Alcuin of York

Alcuin of York PDF Author: Richard Murphy
ISBN: 9780996696708
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Languages : en
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Alcuin of York, an English scholar and ecclesiastic born around 735, wrote "Virtues and Vices," a handbook of advice for a soldier whose "soul is wearied by the work-a-day world." Richard E. Murphy turned the moral treatise into plain, everyday English, making it accessible to ordinary modern readers for the first time. In "De Virtutibus et Vitiis," Alcuin drew on the ideas of St. Augustine and other early church fathers but kept it short. A leading teacher at the Carolingian court, Alcuin offers timeless guidance in a translation rendered beautifully and still accurately. "Alcuin reminds us that the practice of virtue and the avoidance of vice were virtually the same in the Middle Ages as in our own day," Murphy writes.

Alcuin of York

Alcuin of York PDF Author: Richard Murphy
ISBN: 9780996696708
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Alcuin of York, an English scholar and ecclesiastic born around 735, wrote "Virtues and Vices," a handbook of advice for a soldier whose "soul is wearied by the work-a-day world." Richard E. Murphy turned the moral treatise into plain, everyday English, making it accessible to ordinary modern readers for the first time. In "De Virtutibus et Vitiis," Alcuin drew on the ideas of St. Augustine and other early church fathers but kept it short. A leading teacher at the Carolingian court, Alcuin offers timeless guidance in a translation rendered beautifully and still accurately. "Alcuin reminds us that the practice of virtue and the avoidance of vice were virtually the same in the Middle Ages as in our own day," Murphy writes.

The Ethics of Aquinas

The Ethics of Aquinas PDF Author: Stephen J. Pope
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 9780878408887
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 516

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In this comprehensive anthology, twenty-seven outstanding scholars from North America and Europe address every major aspect of Thomas Aquinas's understanding of morality and comment on his remarkable legacy. While there has been a revival of interest in recent years in the ethics of St. Thomas, no single work has yet fully examined the basic moral arguments and content of Aquinas' major moral work, the Second Part of the Summa Theologiae. This work fills that lacuna. The first chapters of The Ethics of Aquinas introduce readers to the sources, methods, and major themes of Aquinas's ethics. The second part of the book provides an extended discussion of ideas in the Second Part of the Summa Theologiae, in which contributors present cogent interpretations of the structure, major arguments, and themes of each of the treatises. The third and final part examines aspects of Thomistic ethics in the twentieth century and beyond. These essays reflect a diverse group of scholars representing a variety of intellectual perspectives. Contributors span numerous fields of study, including intellectual history, medieval studies, moral philosophy, religious ethics, and moral theology. This remarkable variety underscores how interpretations of Thomas's ethics continue to develop and evolve-and stimulate fervent discussion within the academy and the church. This volume is aimed at scholars, students, clergy, and all those who continue to find Aquinas a rich source of moral insight.

Past Convictions

Past Convictions PDF Author: Courtney M. Booker
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN: 9780812241686
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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As much historiography as reception history, Past Convictions analyzes and explicates the production of historical narratives, the subsequent contestation and appropriation of these narratives, and the insight such activities allows us into how people understand change and its remembrance.

A Contrite Heart

A Contrite Heart PDF Author: Abigail Firey
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004178155
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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Between the middle of the eighth century and the late ninth century in western Europe, the course of legal history was shaped by interaction with religious ideas, especially with regard to the meaning of confession, suffering, and the balance of protections for an accused individual and the welfare of the community. This book traces those themes through a selection of Carolingian texts, such as archbishop Hincmar's legal analysis of a royal divorce, the decrees of church councils, the biography of a Saxon holy woman, anti-Judaic treatises, and Hrotswitha's dramatisation of the legend of Thaïs, in order to make audible the lively debates over the boundaries of clerical and lay authority, the nature and extent of permissible intervention in the spiritual condition of the empire's inhabitants, and distinctions between the private and public domains. This work thus reveals the profound relation between law and penitential ideologies promoted by the Carolingian imperial court.

Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources

Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources PDF Author: Katerina Ierodiakonou
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191554294
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Byzantine philosophy is an almost unexplored field. Being regarded either as mere scholars or as primarily religious thinkers, Byzantine philosophers, for the most part, have not been studied on their own philosophical merit, and their works have hardly been scrutinized as works of philosophy. Thus, although distinguished scholars in the past have tried to reconstruct the intellectual life of the Byzantine period, there is no question that we still lack even the beginnings of a systematic understanding of the philosophy of the Byzantines. Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources is conceived as a concerted attempt in this direction. It examines the attitude the Byzantines took towards the ancient philosophical tradition and the specific ancient sources which they relied upon to form their theories. But did the Byzantines merely copy ancient philosophers or interpret them the way they already had been interpreted in late antiquity? Does Byzantine philosophy as a whole lack a distinctive character which differentiates it from the previous periods in the history of philosophy? Eleven scholars, representing different disciplines from philosophy and history to classics and medieval studies, approach these questions by thoroughly investigating particular topics which give us some insight as to the directions in which we should look for possible answers. These topics range, in modern terms, from philosophy of language, theory of knowledge, and logic, to political philosophy, ethics, natural philosophy, and metaphysics. The philosophers whose works our contributors study belong to all periods from the beginnings of Byzantine culture in the fourth century to the demise of the Byzantine Empire in the fifteenth century.

The Manuscript Tradition of Polybius

The Manuscript Tradition of Polybius PDF Author: John M. Moore
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521057558
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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In this 1965 text, Dr Moore divides the extant manuscripts of Polybius into their families, and demonstrates their relationship to each other.

The Unruly Tongue

The Unruly Tongue PDF Author: Melissa Vise
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN: 1512827134
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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A cultural history of speech in medieval Italy The Unruly Tongue, a cultural history of speech in medieval Italy, offers a new account of how the power of words changed in Western thought. Despite the association of freedom of speech with the political revolutions of the eighteenth century that ushered in the era of modern democracies, historian Melissa Vise locates the history of the repression of speech not in Europe’s monarchies but rather in Italy’s republics. Exploring the cultural process through which science and medicine, politics, law, literature, and theology together informed a new political ethics of speech, Vise uncovers the formation of a moral code where the regulation of the tongue became an integral component of republican values in medieval Europe. The medieval citizens of Italy’s republics understood themselves to be wholly subject to the power of words not because they lived in an age of persecution or doctrinal rigidity, but because words had furnished the grounds for their political freedom. Speech-making was the means for speaking the republic itself into existence against the opposition of aristocracy, empire, and papacy. But because words had power, they could also be deployed as weapons. Speech contained the potential for violence and presented a threat to political and social order, and thus needed to be controlled. Vise shows how the laws that governed and curtailed speech in medieval Italy represented broader cultural understandings of human susceptibility to speech. Tracing anthropologies of speech from religious to political discourse, from civic courts to ecclesiastical courts, from medical texts to the works of Dante and Boccaccio, The Unruly Tongue demonstrates that the thirteenth century marked a major shift in how people perceived the power, and the threat, of speech: a change in thinking about “what words do.”

The Cardinal Virtues in the Middle Ages

The Cardinal Virtues in the Middle Ages PDF Author: István Bejczy
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 900421013X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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Despite its non-Christian origins, the scheme of the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) found wide acceptance in medieval theology, philosophy, and religious literature. The present study is the first to investigate the history of the four virtues in the Latin Middle Ages from patristic times to the late fourteenth century. It examines the position of the cardinal virtues between religious and secularized conceptions of morality and attempts to reveal some distinctly Christian aspects of medieval virtue theory notwithstanding its manifest indebtedness to ancient ethics. Exploring learned and popularizing sources alike, including much unedited material, this study covers a broad spectrum of moral debate during ten centuries of Western intellectual history.

Aquinas's Summa Theologiae

Aquinas's Summa Theologiae PDF Author: Brian Davies
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 9780742543430
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Thomas Aquinas authored many works, but his greatest achievement is undoubtedly the Summa Theologiae, which presents his most mature thinking and the best introduction to his philosophical and theological ideas. Distinguishing itself from other secondary works on Aquinas, this volume focuses solely on the Summa, with essays by some of the best Aquinas scholars of the last half-decade. It offers a solid introduction to one of the landmarks of Western thinking. -- Back cover.

The Early History of Greed

The Early History of Greed PDF Author: Richard Newhauser
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139425013
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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The history of avarice as the deadliest vice in western Europe has been said to begin in earnest only with the rise of capitalism or, earlier, the rise of a money economy. In this first full-length study of the early history of greed, Richard Newhauser shows that avaritia, the sin of greed for possessions, has a much longer history, and is more important for an understanding of the Middle Ages, than has previously been allowed. His examination of theological and literary texts composed between the first century CE and the tenth century reveals new significance in the portrayal of various kinds of greed, to the extent that by the early Middle Ages avarice was available to head the list of vices for authors engaged in the task of converting others from pagan materialism to Christian spirituality.