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Author: Robin Hickman
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1802207201
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 275
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Drawing on discourse analysis as an emerging field in transport and urban development, this innovative book takes a novel approach to examining the different interpretations, diversity of views and controversy in society.
Author: Robin Hickman
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1802207201
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 275
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Drawing on discourse analysis as an emerging field in transport and urban development, this innovative book takes a novel approach to examining the different interpretations, diversity of views and controversy in society.
Author: Colin Divall
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351776924
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 336
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This title was first published in 2003. Suburbanizing the Masses examines how collective forms of transport have contributed to the spatial and social evolution of towns and cities in various countries since the mid nineteenth century. Divided into two sections, the volume develops first the classic tradition on transport and the city, public transport's 'impact' on urban development. The contextualisation of transport is one important factor in the historical debates surrounding urban development. As well as analysing the discourse employed by urban political and business elites in favour of public transport, these contributions show the degree to which practice often fell short of ideals. The second section tackles the professional paradigms of urban transport: the circulation of traffic in cities and the technological modes appropriate to its realization. In particular these contributions explore the paradigms held by professional planners and managers, and the political classes associated with them. From a variety of perspectives Suburbanizing the Masses demonstrates the continuing relevance of socio-historical inquiry on the relationship between public transport and urban development. By differentiating between the many roles of urban transport in the nineteenth century, it confirms that public transport was not directly linked to urban growth, and instead often had only a limited effect on the wider urban structure. Suburbanizing the Masses forces a reassessment of the received historiography that maintains cheap public transport was essential to the spectacular growth of cites in the nineteenth century.
Author: Karin Van Marle
Publisher: PULP
ISBN: 0958509751
Category : Feminism
Languages : en
Pages : 219
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Don: Centre for Human Rights, Pretoria.
Author: Jean-Paul Rodrigue
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473971616
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 644
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The SAGE Handbook of Transport Studies is an authoritative survey of contemporary transportation systems examined in terms of economic, social, and technical issues, as well as environmental challenges. Incorporating an extensive range of approaches - from modes, terminals, planning and policy to more recent developments related to supply chain management, information systems and sustainability/ecology - the work provides a cohesive and extensive overview of transport studies. Authored by international experts in their field, each individual chapter bridges a broad range of conceptual, theoretical and geographical perspectives, and the Handbook is divided into six sections: • Transport in the Global World • Transport in Regions and Localities • Transport, Economy and Society • Transport Policy • Transport Networks and Models • Transport and the Environment This Handbook will be an indispensible resource for academics, planners, and policy-makers.
Author: David Banister
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135819939
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 305
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This book takes an international perspective on the links between land use, development and transport and present the latest thinking, the theory and practice of these links.
Author: Carey Curtis
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 0754676927
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 471
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Through an examination of transport planning in Australia, this book challenges conventional wisdom by showing, through original research, how 'car dependence' is as much an institutional as a technical phenomenon. The authors' case studies in three metropolitan cities show how transport policy has become institutionally fixated on a path dominated by private, road-based transport and how policy systems become encrusted around investment to accommodate private cars, erecting an impenetrable barrier against more sustainable mobility and accessibility solutions. The findings are applicable to most cities of the developed world, and to fields beyond transport planning.
Author: Ole Brandt Jensen
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 9780415291927
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 314
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Making European Space crystallises and critically examines the key policy ideas emerging in the new field of European spatial planning, and explores the arguments surrounding policy themes such as polycentric development, sustainability,
Author: Anwar El-Issa
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1504977254
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 534
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The main focus of this book is on Theme-Rheme analysis. In English the Theme is realized as the initial constituent of the clause or sentence. The information that is contained within the themes of the various sentences of a passage correlates with the method of development of the passage. The meaning of Theme and its realization in English explains the general correlation of given information with the initial position in the sentence. The findings and analysis of Theme-Rheme in this book will immensely aid both researchers and students who seek to understand and unfold language structures and analyze written discourse. It also provides teachers with efficient tools to analyze their students academic writing and find ways to leverage it. This book also sheds lights on the semantic and structure of the language based on the four analytical approaches implemented in this study. The findings in this book suggest that control of the Theme-Rheme system is part of what the successful writer (native or non-native) uses to achieve such coherence. In this regard, students can be aware of a variety of linguistics choices to help them write more effectively. This book suggests that control of the Theme-Rheme system in academic writing is part of what the successful writer uses to achieve coherence. This book offers a new perspective on the way written discourse is organized and structured that is of some relevance to language teachers and applied linguists, as well as to theoretical and descriptive linguists. I have tried to offer in this book new insights into analyzing texts and investigating the thematic organization of the grammatical properties of Theme at clause level, and that, I hope, will be found sufficient reason for reading it.
Author: Mathias Mitteregger
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3662641402
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 195
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This open access publication examines the impact of connected and automated vehicles on the European city and the conditions that can enable this technology to make a positive contribution to urban development. The authors argue for two theses that have thus far received little attention in scientific discourse: as connected and automated vehicles will not be ready for use in all parts of the city for a long time, previously assumed effects – from traffic safety to traffic performance as well as spatial effects – will need to be re-evaluated. To ensure this technology has a positive impact on the mobility of the future, transport and settlement policy regulations must be adapted and further developed. Established territorial, institutional and organizational boundaries must be investigated and challenged quickly. Despite – or, indeed, because of – the many uncertainties, we find ourselves at the beginning of a new design phase, not only in terms of technology development, but also regarding politics, urban planning, administration and civil society.
Author: Malin Granath
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176856984
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 253
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Cities are facing many challenges; challenges linked to world-wide trends like urbanisation, climate changes and globalisation. In parallel to these trends, we have seen a rapid digitalisation in and of different parts of society. Cities and local governments have been appointed an important role in overcoming these world-wide challenges, and subsequently, in policy practices digitalisation is perceived as an important dimension in delivering better and sustainable services to its citizens. As a result, the smart city has emerged as a concept and approach to contemporary urban planning and development. There is still no common understanding of the concept and what components and dimensions it covers. However, in all definitions digitalisation constitutes one dimension, but the role and function of it is still not clear. In this study I have examined how different stakeholders talk about digitalisation in policy and planning practices of urban development. The aim has been to identify and analyse different repertoires of discourses on digitalisation to advance our knowledge on how goals related to the smart city and digitalisation are put into practice. The results are based on a qualitative and interpretative case study with a social constructionist approach. An analytical framework based on discourse analysis, stakeholder theory and (new) institutional theory has been constructed to analyse the case. Main results show that repertoires on digitalisation are limited in both policy and planning of urban development. In these practices, digitalisation is primarily seen as a means or as a communication infrastructure in relation to two city services/functions; i.e. services related to governance and to environment. Results also show that practices of urban planning and development are institutionalised, where different stakeholders’ salience and stakes in urban development and in digitalisation differ, but it is clear that digitalisation is a secondary issue. Implications of these results are that the taken-for-granted discourses in policy and planning practices of urban development limit both practice and research when developing a smart city. Städer står inför många utmaningar kopplat till världsomspännande trender såsom urbanisering, klimatförändringar, och globalisering. Parallellt med dessa trender har vi sett en snabb digitalisering i och av olika delar av samhället. I detta sammanhang har städer och kommuner blivit tilldelade en viktig roll i hanteringen av dessa utmaningar. På policynivå ses digitalisering som en viktig dimension för att leverera hållbar och bättre service till medborgarna. Som ett led i detta har smarta städer vuxit fram som både begrepp och metod för stadsplanering och stadsutveckling. Det finns dock ingen gemensam tolkning av begreppet. Däremot finns digitalisering med som en dimension i definitionerna, men vilken roll och funktion den har är fortfarande oklart. I denna studie har jag undersökt hur olika intressenter talar om digitalisering i olika policy- och planeringspraktiker kopplat till stadsutveckling. Syftet har varit att identifiera och analysera repertoarer av digitaliseringsdiskurser för att bidra med kunskap om hur mål kopplade till smarta städer och digitalisering omsätts i praktiken. Resultaten är baserade på en kvalitativ och tolkande fallstudie med en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats. Ett analytiskt ramverk baserat på diskursanalys, intressentanalys, och nyinstitutionell teori har tagits fram för att analysera fallet. Resultaten visar att digitaliseringsrepertoarer är begränsade både i policy och i planering av stadsutveckling. I dessa praktiker ses digitalisering främst som ett verktyg eller en kommunikationsinfrastruktur i relation till två samhällsfunktioner, nämligen funktioner kopplade till styrning och administration, och funktioner kopplade till miljö. Resultaten visar också att praktiker kopplade till stadsplanering och stadsutveckling är institutionaliserade, praktiker där olika intressenter har olika makt, legitimitet och angelägenhet gällande stadsutveckling och digitalisering. Det är dock tydligt att digitalisering är en sekundär fråga. Implikationerna av dessa resultat är att de förgivettagna diskurserna begränsar både praktiken och forskningen i utvecklingen av smart städer.