Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) PDF Author: John R. Hollingsworth
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1412955734
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 561

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Book Description
A proven method for better teaching, better learning, and better test scores! This teacher-friendly book presents a step-by-step approach for implementing the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) approach in diverse classrooms. Based on educational theory, brain research, and data analysis, EDI helps teachers deliver effective lessons that can significantly improve achievement all grade levels. The authors discuss characteristics of EDI, such as checking for understanding, lesson objectives, activating prior knowledge, concept and skills development, and guided practice, and provide: Clearly defined lesson design components Detailed sample lessons Easy-to-follow lesson delivery strategies Scenarios that illustrate what EDI techniques look like in the classroom

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) PDF Author: John R. Hollingsworth
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1412955734
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 561

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Book Description
A proven method for better teaching, better learning, and better test scores! This teacher-friendly book presents a step-by-step approach for implementing the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) approach in diverse classrooms. Based on educational theory, brain research, and data analysis, EDI helps teachers deliver effective lessons that can significantly improve achievement all grade levels. The authors discuss characteristics of EDI, such as checking for understanding, lesson objectives, activating prior knowledge, concept and skills development, and guided practice, and provide: Clearly defined lesson design components Detailed sample lessons Easy-to-follow lesson delivery strategies Scenarios that illustrate what EDI techniques look like in the classroom

Introduction to Direct Instruction

Introduction to Direct Instruction PDF Author: Nancy E. Marchand-Martella
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
ISBN: 9780205377619
Category : Academic achievement
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
This is the only textbook on the market that serves as an introduction to the highly effective system of Direct Instruction. Direct Instruction is a system of teaching that focuses on controlling all of the variables that affect the performance of students. Given the emphasis on high academic standards in today's schools, a textbook on one of the most successful programs for teaching academic skills to children is especially timely.

Direct Instruction Reading

Direct Instruction Reading PDF Author: Douglas W. Carnine
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0134255933
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Book Description
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Novice and expert teachers alike get the detailed guidance they need to be successful teaching any child who struggles with reading in the alphabetic writing system. Unique in its approach of leaving little to chance or guesswork, Direct Instruction Reading details how to teach, what to teach, why it is important to teach it, when to teach it, how long, how often, at what starting point in time, and to what criterion level of performance. For example, teaching format specify a) example words to teach; b) explicit directions for modeling how to read the words; c) explicit directions for how to guide students in their responses to teaching to teacher prompts; and d) explicit wording for correcting student errors. The book is designed to give both novice teachers with limited or no teaching experience, as well as the expert teacher with extensive teaching experience the detailed guidance they need to be successful teaching any child who struggles with reading in the alphabetic writing system. This new edition features chapter Learning Outcomes; a new chapter on Response to Intervention (RtI); information relating the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to the Direct Instruction approach; web resources, video links, and other general research reference sources; explicit references and links to the most rigorous research available through the Institute of Education Sciences (IES); and updated research throughout.

The Power of Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction

The Power of Explicit Teaching and Direct Instruction PDF Author: Greg Ashman
Publisher: Sage Publications Limited
ISBN: 9781529731606
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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In this smart and accessible book, Greg Ashman explores how you can harness the potential of these often misunderstood and misapplied teaching methods to achieve positive learning outcomes for the students you teach.

Clear Teaching

Clear Teaching PDF Author: Shepard Barbash
ISBN: 9780615576268
Category : Direct instruction
Languages : en
Pages : 81

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The researchED Guide to Explicit and Direct Instruction: An evidence-informed guide for teachers

The researchED Guide to Explicit and Direct Instruction: An evidence-informed guide for teachers PDF Author: Adam Boxer
Publisher: John Catt
ISBN: 1398383856
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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Book Description
researchED is an educator-led organisation with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice. This accessible and punchy series, overseen by founder Tom Bennett, tackles the most important topics in education, with a range of experienced contributors exploring the latest evidence and research and how it can apply in a variety of classroom settings. In this edition, Adam Boxer examines Direct Instruction, editing contributions from writers including: Kris Boulton; Greg Ashman; Gethyn Jones; Tom Needham; Lia Martin; Amy Coombe; Naveen Rivzi; John Blake; Sarah Barker; and Sarah Cullen.

Explicit Direct Instruction for English Learners

Explicit Direct Instruction for English Learners PDF Author: John R. Hollingsworth
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1452279535
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Book Description
Boost achievement for English learners in all subject areas! Building ELLs' language skills while teaching content is about to get easier. Hollingsworth and Ybarra combine the best of educational theory, brain research, and data analysis to bring you explicit direct instruction (EDI): a proven method for creating and delivering lessons that help students learn more and learn faster. Through classroom examples and detailed sample lessons, you'll learn how to: Craft lessons that ELs can learn the first time they're taught Check for understanding throughout each lesson Embed vocabulary development across the curriculum Address listening, speaking, reading, and writing in all lessons

Teaching Struggling and At-risk Readers

Teaching Struggling and At-risk Readers PDF Author: Douglas Carnine
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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Book Description
Teaching Struggling and At-Risk Readers: A Direct Instruction Approach is designed to provide specific information to assist educators in being effective teachers of reading with all of their students. This three-part book provides information on incorporating instructional design and delivery principles into daily instruction for students at the beginning and primary stages of reading. It discusses: Structuring initial teaching procedures so teaching presentations are clear and foster a high degree of interaction between teachers and students. Using language and demonstration techniques that can be understood by all students. Sequencing the instruction of reading content to ensure essential skills and knowledge are taught in an aligned and coherent manner. Using techniques that provide adequate practice and review for students in developing high levels of fluency and accuracy.

Direct Instruction

Direct Instruction PDF Author: Siegfried Engelmann
Publisher: Educational Technology
ISBN: 9780877781424
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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International Guide to Student Achievement

International Guide to Student Achievement PDF Author: John Hattie
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136962042
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 513

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Book Description
The International Guide to Student Achievement brings together and critically examines the major influences shaping student achievement today. There are many, often competing, claims about how to enhance student achievement, raising the questions of "What works?" and "What works best?" World-renowned bestselling authors, John Hattie and Eric M. Anderman have invited an international group of scholars to write brief, empirically-supported articles that examine predictors of academic achievement across a variety of topics and domains. Rather than telling people what to do in their schools and classrooms, this guide simply provides the first-ever compendium of research that summarizes what is known about the major influences shaping students’ academic achievement around the world. Readers can apply this knowledge base to their own school and classroom settings. The 150+ entries serve as intellectual building blocks to creatively mix into new or existing educational arrangements and aim for quick, easy reference. Chapter authors follow a common format that allows readers to more seamlessly compare and contrast information across entries, guiding readers to apply this knowledge to their own classrooms, their curriculums and teaching strategies, and their teacher training programs.