Legal Developments During 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence

Legal Developments During 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence PDF Author: Gintaras Švedas
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030547833
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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This volume provides an overview of selected major areas of legal and institutional development in Lithuania since the Restoration of Independence in 1990. The respective chapters discuss changes in fields varying from the constitutional framework to criminal law and procedure. The content highlights four major aspects of the fundamental changes that have affected the entire legal system: the Post-Soviet country’s complex historical heritage; socio-political and other conditions in the process of adopting new (rule of law) standards; international legal influences on the national legal order over the past 30 years; and finally, the search for entirely new national legal models. Over a period of 30 years since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union, Lithuania has undergone unique social changes. The state restarted its independent journey burdened by the complicated heritage of the Soviet legal system. Some major reforms have taken place swiftly, while others have required years of thorough analysis of societal needs and the search for optimal examples in other states. The legal system is now substantially different, with some elements being entirely new, and others adapted to present needs.

Legal Developments During 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence

Legal Developments During 30 Years of Lithuanian Independence PDF Author: Gintaras Švedas
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030547833
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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Book Description
This volume provides an overview of selected major areas of legal and institutional development in Lithuania since the Restoration of Independence in 1990. The respective chapters discuss changes in fields varying from the constitutional framework to criminal law and procedure. The content highlights four major aspects of the fundamental changes that have affected the entire legal system: the Post-Soviet country’s complex historical heritage; socio-political and other conditions in the process of adopting new (rule of law) standards; international legal influences on the national legal order over the past 30 years; and finally, the search for entirely new national legal models. Over a period of 30 years since gaining its independence from the Soviet Union, Lithuania has undergone unique social changes. The state restarted its independent journey burdened by the complicated heritage of the Soviet legal system. Some major reforms have taken place swiftly, while others have required years of thorough analysis of societal needs and the search for optimal examples in other states. The legal system is now substantially different, with some elements being entirely new, and others adapted to present needs.

Prosecuting International Crimes: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Prosecuting International Crimes: A Multidisciplinary Approach PDF Author: Bartłomiej Krzan
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 900432366X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 325

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The volume edited by Bartłomiej Krzan offers different perspectives on the prosecution of international crimes. The analyses contained therein reflect different backgrounds, mainly legal, combining several disciplines, and making it a multidisciplinary study. The main (but definitely not the exclusive) point of reference is that of international law. In addition, other perspectives, those of legal history or sociology of law and obviously the one of criminal law (both substantive and procedural) provide useful alternatives or in most occasions complementary approaches to the examination of the prosecution of international crimes. The book combines different views, backgrounds and underlying assumptions. But gathered together they, it is to be hoped, shed some additional, useful light that might be helpful for identifying new dimensions of the reaction (judicial or other) towards international crimes. Contributors: Władysław Czapliński, Patrycja Grzebyk, Witold Jakimko, Wojciech Jasiński, David Kohout, Karolina Kremens, Bartłomiej Krzan, Krzysztof Masło, Neringa Mickevičiūtė, Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack, Regina Valutyté, Karolina Wierczyńska, Joachim Wolf, Loammi Wolf, and Justinas Žilinskas.

Combatting Illicit Trade on the EU Border

Combatting Illicit Trade on the EU Border PDF Author: Celina Nowak
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030510190
Category : Commercial law
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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This open access book provides the first-ever comparative study on criminal policy concerning the illicit trade of tobacco, conducted among four comparatively new EU Member States (Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Romania) and two "old" EU countries (Germany and Italy). The book addresses the national legal frameworks, current criminological situation regarding illicit trade of tobacco, and the practical challenges faced by national law enforcement authorities in the countries examined. It also considers the international framework, and concludes with a horizontal report. The objective of the book is to highlight legislative and practical challenges in the fight against illegal tobacco products at the national and transnational level, and to formulate recommendations for overcoming them more effectively in Europe.--

The Construction of Fatherhood

The Construction of Fatherhood PDF Author: Alice Margaria
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781108465861
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 205

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This book tackles one of the most topical socio-legal issues of today: how the law - in particular, the European Court of Human Rights - is responding to shifting practices and ideas of fatherhood in a world that offers radical possibilities for the fragmentation of the conventional father figure and therefore urges decisions upon what kind of characteristics makes someone a legal father. It explores the Court's reaction to changing family and, more specifically, fatherhood realities. In so doing, it engages in timely conversations about the rights and responsibilities of men as fathers. By tracing values and assumptions underpinning the Court's views on fatherhood, this book contributes to highlight the expressive powers of the ECtHR and, more specifically, the latter's role in producing and legitimising ideas about parenting and, more generally, in influencing how family life is regulated and organised.

European Penology?

European Penology? PDF Author: Tom Daems
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1782251294
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Is there something distinctive about penology in Europe? Do Europeans think about punishment and penal policy in a different way to people in other parts of the globe? If so, why is this the case and how does it work in practice? This book addresses some major and pressing issues that have been emerging in recent years in the interdisciplinary field of 'European penology', that is, a space where legal scholarship, criminology, sociology and political science meet - or should meet - in order to make sense of punishment in Europe. The chapters in European Penology? have been written by leading scholars in the field and focus in particular on the interaction of European academic penology and national practice with European policies as developed by the Council of Europe and, increasingly, by the European Union.

Modern Bribery Law

Modern Bribery Law PDF Author: Jeremy Horder
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110735496X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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The Bribery Act 2010 is the most significant reform of UK bribery law in a century. This critical analysis offers an explanation of the Act, makes comparisons with similar legislation in other jurisdictions and provides a critical commentary, from both a UK and a US perspective, on the collapse of the distinction between public and private sector bribery. Drawing on their academic and practical experience, the contributors also analyse the prospects for enforcement and the difficulties facing lawyers seeking asset recovery following the laundering of the proceeds of bribery. International perspectives are provided via comparisons with the law in Spain, Hong Kong, the USA and Italy, together with broader analysis of the application of the law in relation to EU anti-corruption initiatives, international development and the arms trade.

Born to be Criminal

Born to be Criminal PDF Author: Riccardo Nicolosi
Publisher: transcript Verlag
ISBN: 3839441595
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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This collection of essays explores the continuities and disruptions in the perceptions of criminality, its causes and ways of fighting it in late imperial Russia and the early Soviet Union. It focuses on both the discourse on criminality and thus the conceptualisation of criminality in various disciplines (criminology, psychiatry, and literature), and penal practice, that is, different aspects of criminal law and anti-crime policy. Thus, the volume is markedly interdisciplinary, with authors representing a variety of approaches in history and literary studies, from social history to discourse analysis, from the history of sciences to text analysis.

Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law

Corporations, Accountability and International Criminal Law PDF Author: J. Kyriakakis
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 9780857939494
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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This timely book explores the prospect of prosecuting corporations or individuals within the business world for conduct amounting to international crime. Joanna Kyriakakis surveys the state of the art in the field, highlighting the case for the international criminal justice project to engage more fully with the role industry can play in atrocity. From the post World War II era to contemporary international criminal courts and tribunals and the activities of domestic criminal justice agencies, this book analyses cases and international law reform efforts aimed at accounting for business involvement in international crimes. The major debates and ensuing challenges are examined, arguing that corporate accountability under international criminal law is crucial in achieving the objectives of international criminal justice. Students, practitioners and academics of international criminal law will find this a beneficial read, particularly through its engagement with the key contemporary debate around the extension of international criminal law to business actors. The exploration of how to address the global governance gap and better account for human rights abuses in transnational corporate activity will also make this an invigorating book for business and human rights scholars.

Effective Criminal Defence in Europe

Effective Criminal Defence in Europe PDF Author: Ed Cape
Publisher: Intersentia NV
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 696

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Every year, millions of people across Europe - innocent and guilty - are arrested and detained by the police. For some, their cases go no further than the police station, but many others eventually appear before a court. Many will spend time in custody both before and following trial. Initial attempts by the European Union to establish minimum procedural rights for suspects and defendants failed in 2007, in the face of opposition by a number of Member States who argued that the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rendered EU regulation unnecessary. However, with ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, criminal defense rights are again on the agenda. Based on a three year research study, this book explores and compares access to effective defense in criminal proceedings across nine European jurisdictions (Belgium, England/Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, and Turkey) that constitute examples of the three major legal traditions in Europe: inquisitorial, adversarial, a

The Law of the Baltic States

The Law of the Baltic States PDF Author: Tanel Kerikmäe
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319544780
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 544

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This is the first book to present the law of the Baltic States in one comprehensive and coherent volume in English. The Baltic States region, which was incorporated by the Soviet Union for 50 years and now is the only such territory in the EU, continues to be characterized by a number of unique traits, problems and developmental trends. This book addresses these facets of law – the status quo, problems and trends – by adopting a comparative perspective structure for all three Baltic States (divided into three main parts – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). Each of these parts examines similar core aspects: General Frameworks, Public Law, and Private Law. Taking into account the peculiarities of each country, the individual chapters provide analyses of principles, problems and developments in specific legal branches. The authors of the book are recognized academics and professionals in the field of law. Taken together, their contributions offer a valuable tool and resource for anyone interested in the law of the Baltic States: students, legal practitioners, scholars, administrators, etc.