Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

Cardiovascular Computed Tomography PDF Author: James Stirrup
ISBN: 0198809271
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 577

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A practical guide to performing and analysing cardiovascular scans, this handbook is fully updated in this second edition. Containing a wealth of example scan images and detailed guidance on techniques and interpretations, this book is an invaluable workstation resource.

Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

Cardiovascular Computed Tomography PDF Author: James Stirrup
ISBN: 0198809271
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 577

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Book Description
A practical guide to performing and analysing cardiovascular scans, this handbook is fully updated in this second edition. Containing a wealth of example scan images and detailed guidance on techniques and interpretations, this book is an invaluable workstation resource.

Diseases of the Chest, Breast, Heart and Vessels 2019-2022

Diseases of the Chest, Breast, Heart and Vessels 2019-2022 PDF Author: Juerg Hodler
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030111490
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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This open access book focuses on diagnostic and interventional imaging of the chest, breast, heart, and vessels. It consists of a remarkable collection of contributions authored by internationally respected experts, featuring the most recent diagnostic developments and technological advances with a highly didactical approach. The chapters are disease-oriented and cover all the relevant imaging modalities, including standard radiography, CT, nuclear medicine with PET, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as imaging-guided interventions. As such, it presents a comprehensive review of current knowledge on imaging of the heart and chest, as well as thoracic interventions and a selection of "hot topics". The book is intended for radiologists, however, it is also of interest to clinicians in oncology, cardiology, and pulmonology.

Clinical Applications of Cardiac CT

Clinical Applications of Cardiac CT PDF Author: Filippo Cademartiri
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 8847025222
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 372

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Book Description
During the past few years, cardiac CT (CCT) has acquired an increasingly important role as a noninvasive imaging method that allows assessment of coronary heart disease from both the morphological and the functional standpoint. It is quickly becoming a primary clinical tool for the evaluation and follow-up of various conditions related to the heart and great vessels and is providing valuable insights into the natural history of atherosclerosis. The rapid advances in CCT technology, the advent of new clinical applications, and the acquisition of data on prognostic value are just some of the reasons for the publication of this new edition of Clinical Applications of Cardiac CT, little more than 3 years after the first edition appeared. The text has been extensively revised and updated to reflect current knowledge and practice, and the structure and layout of the educational content have also been improved. The imaging targets, semeiology, technique, and clinical applications of CCT are all covered in detail, and in addition relevant information is provided on epidemiology, clinical assessment, and the role of other diagnostic modalities. This book will prove an invaluable tool for radiologists and cardiologists alike.

CT of the Heart

CT of the Heart PDF Author: U. Joseph Schoepf
Publisher: Humana Press
ISBN: 1603272372
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 904

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Book Description
This book is a comprehensive and richly-illustrated guide to cardiac CT, its current state, applications, and future directions. While the first edition of this text focused on what was then a novel instrument looking for application, this edition comes at a time where a wealth of guideline-driven, robust, and beneficial clinical applications have evolved that are enabled by an enormous and ever growing field of technology. Accordingly, the focus of the text has shifted from a technology-centric to a more patient-centric appraisal. While the specifications and capabilities of the CT system itself remain front and center as the basis for diagnostic success, much of the benefit derived from cardiac CT today comes from avant-garde technologies enabling enhanced visualization, quantitative imaging, and functional assessment, along with exciting deep learning, and artificial intelligence applications. Cardiac CT is no longer a mere tool for non-invasive coronary artery stenosis detection in the chest pain diagnostic algorithms; cardiac CT has proven its value for uses as diverse as personalized cardiovascular risk stratification, prediction, and management, diagnosing lesion-specific ischemia, guiding minimally invasive structural heart disease therapy, and planning cardiovascular surgery, among many others. This second edition is an authoritative guide and reference for both novices and experts in the medical imaging sciences who have an interest in cardiac CT.

Dual Source CT - Asian Adaptation

Dual Source CT - Asian Adaptation PDF Author: Christoph Panknin
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783642151330
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This Asian adaptation of the Dual Source CT (DSCT) imaging protocol book is a comprehensive source of scan and contrast protocols for the first generation DSCT scanner. The book offers cases and adapted protocols especially tailored for the Asian population.

Cardiac CT Imaging

Cardiac CT Imaging PDF Author: Matthew J. Budoff
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1848826508
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 763

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CT is an accurate technique for assessing cardiac structure and function, but advances in computing power and scanning technology have resulted in increased popularity. It is useful in evaluating the myocardium, coronary arteries, pulmonary veins, thoracic aorta, pericardium, and cardiac masses; because of this and the speed at which scans can be performed, CT is even more attractive as a cost-effective and integral part of patient evaluation. This book collates all the current knowledge of cardiac CT and presents it in a clinically relevant and practical format appropriate for both cardiologists and radiologists. The images have been supplied by an experienced set of contributing authors and represent the full spectrum of cardiac CT. As increasing numbers have access to cardiac CT scanners, this book provides all the relevant information on this modality. This is an extensive update of the previous edition bringing the reader up-to-date with the immense amount of updated content in the discipline.

Essential Radiology Review

Essential Radiology Review PDF Author: Adam E. M. Eltorai
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030260445
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 545

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Book Description
The book is an on-the-spot reference for residents and medical students seeking diagnostic radiology fast facts. Its question-and-answer format makes it a perfect quick-reference for personal review and studying for board examinations and re-certification. Readers can read the text from cover to cover to gain a general foundation of knowledge that can be built upon through practice or can use choice chapters to review a specific subspecialty before starting a new rotation or joining a new service. With hundreds of high-yield questions and answer items, this resource addresses both general and subspecialty topics and provides accurate, on-the-spot answers. Sections are organized by subspecialty and body area, including chest, abdomen, and trauma, and chapters cover the anatomy, pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, hallmark signs, and image features of major diseases and conditions. Key example images and illustrations enhance the text throughout and provide an ideal, pocket-sized resource for residents and medical students.

Cardiac CT, PET and MR

Cardiac CT, PET and MR PDF Author: Vasken Dilsizian
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444347969
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 476

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This careful revision keeps pace with developments in the field, with new chapters on PET Metabolism, CT and MRI in the Emergency Department, Image-Guided Electrophysiology Mapping and Ablation, and Identification of Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque by Radionuclide and CT techniques, plus the introduction of new contributors Udo Hoffman and Stephan Achenbach. Praised in its previous edition as a concise source of essential information, this new edition presents the most recent information in an accessible format and serves as an excellent reference source for all cardiologists, radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians.

The Great American Heart Hoax

The Great American Heart Hoax PDF Author: Michael Ozner
Publisher: BenBella Books, Inc.
ISBN: 193525104X
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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Book Description
Clinical studies show that cardiovascular intervention does not prevent heart attacks or prolong life in stable patients with coronary artery disease . . . so why are more than 1.5 million angioplasties and coronary bypass surgeries done annually in the United States alone? In The Great American Heart Hoax, esteemed cardiologist Michael Ozner, author of The Miami Mediterranean Diet, reveals groundbreaking truths about what actually helps prevent and reverse heart disease and what isn't worth the money or risk. Discover disturbing realities from a cardiologist about the billion-dollar cardiovascular intervention industry. While a minority of patients may benefit from surgery, Ozner uncovers that the majority can employ much simpler methods, such as diet, exercise and medical therapy, to achieve better results—without stents or surgery. Most important, The Great American Heart Hoax provides a 10-step program to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Make Life Visible

Make Life Visible PDF Author: Yoshiaki Toyama
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811379084
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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This open access book describes marked advances in imaging technology that have enabled the visualization of phenomena in ways formerly believed to be completelyimpossible. These technologies have made major contributions to the elucidation of the pathology of diseases as well as to their diagnosis and therapy. The volume presents various studies from molecular imaging to clinical imaging. It also focuses on innovative, creative, advanced research that gives full play to imaging technology inthe broad sense, while exploring cross-disciplinary areas in which individual research fields interact and pursuing the development of new techniques where they fuse together. The book is separated into three parts, the first of which addresses the topic of visualizing and controlling molecules for life. Th e second part is devoted to imaging of disease mechanisms, while the final part comprises studies on the application of imaging technologies to diagnosis and therapy. Th e book contains the proceedings of the 12th Uehara International Symposium 2017, “Make Life Visible” sponsored by the Uehara Memorial Foundation and held from June 12 to 14, 2017. It is written by leading scientists in the field and is an open access publication under a CC BY 4.0 license.