Economic Analysis of High Speed Rail in Europe

Economic Analysis of High Speed Rail in Europe PDF Author:
Publisher: Fundacion BBVA
ISBN: 8492937327
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Este informe pretende contribuir al análisis económico de los proyectos de inversión en alta velocidad ferroviaria. La evaluación económica de proyectos puede ayudar a los gobiernos a formarse una idea más precisa sobre los beneficios esperados de distintas líneas de actuación que absorben dinero público para resolver un mismo problema de transporte. En este informe se trata de determinar las circunstancias en las que la inversión en alta velocidad es socialmente deseable y en que otras la sociedad gana posponiendo la inversión. La red de alta velocidad puede construirse gradualmente, añadiendo nuevas líneas una vez que la evaluación económica muestra una rentabilidad social positiva.

Economic Analysis of High Speed Rail in Europe

Economic Analysis of High Speed Rail in Europe PDF Author:
Publisher: Fundacion BBVA
ISBN: 8492937327
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Book Description
Este informe pretende contribuir al análisis económico de los proyectos de inversión en alta velocidad ferroviaria. La evaluación económica de proyectos puede ayudar a los gobiernos a formarse una idea más precisa sobre los beneficios esperados de distintas líneas de actuación que absorben dinero público para resolver un mismo problema de transporte. En este informe se trata de determinar las circunstancias en las que la inversión en alta velocidad es socialmente deseable y en que otras la sociedad gana posponiendo la inversión. La red de alta velocidad puede construirse gradualmente, añadiendo nuevas líneas una vez que la evaluación económica muestra una rentabilidad social positiva.

The Economics and Politics of High-Speed Rail

The Economics and Politics of High-Speed Rail PDF Author: Daniel Albalate
Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 0739171240
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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The technological revolution linked to high speed rail (HSR) has been accompanied by myths and claims about its contribution to society and the economy. Although HSR is unquestionably a technological advance that has become a symbol of modernity, this review and analysis of the international experiences shows that the conditions necessary to have a positive impact, economically, socially and environmentally, are enormously restrictive. The Economics and Politics of High Speed Rail: Lessons from Experiences Abroad, by Daniel Albalate and Germà Bel, introduces the main questions policy makers and scholars should examine when considering and studying HSR implementation, with particular emphasis on the US’s recent interest in this technology and possible application in California. Albalate and Bel then review the experiences of the most significant implementations of HSR around the globe. This in-depth international perspective includes chapters on the pioneers of HSR (Japan and France), the European followers (Germany, Spain and Italy), as well as Asian experiences in China, Taiwan, and Korea. Albalate and Bel’s study provides a clear distinction between the myths and realities associated with this transportation innovation. Among the most relevant findings, this study highlights how HSR projects that do not satisfy highly restrictive conditions—on mobility patterns, measured costs, and economically rational designs—that make it desirable have been the source of huge financial debacles and the economic failure of HSR in most cases, which result in unfortunate consequences for taxpayers. The Economics and Politics of High Speed Rail is a rigorous investigation of the economic and political challenges and ramifications of implementing new public transportation technology.

ITF Round Tables The Economics of Investment in High-Speed Rail

ITF Round Tables The Economics of Investment in High-Speed Rail PDF Author: International Transport Forum
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9282107752
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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This report examines the key factors that drive the costs of high-speed rail investment and reviews the economic benefits delivered by high-speed rail services on the basis of experience in countries that have developed large high-speed rail networks.

Evaluating High-Speed Rail

Evaluating High-Speed Rail PDF Author: Daniel Albalate
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1317301994
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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High-speed Rail (HSR) is a technological transportation advance that has raised the interest of policy makers and researchers worldwide. The study of High-speed Rail is a recent phenomenon but has received increasing attention due to the extension of this mode of transportation around the globe. Evaluating High-Speed Rail contains some of the most recent and cutting edge studies on HSR from different disciplines. The book is organized around a variety of key topics related to the evaluation of High Speed Rail projects and experiences. These topics include: the economic appraisal and evaluation of High-Speed Rail projects; the evaluation of indirect and direct effects of High-Speed Rail; its territorial, redistributive and environmental impacts; its contribution or limitation to urban growth; and the management of challenges created by the arrival of High-Speed Rail lines to core cities. It also covers the contribution of High-Speed Rail to tourism and its impact on intermodal competition, with especial consideration to air transportation. Chapters analyse the expected effects of introducing on-track competition and designing public-private contracts to develop new lines. This cutting-edge volume offers rigorous analysis from top researchers in the field with a clear intention to deliver policy implications and provide the latest analysis on the impact of High Speed Rail. This book is suitable for students and academics interested in transportation infrastructure, economic impacts of public investments, mobility, planning and urban affairs, as well as researchers and policy makers in the transportation and infrastructure sector.

China's High-Speed Rail Development

China's High-Speed Rail Development PDF Author: Martha Lawrence
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464814252
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 101

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Over the past decade, China has built 25,000 km of dedicated highspeed railway—more than the rest of the world combined. What can we learn from this remarkable experience? China’s High-Speed Rail Development examines the Chinese experience to draw lessons for countries considering investing in high-speed rail. The report scrutinizes the planning and delivery mechanisms that enabled the rapid construction of the high-speed rail system. It highlights the role of long-term planning, consistent plan execution, and a joint venture structure that ensures active participation of provincial and local governments in project planning and financing. Traffic on China’s high-speed trains has grown to 1.7 billion passengers a year. The study examines the characteristics of the markets for which high-speed rail is competitive in China. It discusses the pricing and service design considerations that go into making high-speed rail services competitive with other modes and factors such as good urban connectivity that make the service attractive to customers. One of the most remarkable aspects of the Chinese experience is the rapid pace of high-quality construction. The report looks at the role of strong capacity development within and cooperation among China Railway Corporation, rail manufacturers, universities, research institutions, laboratories, and engineering centers that allowed for rapid technological advancement and localization of technology. It describes the project delivery structures and incentives for delivering quality and timely results. Finally, the report analyzes the financial and economic sustainability of the investment in high-speed rail. It finds that a developing country can price high-speed rail services affordably and still achieve financial viability, but this requires very high passenger density. Economic viability similarly depends on high passenger density.

Socioeconomic Impacts of High-Speed Rail Systems

Socioeconomic Impacts of High-Speed Rail Systems PDF Author: Francesca Pagliara
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031536843
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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Competition in the Railway Industry

Competition in the Railway Industry PDF Author: José A. Gómez-Ibáñez
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1847202942
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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Numerous countries have attempted to improve the performance of their railways by introducing more competition, but there is fierce debate and no consensus on how this is best achieved. This book reveals how railways were an obvious target for reform because they were often losing traffic and money, and because the government was typically deeply involved as either owner or regulator.

Territorial Implications of High Speed Rail

Territorial Implications of High Speed Rail PDF Author: José M. de Ureña
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317046145
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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High Speed Rail's (HSR) main objective is to attract air passengers between big metropolitan areas however the main territorial implications in many cases occur not in these metropolitan areas but in the intermediate cities. These implications open up new spatial planning possibilities such as decentralization, new regional centres and urban renewal projects. This book presents the experience of 20 years of HSR in Spain including some explicit information, arguments and conclusions derived from HSR in other European Countries. It debates the HSR territorial implications at three scales: national, regional and local, thus being of interest for strategic debates at those scales, such as the decision of new national lines, the pros and cons of deviating the line to reach minor intermediate cities or the selection of precise locations for new stations and the development projects in their surroundings. Comparisons with the recent changes in accessibility, spatial distribution of population and activities, are made with mobility for working purposes and with the characteristics of the HSR passengers. This book also examines the actions, strategies and urban projects that medium size cities can use to make best use of HSR opportunities, synthesising the experience of HSR medium cities in Spain and Europe. The book's conclusions will be of interest, over and above scholars, to transport infrastructure decision makers, city and regional planners and managers, and transport companies.

Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice

Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice PDF Author: Management Association, Information Resources
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1522552111
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 1134

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From driverless cars to vehicular networks, recent technological advances are being employed to increase road safety and improve driver satisfaction. As with any newly developed technology, researchers must take care to address all concerns, limitations, and dangers before widespread public adoption. Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice is an innovative reference source for the latest academic material on the applications, management, and planning of intelligent transportation systems. Highlighting a range of topics, such as automatic control, infrastructure systems, and system architecture, this publication is ideally designed for engineers, academics, professionals, and practitioners actively involved in the transportation planning sector.

Rail Economics, Policy and Regulation in Europe

Rail Economics, Policy and Regulation in Europe PDF Author: Matthias Finger
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1783473339
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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The European railway sector has undergone profound and predominantly institutional changes over the past 20 years, due to the initiatives of the European Commission. This book constitutes a first systematic assessment and account of the recent transformations of the industry along a series of critical yet contentious issues such as competition, unbundling, regulation, access charging, standards and interoperability, and public–private partnerships. It also covers the main railways sectors including passenger transport, high speed and freight.