of outcomes being evaluated, the book emphasizes case studies and examples that help readers understand economic evaluation techniques. Many of these techniques are transferable across countries, especially where there are advanced and stable health systems in place. With the help of this practical guide, readers will gain a thorough understanding of the application of economic evaluation of pharmacy services. - Delivers a practical guide for conducting economic evaluations of hospital and community pharmacy services - Documents the literature around health economic evaluation and innovative pharmacy services - Guides the development of a standardized health economic evaluation tool to evaluate these services

Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services

Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services PDF Author: Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128037008
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services provides the latest on the trend to a more product-centered and service-centered practice, eschewing traditional economic evaluation techniques that focus on product-to-product comparisons in favor of evaluating processes that measure costs and health outcomes. Complete with examples focusing on best practices, including various study designs, types of pharmacy services, and types of outcomes being evaluated, the book emphasizes case studies and examples that help readers understand economic evaluation techniques. Many of these techniques are transferable across countries, especially where there are advanced and stable health systems in place. With the help of this practical guide, readers will gain a thorough understanding of the application of economic evaluation of pharmacy services. - Delivers a practical guide for conducting economic evaluations of hospital and community pharmacy services - Documents the literature around health economic evaluation and innovative pharmacy services - Guides the development of a standardized health economic evaluation tool to evaluate these services

The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care

The Role of the Pharmacist in Patient Care PDF Author: Abdul Kader Mohiuddin
Publisher: Universal-Publishers
ISBN: 1627343083
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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Book Description
The goal of a high quality, cost-effective and accessible health care for patients is achieved through constructing a team-based and patient-centered health care delivery system. The expanded role of pharmacists uplifts them to patient care from dispensing and manufacturing or marketing of drugs. Along with doctors and allied health professionals, pharmacists are increasingly recognized as an integral part of the patient care team. Furthermore, colleges of pharmacy need to revise and up-date their curricula to accommodate the progressively increasing development in the pharmaceutical education and the evolving new roles of practicing pharmacists in patient care settings. This book focuses on the expanded role of the pharmacists in total patient care including prescribing, dispensing, compounding, administering and monitoring of drugs at home, hospital, community, hospice, critical care, changeover and other care settings. The sector is emerging in both developed and under-developed countries. Overburdened by patient loads and the explosion of new drugs physicians turned to pharmacists more and more for drug information especially within institutional settings. And today’s patient care pharmacists are taking more interests in medication review and reconciliation, patient education and counseling, creating drug therapy regimen and monitoring compliance. The purpose of this book is to guide the pharmacists in their daily interactions with patients and to ensure collaboration with other health professionals. The contents are mostly based on recently published articles related to patient care, with most recent ideas and activities followed by the patient care pharmacists around the globe. However, a pharmacist implements the care plan in collaboration with other health care professionals and the patient or caregiver. Along with professional guidelines, the book discusses the concepts and best practices of patient interaction, patient rights, and ethical decision-making for the professional pharmacist, apprentice and student. In every chapter, the role of pharmacists in that chapter specific issues are detailed explicitly so that a professional pharmacist or a student can figure out his or her do’s and don’ts in that specific situation. Moreover, further reading references are listed as future recommendations. So, the book is an archive of potential references too. Among so many books about patient care, either doctors’ or nurses’ roles are highlighted. The proposed book highlights the pharmacists’ roles and responsibilities to the most, separated from those of doctors and nurses, with the most recent information obtained from most publications in several journals, books, bulletins, newsletter, magazines etc.

Essentials of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare

Essentials of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare PDF Author: Rachel Elliott
Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press
ISBN: 9780853695745
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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"This book is an introduction to economic evaluation for those with little or no knowledge of economics or health economics. Essentials of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare gives an overview of economic issues specific to healthcare, and describes the main types of economic evaluation: cost effectiveness, cost utility and cost benefit analysis. The use of decision analysis to design and carry out economic evaluations is discussed. Preferred statistical methods for handling costs, current approaches to dealing with uncertainty and quantifying patient preferences using discrete choice experiments are explained. Each chapter contains worked examples and questions. With increasing pressure on national healthcare budgets, all healthcare professionals should have a basic understanding of the finite nature of healthcare resources, and the need to make choices between treatments based on a cost-benefit comparison. This book will be invaluable to pharmacists and pharmacy students as well as to other healthcare professionals, researchers and managers." -- publisher website.

Economic Evaluation in Clinical Trials

Economic Evaluation in Clinical Trials PDF Author: Henry A. Glick
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191508063
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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It is becoming increasingly important to examine the relationship between the outcomes of a clinical trial and the costs of the medical therapy under study. The results of such analysis can affect reimbursement decisions for new medical technologies, drugs, devices or diagnostics. It can aid companies seeking to make claims about the cost-effectiveness of their product, as well as allowing early consideration of the economic value of therapies which may be important to improving initial adoption decisions. It is also vital for addressing the requirements of regulatory bodies. Economic Evaluation in Clinical Trials provides practical advice on how to conduct cost-effectiveness analyses in controlled trials of medical therapies. This new edition has been extensively rewritten and revised; topics discussed range from design issues such as the types of services that should be measured and price weights, to assessment of quality-adjusted life years. Illustrative materials, case histories and worked examples are included to encourage the reader to apply the methods discussed. These exercises are supported with datasets, programmes and solutions made available online.

Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics

Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics PDF Author: Karen Rascati
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 146984186X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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"This new text is designed for a student or practitioner who is unfamiliar with "pharmacoeconomics." It provides a straightforward explanation of the essential pharmacoeconomics topics outlined by The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). It defines terminology used in research and covers the application of economic-based evaluation methods for pharmaceutical products and services. Users will find examples of how pharmacoeconomic evaluations relate to decisions that affect patient care and health-related quality of life"--Provided by publisher.

Pharmacy Practice Research Case Studies

Pharmacy Practice Research Case Studies PDF Author: Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128193794
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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Book Description
Pharmacy Practice Research Case Studies provides examples and details regarding how pharmacy practice research has transformed over the past decade and how this is impacting overall health. This book presents several methodologies and techniques used in current pharmacy practice. According to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, countries around the world are aiming to achieve Universal Health Coverage. In this context, pharmacists are a vital part of the healthcare teams and the book portrays the research methods used in conducting pharmacy practice and medicines use research. The professional role of pharmacists has evolved tremendously over the past few decades across the globe and the pace of change has been interestingly phenomenal in varying aspects. The book provides a great resource for pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, policymakers, and researchers to understand the dimensions of practice, education, research, and policy concerning pharmacy, and it provides the synthesis of the development so far, pointing to the needs and demands of the future. - Provides updates on current practices and research methodologies used in pharmacy and their evolution over the last decade - Offers insight into research that can be applied to global pharmacy practice - Uses case studies to demonstrate how sustainable pharmacy practice can be in other settings and other countries

Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine

Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine PDF Author: Marthe R. Gold
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199880425
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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A unique, in-depth discussion of the uses and conduct of cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) as decision-making aids in the health and medical fields, this volume is the product of over two years of comprehensive research and deliberation by a multi-disciplinary panel of economists, ethicists, psychometricians, and clinicians. Exploring cost-effectiveness in the context of societal decision-making for resource allocation purposes, this volume proposes that analysts include a "reference-case" analysis in all CEAs designed to inform resource allocation and puts forth the most explicit set of guidelines (together with their rationale) ever defined on the conduct of CEAs. Important theoretical and practical issues encountered in measuring costs and effectiveness, evaluating outcomes, discounting, and dealing with uncertainty are examined in separate chapters. Additional chapters on framing and reporting of CEAs elucidate the purpose of the analysis and the effective communication of its findings. Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine differs from the available literature in several key aspects. Most importantly, it represents a consensus on standard methods--a feature integral to a CEA, whose principal goal is to permit comparisons of the costs and health outcomes of alternative ways of improving health. The detailed level at which the discussion is offered is another major distinction of this book, since guidelines in journal literature and in CEA-related books tend to be rather general--to the extent that the analyst is left with little guidance on specific matters. The focused overview of the theoretical background underlying areas of controversy and of methodological alternatives, and, finally, the accessible writing style make this volume a top choice on the reading lists of analysts in medicine and public health who wish to improve practice and comparability of CEAs. The book will also appeal to decision-makers in government, managed care, and industry who wish to consider the uses and limitations of CEAs.


Pharmacoeconomics PDF Author: Renee J. G. Arnold
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420084402
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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The pharmaceutical industry is almost boundless in its ability to supply new drug therapies, but how does one decide which are the best medicines to use within restricted budgets? With particular emphasis on modeling, methodologies, data sources, and application to real-world dilemmas, Pharmacoeconomics: From Theory to Practice provides an introduc

Pharmacy in England

Pharmacy in England PDF Author: Great Britain. Department of Health
Publisher: The Stationery Office
ISBN: 9780101734127
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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This White Paper (Cm. 7341, ISBN 9780101734127), sets out a programme for future NHS pharmaceutical services in England. Divided into 8 chapters with 2 annexes, it covers the following areas: the background to the White Paper; the context of change, looking at the major health and social challenges that have prompted a review of pharmacy services; expanding access and choice through more help with medicines; more pharmacy services supporting healthy living and better care; communications and relationships and how these can be improved by highlighting the varied services and benefits offered by pharmacies and pharmacists; research and innovation in practice; the pharmacy profession; the current structure and contractual arrangements of the pharmacy system. The Government has set out a future vision for the pharmacy services in England, including a number of specific objectives, including: making pharmacies into "healthy living centres", promoting health and helping people to take care of themselves; offer NHS treatment for minor ailments; provide specific support for people who are starting a new course of treatment; offer screening for those at risk of vascular disease; use new technologies to expand choice and improve care in hospitals and the community; become commissioned based on the range and quality of the services being delivered. Related publications to this White Paper, include: The Future of Pharmacy (; Our Health, Our Care (Cm.6737, ISBN 0101673728); Our NHS, Our Future (; A Vision for Pharmacy in the New NHS, July 2003 (

Economic Evaluation in Health Care

Economic Evaluation in Health Care PDF Author: Michael Drummond
ISBN: 0192631772
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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To accompany the hugely sccessful 'Methods for Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes 2e', this book is a thorough and rigourous discussion of the methodological principles and recent advances in the rapidly advancing field of theory and practice of economic evaluation in health care. Written by an internationally acclaimed group of authors, the book provides an in-depth discussion of the latest theoretical advances and gives comprehensive reviews of the available literature. The book covers the main areas of economic evaluation, including the methods for measuring costs and outcomes, the collection of data alongside clinical studies, ways of handling uncertainty, discounting and issues relating to the transferability of economic data. It is an ideal book for those studying economic evaluation on postgraduate or professional courses in health economics or public health.