Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats

Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats PDF Author: Francesca Gherardi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402060297
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 735

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Invasive species have come to dominate 3% of the Earth’s ice-free surface, constituting one of the most serious ecological and economic threats of the new millennium, and freshwater systems are particularly vulnerable. This book examines the identity, distribution, and impact of freshwater non-indigenous species and the dynamics of their invasion. It focuses on old and new invaders and provides a starting point for further research.

Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats

Biological invaders in inland waters: Profiles, distribution, and threats PDF Author: Francesca Gherardi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402060297
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 735

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Book Description
Invasive species have come to dominate 3% of the Earth’s ice-free surface, constituting one of the most serious ecological and economic threats of the new millennium, and freshwater systems are particularly vulnerable. This book examines the identity, distribution, and impact of freshwater non-indigenous species and the dynamics of their invasion. It focuses on old and new invaders and provides a starting point for further research.

Biology of Freshwater Corbiculid and Sphaeriid Clams of North America

Biology of Freshwater Corbiculid and Sphaeriid Clams of North America PDF Author: Gerry L. Mackie
Category : Corbiculidae
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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Corbicula (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae)

Corbicula (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae) PDF Author: Clement Lee Counts
Category : Corbicula
Languages : en
Pages : 142

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Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin

Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin PDF Author: F. di Castri
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400918763
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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In view of the massive change in the area of distribution of many world biota across classical biogeographical realms, and of the drastic restructuring of the biotic components of numerous ecosystems, the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) decided at its general Assembly in Ottawa, Canada, in 1982 to launch a project on the 'Ecology of Biological Invasions'. Several regional meetings were subsequently organized within the framework of SCOPE, in order to single out the peculiarities of the invasions that took place in each region, the behaviour of their invasive species and the invasibility of their ecosystems. Most noteworthy among such workshops were one in Australia in August 1984, one concerning North America and Hawaii in October 1984, and one dealing with southern Africa in November 1985. A leitmotiv of these workshops was that most of the invasive species to those regions were emanating from Europe and the Mediterranean Basin, inadvertently or intentionally introduced by man. It was therefore considered as a timely endeavour to organize the next regional meeting in relation to this region. The workshop on 'Biological Invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin' was held in Montpellier, France, 21 to 23 May 1986, thanks to the financial support of SCOPE and of the A.W. Mellon Foundation, and the logistic facilities of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N .R.S.).

The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs

The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs PDF Author: Robert T. Dillon
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139426990
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 523

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All aspects of the ecology of freshwater molluscs are discussed in this unique volume. Extensively referenced and providing a synthesis of work from the nineteenth century onwards, this book will appeal to professional ecologists, evolutionary biologists and parasitologists interested in these diverse invertebrates.

Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs

Protocol for Developing Nutrient TMDLs PDF Author:
Category : Nutrient pollution of water
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Invasive Alien Species

Invasive Alien Species PDF Author: Thammineni Pullaiah
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119607019
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : de
Pages : 1465

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Jedes Jahr breiten sich invasive gebietsfremde Arten in neue Ökosysteme aus. Die von den Eindringlingen verursachten Auswirkungen können sich in kürzester Zeit bemerkbar machen und verheerend sein. Das Thema der invasiven gebietsfremden Arten ist umfassend, komplex und auf verschiedenen Ebenen von globaler Bedeutung. Verschärft wird es durch die Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft und den zunehmenden Handel, durch den die natürlichen Barrieren für den Transfer von Arten durchbrochen werden. Invasive gebietsfremde Arten bedrohen die weltweite Nahrungsmittelversorgung, die Qualität und Verfügbarkeit von Trinkwasser sowie die Stromproduktion und -versorgung. Zusammen mit den zusätzlichen Risiken durch den globalen Klimawandel ist die weltweite Homogenisierung von Pflanzen, Tieren und Mikroben ein wesentlicher Faktor für den sich verschlechternden Gesundheitszustand der Ökosysteme und die nachlassenden Ökosystemdienstleistungen überall auf der Welt. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit einer einheitlichen Ausrichtung von Regierungen, Kulturen und Programmen und einer besseren grenzüberschreitenden Koordination. Nur so lassen sich die vielfältigen Bedrohungen durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten für die Umwelt, die Wirtschaft und die Gesundheit von Pflanzen und Tieren sowie insbesondere die menschliche Gesundheit effektiv bekämpfen. Dieses vierbändige Werk ist das erste, das einen umfassenden Satz nützlicher Materialien zu den zentralen Themen bereitstellt, um die gesamte globale Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten sowie die vielfältigen Probleme in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt deutlich zu machen, und es enthält Material, in dem potenziell replizierbare Lösungen zur Überwindung dieser Bedrohungen aufgezeigt werden. Das Werk betont die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten auch im Sinne eines globalen ?Aufrufs zum Handeln?. Invasive Arten kennen keine Grenzen. Daher hoffen wir, dass wir durch die Zusammenstellung von Material, das unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Standpunkte aus aller Welt berücksichtigt, sowie durch die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen und Beispielen zu einer Vielzahl damit zusammenhängender Themen das globale Bewusstsein stärken und einheitliche nationale Reaktionen auf die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten fördern können.

Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates

Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates PDF Author: James H. Thorp
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123748550
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 1036

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"The third edition of Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates continues the tradition of in-depth coverage of the biology, ecology, phylogeny, and identification of freshwater invertebrates from the USA and Canada. This text serves as an authoritative single source for a broad coverage of the anatomy, physiology, ecology, and phylogeny of all major groups of invertebrates in inland waters of North America, north of Mexico." --Book Jacket.

A Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species

A Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species PDF Author: Robert A. Francis
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136461248
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 918

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Invasive non-native species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Often introduced accidentally through international travel or trade, they invade and colonize new habitats, often with devastating consequences for the local flora and fauna. Their environmental impacts can range from damage to resource production (e.g. agriculture and forestry) and infrastructure (e.g. buildings, road and water supply), to human health. They consequently can have major economic impacts. It is a priority to prevent their introduction and spread, as well as to control them. Freshwater ecosystems are particularly at risk from invasions and are landscape corridors that facilitate the spread of invasives. This book reviews the current state of knowledge of the most notable global invasive freshwater species or groups, based on their severity of economic impact, geographic distribution outside of their native range, extent of research, and recognition of the ecological severity of the impact of the species by the IUCN. As well as some of the very well-known species, the book also covers some invasives that are emerging as serious threats. Examples covered include a range of aquatic and riparian plants, insects, molluscs, crustacea, fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, as well as some major pathogens of aquatic organisms. The book also includes overview chapters synthesizing the ecological impact of invasive species in fresh water and summarizing practical implications for the management of rivers and other freshwater habitats.

Nomenclator of Bivalve Families

Nomenclator of Bivalve Families PDF Author: Philippe Bouchet
ISBN: 9783939767275
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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