Consumer Law

Consumer Law PDF Author: John A. Spanogle
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
ISBN: 9780314277398
Category : Consumer credit
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Cases and Materials on Consumer Law (4th ed.) retains its comprehensive coverage and has been completely updated to reflect new developments in the dynamic field of consumer law, including: Internet marketing, ad substantiation, celebrity and other testimonials Consumer credit regulation, and the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer privacy, online marketing and tracking Emerging payment systems - e.g., credit, debit and stored value cards Remedies -latest U.S. Supreme Court developments on consumer arbitration Predatory lending ("capstone" chapter), the legal fallout from the subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis This text contains a balance of cases, problems that reflect modern situations, and notes with discussion questions and references to the latest consumer protection scholarship. A new statutory supplement, entitled Selected Consumer Statutes, is available, also.

Consumer Law

Consumer Law PDF Author: John A. Spanogle
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
ISBN: 9780314277398
Category : Consumer credit
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Cases and Materials on Consumer Law (4th ed.) retains its comprehensive coverage and has been completely updated to reflect new developments in the dynamic field of consumer law, including: Internet marketing, ad substantiation, celebrity and other testimonials Consumer credit regulation, and the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer privacy, online marketing and tracking Emerging payment systems - e.g., credit, debit and stored value cards Remedies -latest U.S. Supreme Court developments on consumer arbitration Predatory lending ("capstone" chapter), the legal fallout from the subprime mortgage foreclosure crisis This text contains a balance of cases, problems that reflect modern situations, and notes with discussion questions and references to the latest consumer protection scholarship. A new statutory supplement, entitled Selected Consumer Statutes, is available, also.

Competition Law

Competition Law PDF Author: John Charles Duns
ISBN: 9780409322453
Category : Competition, Unfair
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Presents extracts from the leading decisions made under the competition provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974, and State application legislation, together with extracts from relevant Parliamentary Committees, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission publications and academic commentary.

Problems and Materials on Consumer Law

Problems and Materials on Consumer Law PDF Author: Douglas J. Whaley
Publisher: Aspen Publishing
ISBN: 1543825796
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 986

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Book Description
Whaley and Nehf's Consumer Law, Ninth Edition is a concise, clear, and accessible problem-oriented casebook that takes students through the main issues of consumer law: deceptive practices, product quality, and consumer credit. The book employs a popular problems approach--enjoyed by professors and students for interesting fact patterns--which illustrates relevant issues and their resolution and helps put consumer law statutes and regulations into context. It covers the Federal Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (regulating sale of vacation home land--not mentioned in any other book on this topic), and includes "Quotes for the Attorney's Arsenal" (statements from famous cases eloquently encapsulate specific points). New to the 9th Edition: New co-author James Nehf (Indiana University, Robert H. McKinney School of Law)Updated regulations on Odometer changesNew discussion of prepaid cards and accountsNew discussion of the Spokeo case limiting federal jurisdiction in consumer suitsExpanded discussion of consumer rights of military personnel and their familiesExtended coverage and discussion of arbitrationNew coverage of collection of time-barred debtsNew coverage of email spam, online tracking and cybersecurityNew cases and updated citations throughout on many other topics Professors and students will benefit from: New focus on arbitration Expanded coverage of contracting in cyberspace Complete coverage of almost all consumer issues allows the professor to decide what are the most important matters to cover Updated "Problems" that address contemporary issues

Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection

Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection PDF Author: Glen E. Weston
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1022

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Textbook on Consumer Law

Textbook on Consumer Law PDF Author: David Oughton
Publisher: Blackstone Press
ISBN: 9781841740225
Category : Consumer protection
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Based on the earlier Consumer Law: Text, Cases and Materials by David Oughton, this work seeks to explain the general principles which underlie consumer protection law and the many ways in which those principles are applied. It provides students of consumer law with an up-to-date and readable text on the subject. Topics of central importance are those of consumer redress, product quality, product safety (including food safety), consumer services law (with particular reference to repair services), holidays, consumer insurance and consumer finance.


Contract PDF Author: Jeannie Marie Paterson
ISBN: 9780455235981
Category : Commercial law
Languages : en
Pages : 1324

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Book Description
Contract: Cases and Materials, 13th Edition, continues to be the leading casebook for students of contract law in Australia.

Cases and Materials on Insurance Law

Cases and Materials on Insurance Law PDF Author: Leo P. Martinez
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
ISBN: 9780314280725
Category : Insurance law
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
This edition contains extensive updates, with many new cases relevant for students anxious to acquire practical knowledge that they can quickly put to use when they enter the profession. For example, the Introduction discusses the Kentucky Supreme Court's 2010 decision in Kentucky v. Reinhold, in which a medical bill sharing program constituted insurance. Chapter 5, which discusses liability insurance features an excellent new duty to defend case, Pekin Insurance Co. v. Wilson, decided by the Illinois Supreme Court and 2010, and another new case, Mid-America Bank & Trust Co. v. Commercial Union Insurance Co., which offers a superior illustration of insurers' duty to settle and the bad faith consequences of related misjudgments. Chapter 5 also contains a critical analysis of the tripartite relationship in liability insurance. Chapter 7 on personal insurance contains new discussions of accidental death insurance and stranger-owned life insurance, both of which have been heavily-litigated in the last few years. There are other new cases, of course, they are but snapshots. The notes have also been substantially expanded with new cases and statutes from many states. Finally, this edition welcomes as a co-author Doug Richmond, a nationally-prominent insurance lawyer with long practical experience.

Conflict of Laws

Conflict of Laws PDF Author: Laura E. Little
Publisher: Aspen Publishing
ISBN: 1454897767
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1183

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Book Description
In her casebook Conflict of Laws, now in its second edition, internationally respected teacher and scholar Laura Little offers a progressive, innovative approach to teaching complex material. She brings to the subject her drafting and advocacy expertise as the Associate Reporter for the Restatement (Third) Conflict of Laws, authorized by the American Law Institute in 2014. In a subject where there is plenty of room for debate and analysis, this casebook offers a contemporary alternative to the subject by connecting coverage of key concepts to law practice using modern cases and problem pedagogy. With its modular design, clear writing, comprehensive Teacher’s Manual and online support, the text is highly teachable and has proven a road-tested favorite with both students and professors. Key Features Entirely new domestic relations sections throughout the book in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, including analysis of Supreme Court follow-up cases Detailed references to the proposed Restatement (Third), drawing from the author’s work as an Associate Reporter drafting and developing the new restatement of the law Streamlined personal jurisdiction section, presenting the recent U.S. Supreme Court cases in Bristol Myers Squibb and Daimler Updated international law material, including discussion of the new British Defamation Act (and its impact on libel tourism) and the European Union's elimination of exequatur for judgment recognition

Modern Consumer Law

Modern Consumer Law PDF Author: Katherine Porter
Publisher: Aspen Publishing
ISBN: 1454860855
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 851

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Book Description
Modern Consumer Law is a lively, concise, problem-focused text on contemporary consumer law. It is the only text on the market conceptualized after Dodd-Frank and its creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The book takes a functional approach to consumer law, looking at types of transactions such as mortgages as well as kinds of laws such as disclosure rules. It examines core theoretical questions in an accessible way, revealing consumer law as a series of statutes built on the common law foundations of contract and tort. Organized into 28 class-sized assignments, the book is easy to adapt to a teacher’s preferences in terms of focus and class credits. The problems provide students with the opportunity to apply statutes to realistic situations and ask them to consider the perspectives of consumers, businesses, and lawmakers. Katherine Porter is a national expert in consumer law and a co-author of Wolter Kluwer’s The Law of Debtors and Creditors.

Consumer Law

Consumer Law PDF Author: John A. Spanogle
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 976

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Book Description
The Third Edition has been completely updated to include current and emerging issues in Consumer Law. The text covers a range of topics, including advertising and marketing, consumer credit regulation, consumer privacy, payment systems, warranty law, debt collection, remedies and predatory lending (a "capstone" chapter). This text contains a balance of cases, problems (updated to reflect modern situations) and notes (discussion questions and references to the latest consumer protection scholarship), allowing the professor the maximum flexibility in choice of topics, and pedagogical methods. A complete teacher's manual and a new statutory supplement are also available.